Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 147: Everyone Announces Good News (Part 2)

Master is right, there will be two juren then. Qin said twice.

The word Juren was bitten very hard, which means that Chu Yunpan will definitely fail the exam next year in Chunwei, and wait and continue to be a Juren with Chu Congke! And it will be a lifelong Juren.

This was extremely ugly to say, but the people in the room agreed, and looked at Ye Tangcai and his wife in unison.

I saw Chu Yunpan drinking tea with his head bowed, Ye Tangcai nibbling melon seeds and laughing silly.

The third master doesn't like to quarrel with others, the third master likes to slap his face with facts!

Okay, let's eat, eat. After all, Uncle Chu was still in a good mood and called for dinner.

There were already maids serving dishes in the main hall, and everyone got up and went to the main hall to take their seats.

After dinner, Chu Yunpan's congratulatory banquet was also set for September 20th.

Early the next morning, Ye Tangcai wrote the invitation and asked Qiuju and Qing'er to send it to Jing'an Hou Mansion.


The Jing'an Hou Mansion is now full of joy and celebration.

Because of the end of the autumn, the students returned home, bringing news of worry or joy to every household.

Anning hall was entertaining Ye Licai who came to send invitations, and they were having a good time. Ye Yun came over to take a look, and then left Anning Hall with Zhuifeng.

Ye Yun walked fast all the way and said, What you said is true? Did Ruidi win?

Of course! Zhuifeng laughed, Just now you asked me to deliver cakes to Songhua Lane, and the wife smiled and said that the second son brought a letter back, and he was right, and he will be back soon. The wife he said meant Yin Tingniang.

Ye Yun said happily: Since you have won, why don't you come back immediately. Changzhou is only a few days away from the capital, and the delay is too long.

It seems to say that the examiners who graded the papers were arguing about the candidates' rankings, so they delayed releasing the results. That is, the results were released a few days ago. After knowing the results, they immediately sent a letter to Beijing. Zhuifeng said.

Let's go, let's go and congratulate Aunt Ting. Ye Yun walked very lightly and whistled. seem to be broken, I'll go back and change a pair. Zhuifengweng said in a low voice, and lowered his body to pick the shoes.

You have so many things to do, go and come back quickly. Ye Yun said impatiently.

Zhuifeng laughed and ran away in a hurry.

Courtyard of Honor——

Wen is lying on the table, copying the Diamond Sutra to calm the mind.

Second wife. At this moment, Nianqiao's voice came from outside.

Wen's heart skipped a beat, his face darkened slightly.

Sister-in-law. Mrs. Sun walked in with a smile, opened the beaded curtain with a clatter, and saw Mrs. Wen sitting in front of the desk with a Buddhist scripture on it, so she laughed: Why are you copying scriptures? Over there in the main courtyard It's busy, so I don't want to sit around.

Wen's hehe twice: Recently I like to be quiet.

What is there to be quiet? Sister Li is back and sending invitations to her family. She has passed the Boyuan exam. There will be a banquet on September 17th. My sister-in-law must not be there. .

Wen's heart was about to bleed. With Zhang Boyuan's talent, she knew that she would win. But I still had a little luck in my heart, let God accept this scum.

But God still didn't open his eyes, Zhang Boyuan was still hit. This was supposed to be her son-in-law, but in the end he escaped from marriage and married someone else. Wen's was really worried.

What's even more hateful is that her son has been abandoned, and her daughter is married like that again. Wen's dare not speak out, hehe twice: It's fine if someone in the family goes, and who will be with whom. After finishing speaking, she lowered her head , Continue copying scriptures.

Seeing Wen's despondency, Mrs. Sun felt extremely happy, and then turned and went out.

Finally calmed down a bit, Wen flipped through the Diamond Sutra.

She didn't know that after Mrs. Sun went out, there was a person outside the Ronggui Courtyard who was poking around, and it was none other than Ye Yun's fat boy chasing the wind.

In broad daylight, after Mrs. Sun left, the gate of the Honorary Courtyard was left open. Zhuifeng took out a note with writing on it from his pocket, wrapped it in stones, and slipped in quietly.

He picked up the paper-wrapped stone and threw it out the window, and then ran away.

Wen was copying the scriptures when something was thrown out of the window, which made her startled. With a snap, the thing passed by her desktop and finally rolled to the ground.

Wen looked down and saw something that looked like a ball of paper. She picked it up, opened it, and saw that there was a stone inside, but there were words written on the piece of paper.

When she opened it, her complexion changed, her eyes were red, her chest heaved, and she saw the words on it: Xu Ruidezhong Juren.

