Family Has a Concubine

Chapter 122: So Cruel (Part 1)

Ye Hewen heard what Ye Chengde said about important matters, which were also related to the future of the entire Jing'an Marquis Mansion, so he was so angry that he didn't speak out!

With a cold shout: You bastard has been stunned by that outside room long ago, and you don't even know the future of the family. Ye Hewen was so angry that he could not stop swearing.

Ye Chengde's elegant face was livid: Father, just listen to me for the last time.

Okay! Tell me! I'd like to see how well you speak! Ye Hewen said.

But Ye Chengde said: This matter... I can only tell you, Dad. He glanced at Ye Yun lightly. Ye Yun can't let Ye Yun know about it now, otherwise it will be ugly.

What's so mysterious, here are all our own people, can't you tell us? Mrs. Sun laughed while nibbling melon seeds.

Ye Chengde said to Ye Hewen: Father, let's talk later.

Ye Hewen was afraid that Ye Chengde would say something embarrassing again, making outsiders like the Dawen family laugh, so he followed Ye Chengde out.

Da Wen's and Qiu's brothers knew that Ye Chengde must be trying to make trouble, but they had already put their words here, and no matter what they discussed, they would not back down a step.

Ye Chengde and Ye Hewen left the Xici Room of Anning Hall and walked to one of the rooms in the back room.

What's the matter, tell me quickly! Ye Hewen snorted coldly, turned around with his hands behind his back.

Ye Chengde closed the door before walking forward.

Seeing that he was mysterious, Ye Hewen became even angrier: Depending on what you say, neither the outer room nor the wild species can be kept.

Father, don't call me so silly, Rui'er... Rui'er is my own son! Ye Chengde said urgently.

A wild species is a wild species, why can't I call it... wait, what did you say? Ye Hewen froze while cursing.

Rui'er is not a bastard, he is my own son. Ye Chengde said with a smile, He was born to Tingniang and I.

What? Ye Hewen's eyes widened, full of disbelief, How is it never said it!

But when he said this, Ye Hewen had already believed it 80%. Because Ye Chengde was too kind to that Xu Rui.

If it wasn't her own, no matter how much she likes Yin Tingniang, she will try her best to punish Xu Rui. How can I do my best for him, offering books and teaching, more than treating Ye Yun.

What's the matter with you? Ye Hewen asked anxiously.

Tingniang and I...have met once eighteen years ago. Ye Chengde said with a slight sigh, Eighteen years ago, my classmate and I went to Changzhou to visit a friend, and when we passed Qingshigou, we accidentally Bitten by a snake, I was helped to Tingniang's house. Tingniang took good care of me. After I took the medicine a few times, the poison of the snake cleared up. Unexpectedly, I drank too much with my classmates that night and saw Tingniang... I's all my fault. The next day, Tingniang was too scared and ran away. My classmates didn't know about our affairs, so they urged me to leave. Tingniang is married. Unexpectedly, when I come back, Tingniang is already married.

I had no choice but to leave sadly. Unexpectedly... her husband died after many years. She had to bring the child to Beijing alone to join relatives, but those relatives did not recognize her. She had to take the child to make a living in the embroidery shop, maybe Fate, I actually met her in an embroidery shop, so I placed their mother and son in Songhua Lane.

Wait, how do you know that the child belongs to you, not her deceased husband? Ye Hewen looked wary.

That's my flesh and blood... Ye Chengde said anxiously, At that time, I had a dewy marriage with her in May, she got married in August, and gave birth to Rui'er in March of the following year, so...she is married with my child.

Could it be just premature birth? Ye Hewen frowned deeply.

If you don't believe me, you can have someone check it out. The midwife who delivered the baby back then is still alive. You can ask her to see if Xu Rui was born at full term or not. If you don't believe me, you can have a blood test! It is indeed father and son. Ye Chengde said.

Ye Hewen heard that he was not afraid of people to investigate at all, and he believed it completely: In this case, why didn't you tell me about this six years ago, so that I can bring him back.

