Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 319: Splendid Blossoms (Part 1)

As soon as the imperial list came out, the whole city erupted.

The next day, some craftsmen who came out of the palace walked not far from the palace gate and set up a high platform.

At this moment, the entire Chu family was bustling with activity, and there were usually few people there, but now there were batch after batch of guests coming to the door.

Some noble ladies specially came to see Ye Tangcai, but all the invitation cards were sent to Yixiangyuan. After Qin accepted the invitation papers, she said that Ye Tangcai was busy and had no time, so they all rejected them and refused to let them see.

Only some male guests came to the door, so Uncle Chu and Chu Feiyang were allowed to receive them.

The entire Chu family can be described as a beautiful flower bouquet.

The kitchen is bustling with the comings and goings of guests.

In the midst of her busy schedule, Chef Li quietly took out a black lacquer food box, put a few plates of exquisite snacks in it, and went out with the food box in her spare time.

He didn't want to, but bumped into Mrs. Huang at the door, both of them were holding a food box in their hands.

Hey, where are you going, Sister Huang? I didn't know there was Chuan Shan! Cook Li glanced at her.

Where can I go, but you, where? Cook Huang said and glanced at the food box in her hand.

The two looked at each other, then pushed and pulled each other, scrambling to go out, thud thud thud, the two of them rushed all the way to the west courtyard not to be outdone.

Walking into Qiongmingxuan, there was only laughter in the room, and two cooks rushed into the room.

Oh, Third Grandma's place is really lively. Cook Li stepped across the threshold carrying a food box.

I heard that some in-laws and girls are here. Cook Huang also squeezed in the door.

When he reached the small hall, he was stopped by Qiuju and Huiran. Apart from Huiran and Huiran, there were several servant girls standing here.

Aunt Li, Aunt Huang, what's the matter with you? Qiu Ju sneered.

Cooks Huang and Cooks Li glanced to the east, and saw several beautifully dressed women separated by a clump of bead curtains, one holding a bright red cloud cotton, and the other holding a carved silk Liucai has a long body, and another one is holding several jewelry, all of them are gesticulating to the person in the middle.

I don't know what was said inside, and she kept laughing, Ye Tangcai was surrounded in the middle, only a corner of her clothes was seen.

Is this tailoring for the third grandma? Cook Huang asked with a smile.

Yeah—— Qiuju's voice dragged on.

In a few days, the third master will be back, so you really need to dress up well. Li Cook said, This is a snack I made with my own hands, and I will bring it to the third grandma to entertain guests. Don't dislike it.

Me too! This is too! Cook Huang hurriedly put the food box on the small round table and opened it.

There was a burst of aroma, and there were two plates of dim sum inside, one plate of sugar-steamed crispy cheese, and one plate of sweet-scented osmanthus and chestnut flour cake. Then the second layer was uncovered, and there were Ruyi cakes and rose cakes inside.

Hey, these dry ones. Look, I have pearl and emerald glutinous rice balls, lotus leaf soup, plum blossom sweet soup and fragrant glutinous rice drink! Cook Li didn't want to be outdone, and hurriedly opened her black lacquered peony food box.

Thank you, two aunts, let's put it here first, and the third grandma will come out to eat after they finish their work. Hui Ran stepped forward with a smile, and grabbed a handful of copper coins and stuffed them into their hands.

Miss Hui, why are you being polite, you don't have to, this is to honor the third grandma.

The two cooks hurriedly declined, glanced at the bedroom, but Ye Tangcai was still nowhere to be seen, they dawdled for a while, and then left.

Qiuju looked at their backs, and then looked at the dim sum on the table: These dim sum are made by themselves, and the ingredients cost two to three hundred renminbi. She rolled her eyes, It used to be fried pork with cabbage. Si, I don’t want to put more minced meat for the money from the public, now it’s all over, I’ll send it here with the money.”

Praise the high and step down, it is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so just ignore him. Huiran said as she walked towards the bedroom, Girl, let's have some dessert first.

Ye Tangcai was being held back by several people - Ye Lingjiao, Qi Min and Ye Weicai were all here.

Yeah, just come. Ye Tangcai turned her head and glared at Ye Lingjiao: I just made a few new clothes for autumn, so why make new ones on purpose.

How can we not make new ones. Ye Lingjiao took her hand and walked out, The few of yours are too plain. I haven't seen you for so long. Of course you have to dress up nicely.

Ye Tangcai pursed her lips, then dragged Qi Min and Ye Weicai to sit in the small hall, eating dessert.

When the eldest brother-in-law enters the city, will he go directly from the city gate to the palace? Ye Weicai asked anxiously.

Well, that's right. Ye Tangcai said, One avenue from the city gate is Changming Street, which leads directly to the gate of the imperial palace.

When we came over, we heard the common people talking about it, as if they were setting up some platform not far from the palace. Ye Weicai said.

That's the Triumph Terrace. Qi Min's eyes sparkled, When I was setting up a stall, I heard a lot of miscellaneous things. When a general returns triumphantly, he usually walks directly from the city gate to the palace, and the common people walk in the street. Welcome, the scene is very lively. The general enters the imperial palace through Changming Street, and then faces the saint. But the triumphant platform is where the emperor leads his important officials to stand on the high triumphal platform to welcome the general back to Beijing. This is the highest and greatest honor given by the emperor to a general !

