Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 181: Tricky and mean (Part 2)

Everyone turned their heads and saw that King Liang was still wearing the bright purple python robe, dripping wet, with long hair sticking to his back, and water droplets hanging on his face, which made his already handsome face even more charming.

Zhenger. An old voice sounded.

However, Emperor Zhengxuan was surrounded by Cai Jie and others, and beside him was a lady wearing a phoenix robe of the Ming Emperor, with a round and luxurious face, and her appearance was five points similar to that of the prince. It was Empress Zheng. .

What's going on? Emperor Zhengxuan frowned when he saw that King Liang was covered in water.

Father. Princess Xinyang stepped forward, For some reason, the fourth younger sibling fell into the water. The fourth younger brother just rescued her.

Oh? Did you fall into the water? It's fine. Emperor Zhengxuan breathed a sigh of relief, and frowned when he thought of the fourth daughter-in-law. Looking at King Liang again, Why don't you go change your clothes, go quickly, look at your wet body, don't catch a cold.

No, Liang Wang looked at the crowd and said coldly, Who did it?

The people around were startled, and then they realized that they were asking about Zhao Yingqi's falling into the water.

At that time, I was watching the mandarin ducks fighting in the lake with her, and for some reason, she fell down with a bang, Ye Tangcai said.

She was telling the truth. At that time, everyone's attention was on the mandarin duck in the lake, and they couldn't see how Zhao Yingqi fell into the water.

It must have been a mistake. Emperor Zhengxuan said.

That's right! It's just a trivial matter, why be suspicious. The princess said in a cool voice.

Liang Wang sneered, and his cold eyes fell on the servant girl who followed out from Mushou Palace.

The maid Qinqin tremblingly stepped forward and knelt down in front of King Liang and Emperor Zhengxuan: The servant girl is the maidservant of the princess, and she has been following the princess from a distance. At that time, I saw...a purple girl pushed the princess, and the princess fell into the water. gone.

Liang Wangfeng's eyes turned cold, and she scanned the crowd, and finally fixed on a sixteen or seventeen-year-old, rather pretty girl in purple. Here, only she is dressed in purple.

The purple-clothed girl's complexion changed, and she quickly waved her hands:

Seeing this girl in purple, Empress Zheng and the concubine's face darkened slightly. This is the seventh girl from the Marquis of Rongguo's mansion, the niece of Empress Zheng's natal family. She is not her own niece, but the second daughter of Zheng Huang's cousin.

But no matter what, she is a member of the Rongguo Houfu, and now she actually said that she pushed people into the water and did such vicious and dirty things. Where is the face of the Rongguohoufu?

Liang Wang, how can you be so casual because of a maid's words... Empress Zheng was about to speak.

No, Liang Wang walked up to Miss Zheng Qi with a cold face, stretched out his foot, and kicked her. Everyone heard a loud splash, and Miss Zheng Qi was kicked into the water.

Ah—help— Miss Zheng Qi kept thrashing and struggling in the water.

King Liang, what are you doing? Hurry up, save people! Empress Zheng called for someone, her face turned green and then pale.

The maids and mothers-in-law on the shore were in a hurry, and someone jumped into the water to rescue them.

King Liang, what are you doing? Empress Zheng felt her eyes darken, and her whole body trembled with anger.

It doesn't matter whether it was a misunderstanding, whether it was a mistake or intentional. If she put my people into the water, she will be taught a lesson and retribution! Liang Wang sneered.

Empress Zheng's face was almost twisted into a ball: It's just a misunderstanding. After all, it's also your maternal ancestor's house. You kicked her into the water. Where will the Rongguo Hou's face be put?

Your daughter of the Zheng family falls into the water, and there is nowhere to put your face. If the dignified Princess Liang falls into the water, where will our Tian family's face go? Liang Wang snorted.

As soon as these words came out, Empress Zheng choked and had nothing to say.

Emperor Zhengxuan straightened his face, thinking that King Liang was too unreasonable and unforgiving, but this son has always been like this, so he can't suffer at all. He also raised the matter to the point of Tian family's face, so he gave Empress Zheng a cold look: This matter is indeed your niece's fault, now it's clear.

Empress Zheng's round face was gloomy, but King Liang had no choice but to admit it.

Emperor Zhengxuan smoothed things over: Okay, this is the end of the matter, let's have a banquet!

Liang Wang snorted coldly, then turned and left.

