Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 210 A Smell of Sour Papaya (Part 1)

Chen Zhiheng ate pickled papaya with great relish.

Seeing Chu Yunpan staring at him suddenly, he was taken aback: Why, you want to eat too?

Chu Yunpan raised his red lips and nodded, Okay.

Chen Zhi was very happy, finally someone appreciated his mother's pickled papaya. So he came over with the food box.

I saw that it was a small mahogany food box carved with peach blossoms. Inside was a small white porcelain jar, soaked with yellowed pickled papaya. Come.

Chen Zhiheng looked over expectantly, the corners of Chu Yunpan's mouth twitched, then he picked up the small bamboo sticks in the food box, signed the smallest piece, and put it in his mouth.

Then, Chu Yunpan looked stunned. The fermented bean curd was mixed with the taste of papaya, which became very strange. Chu Yunpan's face turned blue, and then he grunted, without even chewing, and swallowed the whole papaya vigorously.

Fortunately, he had the foresight to pick the smallest piece, otherwise he might have choked to death.

Seeing his uncomfortable expression, Chen Zhiheng was very disappointed, but he didn't like to eat, so he couldn't force him.

This is so weird, I've never seen it pickled like this. Sitting not far away, Zhao Fanxu said behind a table of Li Muhong, I know there is a place, that snack is so good. What fried peanuts, Pickled cucumbers, pickled peppers and radishes, one is better than the other. Little Zhuangyuan, Chen Tanhua, I will be in the office later, how about we go and taste it together?

As he spoke, his expression was very ambiguous.

Chu Yunpan raised his eyebrows lightly, and smiled: Okay.

Okay, let's go together. Seeing that Chu Yunpan agreed, Chen Zhiheng also nodded repeatedly.

Speaking of which, it has been exactly one month since I entered Hanlin at the beginning of March. This month is the adaptation period for their Imperial Academy. During the period, there was a scandal in Chu Yunpan's family. Now Chu Yunpan's family affairs are finally settled, and they have adapted to the Imperial Academy, so they should go out and have a good meal.

Let's call Chuanlu too. Zhao Fanxu put down his pen and walked out.

The editing of the Hanlin Academy is divided into two rooms. Chu Yunpan took Zhao Fanxu and Chen Zhiheng to the same room, and Chuan Lu and the other two second-class scholars were in the next room.

Hey, I heard that Chuanlu is going to marry Miss Liao, the granddaughter of the chief assistant. Chen Zhiheng suddenly said in a low voice, No wonder the emperor asked someone to give a lecture on classics and history, and the head of the academy asked him to go.

As he said that, Chen Zhiheng was a little angrily: This job was originally for Master Sidu. The servant took leave for two days, so you were supposed to go! Even if something like that happened to your family some time ago... Hmph, what's the matter? Don't talk about him!

Chuanlu is nothing more than Chuanlu, and there are champions, second places and Tanhua pressing on it. But this kind of thing actually went directly past Yijia and called him to go.

Chen Zhiheng was a little unbalanced, but he also knew in his heart that if he hadn't been engaged to the daughter of the chief assistant's family, it would have been his turn somewhere.

While talking, Zhao Fanxu came back: He said no, let's go.

Chen Zhiheng snorted softly.

An hour later, the three of them went to the Yamen together, and then went to the place that Zhao Fanxu had mentioned that had a lot of delicious snacks.

The three sat in a private room with a red-painted fence on the second floor. The beautiful maid served the food and wine, and then retreated.

Chen Zhiheng looked at the dancers who were dancing enthusiastically in the hall downstairs, the corners of his mouth twitched, and when he turned his head, he saw the snacks that Zhao Fanxu said were on the table.

This is pickled cucumber, this is deep-fried peanuts, this is crispy radish with pickled peppers, and this is sour papaya, hehehe, little brother Chen, eat quickly. Zhao Fanxu poured himself wine with a smile.

Chen Zhiheng was stunned: Brother Zhao, this is a brothel!

Chu Yunpan looked at Chen Zhiheng's bewildered expression, and chuckled lightly.

Nonsense! What kind of brothel! We are court officials, how can we visit brothels. Zhao Fanxu widened his eyes and said, This is a dance workshop.

The corner of Chen Zhiheng's mouth twitched, is there a difference? No, of course there is! One is a public prostitute, and the other is a secret prostitute!

Oh, Uncle Zhao is here again. At this time, a fat woman in her forties, wearing red and green, came over. The bustard is here, no, it's the shop owner!

The owner of the workshop looked into the private room, and when he saw Chu Yunpan, he was amazed and said with a smile: Just now, Xiao Er said that Uncle Zhao brought two handsome young men, I still don't believe it! Now I see, he is really handsome. This is the legendary Young champion! Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved.

