Seeing that 18 units of spiritual energy had been accumulated, Xu Sheng's face suddenly showed joy.

He walked forward quickly and reached out to touch the three sunflowers.

At the moment of contact, a message emerged in Xu Sheng's consciousness.

[Spiritual energy x18 has been produced, do you want to harvest? ]

Xu Sheng immediately said in his heart, "Harvest immediately!"

At the command.

Xu Sheng immediately felt a cool breath rushing into his body and into his dantian.

At the same time.

Xu Sheng's spiritual energy rose, and in a blink of an eye, he went from the third level of Qi Refining to the fourth level of Qi Refining!

If this scene was seen by outsiders, they would be dumbfounded.

You know.

A month ago, Xu Sheng was only at the first level of Qi Refining because of his poor aptitude.

When he reached the third level of Qi Refining before, outsiders speculated that the old patriarch of the Xu family left some special elixir to forcibly improve his cultivation.

No one could have thought of it.

In fact, Xu Sheng was just relying on a few seemingly ordinary sunflowers.

Of course, the origin of these sunflowers is not ordinary.

Just as Xu Sheng's fluctuations in improving his cultivation gradually calmed down.

He immediately looked at the special panel in front of him that only he could see.


System: Plants vs. Zombies - Endless Survival Mode

Host: Xu Sheng

Spiritual roots: Earth, Wood, Water

Kung Fu: "Cloud and Rain Transformation Technique" - Second Level

Cultivation: Qi Refining Stage - Fourth Level (2/72, 70 units of spiritual energy are required before promotion to the next level)

Number of days of survival: 30

Plants already owned: Sunflowers - 3 plants (Except the initial one sunflower, one plant is rewarded every ten days of survival)

Zombies already owned: 20 ordinary zombies, 5 roadblock zombies, 3 iron barrel zombies, 1 iron gate zombie (one can be opened once a day, and a zombie is randomly obtained)

Tip: The survival time accumulates for one month, triggering special rewards, please claim it as soon as possible!


After carefully checking the data on the panel.

Xu Sheng's heart suddenly became heroic.

The Plants vs. Zombies system he brought with him during the journey was the reason why he dared to fight back against the high-ranking official!

In this small Black Jade City, there are a total of four immortal cultivation families.

Each immortal cultivation family has a very shallow foundation.

At most, it has a history of only two or three hundred years.

Let’s not talk about the Xu family, which is now almost exhausted.

Let’s talk about the arrogant Gao family. Only one of the family heads has reached the foundation-building stage, and he has barely reached the first level.

The rest of the descendants and elders of the Gao family are famous, except for one elder who has the ninth level of Qi Refining and the manager Gao Hu who has the eighth level of Qi Refining.

The rest are just a dozen low-level cultivators at the third and fourth levels of Qi Refining.

And Xu Sheng has accumulated quite a lot of power in the past month with the system.

Although he now has only three sunflowers and has just reached the fourth level of Qi Refining.

But every ordinary zombie owned by Xu Sheng has the strength of the first level of Qi Refining.

Among them, the roadblock zombies have even reached the third level of Qi Refining;

The iron barrel zombies are comparable to the fifth level of Qi Refining; ŴŴŴ.

The iron gate zombies (wearing iron barrels and holding iron gates) are even comparable to the seventh level of Qi Refining!

With such a large number of zombies, Xu Sheng is confident that even if he is not the opponent of the Gao family, he is definitely not someone that the other party can easily control.

He also has the family protection formation left by the old patriarch who founded the Xu family of Xiuxian, so at least he can protect himself for a short time.

Now the only thing Xu Sheng is worried about is that the head of the Gao family will not care about the consequences and will do his best to get rid of the Xu family.

If this is true, with the strength he has accumulated now, it will be a bit troublesome.

It is precisely because of this concern that Xu Sheng had to keep Gao Hu in the Xu family.

Gao Hu came to inform the Xu family today that the contract date is about to expire and the Xu family should return the red maple grass.

In fact, he came to spy on the Xu family.

Not counting Xu Sheng's own hidden strength, with the current status of the Xu family.

