Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 325 Purple Young Flowers (3rd watch)

After Ye Tangcai left, Aunt Fei and Chu Congke thought about their dirty thoughts all day long about taking the position of son. Just now Ye Tangcai mentioned it in front of so many people, and the mother and son felt guilty. Still have the face to wait, said goodbye, and left in a hurry.

At this time, Chu Miaoshu came in with a thud: Mother... As she spoke, she looked at Qin with a livid face: What about my marriage?

If the Chu family is in decline, and she is asked to marry the son of a fourth-rank official, she will naturally agree, but now that Chu Yunpan has soared into the sky, he has become a marquis, and the entire Chu family has also been brought up, becoming a hot and powerful family in Beijing. , how would she want to marry such a petty official's son again.

This kind of family, of course, can't remarry! Qin's face was cold, thinking of Chu Miaoshu's marriage, she almost wanted to die.

The corner of Aunt Bai's mouth twitched, so before she got engaged, she said to look again, it wasn't suitable! It's not that people like Chu Miaoshu should be married, or that the Xu family is not good enough for her.

Rather, Aunt Bai knows Qin's pissing nature best, as long as Chu Yunpan becomes famous, he will definitely regret the marriage! At that time, it will be the Xu family who will be harmed.

It's all Jiang Xinxue, that bitch who provoked it! If she hadn't been talking about how miserable the family would be all day long, and even such a small official would not be able to marry, how would we have arranged this marriage. Qin sneered, Go and give Jiang Xinxue I'll call over.

The green leaves outside trembled and hurried out.

Jiang Xinxue was playing with Chu Xuehai in her arms when Luye walked in: Grandma, my wife is calling you!

Jiang Xinxue's expression changed. Ever since Chu Yunpan made great achievements, Jiang Xinxue has been in a daze, and everything is going in the worst direction.

Now that Luye calls her, she naturally knows that it must be Chu Miaoshu's marriage!

Jiang Xin's sallow face sank, and she pulled Chu Xuehai out.

After a while, they arrived at Yixiang Courtyard. When they entered the room, they saw Mrs. Qin sitting at the head with a gloomy face.

Mother. Jiang Xinxue stepped forward to give a blessing, and then pulled Chu Xuehai: Quickly call grandma.

Grandmother. Chu Xuehai called out childishly, then rushed over and plunged into Qin's arms.

Qin usually loves Chu Xuehai, but now that Chu Xuehai is nestled in her arms, all her temper is kept in her heart, and it is not easy to burst out for a while.

Mother... Chu Miaoshu cried out, wiping away tears.

The anger in Qin's heart came up again with a groan, and she pulled Chu Xuehai away: Go to your sister-in-law.

Chu Miaohua listened, pulled Chu Xuehai forward with a white face, and dragged him out.

Qin gave Jiang Xinxue a cold look: It's all about you, the evil spirit.

Jiang Xinxue gritted her teeth: I just talked about the situation at that time... At that time, my mother did not believe that Saburo could return safely.

You— Seeing that she was putting all the responsibility on her, Qin couldn't help but get angry. But it was true that she wanted to set up the Xu family at that time. If you didn't provoke it, I would definitely think about it.

Jiang Xinxue knew that everything she said was wrong now, so she shut her mouth.

Seeing that she was silent, Mrs. Qin became even angrier. She looked her up and down, and said with a sneer, Why did Da Lang marry such a bereaved star like you? The family is poor and poor, and he doesn't look very good, and there is no dowry. The sky is miserable, if you have half the ability of Ye Tangcai, Da Lang will not be in the current situation.

Sure enough, whoever you marry, you will become whoever you are! Because Dalang married such a poor family, he lived like a poor family. That lowly son of a concubine married a daughter of a noble family, so now he is rich.

The more she thought about it, the angrier Qin became, and the more stern eyes she looked at Jiang Xinxue. Jiang Xinxue remained silent, Qin Shi looked at Fanyan, and said coldly: Get out!

Jiang Xinxue turned and left.

This home is becoming more and more unbearable.

Chu Feiyang thought about that bitch all day long, but he didn't have her in his heart. She can only rely on her mother-in-law to survive. In the past, this mother-in-law disliked her for her poor background, not as good as that princess. Later, Ye Tangcai came, and with this younger sibling to compare with, her mother-in-law disliked her even more.

Now no matter what, the Chu family has risen, and her natal family is still settled... Then she is even more unworthy.

