Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 161 Return and Follow-up (Part 2)

Girl, do you know that Mr. Miao will fall and hit him? Qiu Ju said.

Ye Tangcai just smiled: Yes! I have dreamed about it.

Qiuju shuddered all over, clasped his hands together, raised his head to worship, and then said: It must be Zhou Gong who entrusted the girl with a dream, so as to save her life!

Ye Tang smiled and said nothing.

Thinking of all the things in the previous life, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Is it the same in the previous life? Yin Jiangfu dropped his pants and jumped on Miao Jihe, but in the end Miao Jihe died. Everyone only paid attention to how he fell to his death. Naturally, few people paid attention to Yin Jiangfu's pants.


At that time, there might have been rumors about Yi Jiangfu, saying that Yin Jiangfu was having an affair with Miao Jihe. In order to protect the family's reputation, Mrs. Peng rushed to Ye's house and forced Ye Lingjiao to give Miao Jihe the watchman.

At that time, Ye Lingjiao's fiancée was widely publicized, so others believed that Miao Jihe didn't have broken sleeves.

But Miao Jihe is not dead in this life, so others will pay attention to his affairs with Yin Jiangfu.

Sure enough, the next day, the story of Yin Jiangfu's reconciliation with Miao Jihe spread all over Beijing, saying that Miao Jihe was a broken sleeve. For Yin Jiangfu, this was nothing new, but for Miao Jihe, it was a devastating blow. Young Master Tianshu, the image of the Immortal Young Master collapsed in an instant!

Ye Lingjiao's brain was buzzing when she heard this, her face was ashen.

Ye Hewen darkened his face, walking up and down in Anning Hall.

Sitting on the couch, Mrs. Miao said coldly: Old Master, it's time to divorce this time! Our family can't afford such a son-in-law with a broken sleeve!

Retire! Ye Hewen shook his hand.

With a broken sleeve, if Ye Lingjiao is really married, others will laugh at their Ye family.

Let Nanny Qian call Liu Er, take Geng Tie, and exchange it at Miao's house. Miao said calmly. At this time, there is no need for the two parties to meet. Let the servants take it and change it. If they are sensible, they should change it.

Qian Momo went back to the house, took the Geng Tie and the marriage certificate, and hurried out.

At this time, the Miao family, except for Miao Jihe, the whole family sat in the main room with sullen faces.

That bastard, it's fine for him to do such a shameless thing, he's not filial! I'll arrange a marriage for him, but he still doesn't want to, he insists on doing it, insists on making trouble! Speaking of this, Mrs. Peng gritted her teeth. of.

With Miao Jihe's talent and appearance, it is actually possible to order a marriage of a higher family. But he is a broken sleeve. When the Miao family thought of his shortcomings, they became timid, so they did not dare to find the daughter of a powerful minister, so they simply went to their sister-in-law's house.

They are relatives, and they know the roots and the bottom line.

When the two get married, Miao Jihe will be sent back to live in his ancestral home, and then someone will take care of him and control him.

Even if he is really exposed, Ye Lingjiao, who has become his wife, will do her best to protect her reputation. Naturally, her reputation will not be too bad, and it will not affect Miao Jiquan, who is an official in the capital.

It was supposed to go smoothly, but Miao Jihe didn't want to, the marriage was delayed again and again, and Ye Lingjiao happened to notice something wrong with him, otherwise they would have been married long ago, and there would be no immediate matter.

Peng's face turned blue with anger.

At this time, a servant girl rushed in and said with a white face, Ma'am, someone from the Ye family is here.

Has Fifth Sister come back? Peng said with a livid face.

No, only Qian Momo and a servant are at the Chuihua Gate. We dare not let them in, so we stop there first. Madam... The servant girl looked at Peng cautiously.

He must have come to withdraw the marriage! There is a lot of rumors in Beijing now. If our two families withdraw the marriage, then we will settle the matter! Why don't you admit that the second brother is really... Huang snorted coldly, with a look of embarrassment. disgust.

Just as he was talking, there were bursts of shouts from outside: Hey, you can't come in!

Before he could finish speaking, the peony curtain outside was raised, and Nanny Qian and Liu Er walked in sullenly.

Qian Momo first smiled and saluted: Uncle and wife are well. We are here today because we are retiring. As for the reason, everyone knows it well.

What do you know? I really don't understand! Mrs. Peng complained, Our two families are doing well, and we are going to get married on the 10th of these two months. The wedding invitations have been sent out, and now you want to regret the marriage. !

Qian Momo's face darkened: Now who doesn't know, Second Young Master Miao... doesn't like women.

