The two of them were so busy that they had to cry.

Rose jumped out of the pit with Laxus.

Makarov and Uru walked towards Ross with Erza.

Makarov picked up Laxus's coat and put it on him, choking:

"I'm proud of you, Laxus. You are not Makarov's grandson. You will always be yourself."

Rose propped up Laxus and smiled at Makarov: "Grandpa, do you plan to wait until he wakes up and say it again?"

"Not at all." Makarov seemed to feel embarrassed to cry in front of the children. He turned around, but his little body twitched a little funny.

Seeing Makarov like this, Urutia and Erza couldn't help laughing.

"Laxus Dorea, I have seen your will, it is very similar to Yuri's."

Mavis raised her little hand and gently stroked Laxus's golden hair, her eyes full of nostalgia. Laxus lost consciousness and lowered his head, but Mavis raised her hand and could touch it.

"Is this the strength of you and Laxus?" Erza smiled bitterly and shook her head. It seemed that even Laxus didn't use his full strength when fighting her.

"When you reach this age, you are not weak either. Believe in yourself." Urutia smiled and touched Erza's crimson hair.

Urutia also nodded and agreed with Uru's statement. After all, she also saw how hard Erza practiced.

"Okay, let's go back." Makarov recovered and waved his little hand.

"I'll go to Magnolia to play too." Mavis raised her little hand, and the feather ears on both sides also stood up.

"It's good that Laxus lost consciousness, so he won't be dizzy in transportation." Ross sat on the deck, looking at Laxus lying beside him.

"You fought well today. This is the first time I've seen you so serious." It was the first time that Urrutia saw Ross's fighting spirit so high.

Ross looked at the sea and said, "Laxus woke me up today. I always say that I can't slack off, but I seem to slack off often. I just fight with my speed and the hardness of my armor. I was completely defeated by Laxus in physical skills. If he had activated the red thunder power at the beginning today, I think I might have lost."

"No, if you don't meditate to improve your magic power and practice physical skills, you would have been caught up or even surpassed by Laxus long ago." Makarov disagreed with Ross's statement, and he was rarely serious.

"Laxus is pursuing the ultimate body and ultimate strength. You can also pursue other things. The hardness of the armor is not your problem, and the speed is not your problem. It is right to make good use of your own advantages and defeat your opponent."

Makarov looked at the people who were listening on the side, and his tone was unusually serious: "Eluza, Ultia, Kana, Kagura, listen, the ultimate strength, the ultimate speed, the ultimate magic, the ultimate skills, are all ways to become stronger, and balance is also a way.

Find what suits you, don't doubt, go on firmly, don't care about other people's opinions, you will only know whether it is right or wrong after you have walked. You are still young, so what if you make a mistake, just stand up and walk again."

Ultia, Kana and Erza understood, and shouted "Yes!" with high morale.

Kagura didn't quite understand it, but nodded with Erza and Ultia, but one day she will find her own way.

Makarov was not serious again. He tapped Ross's head with his cane: "Besides, you are a child who will be sixteen in a few days. What are you not satisfied with? You still have a long way to go."

"Yes." Ross smiled, relaxed his whole body, and lay directly on the deck, looking at the sky.


Laxus opened his eyes, and in front of him was a bright light bulb and ceiling.

Laxus propped himself up and found that he was wrapped in bandages and lying on the bed. "Magnolia Hospital?"

All over his body, this was the only feeling Laxus had. Just now, he felt that his hand was going to break when he propped himself up.

He definitely squeezed himself to the limit this time.

"Did I lose again?" Laxus looked at his hands, clenched and opened them.

The door of the ward was opened, and Ross walked in from outside.

Laxus found that Ross's arms and abdomen were also wrapped in bandages, and there was a large piece of Band-Aid on his face.

"You're awake. Here." Ross raised one hand, it was a lunch box. "Can I eat?"

Laxus sat on the bed, eating his hospital meal on a small table.

While eating, he looked up and said to Rose, "I lost."

Rose didn't answer


Laxus asked another question: "How long did I sleep?"

Rose sat aside and held up two fingers, "Two days. Grandpa always wanted to stay here with you, but I disagreed and sent him back home."

Rose had a smirk on his face, and the band-aid on his face looked weird: "Grandpa said a few words after you lost consciousness, do you want to hear it?"

Laxus shook his head slowly, then closed his eyes and fell into memories.

"I seem to have heard it, but I'm not sure. Looking at you like this, I think I did hear it."

Rose was uncomfortable and couldn't say it out loud, so he tilted his head: "Tsk."

"In the end, I still lost, but it was a great duel." Laxus raised his fist, and Rose gently touched it with him, and the two smiled at each other.

"Grandpa has submitted your information to the Council. Next year you will be an S-class wizard. The second floor and S-class missions are officially open to you."

Laxus nodded, not caring. S-class is not a big thing to celebrate. If he beats Ross, he will be happy.

"Is there any way to stimulate that red lightning?"

Hearing Ross's words, he vaguely remembered the punch before he lost consciousness, which contained three kinds of magic.

"What is red lightning?" Even Laxus was surprised by the strength of the red lightning.

He closed his eyes and clenched his fists. He opened his eyes, smiled bitterly and shook his head: "No way, I can't stimulate it."

Ross expected that the red lightning was Laxus's obsession for six years, which was pushed to the limit. If it is not pushed to the limit or practiced to a certain level, it is difficult to stimulate it.

Ross smiled: "It's okay, just practice more. That punch was very good, I really felt it."

Laxus clenched his fist and nodded vigorously: "Well, in addition to physical training, that lightning is my recent goal."

"Wait until I have mastered it completely, and then we'll fight again."

"I won't stop moving forward." The two agreed again.

The door was opened again, and the two looked down and saw that it was Makarov. When Makarov saw that Laxus woke up, he couldn't stop crying anymore. Ross stood up and walked out of the ward, leaving the space for Makarov and Laxus.

Ross came to the yard, raised his palm, and looked at the sky through his fingers.

"The weather is really nice."

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