Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 350: Chasing Up (Part 2)

After the prince left, Cai Jie couldn't help asking Emperor Zhengxuan: Your Majesty, do you really want to give Miss Chu to the prince as a side concubine?

Emperor Zhengxuan raised his gray eyebrows: Not bad.

However, Zhenxihou is a concubine, and Miss Chu is a concubine. I heard that the relationship between Zhenxihou and his aunt and sister is not very good. Cai Jie said.

Emperor Zhengxuan didn't take it seriously, and slowly flipped through the memorial in his hand: So what? This is just a small matter in the inner house. Marquis Zhenxi is the one who handles big things, and when Chu Miaoshu marries into the Prince's Mansion, he has to Relying on Marquis Zhenxi. Marquis Zhenxi will only become more stable with such a concubine and concubine sister.

In his opinion, the usual petty fights are nothing, as long as the two of them are united and have the same interests, then there is no such thing as a concubine.

That's right, Your Majesty is wise! Cai Jie echoed with a smile.

Emperor Zhengxuan looked at this marriage with the eyes of an emperor and power, but they didn't know that Chu Miaoshu's brain circuit was naturally different from that of human beings!

Cai Jie added: But this Chu Miaoshu seems to have a marriage contract.

Hmph, what engagement. Emperor Zhengxuan shook his head indifferently.

Cai Jie smiled and didn't take anything about the marriage contract to heart.

After all, no matter what the marriage contract is, you have to retreat three feet before the imperial decree! Unless the Xu family doesn't want to be in the court.

Emperor Zhengxuan took out the imperial edict, swished twice, and wrote a marriage edict himself.


The bloody man case that has been raging for the past few days is finally over.

Multiple investigations showed that the prince's side concubine Feng was the one who was wronged.

However, the crown prince's supervision can be regarded as ineffective. Fortunately, no harm was done to Marquis Zhenxi. In the end, Concubine Feng was sentenced to death! The prince was punished for one year.

Although the Feng family didn't know about it, they were implicated, the Feng family was copied, and they would never be an official.

The Feng family was personally led by the prince to ransack the house that day. Except for a few masters, all the unborn concubines were sold by the officials. Even the good clothes of the more than 20 masters of the Feng family were taken away. They were all clean, and all of them wore coarse clothes and went out.

Behind him, the once beautiful vermilion lacquer floating nailed door of the Feng family's mansion closed slowly.

The old lady of the Feng family looked over, and saw that the prince was sitting on the uplifted luxurious official sedan chair, with a dignified body and an indifferent expression. Where is the easy-going and gentleness that he used to have when he often went to Feng's house.

The members of the Feng family only felt their hearts go cold layer by layer, extremely sad, and then numb.

The surrounding people watched with interest, pointed at them, and kept scolding them, why they couldn't defend Yingcheng, which killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and what caused Yingcheng to be slaughtered.

He also said that the Feng family was shameless and had such a vicious daughter.

Most of the members of the Feng family are female relatives, even if there are a few males, they are only children of seven or eight years old, because all the males died in the battle of Yingcheng.

Facing the people's scolding, the old lady of Feng's family just shook her head, and then led a group of people to walk out of Beijing slowly.

Now they are so poor that they don't even have the money to travel by car. The relatives they made friends with in the past have closed their doors and cut off contact with them long ago.

The autumn wind is bleak, and the once famous family of generals has ceased to exist forever.

Out of the city gate, all the way to the wilderness, only the autumn wind is left.

At this time, I saw a gray-clothed nanny in her fifties or sixties standing in the middle of the road ahead. When the Feng family approached, the gray-clothed nanny stretched out her hand and handed the old lady of the Feng family a money bag.

Mrs. Feng and the family members behind her were startled, and they looked around, only to see a carriage parked not far away.

It was just a very simple small carriage with green canopy, but there was the Chu family's mark on the carriage.

Old lady. The nun still handed the money bag.

The old lady of the Feng family had mixed feelings in her heart, and immediately took the money bag, saluted the carriage from a distance, thanked her silently, and led the Feng family away without saying anything.

The nanny immediately walked back to the pony carriage not far away, got into the carriage, and said softly, I have already picked it up.

En. Mrs. Mei only responded lightly, slightly lifted the curtains, and watched the Feng family's group gradually go away.

The Feng family and the Chu family have known each other since the beginning of time, but they don't know each other.

I don't want to, the only time we meet is when the autumn wind sends us off.