Who doesn't know what? I just don't know! Xu was angry, Peng's body trembled, and he poohed outside, I don't know who is gossiping outside, ruining my son's reputation and our Miao family's reputation You said that he broke his sleeve, but did you come up with real evidence? I know that yesterday in the Bishui Building, He'er fell down the stairs, and that Yin Jiangfu happened to be on top of him, and accidentally rolled down and hit him. That's just It was an accident, like a boulder fell from the world and accidentally crushed someone to death, so it was that person's fault? This is an innocent disaster!

When Qian Momo saw her, she still quibbled: It just so happened that my wife was eating at the Bishui Building yesterday, and saw the two of them enter a private room with my own eyes. Later, the two of them rolled down the stairs, and that Yin Jiangfu even took off his pants, just like that. Both hairy thighs are exposed!

How about entering a box? It's not about seeing them!

Uncle and Madam. Qian Momo was annoyed, How can you say that Sister Ling is also your niece! It's too late for others to protect her. Now, how can you entrap your niece like this?

Mrs. Peng was ashamed by what she said, but she was unwilling to compromise after all. She stiffened her neck and said, I'm still her biological aunt! I'm Wumei's biological sister-in-law! Now it's obvious that someone maliciously slandered He'er. If you don't help Forget it, actually want to divorce, this is called adding insult to injury.

Qian Momo said: If there was a misunderstanding, we would naturally not do this. But this matter was admitted by the Second Young Master himself.

You, what did you say? Hearing Miao Jihe's own confession, Peng's head was dizzy: You, you are talking nonsense!

Mommy Qian, you have to pay attention to the truth in everything. Mrs. Huang stepped forward and said slowly, Anyway, we have the marriage certificate and the geng post, so we have to get married. If you don't accept it, you can sue the government! It's still not possible, Just take Yin Jiangfu to testify and see if he is not clean with the second brother.

Nanny Qian was going to die of anger. Everyone knew that Yin Jiangfu had broken sleeves, and he never shied away from this matter, but he would never admit it when he asked him if it was true. He can play, but he will never admit it with his mouth open.

Please go! Go back and let my aunt and cousin prepare for the wedding. Huang said, Anyway, we will come to pick up the bride on the 20th of this month.

Qian Momo sneered coldly: You don't even think about it! Do you really think that our Marquis is a vegetarian?

Mom! A cold voice suddenly sounded from outside the room.

Both Peng's and Huang's expressions changed, and the voice was naturally Miao Jihe.

Miao Jihe didn't enter the house either, but said coldly outside: Retire!

You bastard! Peng sneered coldly.

The voice outside was even colder: You insist on this marriage. But if you can't meet the kiss, the sedan chair is parked outside, and you can't get in, it will be even more embarrassing. At that time, others will say that you have broken your sleeves, and you still have to marry me. Harming other girls, this Miao family is not only dirty but also shameless and vicious.

Peng jumped up with a groan, and rushed out.

This... Qian Momo was startled, and quickly followed her out.

Seeing Miao Jihe standing there in white clothes, with a cold and expressionless face, Peng rushed over and slapped Miao Jihe across the face.

Miao Jihe was beaten to the side, his black hair was disheveled, covering his side of the face, but he couldn't see the palm print. However, this appearance makes people feel even more desolate.

You bastard, why don't you just die? Peng cried out, reaching out to pull his hair, and then slapped him a few more times.

Miao Jihe chuckled, Why didn't you want me to die before?

You, you... Hearing this, Peng's face turned green and then turned pale, and he beat him harder.

Qian Momo felt that Miao Ji and Duanxiu were really disgusting, but she felt pitiful when she saw Peng Shi beating people like this, so she rushed over and pulled Peng Shi: Mrs. Uncle, that's enough! Second Young Master is right. You should retreat seriously, otherwise it will be of no benefit to everyone.

Mother! Miao Jiquan stood on the platform with his hands behind his back, his face was dark, and he carried a kind of official authority. He gave Miao Jihe a cold look, and said: Retired! Then he turned to Huang and said, Go and get the Geng Tie and the marriage certificate.

Huang gritted her teeth, then turned and left.

After a while, they took out Ye Lingjiao's Geng Tie and the marriage letter.

Mrs. Huang walked up to Qian Nanny, and the two exchanged the Geng invitation. Qian Nanny said: Let's tear up the marriage certificate on the spot, and this engagement will be over. From now on, marriage between men and women will be irrelevant.

Huang's face was sullen, and she held the marriage certificate tightly, but Qian Momo hissed a few times and tore off the one in her hand first. Only then did Huang tear the marriage into two pieces angrily, and threw it on the ground. Then turn around and leave.