Empress Zheng was about to die of rage, seeing that Miss Zheng Qi who was caught up didn't let out her anger. Feeling ashamed to be dumbfounded, he only helped Emperor Zhengxuan to leave in a hurry.

The Jinshi around were almost stunned, and quietly commented: This Liang Wang is really as tricky and brutal as the legends say.

Ye Tangcai looked at the back of King Liang going away, and heaved a sigh of relief. Turning around, she saw Chu Yunpan walking over.

I don't know what's wrong with the princess? Ye Tangcai looked worried.

Don't worry, you won't die. Chu Yunpan said in a low voice.

Ye Tangcai was still worried, Chu Yunpan said: Don't look at her, my lord protects the food. Let's go, the banquet is about to begin.

Ye Tangcai nodded, and the husband and wife left together.

The crowd slowly dispersed, Chu Miaoshu's eyes widened suddenly, because she saw a person, a young man in his mid-twenties, ordinary-looking, wearing a light blue straight gown, who had already left while talking with several Jinshi .

Seeing him, Chu Miaoshu twitched her lips, feeling bad all over.

Sister Shu, what's the matter with you? Qin looked back at her.

I saw someone I know. Chu Miaoshu hummed.

Qin Shi was surprised: Who is it? You still have acquaintances here, why didn't I know.

It's that Chen Zhiheng.

What Chen Zhiheng? Qin frowned.

It's the one my sister-in-law's mother told me to kiss last time. Chu Miaoshu pointed forward.

Qin Shi was startled, last time when Wen Shi proposed marriage to Chu Miaoshu, she didn't pay any attention to the name of Mr. Chen's family.

She looked in the direction Chu Miaoshu pointed, and saw several Jinshi-like people walking together, one of them was tall and handsome, he looked like a noble son, so she knew it was Chen Zhiheng.

It's just a Jinshi, what's so rare. Qin groaned. Let's go, the banquet is about to begin.

It's good to be a Jinshi, but now with King He Xiaojun of Xinyang Princess Mansion as a comparison, I still feel that the royal family is more noble.

But in the end, there was still a shock in my heart. This was rejected by her daughter for marriage. Naturally, the more down-and-out the better, but now she has won the Jinshi, which makes her feel uncomfortable.

The banquet has already begun, and the banquet is held on the white jade terrace of Huaqing Lake. More than 30 or 40 small carved tables are placed on it, with delicacies and wines on them.

Emperor Zhengxuan and Empress Zheng sat at the top, the seat of the crown princess on the left below, and the couple of Lu Wang and his wife on the right. The table below was empty. Ye Tangcai guessed that it was the seat of Liang Wang and his wife, but the couple fell into the water It's time to stop attending.

Below are Liao Shoufu, Liubu Shangshu and other important officials, followed by the first and second grades of the imperial examination. There are also many favored royal nobles.

Since they were all sitting together as husband and wife, Ye Tangcai was lucky enough to serve on the Baiyu Terrace.

There were not enough seats for the remaining people, so they had to sit far away at the banquet by the lake.

Let's start the banquet! Emperor Zhengxuan said softly at the top, and the silk and bamboo wind music played, and rows of dancers in red gauze dresses stepped forward to dance.

It was also Ye Tangcai's first time participating in such an occasion, so she enjoyed watching it with great interest.

After a song, the dancer left the stage, and the silk, bamboo and wind music became softer.

Emperor Zhengxuan glanced at Cai Jie. Cai Jie took a step forward and read a long opening speech, all of which were praises for new scholars: The disciples of the Son of Heaven are full of talents and strive to serve the country. Now I accept it.

Chu Yunpan, Zhao Fanxu and others, who were first- and second-tier, hurried out of the line, and then knelt in front of Emperor Zhengxuan.

The number one scholar, Chu Yunpan, was awarded the editorship by the Imperial Academy. The second place, Zhao Fanxu, and the third Tanhua, Chen Zhiheng, were awarded the editorial by the Imperial Academy. The fourth Chuanlu and Erjia Jinshi were awarded Shu Jishi. The rest of the Jinshi participated in the imperial examination. , and then grant an official position, hereby.

Thank you, Lord Long En. The six people hurriedly kowtowed to the emperor.

Let's get up! Emperor Zhengxuan smiled, his eyes fell on Chu Yunpan's face, The number one scholar is the son of the Chu family, right! Ding Guobo's mansion... The Chu family?

Yes. Chu Yunpan nodded in agreement.

