Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 165: Like a Daughter-in-Law (Part 2)

In the second-to-last private room on the third floor of the Yugui Building on the Middle Street of the city.

The large and exquisite screen of Jiang Taigong fishing stands at the door. In the private room, there is a large round table covered with red silk cloth, which is full of dishes, and it is still a whole fish feast.

Under the window, there was a couch made of sandalwood and black lacquered dragons. King Liang was sitting on the crooked couch, tapping on the kang table with his fingers with distinct fractures.

Yandong and Yanxi stood on both sides of him with expressionless faces, and a little behind stood a serious old lady in black, who turned out to be the old lady who often restrained Zhao Yingqi.

Ye Tangcai and Chu Yunpan sat on the chairs beside the table.

Hui Ran stood on one side, shocked to see King Liang. Although the girl had been to the birthday banquet of Prince Liang's mansion last time, she was only invited on a whim by King Liang at that time. When did the girl become so familiar with him?

Huiran was puzzled, but dared not ask.

Liang Wang smiled and said, Let's eat!

The corner of Ye Tangcai's mouth twitched: I can't eat it. I couldn't help but curse in my heart, if you want to eat, you have to sit up, what are you doing on the couch?

Miao Ji and over there were originally kept by Chu San to watch occasionally. It was planned that Chu San would try to get the crown prince to meet with him after the trial, and then catch...catch what's going on. Who would have thought that all of a sudden this would be fixed. Come out. Liang Wang sneered.

Ye Tangcai listened, only pursing her lips lightly, her bright eyes moved slightly. This matter broke out between Miao Jihe and the prince, she guessed it.

In the past, Chu Yunpan used to go to Huaifang Building, but he never went there again because of the scientific examination.

Liang Wangdao: If you can't catch the current situation, it will still affect him, and you will become a four-faced, high-level and low-level look. They have already discussed it, that is, to respond to all changes with the same, and let time slowly dilute everything. Gossip and gossip. The prince will be more vigilant, and he will not dare to step beyond the rules, and it will be difficult for us to catch his fault. I thought this matter would be so muddled... Hehe, I didn't expect that Xu Rui personally handed over the flaw to Ben in the hands of the king.

Ye Tangcai said, What flaw?

Chu Yunpan said: After Xu Rui came to the prince's mansion, two things happened. One is that the Ye Miao family continued their marriage. The other is that the prince secretly went to meet Lin Guogong in person. Obviously, Xu Rui offered advice to the prince, one is to push Ye Lingjiao out. To change the rumors, the second is to invite Lord Lin Guo into the Prince's Mansion.

It was Xu Rui, a shameless person, who made it up again! A sharp light flashed across Ye Tangcai's eyes. That Lin Guogong seems to be quite famous.

Even though she doesn't stay at home, she has heard that Lin Guogong is a famous Confucian in Daqi, and when she was a child, she even saw Lin Guogong's copybook.

Chu Yunpan nodded: The Lin family is a century-old family with a profound heritage. Since the previous dynasty, even after changing dynasties, they still stand tall. When Daqi ruled the world, Emperor Taizu personally came to seal the country as the Duke, hereditary, and worshiped the head of the Lin family. Teacher. Since then, the Lin family has produced emperor teachers from generation to generation. Each generation of patriarchs are people with profound knowledge and high morals. However, although they are the emperor's teachers, they never participate in the battles between the royal family. Close. Until the new emperor ascends the throne, the patriarch of that generation will become the emperor's teacher.

Ye Tang raised her thick eyebrows: Then now...

Liang Wang sneered: Now the prince wants to invite Lin Guogong to visit him. What a great Confucianist he is, if he is willing to visit the prince's mansion, the prince's reputation will be restored.

What are we going to do now? Ye Tangcai said.

What needs to be done now is... Your emperor will return the order, are you ready? Liang Wang looked at her with a pair of charming and romantic eyes with a smile.

Ye Tangcai was taken aback, then nodded: It's been prepared a long time ago, I just need to enter the study of the Prince's Mansion.

But now the crown prince is in the melon field. It's a troubled time, and I dare not have anything happen. It is even more impossible to call you into the prince's mansion. Even if you catch up, the crown prince and princess will not see you. Liang Wang said.

Ye Tangcai had already guessed what he wanted to do: You don't want me to use Lord Lin Guo to enter the mansion, do you?

Yes. King Liang nodded.

Ye Tangcai frowned slightly: It doesn't matter how I can see the Duke. I just said that the crown prince invited Lin Guogong, can he really invite him?

If he doesn't want to invite you, he will invite the Luo family or the Zhang family. Chu Yunpan said, Although these two families are not as good as the Lin family, they are also well-known scholarly families, and it is better to invite them. But the prince cherishes feathers and has a great reputation. , will try to wash himself clean, and will not give up Lin Guogong easily.

Even if Lin Guogong hesitates...but I have a way to let him go to the Prince's Mansion and take you with him. Liang Wang laughed, and his romantic eyes sized Ye Tangcai up and down, and then swept across the place. The old mother glanced at him: Wei mother.

Yes, my lord. Nanny Wei walked up to Ye Tangcai and gave a salute: Grandma Chu, please come with this old slave.

Ye Tangcai was startled and followed her.

There is a screen to the right of this private room, and behind the screen is a small warm pavilion. There is actually a dressing table and a wardrobe in the warm pavilion.

After Ye Tangcai followed Nanny Wei into the Nuan Pavilion, Chu Yunpan was chatting with Liang Wang. About two quarters of an hour later, Ye Tangcai finally came out.

Chu Yunpan turned around and was stunned. Ye Tangcai had already changed into another outfit.

