Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 263: No But (Part 2)

Who are you! When you see someone, you come up and bite them. The boy said coldly.

Most of the surrounding guests came here because of the Liao family's face, and this Qi Min is a shameless person with a criminal record, they said one after another: It's too wrong to make such a fuss about other people's wedding.

Yes, it spoiled the atmosphere well and frightened Ms. Liao.

This kind of person should be sent to the government. The guests were filled with righteous indignation.

Chu Pingfeng pursed his lips, and said to the servant: Take her down first, and put her there.

The boy hurriedly summoned the women around him, and started to pull Qi Min up.

Wait, since she is a troublemaker, then don't take her down and resettle her, just drive her away! Ye Tangcai said coldly suddenly.

The guests nodded in agreement. People who make trouble like this should indeed be thrown out. If it is serious, they will even be sent to the government to be locked up. Whoever has a good temper like Chu Pingfeng will not only not be held accountable, but will be taken away for resettlement.

The boy was stunned, and said anxiously: My young master has a kind heart. After all, it was a fellow countryman, so he took it down.

Master Chu is really broad-minded. The surrounding guests said.

Liao Jueyao's face was cold, she said nothing, and clenched her fists tightly. This woman is pulling her husband, but her husband is still at home?

Lord Chu, don't do such misleading things. Ye Tang's face was full of sarcasm, I said just now that this girl is teasing you, and now you have arranged her in your house. Don't you let her continue to stalk you? Today is your big day, no matter how kind you are, you have to take the bride's feelings into consideration.

As soon as this remark came out, the guests also voted in agreement: Yes!

Chu Pingfeng's face sank: a generous person, she won't mind. This is our big day, don't do things too badly, just treat it as a good deed!

Liao Jueyao's face froze, she was in a bad mood, and for no reason, she even put a high hat on her!

Ye Tang raised her eyebrows and smiled, Miss Liao is of course magnanimous. Today is her wedding day, yet a woman came out to ruin her heart. You still want to take this woman down and settle her properly? As Her husband, at least for her face, can't let the bride be wronged in order to fulfill your reputation of benevolence, what do you think?

Liao Jueyao's face had turned cold, and all the maids and wives who accompanied her into the house all looked at Chu Pingfeng with gloomy expressions.

Chu Pingfeng was startled, and quickly calmed down: Then, just throw it out!

Those women listened, and immediately dragged Qi Min, and then went outside.

A large bloodstain was left on the ground, which was shocking to see.

Continue to worship, continue to worship. A mother-in-law of the Chu family smiled and said, Hurry up, the ceremony and music are ringing.

The members of the Liao family were not too happy, Liao Jueyao bit her lips tightly, Rumei picked up the head covering on the ground, and frowned: Girl...

Cover it up. The mother-in-law of the Chu family quickly took the head covering, and wanted to put it on Liao Jueyao's head.

Not wanting to, Liao Jueyao pushed the woman away and looked at Chu Pingfeng coldly: What did you mean just now?

Jueyao. Chu Pingfeng frowned and looked at her. what are you saying?

Liao Jueyao bit her lips fiercely, stared at him closely, and said coldly: A woman suddenly broke into a good wedding! You still said she was your fiancée. It's a bad thing, and you actually said that you want to settle down? , instead of kicking her out, give her a good beating! If it wasn’t questioned by others, do you really plan to put her at home?”

Her cold questioning made all the guests present look at her in surprise.

Almost all the female guests felt that she was right, but the male guests frowned. Do you think Miss Liao is too narrow-minded?

Yao'er! A cold shout sounded.

This voice was gentle, but like thunder, it made all the surrounding guests fall silent.

Ye Tangcai turned his head and saw an old man with a black cloud pattern and a crane cloak walking in.

The old man had a kind face, gray beard and hair, and a black gold bezel on his head, which set off the whole person a bit more majestic.

See Lord Shoufu! Everyone was shocked and saluted him.

Grandfather... Liao Jueyao blushed with grievance.

It's not to blame for this matter. Liao Shoufu said. Continue to worship, there is me!

Ye Tangcai's face turned cold, this Chu Pingfeng was a scumbag at first glance, but now, the chief assistant wants to personally preside over his granddaughter's marriage, and no one can stop him.

Liao Jueyao bit her lip fiercely, Rumei had already picked up the head covering and put it on her. The master of ceremonies breathed a sigh of relief, and shouted: Bai Tang! Bai Tang!

The newlyweds put on the red silk again.

One bow to heaven and earth, two bows to the high hall, husband and wife bow to each other, and send them to the bridal chamber!

With the last sentence, the bride was led back.

Liao Shoufu cupped his hands towards the guests and said, My granddaughter has been spoiled by this official to become capricious, which makes everyone laugh.

It's true that some people did bad things first, don't blame Miss Liao. Zhao Fanxu hurried forward to please him.

That's right. The rest of the guests echoed, You can't blame Miss Liao.

The male guests gathered around to chat with Liao Shoufu, but Ye Tangcai took advantage of the confusion and quietly walked out with Qiuju.