Ye Chengde lowered his eyes: first... I didn't know he was my son, Tingniang kept it from me. Because there is already brother Yun in the family, Tingniang doesn't fight or grab, so she doesn't say anything.

Ye Hewen sighed when he heard it, she is such a good woman!

Later, three years ago, Rui'er once said that she was born prematurely. I doubted it in my heart, and found out that he was my son. After repeated questioning, Tingniang told me the truth. Therefore, Rui'er is not a wild child. He is my own son. Ye Chengde said.

Ye Hewen suddenly remembered that this Xu Rui seemed to have a reputation as a scholar! Heart pounding. This...then it's really not a wild species.

In fact, in theory, Xu Rui is the son of Xu Dashi, so if he has a first name and a surname, a biological mother and a biological father, he is not called a wild species. If he is really the son of Ye Chengde and Yin Tingniang, then he is really called Ye Zhong!

But Ye Hewen defended his shortcomings, other people's children are wild species, but his grandson is not called wild species.

Then since you know, why didn't you tell the family? Ye Hewen said.

Father doesn't care about Wen's virtues. Yun'er is a dude, but Rui'er is motivated and can study. Can she tolerate Rui'er? Ye Chengde said, These years have been the most important time for him to study. At this critical moment, if he really admits it and goes home, the Wen family will make trouble every day, can he study hard?

The more Ye Hewen heard it, the hotter he felt, and the more dissatisfied with Wen's: That Wen's is unreasonable. Look at her eldest sister's virtues, she is a shrew. Now...that child, August Qiuwei... The more I talked, the more excited I became.

Yes, Rui'er is going to participate in next month's Qiu Wei. The master is very confident in him, saying that he can win! Ye Chengde said, Originally, I wanted to wait until Rui'er won the exam before giving Dad a surprise. This kind of thing happened unexpectedly...Father, you will soon have a grandson.

You, you, you really, why did you hide it so tightly. The words on his mouth were full of reproaches, but his tone was filled with an excited smile.

He has a great grandson! There is a grandson!

He finally has a motivated grandson who can study, and he will soon be a Juren!

The more he thought about it, the happier Ye Hewen became.

Although he is a descendant of honor, but he himself was born as a Jinshi, so he naturally values ​​scholars.

It's a pity that none of his sons and grandsons can study, and they are all rich and rich. The two grandsons of this generation, one is a dude, and the other drags two buckets of snot all day long and can't even read a poem well.

His old face was almost lost by these two!

Then look at that old man Zhang Zan, who was one rank lower than him and has become a senior official of the third rank. Although his son is not good, he has a genius grandson who is a young scholar.

Ye Hewen's eyes are greedy and his heart is thirsty. He even dreams of having a descendant who can study.

But now, such a big and capable grandson appeared out of thin air, not only able to study, but also already has a reputation as a scholar, and he will be in autumn next month!

If you win, then tomorrow Chunwei may be a Jinshi! Even the No. 1 pick is possible.

With such a promising grandson, does he still need to rely on Zhang Boyuan, the grandson-in-law?

Father...they are talking about driving Tingniang away... Ye Chengde looked at him.

Hurry up, that's my grandson's mother, how can I be rushed! Ye Hewen glared at him angrily.

Ye Chengde laughed when he heard that, he knew that his father would stand by their side if he told this matter. But now he is not ready, so he has not said it.

Then hurry up and take it home now. Ye Hewen said anxiously.

Ye Chengde frowned: Father, now that Rui'er is preparing for Qiu Wei, he suddenly revealed his identity. Then Wen and others will make trouble again, which will naturally affect his scientific research.

That's right. Ye Hewen nodded hastily, It's still you who think carefully. Wait until he wins the election, and then recognize his ancestor and return to his ancestor.

Ye Chengde's eyes flickered slightly, it was time to prepare well for the matter of recognizing and returning to his ancestors, he had to find out from his father first, and ask his father to help. Father, Rui'er is so good, you can't let him just be a bastard.

You...what did you say? Ye Hewen frowned. Of course, he didn't want such an excellent grandson to be a concubine. He thought for a while and said, Do you want him to be recognized under Wen's name? It won't work.

