Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 311 What kind of chess to play (one more)

In the center of the main hall, three sandalwood chessboards passed in a row on a large blanket embroidered with dragons in black, red and gold thread.

The six people were seated separately, sitting on thick yellow silk futons, Ye Tangcai fought Haizhu, Qi Min fought Hu Naduo, Liao Jueyao fought Ai'er.

The general guessed, and in the end, Ye Tangcai chose white, and Haizhu chose black. In this way, the son of the whole team was decided. Ye Tangcai and Liao Jueyao are white, Qi Min is black, and vice versa.

The six people put the black wooden chess cup on the ground, and Cai Jie's voice from above was loud: The game starts! The competition time is one hour!

As he said that, he put a large stick of yellow Buddha incense on the golden animal head incense burner at the side. This is a special incense that can be burned for an hour.

As the fragrance of Buddha floated up, the following six people started the game.

Several people nodded their heads in salute, and began to play chess.

Haizhu glanced at Ye Tangcai, and said calmly: Just now in that garden, you were watching us play chess. The black jade chess piece in his hand fell to the upper right corner.

Yes. Ye Tang smiled lightly, Young lady is superb at chess.

Haizhu glanced at Ye Tangcai again: Madam looks great. So I remembered it at a glance. I was in the garden just now, just for fun.

The implication is that she didn't go all out in the game with Liao Jueyao, don't think that seeing her chess game like that will win her.

It can be seen. Ye Tangcai's slender fingers gently clamped the white jade chess piece, and it landed on the lower left corner star.

Haizhu Mo raised her eyebrows and sat upright.

This Ye Tangcai was expected to be stronger than Liao Jueyao, but she felt that it was only at the level of her senior sister.

But even so, she will not underestimate the enemy or be merciful, because this is a matter of a large amount of food and grass for Beiyan, and it is no joke.

Regardless of whether the opponent is a mayfly or an elephant, she must do her best to kill the opponent in one fell swoop when she finds an opportunity! To avoid future troubles.

Qi Min and Liao Jueyao on the side have also started.

Hu Naduo took a look at Qi Min, and both of them opened the astrology positions steadily. I heard that this Qi Min once lost to Liao Jueyao on a very important occasion. He must be good at chess, but he was just trying to make up the numbers.

But just now because of her slip of the tongue, which almost put Bei Yan into crisis, Hu Naduo played very safely.

With a pop, the black jade chess piece landed on Tianyuan, but it was Ai'er who moved first. After falling, he raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Liao Jueyao looked at Ai'er's Tianyuan in her hand, her face darkened.

What does it mean? Look down on her?

In Go, occupy the corners first, and then the sides, because the corners have the natural danger of the board border, so that you will not be attacked by the front or back. Take Tianyuan first, the foundation is unstable, and it is difficult to become a big weapon.

This Ai'er actually got Tian Yuan first, which is equivalent to giving her a few hands. This is to despise her and look down on her!

Liao Jueyao was furious. If someone had acted like this in normal times, with her self-esteem and arrogance, she would definitely give back step by step when playing chess, and this is the official contest.

But now she took a deep breath and calmed down.

Now is not the time for pride and arrogance,

She only has one word now—stable!

She has already lost two games in a row in the garden, if she loses to this weakest Ai'er now, her reputation will be ruined by Liao Jueyao!

Now that Ai'er is so arrogant, it's exactly what she wants, so let Ai'er underestimate the enemy!

It wasn't that she, Liao Jueyao, wanted to take advantage, but that the other party underestimated the enemy and was arrogant! Then let the other party pay the price!

Thinking about it, she glanced at Ye Tangcai fiercely and smiled coldly.

Ye Tangcai had never played against Haizhu before, so naturally she didn't know that Haizhu contained boundless power in that ordinary style of chess.

After a while, both Ye Tangcai and Qi Min lost, and she won! That can be elated.

Liao Jueyao glanced at Ai'er, took a few deep breaths, and stabilized! No matter what the opponent is, you must be calm and give full play to your strength.

Seeing that the six people below had already started playing chess, Emperor Zhengxuan couldn't help stretching his neck.

It was only at this moment that he scolded himself that the dragon seat was too high! I can't see clearly!

We have a big chessboard. Prince Hu Mo of Beiyan said with a smile, I originally brought their seniors and sisters here to compete with the female chess players of Daqi, so we prepared a big chessboard.

Emperor Zhengxuan's gray eyebrows twitched, he was ready to trample on Daqi's face! But now he also wants to know the situation of the chess game, so he chuckled: Then let someone open it up! Cai Jie.

