Fairy’s Box

Chapter 950: dark star


That's right, one of the Valkyries fighting for the title in the wilderness the night I arrived in Ossedon.

Seems like she was lucky enough not to meet Beryl and not get killed by my Death Star.

The black-haired knight silently observed the woman who suddenly appeared. After comparing her epaulettes and medals, he found that this guy was quite old and was the commander of the Guards.

It seems...there is a certain use value.

"Koukou, I hope you pay attention to your senses and don't approach Leo again."

Sigurd's eyes were full of frost, he glared at a certain Roshan, then turned to look at him, his face was already full of a sunny smile:

"It's alright with me here."


Yale suddenly felt an indescribable twist. At this moment, the positions of himself and the other party seemed to be reversed, and he felt more and more that this broken country was not suitable for him.

"I don't dare, if I knew earlier that he is your man, my subordinates would never dare to take half a step." At this time, a layer of greasy sweat was pouring out of Roshan's body, and he nodded and bowed, showing a very regretful expression.

"It's good to know, get out!"

This Valkyrie's aesthetics belonged to a normal person, and she couldn't see a mountain of meat swaying fat in front of her, so she scolded her unceremoniously, signaling her to disappear quickly.

"As ordered!"

Kou Kou felt like being forgiven, heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and ran away, the ground shook with dust everywhere, and from the back, it looked like a rolling meat ball.


After Sigurd watched her go away, he lifted a hair tip that slipped to the corner of his lips, and looked at him affectionately:

"If there are people who are harassing you in the future, remember to tell me."

"I see."

The black-haired knight nodded and agreed, scolding Leo in his heart, this fellow is a useless man in life, but he is quite capable in death, and he can still leave a romantic debt to himself.

Originally, he took a fancy to Leo because he was not sociable, taciturn, and a transparent person who lived alone without a spouse. Looking at it now, this guy seems to be quite popular with women, but he is low-key on weekdays and doesn't like to show off.

"Leo"'s reaction was very ordinary, almost indifferent, but Sigurdor seemed very happy after listening to it, his eyes were full of brilliance, he raised his eyebrows in surprise and joy, and took his hand:

"So, do you forgive me?"

Original... Forgive?

For some reason, when Yale heard this word now, a green grassland would appear in his mind, and then he looked at Valkyrie's expression and the regret and repentance overflowing in her eyes, as if he understood something.


Because he didn't know what to say, the black-haired knight chose to be silent, and it was okay to forgive him, but it didn't seem to be Leo's style, and it was broken when she saw it.

Seeing that he didn't answer directly, Sigurdor seemed to be mentally prepared and did not show too many emotional fluctuations. Instead, he stood on tiptoe and gave Yale a light kiss on the right cheek, then moved closer to his ear and pursed his lips. He chuckled lightly:

"See you tonight at the same place...I'll make you happy."

again! ?

Are these women accustomed to thinking with their lower bodies? They all love dating so much. How powerful is Leo, why does everyone want to have a shot with him?


The night of Valhalla Palace is extraordinarily quiet in the wind and snow. The slender and straight street lamps illuminate the white road covered with snow, surrounded by North Sea-style buildings, and in the middle is a constant temperature garden that is stacked up along the stairs. .

Looking up from a low place, the lead-grey low-altitude clouds are close to the garden, and in the background formed by the dark night, the two almost merge into one. The wind and snow swayed down one after another, but they were isolated by a barrier of protruding airflow, forming two worlds that were isolated from each other.


Yale stared at his feet and walked up the steps along the volcanic stone stairs. Lights from all directions shrouded this tall figure, making him stand out from the crowd and a bit out of place.

At the end of the stairs, in a garden lined with grass and trees.

There were many people walking around, most of them were foreign VIPs, and the warm and humid wind was blowing, with the smell of the woods, which was very comfortable. After the black-haired knight stepped on the dirt, he walked from north to south, passed through the VIP area, and walked directly toward the depths of the green forest belt.

He came here so late, of course, to fulfill the promise. If Sigurdor, the commander of the guards, was in the hands of Hiluda, her position would be much more stable immediately.

The so-called "Old Place" was not difficult for the black-haired knight, and the entire Valhalla Palace was revealed in front of him.

In the depths where the shadows of the trees gradually thickened, Yale suddenly stopped, someone behind him grabbed his arm, and at the same time, two clumps of plump and soft things came over.

"I knew you would come."

Sigurdo smiled and hugged the black-haired knight tightly, blowing hot air at his earlobe, and a red tide appeared on his pale wheat-colored skin, as if he couldn't wait.

"I'm here to tell you something."

Yale grabbed one of her hands, looked at the Valkyrie calmly, and slowly pulled her to him.


Sigurdor looked at him in surprise, feeling that this man was a little different from usual, but he couldn't tell what was different.

"About my true identity."

"real identity?"

"Goddess Freya in all dynasties has seven guardian stars to follow, you must know this."

The black-haired knight looked into her eyes until the other party no longer avoided, but looked directly at himself suspiciously, and then continued: "But there is one thing you must not know, there are not only seven guardian stars, but eight. "


The Valkyrie raised her brows, then looked him up and down, and smiled uncontrollably: "Don't you mean to say that you are the eighth guardian star?"

"Yes, in addition to the seven guardian stars on the bright side, there is an independent dark star - that is me."

Yale released her wrist, raised her other hand at the same time, and clenched her five fingers together. A dark flame burst into her fist:

"Since the day the goddess awakened, I have been silently guarding in the dark. Because she has lived in the deep palace for a long time and is well protected, I have never had the chance to take action. Until a demonic disaster broke out not long ago, the evil **** Loki suddenly Appearing and trying to assassinate the goddess, I was compelled to help."

"You mean...that time you beat Loki?"

Sigurdor shook his head in disbelief, stretched out his hand to caress his forehead, and seemed unable to accept this sudden and huge message: "No, you were in the palace at that time, how could you have time to follow the Queen."

"As a dark star, of course I have a special ability."

The black-haired knight smiled slightly, his figure blurred and flickered for a moment, and then it split into two, turning into two identical him standing side by side in front of each other.

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