I saw that she was wearing an off-white chest-length skirt, with a shocking bun on her head, a red gold ruby ​​hairpin with a phoenix spreading its wings on the right side, and a long red gold tassel hanging down her forehead.

Ye Tangcai was originally a stunning beauty, no matter how she dressed, she was glamorous and charming. But she usually prefers red, and red also suits her.

Today, he was wearing a white dress, which overwhelmed the brightness of his outfit, giving him a touch of elegance and vulgarity, which was refreshing. Chu Yunpan couldn't move his eyes.

Come here. Liang Wang smiled with a flirtatious eyebrow.

Ye Tangcai walked up to him, only to see that he took out a long sandalwood box from his arms, opened it, and found an ordinary old pearl hairpin.

The two-strand hairpin is made of silver, and a pearl is simply inlaid on the top. This pearl is about the size of a thumb finger, shiny and lustrous, obviously of great value. Embedded in the simple and clumsy silver hairpin, it looks extremely abrupt. It reflects a sense of poignancy.

Liang Wang picked up the pearl hairpin, and Ye Tangcai was short in front of him, so he inserted the hairpin into Ye Tangcai's hair.

Chu Yunpan watched Liang Wang pick a hairpin for Ye Tang, and his whole body was not well.

Ye Tangcai was startled, stood up, and reached out to touch her head.

King Liang looked Ye Tangcai up and down, and smiled again: It really looks like the king's daughter-in-law.

Ye Tangcai staggered and nearly fell down: My lord, how old is your son?

These words stepped on King Liang's sore feet, his handsome face darkened: My son has not yet been born. Then he looked at Chu Yunpan: In my king's mind, Chu San'er is just like my son.

The corner of Ye Tangcai's mouth twitched: My third master is really taken care of by you.

Chu Yunpan snorted and chuckled. Hearing her words, my heart warmed slightly.

The road, this king has paved the way for you. As for how to persuade Lin Guogong, it depends on your ability. Lin Guogong avoids this king like a snake and a scorpion, so you can go yourself. Liang Wang took out a post and put it on Kang table, and then walked out quickly, Wei Mama and Yanxi Yandong followed behind him.

Ye Tangcai was taken aback: Your lord doesn't want to eat?

Mammy Wei turned her head and said coldly, My prince is not used to eating outside.

Nanny Wei doesn't like Ye Tangcai, because this Ye Tangcai often brings indecent notebooks to the princess.

After Liang Wang and his party went around the screen and went downstairs, Hui Ran breathed a sigh of relief and almost collapsed: Girl...

Come here, let's eat! Ye Tangcai looked at her and smiled slightly.

Hui Ran had no choice but to sit next to Ye Tangcai: Girl, you just...

After speaking, he closed his mouth and didn't ask any more questions. What happened just now is already very obvious, Hui Ran can see it naturally, the girl actually followed Liang Wang to rebel!

Thinking of this, Huiran's eyes turned black again and again, a little unable to accept it, but this is the truth, if you don't accept it, you have to accept it.

Don't tell Qiuju about this. Ye Tangcai smiled lightly. She knew that Huiran was always smart and steady. She needs someone to take care of many things.

Hui Ran nodded hastily, Qiu Ju talked quickly, if she accidentally revealed a word about such an important matter, it might be fatal.

The three of them went downstairs after eating.

Going back to the backyard of Yugui Building, there was parked the small carriage with green hood they had come in, and an ordinary carriage with black hood, driven by an ordinary-looking boy.

Take this carriage. Chu Yunpan was referring to the two ordinary carriages. He got into the car first, then held out his hand to her.

Ye Tangcai put his hand on his, and got into the car with his strength.

When Hui Ran also followed, the coachman flicked his whip, and the carriage drove out slowly.

After walking for about three quarters of an hour, passing through a busy city, they came to an alley in the west of the city, and the carriage stopped.

Chu Yunpan gave her the post that King Liang put on the pit table: If you go to the Prince's Mansion then, are you ready to retreat?

Yes. Ye Tangcai nodded.

Hui Ran had already put down the scorpion and helped Ye Tang pick it down.

Ye Tangcai looked around, and saw that this was a deserted alley, and outside was a street. But the main street was not very prosperous, it was quite deserted. When I went out, I saw a majestic mansion from a distance.

I saw two tall stone lions outside, a bright red lacquered gate, a tin ring with animal heads, and rows of floating nails on it to announce to the world the magnificence of the mansion. There are gold characters on a blue background hanging on the gate, and a large plaque with the six characters Forgiveness and Construction of Anguo Gong's Mansion is drawn in a flying pattern. This is the royal letter written by Emperor Taizu himself.

Of course, Ye Tangcai couldn't go through the main entrance, so she put on the hood of the cloak behind her, and walked away slowly with Huiran.

Cross the street and walk into an alley, which is where the east gate of Anguo Gongfu is located.

The alley was empty, Huiran was still afraid of stuffing things into the Prince's Mansion later on, and said in a low voice, This kind of thing... can we ask the third master to help?

Ye Tangcai sighed slightly: Let's not say that he saved my character twice, he doesn't owe me anything. Why should I ask others to help me again and again? Even if he is willing, I am not willing. I don't want to be dependent on others. And, this time, I have to go because this is my certificate of honor for King Liang.

Ye Tangcai recalled that time when she and Chu Yunpan met King Liang in Liangwang's mansion, Chu Yunpan said, let her go home, if there is anything, he will do it for her.

Some things, if she doesn't take care of them, they will be on him. He didn't want her to be in danger, but why did she want to pass this danger on to him?

The two of them had reached the side entrance of An Guogong's mansion. There are two young men watching outside.

Ye Tangcai took out Liang Wang's post and sent it up, waiting here.

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