I am afraid that Gao Hu will leave and bring the head of the Gao family to crush the Xu family.

In Black Jade City, the other Ye and Wang families will also take advantage of the situation.

At that point, even if the Xu family is willing to give up everything, the other party will cut the grass and root it out, not giving Xu Sheng a chance to make a comeback.

At this time.

Xu Sheng forced Gao Hu to stay and suppressed him with a formation.

If the Gao family dared to make a move, he would kill Gao Hu immediately.

This eighth-level Qi Refining cultivation is not the top combat power in Black Jade City, but it is definitely an upper-level combat power.

The Gao family can't afford the loss.

Otherwise, after the Xu family is destroyed.

The remaining Ye, Wang, and Gao families cannot form a three-legged situation.

The Gao family, which lost an upper-level combat power, is bound to be suppressed by the other two families.

The Xu family has learned from the previous lesson, and the Gao family definitely does not want to repeat the same mistake!

Even the head of the Gao family will stabilize the Ye and Wang families before Gao Hu safely leaves the Xu family.

In fact, it is thanks to Gao Hu that Xu Sheng has a chance.

The situation can be temporarily stabilized.

But this is not a long-term solution.

The contract will expire on the day of the delay of three days at most.

After three days, whether it is the Gao family or the Ye and Wang families, their patience will be exhausted and they will show their claws to the Xu family.

"Then come!"

"I don't believe that the first wave of defense can't be defended!"

Xu Sheng is full of confidence.

He looked at the prompt information on the system panel in front of him, and there was still a special reward that he had not received.

Xu Sheng couldn't help but get excited at the thought of being able to increase his strength.

"Confirm to receive!"

[Congratulations! Survival time reaches one month! ]

[Get Sunflower (seed) X1, Pea Shooter (mature stage) X1! ]

[Get Common Zombie Jar X1, Rare Zombie Jar X1! ]


In front of Xu Sheng, several things appeared on the flat ground.

A seemingly ordinary sunflower seed, almost invisible without careful observation;

A Pea Shooter that is more than one meter tall and has a classic green head;

There is also a half-human-high brown clay pot, and a blue-gray stone pot.

Seeing these, Xu Sheng became excited.

He will plant the sunflower seeds and the Pea Shooter next to the three mature sunflowers.

It takes several days for sunflower seeds to grow and mature from sowing.

The Xu family's family-inherited technique "Yunyu Huasheng Jue" has the ability to accelerate plant growth.

With Xu Sheng's current second-level skill, this sunflower seed will take about four or five days to grow and mature, and it is temporarily useless.

In contrast, the mature pea shooter can be used immediately after being planted.

Looking at the green big head and the mouth like a cannon barrel, Xu Sheng ordered it to actively launch a pea to test its power.

The pea shooter first bulged its mouth, and then with a "puff", a green shadow flashed by.



Two explosions in succession.

Xu Sheng didn't even react, and the wall forty or fifty meters away was instantly penetrated.

It was not until the second wall behind that the peas were blocked.

The green peas as big as fists were deeply embedded in the wall.

The surroundings were densely packed with spider-web-like cracks.

After four or five seconds, the green peas slowly dispersed into a cloud of green smoke and disappeared.

Xu Sheng was surprised by this speed and power!

If it hits a cultivator at the first or second level of Qi Refining, it can be killed instantly!

Even if it is at the third or fourth level of Qi Refining, without special defensive magic tools, it will be broken after a few attempts to protect the body and then killed.

Xu Sheng hurriedly checked the detailed information of the pea shooter.


Plant: Pea Shooter

Planting requirements: First-level spiritual field

Status: Mature stage

Positioning: Combat plant

Function: Launch peas to carry out long-range attacks on enemies within a hundred meters

Attack frequency: 1 pea/10 seconds

Total number of plants: 1 plant


Around one hundred meters!

One pea every ten seconds!

To cultivate a cultivator at the first or second level of Qi Refining, if the aptitude is not good, it takes more than ten years of normal practice.

And killing them only takes ten seconds!

After confirming the ability of the pea shooter.

Excited, Xu Sheng turned his attention to the zombie jar next to him.

Hope this can also bring him a surprise——

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