Family Cultivation: Start with Plants vs. Zombies

Chapter 59: Open the can, new zombies!

It goes without saying that watermelon shooters and squash must be planted in their own family.

However, Xu Sheng did not plan to continue planting those dozens of pea shooters and ice shooters in the Xu family.

On the one hand.

Now there are too many pea shooters and ice shooters in his family.

On the other hand, the power of these two shooters is not strong.

Even if more are planted, it is difficult to threaten enemies above the foundation-building stage, not to mention the level of Jindan Zhenren.

Planting them will squeeze out the position of obtaining new powerful plants in the future.

In the future, it is possible to risk eradicating and damaging a shooter to make room for planting plants.

In this way, it is a waste of loss.


Xu Sheng plans to divide the newly acquired ice shooters and pea shooters and plant them in the homes of Ye, Wang, and Gao.

It has become Xu Sheng's new home now, and it is still necessary to arrange some defenses for them.

Among all these plants, Lin Qing was most surprised by the energy bean seed.

He planted it in a hurry, harvested the energy beans, and kept them in a storage bag.

This time, he was able to solve the trouble from Jindan Zhenren of Xuanyu Sect, thanks to the existence of energy beans.

These energy beans are extremely rare, and must be properly kept close to the body, so that Xu Sheng can rest assured.

After dealing with these newly obtained plant rewards.

Xu Sheng set his sights on the zombie jars again.

There are a full fifty zombie jars, an unprecedented spectacular scene.

I saw these clay jars lined up with bluestone jars.

The power contained in them is equivalent to the accumulation of hundreds of years of several ordinary immortal cultivation families, and the cultivators bred.

But at the moment, this is just a system reward for Xu Sheng.

He walked forward slowly with excitement, and the spiritual power in his body began to operate.

Xu Sheng did not hesitate and immediately began to open these jars one after another.

Bang! Bang bang bang!

With a series of noises, Xu Sheng stretched his muscles and opened all forty ordinary cans.

After that, there were continuous roars in the back garden.

Zombies stood up one by one.

Although their individual strength was weak, the corpse gas they emitted when combined was extremely huge and amazing.

After all, a total of forty zombies, the accumulation of numbers is also a force that cannot be underestimated.

Xu Sheng carefully checked and found that this time he obtained twenty-one ordinary zombies, eight roadblock zombies, six iron barrel zombies, and five iron fence zombies!

This harvest was obviously a good result.

Five iron fence zombies united, if they only fought in close combat, even a rugby zombie could not resist.

This harvest completely made up for the losses in the previous battle.

Before opening the remaining rare zombie cans.

Xu Sheng carefully counted again, how many zombies were left after the damage in the previous battle with Xuanyu Sect and Ye Family.

Among the first-level zombies, only 1 iron barrel zombie, 1 iron gate zombie, 2 miner zombies, 1 newspaper zombie, 1 rugby zombie, and 3 giant zombies remained.

A total of 30 zombies were lost!

The good news is that the second-level zombies are quite strong and less damaged.

There are 2 roadblock zombies, 1 iron barrel zombie, 1 newspaper zombie, 2 rugby zombies, 1 dancing zombie, and 1 giant zombie left!

Seeing this result.

Xu Sheng felt a little heavy in his heart. The loss was indeed too severe and painful.

If it weren't for the generous reward this time, I'm afraid it would hurt his vitality.

The only good news is that although the loss was heavy.

But these streamlined zombies also devoured more flesh and blood when they harvested the spoils later.

Many of the first-level zombies have shown signs of advancement.

There is even a giant zombie that has also reached the level of advancement.

And this zombie is the first giant zombie Xu Sheng has obtained.

It has followed him through several battles and has been recovering for a long time before.

Now that he has recovered from his injuries, he has experienced this battle again, absorbed a lot of flesh and blood, and finally got promoted.

In addition.

Among the second-level zombies, ordinary zombies such as roadblock zombies and iron barrel zombies have the momentum to advance to the third level, which is a very good result.

The only thing that makes Xu Sheng feel a little regretful is.

The Jindan Zhenren of Xuanyu Sect was not completely killed.

Otherwise, his corpse might have allowed the second-level giant zombie to be directly promoted to the third-level giant zombie!

You know.

The zombie devours flesh and blood to complete the promotion because it absorbs the essence in the flesh and blood, which is similar to spiritual energy.

And the cultivator itself contains a lot of spiritual energy, which is really the best supplement for zombies.

For the improvement brought by zombies, an ordinary Qi-refining cultivator can be equivalent to a dozen or even dozens of ordinary people.

A foundation-building cultivator is even more amazing, and can bring hundreds or even hundreds of gains.

According to such growth, a Jindan Zhenren can at least provide thousands of flesh and blood essences, or even more.

And excluding the physical body.

The golden elixir contained in the dantian of Jindan Zhenren has extremely powerful spiritual power, which is at least equivalent to the blood and flesh essence of thousands of people!

In this way, devouring a whole Jindan Zhenren.

It is really possible to make the second-level giant zombie reach the level required for the third-level giant zombie.


Unfortunately, the Jindan Zhenren of Xuanyu Sect was not killed, but was sealed in hell and could not be devoured.

It was really a huge waste.

Xu Sheng was helpless about this.

After calming down, he turned his attention to the remaining ten rare zombie jars.

Maybe there would be some good rewards in them.

He once again operated the "Yunyu Huasheng Jue" and gathered his spiritual power on his right hand.

With a series of random punches.

Bang bang bang!

There were three explosions.

Xu Sheng's face was happy, and he harvested three giant zombies again!

This time the benefits were really beyond his expectations.

After this battle with the Jindan Zhenren of Xuanyu Sect, and the rewards he harvested this time, he actually gained a lot.

In addition to the three giant zombies.

There are also two dancing zombies, a football zombie, a newspaper reading zombie, and two miner zombies.

With these two miner zombies, Xu Sheng now has a total of four miner zombies. Tianlai Novel Network

They can be arranged to speed up the process and dig the underground city as soon as possible.

Among these ten jars, what surprised Xu Sheng the most was that there was a zombie he had never seen before!

It looked like a bald uncle with a pair of glasses.

The strange thing was that the feet of this zombie did not touch the ground, but held a red jumping pole and kept bouncing on the ground.

"This is..."

Xu Sheng's face was happy.

"Jumping zombie!"

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