Ah! Is it so powerful? Ye Weicai was shocked, I remember that at the beginning of the year, His Highness Kang Wang and General Xu also returned triumphantly.

Yes! Qi Min nodded, But Kang Wang and General Xu entered the palace directly through the city gate, and the emperor did not come out of the palace to greet him. So, what an honor your brother-in-law is now!

Ye Tangcai was listening, biting the spoon in her mouth, feeling very happy.

Sister Tang, have you booked a restaurant yet? Ye Lingjiao asked.

Yeah. Ye Tangcai nodded, It's right next to Changming Street at Braised Flavor World.

We didn't book that by ourselves. Qiu Ju agreed with a smile, It was the boss of Stewed Taste World who came to the door in person and said to leave the best place for our Chu family, so that our Chu family must appreciate it. Other than that , there are several restaurants beside Changming Street, we are also invited to go, but we naturally choose the best one.

Your majesty values ​​your husband very much, you have to take a good look at him that day, otherwise it will take you several days to see him. Qi Min said again.

Uh, what does this mean? Ye Lingjiao asked. It was the first time that she and Qi Min officially met today, but she felt that Qi Min was straightforward and smart, and they got along very well.

Because I've heard a lot in the past, some from the previous court, and some from our Daqi, saying that the emperor loves this general so much, and after personally picking him up, he will stay in the palace for a few days and have a long talk with him. Now the emperor Even the Triumphant Terrace is set up, I'm afraid they will be arrested and have a long talk for a few days. Qi Min raised his brows as he spoke.

Ye Tangcai choked, but only hummed softly, biting the spoon.

Why are you biting it? The fragrant glutinous drink in the bowl is getting cold, eat it quickly! Ye Lingjiao glared at her.

Ye Tangcai had no choice but to lower his head and eat the fragrant glutinous drink.

After eating, Ye Lingjiao and Ye Weicai went back. Qi Min was packing up the things in the wing room. Chu Yunpan was coming back soon, Qi Min couldn't live in the husband and wife's yard, and lived in another yard of Chu's house, and he didn't bother to let people arrange it, so he packed up and moved to Qiu's house on Changming Street first.

When her house is repaired, she will move to her own house.

Qi Min had few things, so he moved to Qiu's house two days later. Wen's family is still in Lingcheng and hasn't come back yet.

At this time, the triumphal platform outside the palace had already been set up.

As Chu Yunpan's return date got closer, the atmosphere in the capital became more and more lively.

In the palace, Fengyi Palace——

Empress Zheng sat on the phoenix couch, the prince was on the armchair below, and Song Xiao stood at the bottom.

The Feng family, what a litter of waste! You can't get any credit for what you got! Empress Zheng said unhurriedly. It's not a few days away from Chu Yunpan to Beijing.

The prince frowned slightly: Think about it now, how to win over.

It's not easy. Empress Zheng sighed slightly, If he's not married, you can betroth Yue'an to him.

It's okay now. The prince's eyes brightened slightly. At that time, Yue An and Ye Tangcai will be regardless of size, and Yue An will be a princess. Even Ye Tangcai's advanced door will be overwhelmed by Yue An.

Empress Zheng glared at him: Do you think it's possible?

The prince snorted softly, he just said something just now.

Although your father is interested in you, but this general was picked up by him with his own hands. Before he warmed up, you are in a hurry to marry your sister as a wife and want to drag her over. Even if your father likes you , My heart will also respond. Zheng Empress said, He can give you some things, but you can't reach out to get them yourself.

Some things, the emperor can still turn a blind eye or close one eye! But if it goes too far, the emperor won't tolerate it. Song Xiao said. As soon as he returned to Beijing, he married his younger sister. It was really ugly to eat.

Yes. Empress Zheng nodded, Let's find a girl from the Zheng family and give it to him.

The prince sneered, and gently placed the teacup in his hand on the coffee table beside him: Which girl is better than Ye Tangcai?

As a man, there is such a charming wife at home, and he has been married for a year and separated for several months. When he comes back to Beijing, he can't move as long as he sees Ye Tangcai. How can he think about other women? .

The swans in the distance are not as good as the crows in front of you! said Empress Zheng, Just don't let him meet Ye Tangcai. When he came to Beijing, I ordered the entire Changming Street to be planted with colorful flags under the windows. At that time, all the people in the city lined the road to welcome, the sky was full of flowers and colorful flags fluttering, and Ye Tangcai could not be seen anywhere. Then your father invited him to stay in the palace for a short two days, and we will arrange the girl from the Zheng family to be with him. When he is out of the palace, just let him in.

The queen mother's plan is good. The prince smiled.

Even if this is the queen, there is no reason to put a concubine for no reason, otherwise the intention of wooing is too strong, and the food is too ugly. Moreover, Chu Yunpan is being favored, even the queen now has to be afraid of him, how dare he push people in.

But it would look much better if Chu Yunpan got his hands on it first, and then walked in quietly.

After a few more days, the weather became cooler and cooler, and soon, August was over and September came.

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