Daqi has laws and regulations, if the main wife has a son, the son cannot be recorded in the name.

Of course it's impossible. Ye Chengde shook his head.

Okay, let's not talk about this for now, there is still a lot of trouble outside. After Ye Hewen was happy, he was a little angry.

Just now, he and Da Wen's almost shared the same hatred. He didn't want to, but he learned that he had such a golden grandson, and his son was there to protect his great golden grandson. How could he be angry with his son, and it was too late to praise him. So he hated Da Wen's and Ye Tangcai outside even more.

Old Master, are you alright? Mother Qian's voice sounded from outside the door.

Okay. Ye Hewen said and opened the door.

The father and son went out, and returned to the Xici room with Qian Momo.

Ye Hewen sat down on the couch again, but first glanced at Ye Yun. Seeing that this eldest grandson is very handsome, but he is out of shape, just a dude, he shook his head.

I used to get angry when I looked at it, but now I don't get angry when I look at it. Anyway, it's all useless, and he has an even more remarkable grandson.

Da Wen's and Qiu's brothers were getting impatient, Da Wen said: How about it, have we discussed it? When will the outer room be kicked out!

Ye Tangcai glanced at Ye Hewen's expression, saw his half-white thick eyebrows raised high, obviously excited, and sneered in his heart.

Auntie, let's take a step back! Ye Hewen sighed slightly.

What's a step back for each of you! Da Wen's slapped the case, As I said just now, the step we took was to drive the outer room far away, and we dismissed the case. Second, Ye Chengde and Go to jail together in the outer room.

Ye Hewen saw that she was biting her tightly, and was very angry: That's just an outside room, why can't she be tolerated? This is a crime of jealousy, meanness and stinginess! As a woman, this is a crime. Qiqi...

I want to know, if my mother can't tolerate her, can she be a wife outside for six years? Ye Tang said coldly.

Ye Hewen's old face froze, and he pointed at Ye Tangcai with trembling hands: You...

My mother tolerated her. She is fine, and touched my mother's dowry with Ye Chengde. I would like to know, which concubine or concubine's house is so powerful that it touched the mistress's dowry? Our Jing'an Marquis Does the government still have this rule? The sarcasm in Ye Tangcai's eyes deepened.

Ye Hewen saw that she was biting her tightly, and his eyes turned black with anger: You—

I'd like to know, my grandfather was very reasonable just now, and he clearly agreed to let him kick out Yin Tingniang. He was suddenly pulled out by my father, and after discussing for a while, it was unreasonable, and he couldn't tell right from wrong. Ye Tangcai suddenly He laughed, I don't know what grandfather and father discussed?

Hearing this, Ye Hewen's heart shuddered, and his eyelids twitched. This matter can't be revealed, if the Dawen family knows that Xu Rui is his own grandson, he is not afraid of her making a fuss, and if there is a fuss, he will recognize it more.

It's okay to recognize the blood that has wandered outside, but I'm afraid they will use this to attack Rui'er, saying that he is a child of adultery, so that he can't do scientific research.

Such things as rape and childbirth are generally not reported to officials by the people, just like the current dowry incident, if it is really investigated carefully, it will really affect the scientific research.

Ye Hewen only said in a cold voice: He told me that Yin Tingniang saved his life several times. He wouldn't have known what would have happened without her care these years. I thought, since he is a lifesaver, how can I just throw him out? Yes. Anyway, this thing is not lost, it is in the house, and Chengde just returns the thing. Why insist on it, you have to be reasonable and unforgiving!

How about we just have to be reasonable? Da Wen's sneered, I don't believe in this, and I don't believe in it. Anyway, as I said earlier, once the outer room is kicked out, we will take it away. If the case is withdrawn, then a document will be established, and if it is found that there is any connection with the outlaw and the wild species, he will go to jail. Second, if you don’t evict the outlaw, then Ye Chengde will go to jail with the outlaw.”

Okay! Very good, then I'd rather go to jail! Ye Chengde yelled angrily, his face full of sarcasm: That room is mine, and if you put things in it, it's my stuff. It's none of Tingniang's business, I'll go Go to jail!