It's windy, old lady, let's go back quickly. Nanny Zhang said as she tucked in the thick crow green blanket that was spread on Old Madam Mei's body.

Mrs. Mei was still ill, but because she wanted to send the Feng family off, she insisted on coming regardless of her illness.

Okay. Old Madam Mei nodded, and the carriage started slowly, heading for the bustling city gate in the wilderness.

The carriage entered the city, walked for a while, and finally returned to Dingguobo Mansion.

As soon as Mrs. Mei got out of the car, two nuns came over carrying the sliders. As soon as Mrs. Mei sat on it, she saw a servant girl rushing over and said with a smile: It's a coincidence that the old lady came back. What about the sacred decree!

Mrs. Mei was startled, and glanced at Madam Zhang: Let's go too!

Old lady... Madam Zhang looked worriedly at Mrs. Mei.

Mrs. Mei's body is really weak during this period, and she has lost most of her energy for a long time. It is best to go back and rest immediately.

Since it's out... there's no reason not to watch it. Mrs. Mei coughed twice.

Then let's go! Nanny Zhang nodded, and let the two women who lifted the sliders enter the hanging flower door, and then went to the main hall.

When I came to the main hall, I saw Ye Tangcai, Chu Yunpan, Qin Shi and others were already waiting there, and Qin Shi was directing the servants to set up the table.

Yes, a little bit in the middle... Mrs. Qin pointed to the servant girl who had put the nanmu altar table upright, and suddenly turned her head to see Mrs. Mei, and said, The old lady is here.

Old Madam Mei raised her gray eyebrows when she saw that Qin's face was full of smiles, and his whole body was full of vigor.

Chu Miaoshu and Chu Miaohua were standing at the side, the sisters were talking in a low voice.

Sister, why did you come out wearing new clothes today? Chu Miaohua frowned slightly, with a puzzled expression on her face. can wear it if you want. Chu Miaoshu looked smug.

Today she is wearing a bright red cross-neck skirt with pink peach petals sprinkled on the skirt and cuffs, which makes her more vivid and charming. On her hair is a bun of ingots, with ruby ​​peach blossoms on her hair, hanging down Red broken gem tassels, how beautiful and lovely.

Since she was praised by the emperor yesterday and received a reward, she went home happily.

The Qin family was very happy and excited when they heard about this, and felt that their daughter had fallen into Emperor Zhengxuan's eyes. Now that Concubine Feng is also down, she already has a secret premonition in her heart.

Early this morning, a young eunuch came to the palace and said that he would come to the imperial edict later, so prepare to receive it! As for the content of the imperial decree, the little eunuch didn't know.

Qin Shi was very excited, her heart was pounding, and she told Chu Miaoshu that this imperial decree was probably...Anyway, nine out of ten, it can't be wrong!

Ye Tangcai and Chu Yunpan stood on one side, watching the positive appearance of Chu Miaoshu and Qin Shi, mocking smiles flashed across their faces.

The imperial decree is here! At this time, a eunuch in his early twenties walked in through the gate, followed by several guards.

Qin Shi and Chu Miaoshu were agitated, and quickly lined up with the crowd. When they saw that it was not Cai Jie who came to deliver the decree, but an unknown father-in-law, Qin Shi and Chu Miaoshu frowned, feeling a little dissatisfied.

By God's blessing, the emperor summoned and said, Chu's family has a wonderful female book, who is skilled and generous, and has outstanding appearance. I and the empress are very pleased to hear that she is the concubine of the crown prince. All etiquette will be handled jointly by the Ministry of Rites and the Qin Tianjian. Enter on the auspicious day of October 20th, here you go! The eunuch's high-pitched voice sounded in the spacious garden of the Chu family.

Thank you Lord Long En! Chu Miaoshu excitedly stepped forward and accepted the order.

Qin's heart is also full of joy, this is the happiest and most exciting day since Ye Tang adopted the door.

Qin Shi and Chu Miaoshu stood up, only feeling light and light all over, as if they were about to fly into the sky.

Congratulations to the side concubine. The father-in-law smiled and stepped forward.

Hehe, Xie Gonggong Jiyan. Qin Shi said, took out a purse, and stuffed it into the father-in-law's hand, which was also full of weight. Eunuch, please sit inside.

No need, this servant has to return to the palace. The father-in-law smiled and waved his hands.

Okay, then don't stop Eunuch. Qin said.

