Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 269 (Second update)

So, you can only be like this for the rest of your life! You will live at the bottom, and you will never turn over. He turned around and left after saying that, You will regret it.

He was dressed in exquisite and simple clothes, which added a bit of elegance to his whole person, and he walked away slowly, looking like a handsome young man who has read poetry and books and has a well-known family background.

And behind him, Qi Min was still in a state of disgrace, embarrassed and down and out.

Chu Pingfeng walked through the hanging flower door with a cold face, and went straight to the door.

The servant behind him looked at her cold face, and asked cautiously: Master, if the decision is made, then return that jade token to the little peasant girl just now! After all, you have married the young mistress, you should... ...

As he spoke, his voice stopped abruptly, because Chu Pingfeng had already stopped in his tracks, turned his head slightly, and his gaze was scratched on his face like a knife.

The boy's face turned pale.

What do you know! Chu Pingfeng said this coolly, turned around and left.

Only after experiencing it will you understand the feeling of powerlessness struggling at the bottom. If there is no comparison, you may end up living your life in such a grievance.

However, they have the same background, they grew up as childhood sweethearts, and they used to be unmarried couples who relied on each other, warmed each other, and loved each other.

The two people who used to be equal, now, he has leaped into the dragon's gate, while she is still struggling at the bottom, running around for a living. Living that kind of life without a home and security, working in the dark, suffering both physically and mentally.

Now that he is well-clothed and well-fed, she is still suffering, the gap is huge, the gap is huge, and one day she will collapse because of this gap, and if she can't bear the pain, she will naturally go to him.

Now, she just couldn't accept it for a while. Moreover, Ye Tang has taken her in, so she has nothing to fear.

Without Ye Tangcai's help, Qi Min would not be like this, and would definitely return to him. Therefore, as long as Chu Yunpan is defeated and Qi Min has no support, he will come back to him.

This young man was the one who was bought by Liao Shoufu when he made a marriage contract with Liao Jueyao, and he bought it himself. He has only been with him for two months, so naturally he is a little confused about his thoughts.


After Chu Pingfeng left, Qi Min looked at the place where Chu Pingfeng had been standing, feeling a little dazed.

The tears couldn't be stopped, and they fell down in a flutter.

Miss Qi! Qiu Ju frowned and took a step forward, You...why can't you think about it? Look at my girl, on the wedding day, the groom ran away with his cousin, abandoned and slapped in the face, it's worse than what you suffered! It’s not about living happily and carefree.”

Qi Min cried and said: She can let go of that person freely and live happily... that's because she doesn't love.

If you love someone and are betrayed by him, how can you not tear your heart apart! How can we truly let go!

Qiu Ju was taken aback for a moment, only frowning, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Anyway... Anyway, thank you. Qi Min said, bowing to Ye Tangcai.

Although she is still defeated except for her dignity, at least she doesn't have to stay in that place to be manipulated and manipulated by others. Even if she dies there, she will lose all her dignity.

She straightened up, but her body swayed, Hui Ran hurried over to support him: Miss Qi, you... are so hot!

Huiran touched her arm, only to feel that it was hot for a while.

When I went to help her out just now, I knew she was having a fever, but that Chu Pingfeng came, if I don't go out to meet him, wouldn't I be at a disadvantage? Qiu Ju said, her small face almost wrinkled.

There are wounds on the body, the fever caused by it is not so easy to subside, even if it subsides, it is easy to recur. Ye Tangcai said, Go back and rest first.

Ye Tangcai took Qi Min's little hand and returned to the wing.

Qi Min only felt groggy, and when he lay down on the bed, he passed out again.

In the past few days, the doctor came to see Qi Min every afternoon, but now that Qi Min fainted, Ye Tangcai hurriedly asked Qiuju to invite the doctor.


Chu family——

Liao Jueyao was sitting on the sandalwood Fushou couch in the main room, with a gloomy expression.

Rumei stood behind her with her head down, silent. In front of Liao Jueyao, a servant in black was standing in front of her with his head bowed.

Go out! Liao Jueyao only said this coldly.