Fearing that there might be a change, Qian Momo quickly picked up the marriage certificate that had only been torn in half, and tore it a few more times until it shattered, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone, let's leave first. Qian Momo turned and left.

Looking at Nanny Qian's back, Mrs. Peng was so angry that her liver ached. Thinking of the reputation of the Miao family, Miao Jiquan's official career, and the future of the entire Miao family...

In the past, the old lady of the Miao family was only a small official of the sixth rank. It was not easy for the family to come to this one step by step. The eldest son was appointed as a doctor of the military department of the fourth rank. He is young and has a bright future ahead of him. Now... up! destroyed!

How could this be... Mrs. Peng fell to the ground, groaned, and burst into tears.

It was already past noon when Qian Momo returned to Jing'an Hou Mansion.

Miao was anxiously waiting for her to come back, until seeing her briskly walked into the room with a relieved smile on her face, Miao breathed a sigh of relief: But it's done?

It's been done. Qian Momo nodded, and then frowned again, It's just... I'm afraid it will be...

Miao snorted coldly with a sullen face, Even the nieces and nieces are cheating, such relatives, they are willing, but I am not willing! Let's go, go and see Sister Ling.

After speaking, she stood up and went to Ye Lingjiao's residence.

Ye Lingjiao was sitting on the li wood couch in the bedroom, playing net, but her mind was absent.

Sister Ling. At this moment Miao walked in and said with a smile, The marriage has been canceled.

Ye Lingjiao was startled, and only nodded: Oh.

Seeing that she was unhappy, Mrs. Miao sighed slightly, walked over, and sat down: It's not that you are not good enough...but...he doesn't like women in the first place. You will find someone better than him.

Speaking of this, I feel a little guilty. At that time, it was said that Miao Jihe was already high-ranked. With the current situation of the family, how could it be possible to find a better one.

Most people in the capital are full of food, especially in this era where there are too few entertainments for the common people, so pay special attention to the matter of Miao Jihe and Yin Jiang Fu, and it should be regarded as an interesting big joke.

Soon, the divorce with Miao Jihe and the cousin who was engaged, that is to confirm that Miao Jihe is the matter of cutting off his sleeves, that is already a certainty.

Ye Tangcai was also paying attention to the follow-up of this matter. Hearing that Ye Lingjiao had successfully resigned, she breathed a sigh of relief. Just thinking of Miao Ji and... thinking of him listening to operas in the theater day after day, she felt a little bit uncomfortable.

That Yin Jiangfu...

Ye Tangcai thought of Yin Jiangfu. She was dressed in a purple-blue brocade dress with flowers. She was tall and handsome, but her eyes were full of evil spirits and her behavior was frivolous. Why did my cousin like such a person?

Today is the eighth day of the eighth day. Hui Ran walked in with a plate of jujube cake, seeing Ye Tangcai in a gloomy mood, she wanted to cheer her up, Tomorrow is the ninth day of the new year! The last day of the exam, wait until the evening, The third master is about to be released!

That's right! Ye Tangcai was really happy to hear that, and smiled with squinted eyes, The third master is about to be released.

The corners of Qiuju's mouth twitched as she walked in rubbing her hands, did she go to jail? Release it!

However, before Chu Yunpan was released next night, rumors suddenly broke out in the morning, and I don't know who started it.

But someone came to study the matter of Qibishui Tower in the beginning.

Some people said that they saw Miao Jihe walking into Huiyiya Room with a woman that day. This woman was Huadan Ruolan from Huaifanglou.

Among these three men and one woman, one is Miao Jihe, a great talent known as Tianshu, but he is a broken sleeve. One is a well-known dandy villain in the capital, and he is also a broken sleeve. Then Ruolan is a third-rate actor in the theater, opera actors... tsk tsk, most of them are casual people. What kind of nasty things these two men and a woman are doing in the box, it is disgusting to think about it.

But besides them, there is a young son! who's that person? People who play with them!

Finally someone recognized it.

It is said that it is the long history of the prince's mansion, the most trusted adviser, named Song Xiao, who used to go in and out with the prince's highness.

Then everyone was shocked!

Song Xiao also played with them at that time?

Then everyone started discussing again, saying that Miao Jihe had a lot of contact with Song Xiao.

At that time, Miao Jihe had just become famous and was very appreciated by the prince, so he was often invited to play the piano in the mansion. At that time, he was still famous, and the prince said more than once that he and Miao Jihe were bosom friends.

Everyone praised the prince not only for being vigorous and resolute in the court, but also for being elegant, and he and Qin Shi were confidantes of each other. At that time, it could become a good story.

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