The surrounding ministers listened to what Ping An said, with different expressions.

I want to ask you, who gave you this so-called secret letter? the prince said coldly.

It's a blue-headed eagle...cough cough... Ping An couldn't stop coughing.

That's right. No, but the prince nodded, with annoyed expression on his face, It is true that there is a blue-headed eagle that delivers letters in my palace, but I have never sent so-called eagles to the Feng family brothers. However, after Yingcheng was taken down, Concubine Feng came to Bengong crying, saying that she was afraid that the two brothers would do stupid things when they returned home without face, so she wanted to send a letter from home to persuade the two brothers not to be sad. And the green-headed eagle is fast, it takes less than two days to arrive from the capital to Yingcheng. Concubine Feng cried bitterly, and I was also worried about the safety of the Feng family brothers, so I agreed to send a letter to the two of them.

Then this 'letter from home' is actually a secret letter to murder? Liang Wang sneered.

At that time, the side concubine showed me the family letter, and it was indeed just an ordinary family letter. The crown prince looked pained and annoyed, Who knew...that it was this kind of thing that was sent to the brothers of the Feng family.

Ahem... no... That Anping wanted to refute, but he struggled a few times. His injury was so severe that he snorted in pain and passed out.

That's right! Qian Zhi said, Needless to say, Concubine Feng must have changed the letter when delivering the letter.

That's right! That shameless slut! Yao Yangcheng snorted coldly and flicked his sleeves fiercely, Now that the Feng family is down and the Chu family is up, who would want to see this kind of situation the least? Whose interests will be harmed? That's right. They are the Feng family! The ones who want to protect their Feng family the most are the Feng family and Concubine Feng!

That's right. The courtiers couldn't help but agree.

Indeed, even if the Feng family is in the prince's hands, if they can't fight a war, then they are useless and useless. And Chu Yunpan is a general, if he loses the Feng family, he can just win Chu Yunpan over, why bother to do such a thing.

At that time, the most anxious ones were naturally the Feng family and Concubine Feng. In order to preserve the honor of the family, it was absolutely reasonable to kill people to seize credit. This kind of thing has happened a lot at the border. It was just that the two young generals Feng were too upright to agree.

What about the secret letter? said the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

How do I know? the prince said coldly. Anyway, I never wrote this letter.

Emperor Zhengxuan, who was sitting in front of the dragon table, rubbed the sun on his head: Zhang Zan, call Concubine Feng over here.

Yes. Zhang Zan quickly cupped his hands, turned and left.

Liang Wang and Chu Yunpanjun's faces darkened.

At this moment, a young eunuch from outside rushed in, Your Majesty, outside... all the students gathered outside the palace, and all the people petitioned, saying that the prince is immoral, killing the heroes, and begging to abolish the prince!

As soon as this remark came out, the people in the entire hall gasped.

Presumptuous! Emperor Zheng Xuan yelled violently, Who started it?

I don't know. The little eunuch trembled.

Your Majesty, this matter must be thoroughly investigated and must not be tolerated! Zhong Bing, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, said hastily.

Chai Xuezhen, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, and Liao Shoufu, and a group of courtiers also echoed.

Isn't it being investigated? Emperor Zhengxuan yelled violently, his old face trembling, and the animal head ice jade ball in his hand slapped hard on the table, breaking into four or five pieces.

All the people in the hall lowered their heads, and there was a strange silence.

After about two quarters of an hour, Concubine Feng was finally brought here.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that Concubine Feng was a twenty-six-seven-year-old woman with a face of a prince, average appearance, pale face, and she was as thin as a bone.

Obviously, these days, due to the killing of several generals of the Feng family and the doomed fate of the Feng family, she was exhausted physically and mentally.

See Your Majesty! Side Concubine Feng knelt down.

You bitch, I have treated you so well, yet you have done such a thing that is unacceptable! The prince shouted violently when he saw her.

Everyone saw Concubine Feng's body tilted by the prince's yelling, biting her lip fiercely, her body trembling on the ground, tears streaming down her face.