Bastard! Who's outside? Wen sneered, dropped his pen, and rushed outside.

Seeing that there was no one in the courtyard, Wen was furious: Where is everyone dead? Where are the servants?

Nianqiao hurriedly came out from the side room: Ma'am.

Where are the servants? Wen said coldly.

Nianqiao looked around, her expression changed slightly, and she said timidly, I'm sorry, ma'am, I didn't discipline well. Seeing that there is nothing wrong here, those little girls may have gone out to play, I'll go and call them back.

Wen shi took a deep breath, but in the end he didn't even have the strength to get angry: Forget it, close the courtyard door.

After speaking, he walked back into the house.

Sitting in front of the long case, I picked up my pen, but I couldn't calm down anymore.

This September is really annoying, what the hell is Qiu Wei publishing the list? One or two, all the enemies passed the exam, and let them live?

Madam... Nianqiao's voice sounded from outside

What are you doing? Wen said a little annoyed.

Qiuju is back!

Wen Shi was startled, Come in quickly.

Qiuju has already rushed in quickly, Hi Ma'am.

I'm fine, you turn around so that Sister Tang doesn't have to worry about it. Wen said with a smile. Sighing slightly in my heart, now that Qiu Wei is releasing the list, my daughter must have learned that Zhang Boyuan has won, so she asked Qiu Ju to come back to comfort herself.

Ma'am, Qiu Wei is releasing the list! Qiu Ju said.

Yes, the list is released. Wen nodded and smiled again, You let her not worry, if not, I will go to Zhuangzi with her aunt to play, and I will never look at these things again.

What are you looking at? Qiuju was puzzled.

What else can it be? It's a matter of Zhang Boyuan's decision. Wen's eyes were full of hatred, but his face didn't show it. He just said, Reassure her, I won't think about it.

Hey, Zhang Boyuan was also hit? Qiuju frowned.

Uh...don't you know? Wen was taken aback, Then you came back to...

It's also about Qiu Wei. Qiu Ju smiled, The third master has won!

What? Wen's surprised, Son-in-law won the exam?

Yes! Qiuju nodded and took out the invitation card.

Wen's hands trembled and he opened it, only to see that it said Chu Yun Pan Zhongju, please come to Yunyun from Jing'an Hou Mansion when the time comes.

Really hit? Wen looked it over and over again, and then raised his head, Wen couldn't believe it, Didn't you say that everyone in the Chu family can be successful if they can't write well?

After Ye Tangcai married Chu Yunpan, she spent money to inquire about Chu Yunpan, and said that he was the best-looking of the three sons of the Chu family, but he was the least favored one. If you don't study hard, there is no hope for the imperial examination.

Later, knowing that he was also going to end, she thought it was her daughter who forced him to go, so she naturally didn't take it to heart, and never had any hope for Chu Yunpan.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Ju suddenly came back to announce the good news, and this was actually a hit!

What's going on? Wen said excitedly.

I don't know, anyway, I won, good luck! Qiu Ju said.

How can you be lucky! The Wen family loves the house and loves Wu, and since the son-in-law has won, he is naturally capable. Do you think winning the exam is just for fun? My son-in-law is also a promising candidate! Next year, he will be awarded the Jinshi and the number one scholar!

After speaking, he stood up happily and walked out happily.

She used to feel that her body was heavy every step she took, but now, she felt as light as a swallow. The originally dull face also became brighter.

Because she felt that the originally dense and foggy life seemed to be illuminated by a beam of light, and she felt like pulling out the clouds and mist to see the blue sky.

Madam... Qiuju chased after her. She wanted to say that the third master might really just be lucky. After all, he dozed off even in class, so he could still be admitted to Jinshi?

But seeing Wen's happy, he couldn't bear to expose it.

Holding Ye Tangcai's invitation card, Mrs. Wen hurried along the lakeside, and arrived at Anning Hall in a short while.

Walking through the courtyard and walking to the corridor, I heard a burst of laughter inside.

The eldest lady is here! The servant girl raised the curtain and called softly.

In the room, Ye Hewen and Miao were sitting at the head, the second and third bedrooms were all here, and Ye Licai was sitting on an armchair with her stomach in her arms and talking, and she couldn't hear the voice of the maid outside.

Everything is ready for the banquet, and the chef who cooks the world outside is invited to come back to do it. Ye Licai smiled happily.

Since Zhang Boyuan came home from the election, finally, the family became active after sweeping away the haze of Zhang Manman's failure. Naturally, this banquet must be well organized.