Yes. Cai Jie agreed, and walked down with the two young eunuchs.

A Beiyan envoy quickly took out a large chessboard.

The so-called big chessboards are nothing more than three large and thick white cloths with chessboards drawn on them, which are then supported by bamboo brackets. There are needles behind the big chess pieces. Pin the pawns on.

The three large chessboards were propped up at the entrance of the hall, so Emperor Zhengxuan could see them when he looked up, and it was convenient for the courtiers and guests to watch.

The little eunuch looked at the chessboard of the three, then went to the big chessboard and placed all the pieces on it.

Emperor Zhengxuan squinted his eyes and saw that Ye Tangcai and Haizhu were walking steadily, and it was impossible to see the outcome for the time being.

Qi Min was beaten by Hu Naduo, and he was at a disadvantage.

On Liao Jueyao's side, because of Ai'er's Tian Yuan, Ai'er was at a disadvantage.

So, now evenly matched!

Emperor Zhengxuan secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

But Hu Mo laughed and chatted unhurriedly: Does Emperor Da Qi know why the junior sister is named Haizhu? That is the name given by my father, and it is a pearl in the ocean. It means that her chess skills are not unique. , but like the sea, it is all-encompassing and has endless changes. Although she is a woman and young, her chess skills have surpassed her father. She is the number one chess player in Beiyan! Tsunami mountains and rivers, stormy waves!

As soon as these words came out, Emperor Zheng Xuan, Da Qi and others were shocked. Especially those who watched the game of chess between Liao Jueyao and Haizhu all lowered their heads with ugly expressions.

The muscles on Emperor Zhengxuan's old face trembled. Cai Jie also told him about the chess game in detail at the time.

Emperor Zhengxuan looked at the current situation and became worried again.

Now Liao Jueyao seemed to be playing well, but it was that Ai'er who underestimated the enemy and used Tianyuan, which made her fall into a passive situation.

But Qi Min was directly pressed and beaten, Ye Tangcai and Haizhu were still unclear about the outcome.

The people in Daqi below couldn't help talking in low voices.

The one with the greatest chance of winning now is Liao Jueyao. Qian Zhixin frowned deeply, That Qi Min can't do it anymore, Ye Tangcai's side... that Haizhu is so tyrannical...

The people on the side frowned deeply. However, that Beiyan sent the three of them to fight, it was originally a trick!

I knew this earlier, so I used Tian Ji's horse racing method to say that Ye Tangcai must play chess with Princess Beiyan. Qian Zhixin continued.

Will Beiyan agree? Lu Zhi on the side said coldly, If you really let Ye Tangcai face Princess Beiyan, they will make Haizhu face Liao Jueyao and Ai'er Qi Min, isn't that the same loss? Others are not stupid!

People around tensed their faces and shook their heads in disappointment.

Uncle Chu shrank back in the crowd and didn't dare to make a sound.

When Ye Tangcai stood up and said that she was the number one talented woman, Uncle Chu wished he could find a hole in the ground and get in. Why is this daughter-in-law so troublesome?

Qin groaned softly: I've been causing trouble for the family all day long!

Ye Licai and Zhang Boyuan over there also looked lucky, bitch, let you show off!

After a while, if you lose the chess, you will lose face and lose your face! Just now she shamelessly considered herself the number one talented woman! Disgusting! Where is such a big face!

But now that losing chess has become a national sinner, and she can't get food and grass, her bastard son is just waiting to starve to death at the border!

The more Ye Licai and Zhang Boyuan thought about it, the more excited they became, and they almost burst out laughing. It was indeed a wise move for them to participate in this palace banquet!

Originally, he thought that he would see Ye Tangcai, the second-rank wife, showing off her might, but who would have thought that she would end up in death.

The couple almost laughed out loud.

Zhang Zan turned his head abruptly, saw the two men covering their mouths, and their sneering sneering looks, without letting out a breath, he stared at them coldly.

Ye Licai and Zhang Boyuan trembled under his stare: Grandfather, grandfather!

Go back if you feel restless! Zhang Zan said coldly.

Ye Licai and Zhang Boyuan immediately shrank their bodies, lowered their heads and did not dare to make a sound, but they still laughed endlessly in their hearts.

Oh! There were bursts of exclamations.

Ye Licai and Zhang Boyuan were startled, and raised their heads.

It was discovered that the voices were from Bei Yan and the others.

An emissary with a goatee in his forties smiled and said: Miss Haizhu is about to exert her strength! She played chess with the old man yesterday, she used this move, immediately blocked the old man without fighting back, and then surrendered directly.