Yesterday, you heard about the bloody man in Zhenxihou's mansion, right? Emperor Zhengxuan's old face was cold, and he stared closely at Concubine Feng who was next to him.

Last month, when you learned that Marquis Zhenxi had entered the Nanman, you begged me to send family letters to the brothers of the Feng family. While the prince was talking, his elegant face was so cold that water dripped out, I miss you I am eager to save my brother, so I promised you to lend you the green-headed eagle as a letter from my family, I never thought... Letting the brothers of the Feng family kill people is your letter from my family?!

Your Highness... Concubine Feng was lying on the ground, her pale face was covered with tears.

It's just that she wasn't pretty in the first place, and the favors she received all these years were all because of the Feng family! But now, the glory of the Feng family is no longer, and she shed tears and lost her voice in front of him, which only made him feel extremely ugly, and she won no trace of pity.

Ever since Yingcheng fell and her grandfather, father and brother were killed, she knew that her life was coming to an end!

It's just that, the death of a relative, the decline of the family, and the loss of power in the Prince's Mansion, all of these are not as cold as his ruthlessness at the moment, which makes her feel chilled and bitingly cold...

Even though she is not beautiful, even though most of the love these years was brought by the Feng family, she has truly accompanied him for more than ten years!

Could it be that he really doesn't have any affection for her?

Why is makes people feel cold all over...

Feng side concubine? Emperor Zhengxuan's cold voice sounded from above.

Concubine Feng raised her head, and saw that the prince's refined face was icy cold, and the normally warm eyes were also piercingly cold.

Most of Zhou Zhou's courtiers also cast cold eyes on her.

She gritted her teeth, she was already in tears, and her voice trembled: I'm sorry, Your Highness...

When she said sorry, the courtiers around her shook their heads, either nodding or sighing and shaking their heads. Because her utterance meant that she pleaded guilty.

She was sobbing as she said: I was just a little Liang Di, if my family hadn't been appointed suddenly and became an important minister of the court... how could I gain a firm foothold in the Prince's Mansion... these years... now This kind of thing happened suddenly at home... my father, grandfather, and elder brother were killed one after another...

As she spoke, she burst into tears.

After a pause, I said, I'm afraid... I don't want my mother's family to lose power... If the Feng family falls, I have nothing to rely on! So, I just want my two elder brothers to kill Zhenxihou to gain credit...

It really is a poisonous woman! Yao Yangcheng shouted violently.

It's unforgivable to dare to plot against our Daqi's heroes for the sake of selfishness. Wang Chengcun said coldly.

Since you want the two little generals Feng to take the credit, why don't you try to deliver the letter yourself, instead using His Highness's name and writing his handwriting. Qian Sheng said.

Because... my two elder brothers... are loyal, if I ask them to do this, they will definitely not agree! But they respect His Royal Highness, if this is an order from His Royal Highness, they will definitely agree, so ...I will use the name of His Highness the Crown Prince and imitate his handwriting...and trick His Highness into letting me use the green-headed eagle. Said Concubine Feng. At that time, I said it was a letter from home, and I asked His Royal Highness to look at it, but when I tied the letter to the small paper bucket under the eagle's feet, I secretly changed the prepared secret letter from my sleeve...Where did I two elder brothers Faithful until now...

Bastard! Emperor Zhengxuan shouted coldly. Then what happened next?

This is strange. If it wasn't for the crown prince, how did the two little generals Feng meet the crown prince as soon as they came back, and how could they be poisoned? How could they have given this secret letter to Marquis Zhenxi? Liang Liang Wang said coldly.

Emperor Zhengxuan frowned and glanced at King Liang.

This matter... Concubine Feng cried, Because they thought it was His Highness who sent them a letter, so they looked for His Highness as soon as they came back... I was with His Highness at the time, and when I heard that they were looking for I asked Your Highness asked me to be alone with the two elder brothers... I warned the two elder brothers...saying...Since there is nothing to do, then forget it, Your Highness will not blame them...Let them go back and get well...So. They didn't see His Highness, It was me...

Then how did they die? Emperor Zhengxuan asked coldly.