Oh, I haven't seen anyone from the Chu family for a long time. Emperor Zhengxuan suddenly felt a little bit emotional and nostalgic, Chu Zheng is in charge now?

It's my father. Chu Yunpan said.

I haven't seen him for a long time. Pass it here. Emperor Zhengxuan's eyes fell on Chu Yunpan's very handsome face. Looking at the familiar outline, he couldn't help but want to pay more attention.

After his words fell, a little eunuch hurried out.

All the important court officials present here looked at each other when they heard that Emperor Zhengxuan was going to pass on Uncle Chu, and whispered to each other. After all, the emperor's summons heralds honor, disgrace and favor.

After a while, Uncle Chu came in.

Emperor Zhengxuan looked up, and saw Uncle Chu wearing a squirrel brocade robe, his hair combed meticulously, and his face was flushed, but he couldn't hide his old age, and his legs were still a little lame, which was left behind by the defeat in the past. The wounds you made will never heal in your lifetime.

Old minister Chu Zheng, see the emperor. Uncle Chu quickly knelt down and saluted Emperor Zhengxuan.

Emperor Zhengxuan looked at Uncle Chu and was filled with emotion for a moment.

He still remembers how he won over the Chu family when he seized the throne. He was a thriving existence in the past, but he never imagined that he would be defeated like that in the end.

Emperor Zhengxuan's eyes fell on Chu Yunpan again: Unexpectedly, the Chu family has raised a number one scholar. Well, I will give you a pair of Ruyi.

Thank you, Your Majesty. The Emperor not only saw him, but also bestowed jade on him, and Uncle Chu almost wept with joy.

This meaning is very special.

They are not the champions among ordinary people, but they were originally noble families, but they have fallen. Now there is a number one scholar, and the emperor also met the head of the family and gave him something. The whole family, at least in terms of reputation, will rise to a higher level in the entire capital circle.

From now on, their Chu family doesn't have much money and silver, so who dares to call it a broken house again? That's noble, not dilapidated!

Qin shi took sisters Chu Miaoshu and sat at a table with several noble ladies under a verandah by the lake, looking at the white jade terrace, and seeing Uncle Chu being summoned by the emperor from a distance, Qin shi's heart was pounding.

From now on, their Chu family will never be the same as before.

It's just... Thinking that all this was brought about by Chu Yunpan, the bastard, Qin Shi felt uncomfortable again.

Mother... Chu Miaoshu called out aggrievedly.

Okay! Qin Shi glared at her. Thinking that Chu Miaoshu would also complain about Chu Yunpan.

No... Chu Miaoshu said in a low voice, That Chen Zhiheng is also at the Baiyu Terrace.

What? Qin was surprised. Following Chu Miaoshu's gaze, he saw a blue figure sitting on the white jade terrace, next to Chu Yunpan.

Qin's whole body is not well. Those who can sit on it are at least second-class Jinshi! That's a very high ranking!

Now Chu Miaoshu and King He Xiaojun have no plans, and this Chen Zhiheng had proposed marriage with Chu Miaoshu in the past, but they turned him away! If you don't refuse, this marriage...

Okay, why are you still talking about this? Qin's expression was not good, It's the second armor...there is still a second armor pressing down on it!

Chu Miaoshu bit her lip fiercely, and poked the vegetables in the bowl with her chopsticks.

Mrs. Chen, congratulations. It was the voice from the other table.

There were several noble ladies and ladies sitting there, and one of them, a slightly fat lady, said with a smile: At first, I thought that your family is full of talents, and you will definitely be able to pass high school. How did you expect that not only did you pass, but you are also a Tanhualang!

Mrs. Chen smiled and said, It's just the grace of the Holy One, so I was lucky enough to be selected.

What a fluke, it's called strength. You are young and promising! The fat woman laughed.

With a sound of Boom, Qin Shi and Chu Miaoshu were smashed by the word Tan Hua Lang, their faces turned pale, it was actually Tan Hua! That's the third place! And he's so young! He's only in his twenties, so he has a bright future!

Qin Shi suddenly felt so regretful that his intestines turned green.

If her daughter had made this marriage at the beginning, she would have had a son-in-law of Tan Hua Lang, so that she would not be overwhelmed by that lowly bastard.

Chu Miaoshu was so ashamed that she wished she could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

I remember that Chen Zhiheng was still stopping her outside at that time, and she still said that she was someone who could enter and leave the prince's mansion, and what she said was that he was not worthy of her.