When he was parading in the streets that day, the whole capital knew that Saburo Chu was so handsome that he could compete with King Liang for the title of the most beautiful man in Daqi.

The owner of the shop looked at Chu Yunpan and Chen Zhiheng: Both of you, let's each choose a girl to play!

To play this song, do we have to pick a girl? One per person? A room, how to play? Well, the subtext is actually to pick a girl to accompany.

There is a law in Daqi, and the imperial court orders officials not to visit brothels. But there are positive policies above, and countermeasures below. So, if you don't go to brothels, go to Wufang song hall!

On the surface, they went to the song and dance hall to listen to music and watch dances, but everyone knew what they were doing. The emperor is also a man, so he turned a blind eye.

The owner of the shop clapped his hands, and then five beautiful women of different appearances walked in. Several of them were wearing tulle half-arms, revealing the myrobalan inside. They bowed shortly to the three of them in unison: The servants send their greetings to the three uncles.

Hehe, good. Zhao Fanxu couldn't even blink his eyes, but he didn't forget to greet Chu Yunpan and Chen Zhiheng: Both, you choose first.

Chen Zhiheng's whole body was not well, he felt like he couldn't sit still, his face was flushed, and he just waved his hands: Brother Zhao, choose one yourself, I will listen to whatever I play.

His family education was very strict, and his master praised him for his understanding since he was a child, and he was a good material for studying, so his parents were extremely strict with him and forbade him to mess around outside.

Zhao Fanxu was startled, seeing that Chen Zhiheng was incomprehensible, he looked at Chu Yunpan: Brother Chu, can you choose one?

The eyes of those singers are all bright, and their daughters love to be pretty, such a handsome man, even Bai Piao, they are willing. But they are all well-trained, in front of Zhao Fanxu and Chen Zhiheng, how dare they wink, they still smile coquettishly just right.

I saw Chu Yunpan leaning on the pear wood carved round table, holding a white porcelain cup in his hand, raised his head, swept her body, and looked up at the sky: It's so ugly!

The faces of those beautiful singers froze, and the smiles on their faces collapsed.

The corners of Zhao Fanxu and Chen Zhiheng's mouths twitched, these women are all beautiful and beautiful, but he actually called them ugly? What kind of aesthetic is this? Wait...the two of them suddenly remembered something, and then Qiqi shut their mouths.

This... the number one scholar really knows how to joke. The master laughed. This is the number one beauty in our Pearl Square. Does the champion really want a fairy?

Chen Zhiheng laughed loudly: The owner of the workshop knows that he is the No. 1 Scholar, so why don't you inquire about it. The No. 1 Scholar's wife really looks like a fairy.

Fangzhu was startled: I've heard of it, but can't you really grow into a fairy? She felt that this was probably an exaggeration.

Really. Chen Zhiheng and Zhao Fanxu nodded in unison.

The Qionglin Banquet last time was an eye-opener for them. Compared with their wives, these few in front of them are really not worthy of carrying shoes, no wonder Chu Yunpan looks down on them.

Zhao Fanxu didn't bother anymore, and ordered a sweet-looking one, and the other girls were taken away by the workshop owner.

The girl played the music first, and then began to accompany the wine. The girl originally wanted to sit next to Chu Yunpan, but Chu Yunpan didn't even look at her, and seeing Zhao Fanxu's eager look, she was winking, so she sat next to Zhao Fanxu and chatted with him. Swearing and scolding while drinking with him.

While drinking, only Zhao Fanxu and that girl were left at the round table.

Chu Yunpan and Chen Zhiheng huddled on the round chairs in the corner and ate sour papaya and crispy radish with pickled peppers. Not to mention, they were quite delicious!

In the end, Zhao Fanxu got so drunk that his face was flushed, and he developed to the point where he wanted to strip the girl's clothes.

The two finally couldn't stand it anymore, so they walked out, and thoughtfully left the wing room for those in need.

After leaving the dance workshop, it was already dark, and the two of them were walking on the quiet street in the middle of the day.

Chen Zhiheng said: This little old man is very bad, let's avoid dealing with him in the future!

Chu Yunpan smiled: Let's go, go home.

The two got on their horses and went home separately.


Ye Tangcai was reclining on the Arhat bed reading a script, while Huiran was sitting on an embroidery pier beside her doing embroidery.

Qiuju went out and came back, came back and went out again, deeply frowned: Why hasn't the third master come back yet?

What are you waiting for him to do? After reading this paragraph, I'm going to sleep. Ye Tangcai yawned as he spoke.

Qiu Ju sat down next to Hui Ran: She pursed her lips, but didn't know what to say, Since the third master entered the court, he left early and returned late every day, and he couldn't even see her again.

