Family Cultivation: Start with the Fire Spirit Body to Gain Experience

Chapter 28 Mining at the bottom of the river and refining swords on the shore (Please read and recom

After the bottom stone layer was broken, a lot of broken fire iron ores suddenly appeared from the stone layer, and the slowly flowing lava river water rushed these ores forward.

Lu Chengan quickly collected these broken fire iron ores, and then swam to the lava river bank.

These fire iron ores are just the original raw stones. The fire iron contained in them is not pure. It needs the refiner to refine pure fire iron from them before it can be used to refine magic tools.

The amount of fire iron ores mined by Lu Chengan this time is relatively small, and it is not enough to refine a fierce fire magic sword.

Therefore, after he put the fire iron ores on the river bank, he re-entered the bottom of the lava river.

Lu Chengan went back and forth more than ten times and mined enough fire iron ores before he finally stopped.

He climbed up the river bank, put on his clothes, and took out the refining furnace from the storage bag.

The refining furnace is divided into two parts, one is the smelting room, and the other is the quenching room.

The smelting room is used to create the embryo, while the quenching room is used to quench the talisman array for the embryo.

Lu Chengan placed the refining furnace on the magma river, and then he cast a spell with both hands. The surging earth fire in the magma river was pulled by the spell and slowly gathered at the bottom of the refining furnace.

This is the method of gathering fire recorded in the refining inheritance, which requires Lu Chengan to spend some energy to perform, which increases the difficulty of refining magic tools.

If there is a completed refining room, there will be earth fire pulled by the array itself, which can reduce some pressure on the refiner.

But Huohuai Mountain obviously does not have such refining conditions.

With the continuous performance of the fire gathering spell, the earth fire gathered under the gas refining furnace became more and more fierce.

The scorching temperature brought by the earth fire, under the effect of the talisman array imprinted on the refining furnace, all gathered in the smelting room of the refining furnace. At this time, the temperature of the smelting room reached an extremely terrifying level, which was much higher than the temperature in the magma river.

However, this scorching temperature had no effect on Lu Chengan. His Fire Spirit Body made him completely fearless of fire.

When the temperature of the smelting room was high enough, Lu Chengan put the flame iron ore next to him into the smelting room.

As the temperature of the smelting room continued to rise, the hard smelting ore gradually became soft.

Lu Chengan had been using his spiritual power to observe the changes of the flame iron ore, and from time to time he cast a series of refining techniques.

These refining techniques were recorded in the Xu family's refining heritage, and were specifically used to quench the raw ore materials.

As time passed, the impurities contained in the flame iron ore were quenched out little by little, and the flame iron contained in it became more and more pure.

After half an hour, Lu Chengan took out the flame iron ore that had gathered in the smelting room and placed it on the smelting table.

At this time, he took out an iron hammer from the storage bag. This iron hammer was a magic weapon that matched the gas refining furnace, which was specifically used to quench the ore and create the embryo.

The iron hammer was heavy, but it looked quite light in Lu Chengan's hand.

Lu Chengan's strong arm swung the hammer quickly, hammering down the flame iron ore continuously.

As the hammer continued to hammer, the deep impurities contained in the flame iron ore were being cleared out bit by bit.

After repeatedly hammering hundreds of times, Lu Chengan put away the iron hammer magic weapon and threw the cake-shaped flame iron ore back into the smelting room to continue quenching it with the scorching temperature of the earth fire.

This is a very boring process. The flame iron ore needs to be quenched repeatedly before it can meet the standards for refining magic swords.

Lu Chengan spent three days to quench the flame iron ore.

Of course, he did not waste time practicing during this period.

After the quenching of the flame iron ore was completed, Lu Chengan put these pure flame irons together with some ungraded refined irons into the smelting room and began to forge the embryo of the Fiery Flame Magic Sword.

The number of spiritual materials needed for a first-grade inferior magic weapon is not large. For example, the ratio of first-grade inferior flame iron to inferior refined iron for the first-grade inferior Fiery Sword is 1:9.

It is not the case that the more first-grade inferior flame iron is invested, the more powerful the refined Fiery Sword will be.

This ratio is deduced by high-level weapon refiners and cannot be changed at will.

Once the refining of the embryo is changed, it will affect the subsequent quenching.

The embryo of the Fiery Sword is not difficult to refine. Lu Chengan spent two days to successfully refine the embryo.

At this time, it is the last step of refining the magic weapon, quenching.

Quenching is the most difficult step in refining a magic weapon. Once the quenching fails, it means that all the previous efforts are in vain.

Moreover, the failed quenching of the rune array will also destroy the spirituality of the refining material, and will directly turn the embryo into a pile of scrap iron.

Before, Lu Chengan failed in refining the refined iron magic sword at the quenching step.

"The Fiery Flame Sword and the Fine Iron Sword are both first-grade inferior swords. The two lower-grade swords need to refine the same two talisman arrays. The only difference is that the Fiery Flame Sword needs to refine the Flame Spirit talisman array, while the Fine Iron Sword needs to refine the Armor Breaking talisman array."

The two identical talisman arrays are the Gathering Spirit talisman array and the Sharp talisman array. Basically, all swords need to refine these two talisman arrays.

The different powers exerted by the magic weapon are mainly played by the talisman arrays refined in the magic weapon.

When Lu Chengan was refining the Fine Iron Sword, he had already refined the Gathering Spirit talisman array and the Sharp talisman array many times. He originally planned to refine the Fiery Flame Sword, so he also practiced refining the Flame Spirit talisman array.

Of course, because he had never refined the Fiery Flame Sword, his mastery of the Flame Spirit Talisman Array was not as good as the Gathering Spirit Talisman Array and the Sharp Talisman Array.

Lu Chengan did not hesitate too much, and his mentality was very stable.

Because there were a large number of Flame Iron Ore and Fire Alchemy Stone in the Magma River, he was not afraid of refining failure, anyway, he had endless refining materials.

Perhaps it was because of Lu Chengan's attitude that he was very smooth when refining the Fiery Flame Sword. After spending most of the day, he successfully tempered the three Talisman Arrays of Gathering Spirit, Sharpness and Flame Spirit on the embryo.

This does not mean that the refining of the magic weapon is over. The embryo after the quenching pattern is successfully tempered in the magma water.

Only after repeated tempering, the Talisman Array in the magic weapon remains intact, which means that a magic weapon has been completely refined successfully.

Of course, if there is a problem with the Talisman Array imprinted on the magic weapon during the tempering process, the refiner can repair it in time. As long as it can be repaired smoothly, there will be no problem with this magic weapon.

Lu Chengan spent another three days repeatedly tempering the Fiery Sword in the magma river, and finally successfully refined the second magic weapon in his life.

"The Fiery Sword is the second magic weapon I can refine. The attribute panel shows that my refining progress has increased by two points!"

After seeing the changes on the attribute panel, Lu Chengan couldn't help but sigh.

Ask for the name of the talisman array, it would be better to note the function (ω)

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