Ye Lingjiao didn't know what she said, which made Wen and the maids laugh out loud, and they didn't even notice that Ye Tangcai was absent-minded.

Ye Tangcai's eyes kept following the farther and farther backs, and then followed them involuntarily.

Walking along the way, Ye Tangcai found that he only chose remote roads, and couldn't help but feel blocked.

She told him to go out together last night, but he said that he was not free and had an appointment with a friend, and she felt a little unhappy. Moreover, why don't the members make appointments in restaurants and restaurants, but instead make appointments in temples?

Some unpleasant memories from the previous life could not help flooding into my mind.

It was the difficult time when she was bedridden. After Ye Licai became pregnant, she said that she was not in a good mood and panicked, and wanted to ask her to resolve her worries.

Once Ye Licai talked about her past: Do you know how Bo Yuan and I got on good terms? Actually, you are our matchmaker! At the age of thirteen, at the beginning of June, you said that a new tower was built in Qiyun Temple I'm not interested at all, but you insisted on dragging me. Later, I happened to meet my mother-in-law and Bo Yuan and his party in the temple. You talked to my mother-in-law in the treasure hall, but I slipped out to play. I didn't want to but sprained It happened that Bo Yuan came, and then he helped me back to the room. We were very embarrassed at the time, but we chatted and found that we were very speculative. You and your mother-in-law had a good chat in the treasure hall, while Bo Yuan and I were in the room Have a nice chat.

Then he laughed shyly, and said that since that time, the two of them seemed to be addicted, and they went to Qiyun Temple secretly when they had free time, and their relationship became deeper and deeper. They knew it shouldn't be like this, but they still couldn't control it The place of residence wants to meet secretly.

Since then, Ye Tangcai has been a little shy about those temples. In her mind, they seem to have changed from a sacred and solemn place of worship to an absurd place for private meetings between men and women.

Although she was reborn and believed in gods and ghosts, the private meeting in the temple has become her shadow, which cannot be erased no matter what. If she didn't want to spoil her mother's interest, she wouldn't want to come here either.

Now seeing that Chu Yunpan's members are not in the bustling restaurants, but in the monastery, and sneaking around, picking the roads with few people, I can't help but feel a little bit more depressed.

Could it be that he came to have a private meeting with a certain woman today?

In her previous life, she had been the big stick for beating mandarin ducks all her life. In this life, she won't be the stick again, right?

Ye Tangcai felt more and more uncomfortable.

But... Maybe she misunderstood, he was not meeting a certain lady privately, maybe his friend happened to be a certain monk?

Regardless of whether it is true or not, go and see first, if it is true, she must prepare a countermeasure as soon as possible, so that she does not have to be caught off guard like in her previous life, and she has no chance to fight back.

Chu Yunpan in front turned a corner and disappeared.

She poked her head around quietly, and saw that there was a dead end after the turn, and there were only two courtyards there. Chu Yunpan walked into the front one, and there were two tall young men guarding the courtyard door.

Ye Tangcai squinted her eyes, looking at this battle, could it be a certain noble lady? Or, a noble lady?

Ye Tang felt as uncomfortable as a cat scratching her heart, she hesitated for a moment, her eyes lit up when she saw the yard next to it.

These two courtyards are relatively remote, and most pilgrims don't like to live here, especially the one at the end.

The courtyard at the end is called an ominous place, people who live in it often have accidents, either fall or get hurt, everyone rumors that the location of this courtyard is not good, it just happened to be built on the wounded gate of the temple, and the evil spirit is heavy, even With the protection of the Buddha's light, it is nothing more than an immortal.

After the rumors spread, the pilgrims were no longer willing to live in this guest house, and it was deserted after coming and going, so the temple simply locked the courtyard.

After Wen's death in her previous life, she wanted to recite the rebirth mantra for Wen, and stayed in Fahua Temple for a while while dragging her sick body. block the brakes.

At that time, she was dissatisfied when she moved in, so she asked Huiran and Qiuju to clean it carefully. Qiuju found a hole in the back wall under the cover of thick grass, and maybe someone could get in. Because of this, Qiuju even asked the counselor The guest monk made a fuss, and the yard was changed later.

Thinking about it, Ye Tangcai walked around to the back wall and pulled out the grass. The dilapidated place was still there, so she got in with her small body.

After entering, it was almost the same as in memory, only the house was dilapidated and overgrown with weeds. A tall and strong jujube tree grew beside the high wall next to the yard, and its trunk stretched straight to the side yard.

Ye Tang was overjoyed, it was what he was looking for!

Then he climbed up with difficulty, and sure enough, he saw a corner of the courtyard next door. The stone chairs and tables were exquisite, but no one could be seen.

She struggled for a moment, why not just go back and knock on the door? Or find someone to follow him secretly the next day?

Ye Tangcai was about to retreat, but there was a sound of footsteps in the distance.

Recently, have you contacted him? An unfamiliar voice sounded, with a deep and dark feeling, it was a man.


Another voice sounded, and Ye Tangcai naturally recognized it as her husband's voice. Looking down carefully, she saw two men approaching one after the other. Because of the cover of the branches and leaves in front of her, Ye Tangcai could only see their chests.

Ye Tangcai was surprised, she was not a woman, but a real friend!

Ye Tang felt guilty for a while, she had misunderstood him! Then he curled his lips again, anyone who told him to meet a friend would sneak around, making it seem like he was doing some shady business!

Well, but she is always bad, and I will add another chicken drumstick to every meal!

Since he wasn't hooking up with the older girl and the younger daughter-in-law, it was hard for her to listen to others secretly.

But if she retreats, the movement on the tree will definitely attract their attention, and then it will be embarrassing!

So she had to lie on the tree and wait for them to leave.

Not wanting to, Chu Yunpan below said suddenly: The scenery here is nice.

The man said: That's true, Yan Dong, go and get some wine.

It looks like they want to sit down, taste wine and watch the scenery slowly, and then talk about the philosophy of life together from poems and songs!

Ye Tangcai was so startled that she almost rolled off the tree! I have never seen such a cheating daughter-in-law! If she is really discovered by them, he will also be ashamed, okay?

The two had already sat down on the stone chair.

It was only now that Ye Tangcai saw the face of that friend, and couldn't help being shocked.

I saw the man in his twenty-three or four, wearing a brocade robe with a deep purple python pattern, a jade belt to seal his waist, and a tourmaline tassel palace sash on his shirt. Long black jade-like hair cascading down his shoulders, handsome and coquettish, a pair of amorous phoenix eyes with a cold radiance, and a cruel smile on the corner of his lips, sitting there, the word noble is vividly reflected in him .

Sitting with him, Chu Yunpan was not overwhelmed by his aura, on the contrary, he looked more and more bright like a bright moon, as clear and gorgeous as fog and rain.

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