For a moment, Qiuju didn't know what Ye Tangcai was thinking.

Is this still reconciliation?

It would be fine if they reconciled in the past, but now the third master has won the first prize, with a bright future and a handsome appearance. With his appearance like Pan'an, where can I find a husband who is so talented? Even if Zhen Heli is divorced, she can't marry better than him.

But thinking that it was Chu Yunpan's intention not to be a husband and wife, but to reconcile and separate, Qiu Ju didn't dare to say more.

As a bastard in the past, he didn't look down on his own girl, but now that he won the number one prize, would he still look down on her? In other words, he was originally a talented person, and he knew that he would definitely be able to go to high school.

So from the very beginning, he was wary of his own girl.

When he is in high school, he will marry the daughter of a powerful minister who is more helpful to him. I heard that Liao Jueyao, the daughter of the chief assistant, is planning to marry a new Jinshi?

Thinking of this, Qiuju became depressed.

Sleeping. Ye Tangcai yawned, then closed the book.

Girl, wait a little longer! Qiu Ju pursed her lips, Today you asked Yu Yang to let him help Miss Ling to see if there is a suitable marriage.

Ye Tangcai snorted softly: Even if he really wants to ask, he's going back to his own yard! What are you doing here in the middle of the night?

Qiuju choked, by the way, the third master lives in Lanzhuju next door! Qiu Ju said: I'll go over there and have a look.

Then he ran out.

She had just walked to the gate of Lanzhuju, and she saw Yu Han holding a lantern in front of him from a distance, and Chu Yunpan followed behind him.

Third Master! Qiu Ju was overjoyed and hurried over.

Chu Yunpan was startled: What's the matter?

The girl is not asleep yet, she is waiting for the third master. Qiu Ju said.

The corners of Chu Yunpan's lips curled up, and he walked into the Qiongming Pavilion.

Ye Tangcai was already lying on the bed, Hui Ran suddenly said, Girl, the third master is here.

Ye Tang was so angry that she just lay down! Just ran over! I had no choice but to get up again, picked up the light gray cloak at the side, wrapped the silk jacket around my body, and walked into the small hall.

Chu Yunpan walked in, only to see Ye Tangcai's long black hair hanging behind him, a big cloak on his body, slightly pouty rosy lips, and a pair of big charming eyes, just staring at him with annoyance.

Chu Yunpan looked at her, and wanted to go forward and pinch her face, and rub her again, but he held back, and only took a step forward, looking down at her: Wait for me?

No. Ye Tangcai raised his head, Did Yuyang bring my words to you today?

Well, I brought it. Chu Yunpan said.

The annoyance in Ye Tangcai's heart was swept away: Then among the Jinshi of the same subject as you, is there any suitable candidate?

Someone has chosen. Chu Yunpan smiled slightly.

Who? Ye Tangcai's eyes lit up, and he said happily, What's your name? What does it look like? How old is it? What's your background?

Chu Yunpan saw that her eyes brightened as soon as she heard other men, and her heart was blocked, so she said, I'm not sure yet. We need to observe and observe, and be more cautious.

He had long planned to help Liang Wang recruit people, and Chen Zhiheng had always been the one he wanted to recruit.

But getting into a group and being his uncle are two different things.

If you just want to join a group, you don't need to be too persistent in other things. But this person is going to tell Ye Lingjiao, and Ye Lingjiao is someone she cherishes, so she must be more careful about her temperament, preferences and character.

Ye Tangcai nodded when she heard this, and she really needs to be more cautious: Then you have to help me find it. Background or something, as long as the net worth is clean, character is the most important thing!

It's not that she doesn't want Ye Lingjiao to marry high, but, with Ye Lingjiao's background and her age, it is not easy to marry high. Moreover, it may not be a good thing to marry a high-ranking person. If the character is not good, it is useless to marry a high-ranking person. The most important thing is temperament and character.

By the way, where have you been? Ye Tangcai sniffled suddenly.

I'm back from going to the brothel. Chu Yunpan said.

Qiuju's face changed when she heard it.

Ye Tangcai frowned and sneered: Others go to the brothel and come back full of makeup and powder, but you are amazing, with a sour smell of pickled papaya!

The corner of Chu Yunpan's mouth twitched: Uh, I ate the sour papaya all night, it's delicious.

Ye Tangcai yawned, turned around and walked into the bedroom: I'm asleep.

Chu Yunpan followed her into the bedroom, Ye Tangcai had already got into bed, and looked up at him: I'm going to sleep, you still don't go back.

Chu Yunpan said: It's really just eating sour papaya.

Oh, what are you doing to me, I'm going to sleep! Ye Tangcai said as she pulled up the quilt, even retracting her head.

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