Everyone looked up at the chess game between Ye Tangcai and Haizhu.

Heizi and Baizi began to be evenly matched, not giving in to each other, but each step was made steadily and in a well-regulated manner, and there was almost no highlight, and it could only be described as mediocre. It really didn't look like a match between famous masters , but the whole chess game has no flaws.

But until just now, Heizi suddenly landed a small tip on the three-three place, lighting up the whole chess game. Those ordinary moves in front of Haizhu, which were just ordinary moves that were blocked, instantly became a sea without waves. The rising waves seemed to drown everything.

Everyone in Da Qi who was good at chess was startled, their eyes widened, even though the opponent was an enemy, they couldn't help sighing: High!

Liang Wangfeng narrowed her eyes, and put her slender fingers on her lips: It's interesting.

Ahhh—— Zhao Yingqi held a rosy white bunny bun, bit into it, and gurgled, the sweet and sour stuffing inside filled her mouth with a fresh aroma, irritating Taste buds, she squinted her eyes, it was so delicious that she was about to fly.

Hehe. Everyone in Beiyan was extremely proud.

Hu Mo looked at the chess game above, his eyes flashed for granted, and he looked back at Emperor Zhengxuan.

I saw Emperor Zhengxuan frowning deeply, with a look of horror on his face. Hu Mo was very proud and was about to say something when suddenly he saw Emperor Zhengxuan's eyes widen even further.

Hu Mo was stunned, turned around, and saw Ye Tang lightly holding the white jade chess piece in his slender hands, and putting it down on the chessboard.

That's just a very common one-handed seal, falling on the small eye.

The huge waves caused by Haizhu just now took a selfie on the surface of the sea in an instant, and disappeared. The layout in front seemed to be abolished in an instant.

Haizhu was stunned, the black jade chess piece that had been caught between the index finger and middle finger earlier stopped instantly, and fell back into the ebony chess cup.

The Beiyan people were also dumbfounded, especially all those who played chess with Haizhu, no one has ever been able to break Haizhu's move, and now, it was broken by this overly beautiful little girl!

And I have to sigh: Absolutely!

Hu Mo was also stunned, unable to believe it.

How could someone go so far with Haizhu! Thinking about it, my heart trembled, and I stared at Haizhu closely.

I saw Haizhu's delicate face was slightly stern, and her brows were deeply wrinkled.

She played chess calmly, not pretending, but because her opponent was so weak that she couldn't make waves. But this Ye Tangcai in front of him, who looks a year or two younger than himself, can break her trick!

With a serious heart in her heart, Haizhu raised her head to look at Ye Tangcai, only to see that Ye Tangcai also glanced at her lightly, her eyes were too beautiful and sparkling.

Haizhu took a deep breath, calmed down, immediately picked up a chess piece with her index finger and middle finger, and landed on the chessboard. Most of the paths she laid out survived.

Ye Tangcai was not to be outdone, wherever the black pieces went, Baiyu's pieces would block them.

Haizhu's every step brought high waves, but in the next second, she was thrown to death on the sea surface.

Again and again, again and again, three and exhausted! This happened a few times, and Haizhu's aura instantly weakened, and a large part of her chess pieces were already dead, and the city was plundered and scattered...

Haizhu's face was pale, and she didn't even have the strength to raise her hand, and beads of sweat rolled down her forehead.

She stared blankly at the chess game in front of her. What is this situation? The chess game in front of me is...

You lost! Ye Tangcai looked at her indifferently.

Haizhu's brain exploded, and his whole body shook, yes, it was a loss! This situation is lost!

She has seen this situation countless times, but it has always happened in front of her opponent. It has been many years, and it has never happened to her.

Now actually...

Hu Mo and Bei Yan were all stunned, looking at the big chessboard propped at the entrance of the main hall, their faces were full of disbelief.

Is it wrong? Is it wrong? Hu Mo said, stood up abruptly, and walked behind Haizhu.

He looked at the real chess game in front of him, and saw that Heizi had been beaten to the point where he was completely helpless to fight back!

How could it be, Miss Haizhu! Miss Haizhu... The envoy with the goatee was even more disbelieving.

He is a believer in Haizhu, and in his knowledge, Haizhu is invincible! It will never be defeated!

But now, she was defeated!

And it wasn't at the hands of some famous officials, but at the hands of a little-known girl named Da Qi who was a year or two younger than Hai Zhu!

Such a little girl is still so beautiful, so she should go back and be as beautiful as a flower! With such a face, why waste it, let's be the number one beauty! Let's do harm to the country and the people! What chess!

The second watch is at 11:30

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