As a result, he was kicked out of the prince's mansion the next day. But now they have won the Tanhua. Well, although she still can't see his ordinary appearance, but in the end, she has a feeling of unwillingness in her heart!

Qin Shi and Chu Miaoshu lowered their heads, almost unable to sit still, for fear that Mrs. Chen would recognize them.

Halfway through the banquet, the mother and daughter couldn't stay any longer and left in a hurry.

The Qionglin banquet didn't leave the banquet until 2:00 in the afternoon.

Chu Yunpan and Xinke Jinshi were summoned by several eunuchs and taken out of Huaqing Garden, where they disappeared.

Ye Tangcai and other female relatives had no choice but to go home first.

When I came to Donghua Gate, I saw Qin's mother and daughter waiting there.

Qin Shi waited for Ye Tangcai to approach, and then said: Just now in the palace, we got along very well with Princess Xinyang, the princess also likes sister Shu!

Ye Tangcai hehe, they just went up to say hello to people with the cheek, and they politely agreed to say a few words, so they like Chu Miaoshu?

But in the end, you should be familiar with Princess Xinyang. You are the sister-in-law of Shujie, and you have to be happy for your eldest sister's life. Please ask your mother to help you to be an iceman in Princess Xinyang's mansion! Qin continued.

My mother doesn't know Princess Xinyang at all, how can I be an iceman? Ye Tangcai sneered, If that's the case, why don't you ask a matchmaker to come to your door.

Matchmaker? Qin's voice turned cold.

Let's talk about kissing, there are also women who invite matchmakers to come to the man's house to talk, but that is too cheap! Generally, it is the man's family who invites a matchmaker to be decent.

How? Ye Tangcai's eyes flashed mockingly.

I have my eye on the little county king of others, and I still want him to condescend and ask her to marry him instead?

Mrs. Qin was about to die of anger, but she couldn't find a suitable Iceman at this juncture, so she thought about it and said, You can be the matchmaker! Go to the princess and say hello to your eldest sister.

I'm a matchmaker? Ye Tang was startled, she had never done such a thing in such a big age.

You are not an unmarried girl anymore, what's wrong with being a matchmaker? Qin's words were dissatisfied. At that time, Princess Xinyang specially called Ye Tangcai over, and even pulled Ye Tangcai affectionately. Now she is asking Ye Tangcai to be a matchmaker. will be wrong. That's it! Sanlang's congratulatory banquet, you pass a post to Princess Xinyang, and when the princess comes to visit, you tell her about it.

Ye Tangcai rolled his eyes and said, Why wait until the congratulatory banquet, how about we go to the princess mansion tomorrow?

Since she is asked to be a matchmaker, then she will do it! Who is afraid of whom!

Qin Shi didn't expect her to be so forthright, so she finally felt more comfortable. This matter cannot be delayed any longer! Especially after Chen Zhiheng came out, she had to ask Chu Miaoshu to order a noble son in order to win.

Several people got into the carriage, walked for a long time, and finally returned to Dingguobo Mansion.

Huiran and Qiuju were waiting at the Chuihua Gate, and when they saw her, they greeted her: Girl, you're back!

Yes! Ye Tangcai smiled as he walked across the courtyard to the west.

Is it fun in the palace? Qiuju's eyes sparkled, Is it as beautiful as the Heavenly Palace?

It's okay. Ye Tangcai snorted, It's as beautiful as a heavenly palace. The people outside also say that Hou's Mansion and Bo's Mansion are as beautiful as a heavenly palace, but in fact it's nothing more than that, it's just bigger and more exquisite.

A few people walked into Qiongmingxuan, Ye Tangcai threw herself on Arhat's bed immediately, and then kicked off her shoes: Well, I'm exhausted.

By the way, girl, we received a post from home. Huiran took out a post.

Is it my mother? Miss? Ye Tangcai turned over and took the post.

No, it's a post from the family. It should be the old man. It seems that there is something in the clan! Hui Ran said. I just read it, and it said that on the eighth day of March, there will be a clan meeting at home!

Ye Tang's expression turned serious, a clan meeting? When I opened the post, it was exactly as Huiran said. What clan meeting? At this time, are you going to announce Xu Rui's matter?

But Xu Rui and Yin Tingniang are unwilling to be bastards, and Ye Chengde will not allow it...

What do they want? Qiuju also had a bad feeling.

Bring Yin Tingniang and Xu Rui back to the Ye family! Because Ye Chengde told his grandfather that Xu Rui is his son. Ye Tang said.