The people who announced the decree turned and left, and only then did the Chu family react.

Ah—big sister, actually want to marry into the Prince's Mansion? Chu Miaohua exclaimed.

Hearing her exclamation, Chu Miaoshu felt even more complacent, and said, That's right! I didn't know that I would be granted a marriage! I don't know how the higher-ups think I'm good...the marriage will be granted.

That must be the eldest girl who is extremely intelligent and as beautiful as a flower. Aunt Bai hehehe hurriedly stepped forward to say good things with a smile. God knows, Aunt Bai was even happier than the Qin family when Chu Miaoshu was given a marriage.

Now that Chu Miaoshu is finally married, it's her daughter Huajie'er's turn now!

And no matter what, she is also the side concubine of the crown prince, and the family has both the Marquis and the concubine, so Chu Miaohua's worth has also increased.

This... actually gave the prince a marriage! Only then did Uncle Chu react, and he frowned deeply. In fact, he was very happy, very happy, but he glanced at Old Madam Mei cautiously. One glance: Mother... this...

Okay! Marry whoever you want! Old Madam Mei said coldly, I'm going back... cough cough!

As he said that, the slider was lifted by two nurses, and they walked towards the empty house.

This is really... great! Uncle Chu heaved a sigh of relief.

Because the Chu family did not participate in these princely disputes before, naturally they seldom married with the royal family. Even the princess that Chu Feiyang was betrothed to was also a person whose father was dead and could not win the heir.

But now, Chu Miaoshu is actually going to marry into the Prince's Mansion, this is the shining prince!

Uncle Chu was afraid that with Mrs. Mei's obsessive temper, if he did something, it would be miserable. No, Mrs. Mei actually agreed.

This made Uncle Chu very happy. In fact, he felt that the family still had to pay close attention to these royal relatives. If the Chu family had an accident in Yingcheng before, and someone in the family married into the Tian family, maybe they would not be ridiculed so miserably .

Chu Feiyang heard that Chu Miaoshu was becoming the crown prince's side concubine, but he frowned deeply, walked back without saying a word.

Jiang Xinxue's face was ashen, with unspeakable pain and sourness in her heart, she also turned and left.

Chu Congke's face turned green and pale, why did everyone marry well, and if he married well, he couldn't get anything!

Third Master, I'm sleepy. Ye Tangcai yawned and took Chu Yunpan's arm.

Well, go back to the house and sleep. Chu Yunpan took her into his arms, bowed his head, and rubbed her head with his chin.

The husband and wife were about to turn around, but unexpectedly, Chu Miaoshu stepped forward: Little sister-in-law, where are you going?

Ye Tangcai raised her eyebrows, Chu Miaoshu hadn't called her little sister-in-law for a long time, and wanted to take advantage of her before, so she also obeyed Ruan'er's little sister-in-law front and little sister-in-law queen.

Later, slowly, the contradictions became deeper and deeper, and finally they were torn apart, and they became enemies.

Who would have thought that Chu Miaoshu would call again now.

Sleep! Ye Tangcai didn't want to talk to her anymore.

Ah, why are you sleeping? Chu Miaoshu stepped forward, shaking her handkerchief, The marriage was just granted, and the wedding date is near, so she will leave the court next month, and my sister-in-law will also be in my room. Please refer to the wedding ceremony. What should be done.

Ye Tangcai chuckled lightly, she really agreed with this -

If he is inferior to others, he will be crazy, jealous and hysterical, but once he feels that he is superior, he will appear calm and calm.

This is the case with Chu Miaoshu and the Qin family.

In the past, Ye Tangcai and Chu Yunpan were promoted step by step, making Qin Shi and Chu Miaoshu unbearable, because of jealousy and unwillingness, so their eyes were red, they became crazy and hysterical, just like a hungry and crazy person, sharp and extreme.

Because of the humbleness in her heart, even calling her little sister-in-law felt like she was flattering others, which would make her ashamed.

Now that Chu Miaoshu has been given the title of concubine of the crown prince, Chu Miaoshu feels that she is superior to others, that she has surpassed Ye Tangcai, so she is willing to call her little sister-in-law again.

And shouting like this, it seems that she has a bearing again. She has to step on Ye Cai calmly, this is the demeanor that a side concubine should have.

That's right, hehe, Sanlang and his wife come over to have a look. Qin smiled very proudly.

