The huge sandworm, with the same thickness as a computer screen, was oval in shape, with countless fleshy buds wriggling in the folds, like a sea anemone.

The bloody mouthparts and the ring-shaped teeth like a meat grinder were directly pressed towards Wayne’s head.

It seemed that it wanted to bite off Wayne’s entire head in one bite, even the neck.

Chew it into flesh and blood mud.

Wayne’s hairs stood up, his pupils tightened, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He mocked himself.

The priest really left a great treasure for himself. He wanted to raise his right hand, but stopped.

It was too late to summon a lavender wormhole and suck this sandworm into the [Void].

His head would be buried first in this scarlet mouth full of small broken teeth.

Wayne raised his left arm, and the ruined black air on the Ruined King’s Blade blended with the raging flames of the red buff.

One black and one red.

One air and one fire.

Between red and black, the Blade of the Ruined King pierced into the mouth of the sandworm, and a fragmented sound was heard.

The horny and hard upper jaw of the sandworm was obviously not as hard as the sharp edge of the Blade of the Ruined King.

A stream of poisonous blood spurted out of the sandworm’s mouth.

Before it splashed on Wayne, it was all cooked by the red buff flame on the Blade of the Ruined King as it fell in the air, dissipated into poisonous mist, and was swallowed up by the flame heat wave on the blade, burning it to ashes.

The sandworm felt pain, and the whole head of the worm shrank back and pulled away from the Blade of the Ruined King that was nailed into the upper jaw.

The tender red, disgusting body quickly shrank and crawled back into the wooden box.

Wayne held the sword in one hand and looked inside the wooden box.

The entire bottom of the wooden box was chiseled open, revealing a cave the same size as the wooden box.

Wayne swung the sword and cut off a corner of the wooden box.

The broken wood fell into the cave, and a hollow echo was heard after a long time.

The space in the cave is very large!

Wayne was confident in his heart, and turned to the nuns and Little Red Riding Hood and said,”Be careful and don’t go near the confessional easily!”

He put away the Blade of the Ruined King and jumped into the cave…………………….

The windbreaker slid down the smooth wall of the cave.

The walls of the whole cave were polished very smooth by the sandworms coming in and out.

A few seconds later, the leather boots on Wayne’s feet hit the ground heavily.

There was a muffled sound, like thunder.

It stirred up countless dust, and it was like a yellow-brown curtain falling in front of Wayne’s eyes.

The dust cleared.

Wayne checked the ground and found that it was paved with the same floor tiles as the confessional.

It seemed that the priest had built this secret room hidden under the floor of the confessional at some point. The whereabouts of the sandworms were unknown.

It was pitch black in front of him, but the round hole above his head revealed a possible light.

Wayne summoned the Blade of the Ruined King from the wormhole in his palm. On the blade, the red buff flame spread, instantly illuminating the entire underground secret room.

The secret room was extremely spacious, as large as half a floor of a church.

It seemed that the priest had buried a lot of secrets here.

Wayne walked forward with his sword, and just after taking two or three steps, a big hole suddenly appeared in the wall next to him.

The sandworm that Wayne pierced through its upper jaw pounced on Wayne for revenge!

A flash of cold light, a flicker of fire.

It returned to calm.

Dead silence.

The poison that burst out all over the ground, under the flame of the red buff, burned with gray-white flames, and the poisonous mist was suppressed under the fire and dissipated.

Wayne put away his sword, and the body of the sandworm slid out of the hole in the wall, fell to the ground, and burned to ashes.

【You killed an adult sandworm, which was converted into 50 silver coins!】

【The reward of”Turning Corpses into Gold” rang in Wayne’s mind.

50 silver coins.

It seems that the silver coin reward for this adult sandworm is at the same level as that for the werewolf.

The werewolf only has claws and mouths to bite, while the sandworm eats people alive, sneaks underground to attack, and sprays venom, which are all biological means of harm.

Wayne pursed his lips and continued to move forward.

In front of him.

There was a short corridor, and in the darkness on both sides of the corridor, there were the outlines of many iron cages.

The firelight illuminated, and only five iron cages were inlaid on each side of the corridor.

Seven of the ten iron cages were empty, and the remaining three cages were filled with rolled-up sandworms.

The flickering of the firelight awakened the three sandworms.

They were entrenched on the bottom of the iron cage and could not burrow underground, and now they spit venom at Wayne.

Wayne did not hesitate, and the Blade of the Ruined King in his hand went back and forth.

The flames on the sword edge dragged out a long fire dragon, like the mount of the Flame Fairy Luo Xuan.

The fire dragon danced wildly.

Three sandworms turned into ashes, which became the silver coin reward for [Turning Corpses into Gold].

Sandworms are monsters in the 50 silver coin reward range.

Four sandworms, another 200 silver coins in hand.

Wayne paused, immediately opened the system page, and used 200 silver coins to start [Chaos Summoning].

One draw

【Congratulations on winning the”Collector」】

【Collector: This is a musket made for killing and aggressive attack. You only need to consider attacking, there is no retreat! The bullets of the musket will directly execute the enemy in a seriously injured state! 】

A musket with a black muzzle and a golden relief wrapped around the gun body appeared on Wayne’s windbreaker belt.