It's me... Concubine Feng burst into tears as she spoke, I'm afraid that they will always mention the secret letter to His Highness... His Highness will learn that I used his name fraudulently. I will never be spared... Our Feng family was already defeated. If this matter came to light... I would really be doomed... In order to save myself... I would poison them... How could I have thought... They misunderstood It was His Highness who...

It's unreasonable! Poisonous woman! Not only does she want to murder the heroes, but she even goes so far as to not let her own brother go! Yao Yangcheng yelled violently.

Animals that are not as good as pigs and dogs! The courtiers scolded one after another.

The prince's elegant face turned cold, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his lips imperceptibly. Can't help but glance at King Liang.

Do you think he is stupid? Would you stand here and let others slaughter you?

When he entered the palace all the way yesterday, he discussed the countermeasures with Yao Yangcheng and the others, that is - to push everything to Concubine Feng.

Thinking about it, that cold gaze fell on Concubine Feng again.

Concubine Feng was crying so hard that she couldn't help herself.

Sadness, despair, pain...

But if she doesn't come out to take the place, the most serious consequence for the prince will be to be deposed and imprisoned in the mansion.

At that time, she will hardly survive! Moreover, my daughter, who is only six years old, will not even want to live.

Song Xiao promised her on behalf of the crown prince, if she bears this disaster, then her daughter will live well and marry a good family in the future...

She no longer cares about whether this promise can be fulfilled, because if she promises, her daughter still has a chance to survive, and if she doesn't promise, she will die.

You bitch! The crown prince stared at her coldly, then turned his head, looked at Emperor Zhengxuan, and knelt down with a plop: Father, it's all sons and ministers who are incapable of discipline! Fortunately, no major mistakes were made. , otherwise... my son is willing to accept the punishment!

Emperor Zhengxuan rubbed the sun and looked coldly at the courtiers below: How?

Back to the emperor... Your Highness also has dereliction of duty in this matter, but it's all done by this poisonous woman! Cheng Fuyin said. Now the witness and physical evidence...

The personal and physical evidence point to the crown prince! Liang Wang sneered, Just now Ping An said that he had a detailed discussion with the two young generals, not the side concubine! Moreover, the person in front of him is the crown prince's side concubine. Concubine! I heard that the side concubine has a daughter who is only six years old! If she does not take the blame, the child will not live.

King Liang, you have vicious thoughts! That's also my daughter, do you think everyone is as cruel and ruthless as you? The prince looked at him darkly.

Father, there are a group of scholars and people who are petitioning outside the palace. Don't you want people to go outside and release the 'truth' before you? Don't let people misunderstand the prince and brother. Liang Wang said.

Emperor Zhengxuan's old face was cold, and he glanced at Cai Jie: Go!

Cai Jie agreed and left in a hurry.

About two quarters of an hour later, Cai Jie came back in a hurry, with cold sweat on his face and livid face: Go back to the emperor... The servant has already been explained... But those students and common people still don't leave, sir Yelling... pushing a woman out to fool someone...

Presumptuous! Emperor Zhengxuan shouted coldly.

The prince, Qian Zhixin, Yao Yangcheng and others also had pale faces and clenched their fists.

Emperor Zhengxuan's old face was cold, and he took another look at Chu Yunpan below, only to see Xuan Yunpan's expression was stern, obviously he didn't believe Feng Choufei's words.

After all, with the identity of Concubine Feng, the possibility of scapegoating is too great.

Your Majesty, there is indeed something unreasonable in this matter. First, there is a discrepancy between what Ping An and Concubine Feng said. Furthermore, this secret letter... I don't know if it was written by the real Concubine Feng, or... Liao Shoufu said, and then read He glanced at the prince.

I understand! Emperor Zhengxuan's expression straightened, After all, the relationship between Concubine Feng and the crown prince is unusual, and I am not such a confused person. Since both sides insist on their own opinions, let the evidence speak for itself.

Your majesty wants someone to verify the handwriting? Zhang Zan said.

Yes. Emperor Zhengxuan nodded.

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