The boy in black let out a sigh of relief, then turned around and ran away.

The whole room suddenly fell into a terrible and strange silence, and Rumei's little head drooped even lower.

She sneaked a glance at Liao Jueyao, and saw that Liao Jueyao's slender fingers gently picked up the blue and white porcelain teacup on the Plum Blossom Pit table beside her.

Hehehe... Liao Jueyao's hand holding the teacup actually trembled slightly, and the teacup and tea lid collided with each other with a slight sound due to her trembling.

Liao Jueyao's eyes were wide open, looking at her slightly trembling hands, she felt sad, aggrieved and angry. This uncomfortable and unwilling feeling climbed up her nose from the bottom of her heart. Finally, it went straight to her forehead and spread all over her body.

Liao Jueyao had a sore nose, and finally couldn't hold back anymore, tears streaming down her face.

Finally, she couldn't bear it any longer, and with a loud bang, the teacup in her hand was thrown out and shattered to the ground.

It's unreasonable! It's unforgivable! How could such a ridiculous thing happen! Liao Jueyao's voice was almost shrill.

Girl... When Liao Jueyao cried, Rumei's nose was also sore, and tears poured down her face, she also felt extremely wronged.

On the day they got married, a woman suddenly ran over to make trouble about their wedding. Their girl was already wronged enough.

Later, after being educated by the first assistant, Liao Jueyao accepted it, accepted Chu Pingfeng's previous shortcomings, and did not care about the past.

After the bridal chamber, she became a married woman from a young girl. When she woke up in the morning, he was courteous to her. After a night of intimacy between husband and wife, Liao Jueyao felt that she had completely accepted him. After a few days of getting along with him, he was gentle and well-spoken, which also made her feel a little sweet

He never expected that he would go to that little peasant girl again today! How does this make her feel?

What does he mean? Is he obsessed with that little peasant girl? Liao Jueyao's face was ashen, and even her little face was distorted.

Rumei lowered her head, she was also wronged for her master: Maybe there is a misunderstanding.

Misunderstanding? If you don't miss her, is there any need to go to her... Liao Jueyao opened her eyes suddenly, Why did I ignore... If he wants to break up with that little peasant girl, why should She is locked at home, what does he want to do...

Thinking about it, Liao Jueyao stood up with a livid face.

Young, what do you want to do? Rumei's face changed.

I want to ask clearly. Liao Jueyao said and walked out. did this happen! Rumei was startled, and immediately stepped forward to pull her, If this is a misunderstanding, it will definitely hurt the relationship between you two.

Liao Jueyao was startled, and hesitated a little, tightly pinching the narcissus veil in her hand, her expression tangled. Can't help but think of the little sweetness of the past few days.

She hoped that they would continue like this forever, but there were some things that had to be made clear.

Let's go! Liao Jueyao said, and walked out.

She walked to Chu Pingfeng's outer study, just in time to see Chu Pingfeng coming in from outside, she stood on the porch and waited for him: You are back.

En. Chu Pingfeng was in a bad mood because of Qi Min's matter, and the moment he saw Liao Jueyao, his heart couldn't help but he was in a daze.

Once dreamed of.

In the village, I don’t know how many summers, he and she lay on the big grass in front of the hut, and she said: “Brother Chu, I don’t want to live in this leaky hut anymore, you must buy a big, big one in the future.” Give me the house to live in!

Okay. He nodded and agreed.

It must be continuous!


It's bigger than Qian Yuan's family!


Now he has finally bought a very large house, stretching across a stretch of land, with carved beams and painted buildings, which is many times larger than Qian Yuan's house, but she is not the one standing here to greet him.

But if it wasn't for Liao Jueyao... how could he realize this wish? It's all for her! Why doesn't she understand this truth! So this choice, he has no regrets!

Where have you been? Liao Jueyao asked coldly.

Chu Pingfeng looked at her originally handsome face with a cold expression, and her eyes were a little bit sharp, so he frowned: Go and do some very important things.

When Liao Jueyao saw that he was perfunctory, she became angry and said, Is the little peasant girl the important thing you're talking about? At the end, she almost screamed.

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