Why didn't Bo Yuan come with you today? Sun said.

He just came home yesterday. After riding in the carriage all day, he is tired and sore. He is being raised at home. Ye Licai said.

Your body is important. Miao said with a quick smile, By the way, there is a blood spirit ginseng treasured at home, you can take it back later.

Ye Licai felt flustered, and said with a light smile, Thank you, grandma.

What, blood spirit ginseng... Ye Hewen was a little displeased.

If he didn't know that Xu Rui was his grandson, he would be happy to do this favor and please his grandson-in-law. But now, he has Xu Rui as his grandson, and he also knows that he has passed the exam. Naturally, this entrant will be left to Xu Rui.

I took this ginseng away last time and gave it as a gift. Ye Hewen coughed dryly.

Miao was startled, she was still there! But she can't expose him.

Sun and Ye Licai looked displeased, but they didn't dare to offend them, so they kept silent.

Then take that branch of wild ginseng. It's old, about 70 years old! It's neat and tidy. Miao said.

What is the old lady doing with wild ginseng? Wen walked in with a smile.

Yo, sister-in-law is finally here. When Sun Shi saw Wen Shi, she was overjoyed. Her son-in-law was elected, so naturally, she would show off in front of as many people as possible. Especially in front of Wen's, this kind of display gave her a sense of accomplishment. Sit down.

Luo Shi looked at Wen Shi with some worry.

Miao's old face was slightly red, because she was trying to please Ye Licai just now, and when she saw Wen's coming, she was a little embarrassed: The old man is here.

But Wen's smiled: What did the old lady say to get? Old wild ginseng? Get me a copy too!

Sister-in-law, old wild ginseng is not an ordinary thing. Why do you ask for it? Do you think it's cabbage? , stop arguing with the juniors.

Wen said with a smile: Oh! Of course I'm not arguing with the younger generation, and I don't want to eat this great food, but this one is for my son-in-law. Since the old lady gave such a good thing to her second grandson-in-law, she can't favor one over the other. It would be reasonable to give a copy to the grandson and son-in-law as well.

Miao's face froze, and she instantly felt that Wen's face was too thick.

Sun sneered even more: Sister-in-law, what are you doing? My family Bo Yuan came back from the scientific examination, and he was exhausted for more than half a month, so we gave him a gift to make up for it, which is also to congratulate him on his success.

Then congratulate my son-in-law too. Wen shi heheed twice, and said to Wen shi and Ye Hewen: Today is really a good day. It just so happens that I don't need to go to Zhang's house to report the letter. I received it just now. I saw Sister Tang's invitation, saying that her husband and son-in-law had also won the exam, and they will hold a banquet at 20. By the way, when did the Zhang family say it will be held? 17! After the Zhang family, eat the Chu family.

What? Sister Tang's husband-in-law also won the exam? Miao was surprised.

Ye Hewen was also taken aback, that little boy was hit too? Why among so many people, his grandson must be the most powerful.

How is it possible? Sun's face darkened.

Ye Licai's expression also changed, and she was in a bad mood.

Yes. Wen's nodded, smiling triumphantly, What does the second sibling mean? Only Zhang's family is allowed, not Chu's family?

Bo Yuan is a genius who was selected as a scholar at the age of thirteen. It is a matter of course to be selected. But that poor... Chu family, I have never heard of it, so why did he win. Sun pouted.

She has always felt that her son-in-law is incomparable, he cannot be said to be the best in the capital, but at least he is superior among relatives, and he is unmatched by anyone else.

Now suddenly there is someone like him who passed the exam at a young age, how could she accept it.

There are many students in this world that you have never met or heard of. You should know all the people in the whole capital, and you have met them? Wen said with a chuckle.

As soon as these words came out, although Sun was uncomfortable, she finally found a sense of superiority, and said mockingly: Sister-in-law is right. My Boyuan is very famous, and everyone knows that he is a young scholar. My niece and son-in-law are unknown... ...that is, one of the common people.

So what about Zhongju, it's just an ordinary Juren, so it can't compare to her son-in-law. Her son-in-law is a young scholar who became famous at a young age, and now that he has won the exam, he should be remarkable.

Thinking about it, she turned around and asked, By the way, Sister Li, where did Bo Yuan rank in the exam? In her mind, Zhang Boyuan had to be in the top ranks, not just Xie Yuan.

Ye Licai's face was a little uncomfortable, and she just smiled and said: I don't know about this, anyway, I won the exam.

That's right, it's fine if you win the exam. Ye Chengxin said with a smile, I'll ask after Zhang's family has a banquet.

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