After leaving the Chuihua Gate, Ye Tangcai and Qiuju got into the carriage.

Qiuju patted her chest: Oh, I was so scared to death just now, girl, why did you talk on that occasion! Fortunately, I know how to escape now!

Ye Tangcai raised her eyebrows, and the carriage had already left.

Ye Tangcai lifted the curtain, saw Huiran standing not far away, and ran over when he saw the carriage: Miss.

Where is it? Ye Tangcai asked.

In front of the inn. Hui Ran said and frowned.

Who? Qiu Ju was taken aback.

That Qi Min. Hui Ran said, This way. She didn't get in the car, but led the way.

Just now Chu Pingfeng ordered Qi Min to be thrown out, and Ye Tangcai asked Hui Ran to settle him quietly. At that time, many servants of the guests chased after him, and finally Qi Min was really thrown into the alley of the corner gate.

Huiran spent a tael of silver, and called a woman who was watching the fun together, and helped him to arrange him in an inn not far away.

What? That Qi Min? Qiu Ju was startled, What are you doing to us? What did you say about the inn just now? Miss, you didn't mean to ask Hui Ran to pick up that Qi Min, did you?

As she said that, Qiuju's eyes darkened. Just now she said that her girl was finally scared and didn't dare to stay any longer. Unexpectedly, the girl is not scared, but to provoke more!

Girl, why are you doing this? Qiu Ju said.

I like it. Ye Tang raised his eyebrows lightly.

Qiuju choked and was about to cry: We are now...everyone is watching what will happen to Mr. Bian...everyone wants to step on us, so let's not make enemies!

Ye Tangcai sneered and said, No one dares to touch me now!

Qiu Ju choked again, indeed, now he was going on an expedition to kill enemies for the country, during this time, no one dared to touch Ye Tangcai and the Chu family.

But, if so, wait until... When Chu Yunpan is defeated, the Chu family will fall heavily. Now Ye Tang picks the words to make enemies again...

There is no 'but', and there is no 'if'! Ye Tangcai said coldly.

If so, what's the matter, how many enemies she makes, what does it matter to her?

Thinking, she tried hard to recall her previous life.

At this time in the previous life, Ye Licai was just getting started!

At that time, she was seriously ill, lingering on the sick bed, and she didn't know about the outside affairs and the wars at the border! At that time, after Old General Feng was beheaded, she didn't know whether the imperial court sent troops again! She didn't even know if the twelve southwest states were defeated in the end.

As for Chu Yunpan...

In her previous life, she was so focused on Zhang Boyuan and Ye Licai's bad affairs, she never paid attention to the neglected former fiancé of Ye Licai, and forgot that he was also a participant in their messy marriage.

I only remember one time, Qiuju brought a new chess record and said: That Chu family is really spineless, and the second room agreed when they said they wanted to divorce. I heard that Chu Sanlang knew that she had been Zhang Boyuan's concubine half a year ago, and he was so angry that he left. The family is gone.

In her previous life, she only hated the Chu family for being useless, and couldn't stop Ye Licai, so she didn't care much about the Chu family.

Run away from home angrily? Maybe, that's going to the battlefield!

In this life, he also went to the battlefield. As for the result, she didn't know, so she could only wait nervously.

Before he knew it, the carriage was led by Hui Ran to stop in front of the inn opposite.

Ye Tangcai got out of the car and walked up to the second floor with Huiran and Qiuju.

Hui Ran led the way, and finally stopped at the third wing, opened the door, and Ye Tangcai walked in.

I saw a simple and elegant room, a canopy bed, a girl was lying on it, and she didn't even change the bloody clothes on her body.

Go get the doctor. Ye Tang said.

Okay. I was going to invite you just now, but I didn't expect you to go out when I met a girl, so I led you here first. Huiran said and walked out.

Ye Tangcai walked to the bed and saw Qi Min lying flat with her face inward, her chest rising and falling slightly, but her breathing was weak. Knowing that she was still awake, Ye Tangcai frowned: Are you okay? Where does it hurt? gone?

Why help me? Qi Min's voice was weak.

I admire you very much. Ye Tang said.

Ye Tangcai guessed what Chu Pingfeng wanted when he locked her up at home. But Qi Min did not give in, nor was he afraid of his might, so he directly killed him with a knife.

Among the people she knew, there was no second one.

Oh, what's there to appreciate. Qi Min laughed at himself, We rural people are all like this. I'm more cowardly than anyone else...

Ye Tangcai was taken aback.

Let me tell you something. Qi Min's self-deprecating voice sounded again, When I was young, my sister was abandoned by her fiance, and then she jumped into the well at the end of the village! I was so sad that I cried and hugged My sister's body said, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just a scumbag who abandoned himself. It's a blessing that he ran away. I always blamed my sister for not thinking about it. Until this moment, I didn't understand that I really wanted to die! I'm sorry...

At the end, she choked out a sob.

I don't know if I said sorry to my dead sister or to Ye Tangcai.

Ye Tangcai didn't say anything, didn't persuade her, just sat on the side, listening to her cry.

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