The more Jiang Xinxue thought about it, the more aggrieved and uncomfortable Jiang Xinxue became. When she went out, she saw Chu Miaohua playing with Chu Xuehai, so she grabbed her son and walked out quickly.

Chu Miaohua was startled when she saw that Chu Xuehai was about to fall by Jiang Xinxue, but seeing her hurrying back, she didn't say much.


When Ye Tangcai returned to Qiongmingxuan, it was already late, and the two cooks in the kitchen were scrambling to deliver the food.

Qiuju and Huiran set up a whole table with food, including stewed delicacies, fried whitebait, steamed ham,

Soy asparagus, hibiscus jelly, and a tomato beef soup. Five dishes and one soup set a full table.

The kitchen is really dedicated. Qiu Ju laughed, then sighed slightly, I have ham today, and the third master loves it the most.

In the palace. Ye Tangcai was so tired that she was about to lie down on the table, and picked up her chopsticks, The food in the palace is even more exquisite than ours. Today, I must have dinner with the emperor, so eat well. Only better.

Thinking about it, Ye Tangcai became a little depressed.

Sleep well too! Qiu Ju curled her lips, It's rare to come back, but you don't come into the house.

Well, let's eat! Let's eat together! Ye Tang cheered up.

After eating, I was ready to wash up and go to sleep, after all, I was too tired.

Ye Tangcai wanted to take a bath. Qiuju then ordered someone to put down a large bucket in the room, and then asked the kitchen to help bring water over, and poured most of the bucket of hot water into it.

The water in the bucket was very hot, and after soaking it in, Ye Tang felt comfortable, so he lay down on the edge of the bucket, closed his eyes and squinted.

In a daze, I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there was an exclamation from outside: Third Master!

Ye Tangcai was still lying on the edge of the barrel, her little face was flushed red by the hot water, and she was wandering away, and she was very sleepy, so she was in a daze.

The third master is back! Qiuju's voice was chirping like a magpie.

Uh... Ye Tangcai was taken aback, his eyelids were lifted lazily, the third master is back? Did you hear me wrong?

Third Master! Third Master! The girl is can't...ah—— Qiuju exclaimed outside.

With this scream, Ye Tangcai woke up instantly. The third master is back? How did he come back?

At this time, the door was pushed open with a creak, and there was a sound of steady footsteps, as well as the clanging sound of heavy armor being rubbed against.

He is here? Ye Tangcai was startled, her back straightened instantly. In front of her was a big screen with crabapple flowers flying all over the sky, and a few of her clothes were draped over it. A tall and slender figure was reflected on it.

Ye Tangcai was startled, her little face turned red with a bang.

She hastily grasped the rim of the barrel tightly, and looked around, trying to find something that could hide her, and she was on the verge of tears as she searched. Because she knew in her heart, root, root, no, yes!

Tang'er. Chu Yunpan called softly from outside.

Hmm... After Ye Tangcai agreed, she secretly regretted it, why should she answer him? Well, what if you don't answer?

Chu Yunpan paused for a moment, then walked around the screen, and then saw her small hands lying on the edge of the bucket, her bright face was so red that it seemed to bleed, her big eyes were round and round, just like that. Stared blankly at him.

Chu Yunpan looked at her, his mind moved slightly, he couldn't help walking over, sat on the footrest next to her, stared at her with burning eyes, and said in a soft and hoarse voice, What are you doing here?

Ye Tangcai leaned on the edge with one small hand, and said, Soak it...

His eyes were clouded, and he was so embarrassed that he wanted to cry. It's obviously his fault, and he asked such nonsense, but why is she feeling guilty and embarrassed?

Ye Tangcai had no choice but to say: Why are you back... Aren't you going to live in the palace for a few days?

Yeah. He agreed, and his clean eyes, which looked like Danqing ink painting, were stained with dark light and shadow, The emperor asked me to stay for a few more days, but I said... my little wife is waiting for me to return at home, thinking, Hope and hope. Then, the emperor let me back.

Listening to his words, Ye Tangcai's eyes dimmed, and her heart wavered slightly: You are stupid... others wish they could stay for a few more days...

But Chu Yunpan smiled lowly: Because... I was fighting for the country at the border, the battlefield was endless, and there was endless yellow sand. I really missed Ziyaohua in Beijing.

While speaking, the slender hands swept into the water, and the petals on the water surface floated gently.

If you write too fast, it is better to make more mistakes. Don’t write, I will go back and correct it. It's over today, how about you?

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