This... Qiu Ju's eyes widened. That's what Ye Tangcai said last time when he scolded Ye Yun! It turned out to be true. The more Qiu Ju thought about it, the angrier she became, Oh, look at how well they think they're hiding it, why don't they let the girl know!

But right now... what should I do? Hui Ran was so anxious that her face turned pale, That Xu Dashi hasn't arrived yet!

Ye Tangcai said, Don't worry, he's already on his way.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, but I saw Luye walking in: The wife has sent a message to the princess mansion, and we will leave early tomorrow morning, third grandma, don't forget.

I will never forget. Ye Tangcai yawned.

Early the next morning, Ye Tangcai packed up and came to the Chuihua Gate on the east side, only to see Qin Shi and Chu Miaoshu were there.

Qin said: About a matchmaker, my mother can't do it right here, so you go and find out what the princess has said. Luzhi, you go with the third grandma.

Ye Tangcai and Lu Zhi got into the car together, Chu Miaoshu stood there and looked at them helplessly, today was to tell her about her marriage, she couldn't go.

The carriage drove out, and stopped at the East Hanging Flower Gate of the Princess Mansion in about two quarters of an hour.

The two got out of the car and were led by the maid to the princess's main room.

Princess Xinyang was sitting on the couch chatting with the nanny, when she saw Ye Tangcai and Lu Zhi enter the door, she smiled: I just met yesterday, why did you come here so early in the morning?

See Your Highness the Princess. Ye Tangcai hurriedly saluted.

Don't be too polite, sit down quickly. Princess Xinyang smiled kindly.

Ya Zhu served tea, and they chatted for a while, Lu Zhi secretly pulled Ye Tangcai's clothes, Ye Tangcai's eyes flashed ridicule, and she said directly: Princess, I heard that King He Xiaojun is sixteen this year...

Yes! Princess Xinyang raised her eyebrows lightly. Ask her son's age? oh……

Princess Xinyang suddenly remembered the way Qin Shi came to visit with Ye Tangcai before Chinese New Year, and Qin Shi stared at her son... That shameless person, is she really planning on her son?

This matter really embarrasses Ye Tangcai!

I only heard Ye Tangcai say: My eldest sister is fifteen, she is not married yet, I don't know...

Princess Xinyang put down the teacup in her hand, and said with a sneer: Third Mistress, don't talk to me. Our Princess Mansion can't afford such a person. Didn't the Crown Princess invite you to make tea and make flowers yesterday? After leaving the palace, the Crown Princess He also talked about the behavior of your eldest sister, and said that she was kicked out of the house! Hehe, our He family really can't afford this kind of person.

Ye Tangcai said, Oh. Then he glanced at Lu Zhi, whose face was livid.

Ye Tangcai sat for a while, then went back.

The Qin family was waiting in the Yixiang Courtyard, and when they saw Ye Tangcai and Luzhi coming back, they rushed up to greet them: How is it?

Ye Tangcai looked at Lu Zhi: Say it.

Luzhi's face changed, so she had to report the truth: The princess's not suitable.

What's not suitable? Qin's head was dizzy, and she stared at Ye Tangcai, Did you say it seriously?

How do you call it serious? Ye Tang laughed, I just started a conversation. I asked He Xiaojun Wang how old he was. He said that the elder sister was not married yet, so he guessed what was going on and immediately refused. He also said yesterday I heard the crown princess talk about the elder sister being kicked out of the crown prince's mansion.

Thinking of what happened in the Prince's Mansion last time, Qin slumped down on the couch.

Her heart is bleeding!

If it weren't for Chen Zhiheng's incident, she wouldn't feel so uncomfortable if her marriage with King He Xiaojun couldn't be completed. But when Chen Zhiheng fell in love with Tanhualang, she couldn't find a better marriage. That feeling was really unbearable!

Mother, I've tried my best. Ye Tangcai saluted after speaking, then turned and left the house.

Hui Ran followed behind her, and said in a low voice: I promised her about kissing before, and I finally fulfilled it. If I look for it later, I won't be able to agree again.

Naturally. Ye Tangcai snorted coldly.

If Chu Miaoshu is a stable person, it's okay to talk about being a matchmaker. Ye Tangcai also hopes that her sister-in-law can marry well, but Qin's mother and daughter are not safe. Tell her the bad things for fear of harming her, and tell her the good things for fear that she will harm others.

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