A gun box has automatically emerged there, accommodating this [Collector] musket.

Wayne smiled. After a whole day of close combat, it is time to have a means of long-range attack.

Two draws.

On the lottery page.

The dice turned purple again, and countless purple mists rolled out during the rotation.

MD, I drew a curse again.

Wayne couldn’t help but complain, hoping that it was not a negative effect like diabetes.

However, the last void erosion curse was both good and bad. It provided a portable space, but the price was that I had to become a little stronger every day, otherwise I would go crazy.

On the system page, the curse that Wayne drew has already appeared.

【You have drawn the curse of insanity!!! 】

Wayne saw that although it was not diabetes, the curse of insanity this time also had a negative mental effect.

The Void Champion made him crazy, so this time he was directly insane.

Wayne smiled and looked at the effect

【Delirium: Each time you summon, the silver coins required for the next summon will fluctuate between integer multiples of 100! Similarly, the more silver coins you spend, the more powerful the rewards you get from Chaos Summoning!】

【The silver coins required for the next Chaos Summon have been randomly set to 300! 】

What a dog-blocking slot machine!

Wayne couldn’t help but complain. It seems that if he is not conscious, he can’t tell the number of silver coins required for each summon, right?

This system is a bit like a pain scam!

Wayne directly threw the Collector’s musket with the holster into the Void.

Now with the musket in hand, the gun is fast at a distance of ten steps, and the gun is fast and accurate within ten steps.

In addition, the Blade of the Ruined King is that the healthier the monster is, the higher the damage, and the Collector is that the monster is in a seriously injured state, and it can be shot in one shot! This combination can kill both meat and crispy skin!

Wayne continued to move forward and walked to the end of the secret room.

There were two branch-shaped candlesticks hanging on the wall, and there were still a few candles on them.

Wayne lit the candles with the red buff flame, and the candlelight flickered.

There was a table in front of him.

A table made of different beasts and some human bones.

Two skeleton hands were raised high, holding a very thick book that had been soaked in tung oil and treated to prevent oxidation and waterproof.

A book?

Wayne took out the Blade of the Ruined King curiously and used the blade to wipe away the thin layer of dust on the cover.

The cover of the thick book had a strange luster under the candlelight.

It looked like simply tanned leather, and it was hard to tell whether it was cowhide, sheepskin, or human skin…….

Wayne didn’t want to touch the book because it looked old and dirty.

With a flick of the sword, the leather cover was surprisingly tough. From the first sentence on the title page, it was clear that this was a priest’s diary.

The priest’s signature was blurred and invisible, smeared with ink and oil.

The mineral smell of the ink and the greasy smell of the oil attracted some tiny reptiles, which gnawed the priest’s signature area into spots and holes. There was also a passage written in small words on the title page:

“I have no other hope in this life, I only hope to have more women, and to have contact with women from all over the world.”

Some words in this sentence could not be recognized because of the ink dirt and oil stains.

Wayne sneered, this priest was also an old pervert.

He used the blade of the sword to open the next page, which was the first page of the diary.

Wayne then noticed that the timestamp on the first page of the diary was 1444.

So, what year is it now?

Wayne directly used the sword to push the book to another direction and picked up the last page.


He turned a few more pages forward, still blank.

Until he turned to two-thirds of the way, the priest’s last diary appeared:

“Oh, damn, my friend, there is a stranger in this unfortunate dark forest! His name is Wayne! I bet this bastard will find out all these secrets! I must contact the Earl as soon as possible to get rid of this bastard!”

The last diary entry was written on the night when Wayne came, which was last night!

A faint smile appeared on Wayne’s lips. After entertaining him last night, the priest went to the secret room under the confessional to write a diary for a while!

The timestamp of this last diary entry is July 4, 1640.

The span in between is really nearly two hundred years. No wonder the hunters in Aoshen Village said that the priest was an immortal who lived for nearly two hundred years.

Wayne thought.

He increased the speed of turning the pages of the sword in his hand. The quality of this heavy book was surprisingly good. Between the lifting and lowering of the sword, there was nothing else on the leather pages except for faint creases. The heavy book was turned over, and Wayne roughly read the first half.

The first half of the priest’s diary talked about his ordinary church life.


How he met later The vampire count, and was transformed into a vampire servant by the vampire count.

Wayne’s eyes lit up, this was exactly the part he was interested in, he scanned every word on the leather pages with a sharp gaze.

At the northernmost end of the Dark Forest, there is an ancient castle, in which lives a vampire count, Count Nosferatu!


This is the name of the vampire count in the Dark Forest that Wayne finally knew.

A calm smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I wonder how many shots this Count Nosferatu can withstand from the Collector?

Wayne continued to flip through the pages, he wanted to know if there was any record of Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother and the weird white stone bunker in the priest’s diary!

The woman who has become a grandmother now has skin as young and smooth as milk silk, and her body is convex and curvy.

I think this grandmother is not an ordinary person!

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