Seeing that Ye Chengde would rather go to jail to protect the outer room, Da Wen's and Qiu's brothers were so angry that they wanted to beat him. Da Wen's was about to cry even sooner.

Such a scumbag, he gave his heart and life to that outer room, how painful her sister must be, how did she get over these years?

Okay! Then you can go to jail! The Da Wen family wanted to punish the outer room even more, hoping to see Ye Chengde despise the outer room, I'll leave it here, let's go!

After Da Wen finished speaking, he stood up and walked out of the house with the brothers from the Qiu family.

Sister Tang... Ye Lingjiao pulled her. She felt sorry for Wen's very much, she never thought that her elder brother would even sit in jail because of that outer room, she didn't know what to say for a moment.

I'll look for you later. Ye Tang received Ye Hewen's cold gaze and turned to leave.

Da Wen's Xu in front was so angry that he walked so fast that he was nowhere to be seen.

Ye Tangcai walked through the vestibule, and had just left the yard when a voice came from behind: Sister!

Ye Tangcai turned her head and saw Ye Yun hurriedly catching up, Ye Tangcai smiled coldly: Why are you looking for me? still ask me? Ye Yun frowned, How could you do this just now, even if you hate Aunt Ting and can't tolerate her, you shouldn't be like this!

What's wrong with me? The smile on the corners of Ye Tang's lips became more mocking. Now it's father who stole mother's things and posted them on her. You don't blame her, instead of seeking justice for mother, you come to blame me instead?

It's a big deal, but it's just a few things. Can't we be tolerant and show a little love? Ye Yun felt that Ye Tangcai was like a cowhide lantern, and it didn't make any sense, Forget it, you don't have that heart , I can’t understand. Aunt Ting, it’s fine if you don’t help, but father...he is our father, how can you watch him go to jail, and pushed him to jail with your own hands! It’s so cruel!

Cruel? Ye Tangcai giggled, Isn't it cruel for that mother to vomit blood because of his anger?

Ye Yun's face froze: Aren't you all right?

It's okay? Okay! Then he's just going to jail, and he's not going to behead him. What can happen. Ye Yun, my father is your father. You know it hurts. Isn't mother your mother? That said In the end, she hissed a few times and pushed him hard: Go to hell!

Ye Yun was staggered by her push, and then fell to the ground: You...

You bastard! A shout rang out.

Ye Yun was startled, and when she turned around, she saw Da Wen's rushing towards him with a big stick.

What do you want to do— Ye Yun was so frightened that she wanted to get up.

But Da Wen's has already rushed up, and greeted him with a big stick: You little bastard! I said, why is my sister so miserable? It turns out that even you little bastard is facing the outer room. Help the mother who bullied me in the outside room.

Ahhh—— Ye Yun screamed desperately after being beaten by her.

He wanted to get up, but was kicked back to the ground by the brothers of the Qiu family.

The big stick in Da Wen's hand continued to greet: Shoot you to death, you bastard who doesn't know who you are, and kill you, a stupid bastard who is as stupid as a pig.

While beating her, tears kept falling, and at last the beating was so exhausting that the big stick in her hand fell to the ground with a bang.

Auntie, rub it a bit, this kind of beast is not worth your effort. Ye Tangcai said.

Mother, are you okay. The brothers of the Qiu family quickly supported her, The next time you want to hit someone, tell us, and let us do it.

Let you all beat me up, what am I doing? If you want to beat yourself up, you can beat yourself up, otherwise you won't be happy. Da Wen snorted coldly, Let's go!

After speaking, he turned and left.

Ye Yun was still curled up on the ground in pain, hugging her body and screaming in pain: Wretch...shrew...

No wonder Dad is only nice to Aunt Ting, because Aunt Ting deserves it! And Niang, like this aunt, is a shrew and can't blame anyone.

Ye Tangcai walked up to him, looked down at him, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: Just now my grandfather said that the reason why he died was because Ye Chengde told him that Yin Tingniang had saved Ye Chengde? I know you don't believe me, But I still have to tell you.

As she spoke, her red lips curled into an extremely sarcastic arc.

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