Ye Tangcai's red lips were slightly raised, and she frowned slightly: Mother and eldest sister should rest! Just now the imperial decree said that the Ministry of Rites and Qin Tianjian will handle it? Besides, it is a concubine's gift! It's different! It is a concubine's room in another family, but it is a concubine after all. The procedures for getting started and leaving the court are different! I believe my mother and eldest sister don't understand it, and I don't understand it. So, don't rush and wait for the people from the Ministry of Rites and Qin Tianjian Come down!

Qin Shi and Chu Miaoshu listened to Ye Tang picking up a concubine, and they were so angry that they tilted their bodies. Qin Shi's face was sullen: you talk like this? What concubine...

Ah... Ye Tangcai was startled, Isn't it? If not, then... what is the princess concubine? It was said in the edict just now that the eldest sister is the side concubine of the prince...not the main concubine? Why, eldest sister Do you still want to disobey the imperial decree?

You— Chu Miaoshu was about to cry in anger.

Oh, that's fine! Noisy or something. Uncle Chu hurried over and pulled back Chu Miaoshu who was going to point at Ye Tangcai.

Chu Miaoshu gritted her teeth resentfully, then chuckled again, and looked at Ye Tangcai with contempt: You are just jealous of me. I am the concubine of the crown prince! Even if I am not the main concubine, I am still nobler than others! Look Zhang Manman, the granddaughter of Zhang Zan, who is the third rank, and the first daughter of the Hou family, are they just vying to be the ones, but they still don't choose them!

After finishing speaking, he snorted coldly, turned and left.

Qin Shi also gave Ye Tangcai a cold glance, and went back to Yixiang Courtyard with Chu Miaoshu and others.

Aunt Bai hurriedly dragged Chu Miaohua to sit in the Yixiang courtyard.

It's just that they sat in the Yixiang courtyard for a while, but they heard the maid outside shouting: The third master and the third grandma are here.

Qin Shi and Chu Miaoshu frowned deeply, only to see Chu Yunpan striding in, dressed in a light blue Qingyun brocade straight suit, his whole body was covered with clear mountains and clear waters, his charm was gorgeous but out of the ordinary. Ye Tangcai is gorgeous and beautiful, and looks elegant.

Auntie and Second Sister go out first. Chu Yunpan suddenly glanced at Aunt Bai and Chu Miaohua.

Aunt Bai and Chu Miaohua were startled, very puzzled, but seeing his dark and piercing eyes, her heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly smiled and pulled Chu Miaohua out the door.

Only Uncle Chu, Mrs. Qin, Chu Miaoshu and Chu Yunpan were left in the room.

Even Chu Yunpan sent out the maid outside.

Sanlang, what are you doing? Uncle Chu was startled.

Say a few very important words. Chu Yunpan's sharp eyes fell on Chu Miaoshu and Qin Shi.

Hmph, didn't you say you couldn't come just now? Now I'm rushing to come here again. Chu Miaoshu sneered, feeling very proud.

Ye Tangcai didn't answer the question, she just said flatly: Is the eldest sister really wanting to marry into the prince's mansion? If you go back now, the third master can ask the emperor to never let you marry in.

What do you mean? You don't want your eldest sister to marry? Qin was so angry that she wanted to throw the teacup out of her hand, and said in a cold voice, Why don't you see your elder sister like this?

Ye Tangcai sneered: Very well, you must marry yourself. We didn't force you, nor did the emperor force you, because you hooked up a long time ago, and you chased after yourself.

Qin Shi and Chu Miaoshu were so angry that they crouched, how did she know...

You, you nonsense... What are you rushing to do! Qin said angrily, It was the emperor who favored Shu Shu, who was smart and beautiful, and gave him the marriage! Being looked down upon by others, so this kind of thing must not be known.

Oh, that's good. Ye Tang glanced at them with playful eyes, You just need to remember what you said today. We stopped it, and you catch up on your own. Dad can hear you clearly.

Hey...what's the matter? Uncle Chu was at a loss, he is now, Chu Yunpan is at odds with Qin's mother and daughter, so he doesn't want Chu Miaoshu to marry high. Feeling a little uncomfortable in my heart, I looked at Chu Yunpan and persuaded softly: Sanlang...that's your sister! She has entered the Prince's Mansion, and she is good to you! From now on, you brothers and sisters will support each other!

Although Uncle Chu has been abolished for many years, he still knows what it means to be an official. Relationships are really important!

Well, that's it! Chu Yunpan said, then turned and left.

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