Just as several people were selecting weapons in the underground black market, a large group of soldiers received the king's order and arrived in Luen City to start searching.

"Look for it quickly! Check if there are any Fairy Tail members nearby according to the wanted poster!"

"It’s your Excellency!"

"Find it quickly, find it quickly!"

"Block the city entrances and exits!"..........

Erza stood at the front and commanded the soldiers. This time her goal was to capture a few Fairy Tail members as hostages. As for meeting Fang Heng here, she had never thought about it.......

Fang Heng and the others also picked their weapons and walked out of the black market. Natsu picked a flaming sword, and Wendy picked a device that released a storm.

Fang Heng symbolically bought a ring that can store and release magic power, because he felt that the weapons here were still too weak and did not meet the standards he wanted.

Of course, the entire meal was paid for by Miss Lucy. It must be said that Lucy is Lucy and she is so powerful no matter where she is!

However, when they just walked up the stairs, they looked up and saw Erza who was searching for them not far away.

Erza? She is actually here! But it’s better this way! Last time I walked too fast and didn’t have time to ask many things clearly! I came just in time!

Thinking of this, Fang Heng did not retreat in the face of the soldiers who were looking for them. Instead, he walked out leisurely.

"Fang Heng? Fang Heng is here! Everyone, hurry up!"

As the first soldier spotted Fang Heng, more soldiers soon came over after hearing the noise, and then quickly surrounded the few people.

"Hahaha, I finally found you!"

"Let's see where you can run this time! Get ready to be captured!"........

At this moment, the sound of armor colliding echoed in everyone's ears. Looking at this magnificent scene in front of her, Lucy couldn't help but feel scared.

But when she saw Fang Heng standing in front of him, she couldn't help but calm down! Fang Heng put his hands behind his back, looking calm, as if all this was nothing to him.

Facing so many soldiers, he didn't show any nervousness or fear, and a faint smile hung on the corner of his mouth. Instead, he spoke

"Erza! I didn't expect to see you again! We just separated not long ago! Did you miss me? I just happened to have something to ask you!"

At this moment, Erza looked at Fang Heng and thought of his strength before. She couldn't help but feel a little worried.

However, when she saw the many soldiers she brought surrounded Fang Heng, she calmed down and said,

"Just surrender, Fang Heng! Don't resist! You are facing a well-equipped and well-trained Kingdom Army! No matter how strong you are, you are just one person!"

"Facing so many soldiers equipped with magic, you are no match for us! Surrender and admit defeat! You can live!"

Wendy, who was beside Fang Heng at the moment, had never seen such a scene before. Looking at the murderous soldiers in front of her, she couldn't help but get nervous.

So she quickly moved to Fang Heng's side. It seemed that for her, this was the safest place.

"Damn it, what nonsense! Fight me if you want, I'm on fire!"

Natsu on the side seemed a little impatient

"Erza, do you really think that numbers can be an advantage in the face of absolute strength?"

Seeing this, Fang Heng chuckled and then questioned Erza.

"What! It's bad, attack quickly!"

Hearing Fang Heng's words, Erza's inner uneasiness became deeper and deeper, so she hurriedly ordered the soldiers around her.

However, everything was too late. The next second.

Fang Heng moved, and suddenly he passed through the encirclement of soldiers like a flash of lightning.

And his hands were like sharp blades, easily dodging the soldiers' attacks, and at the same time seizing their flaws and killing them with one blow!!

At this moment, Erza also realized that the situation was not good, so she picked up her weapon and rushed towards Fang Heng to attack him.

Facing the attack, Fang Heng smiled slightly, and then he rushed up like the wind.

In a flash, I don't know when he had gone around behind Erza, and at this moment he gently clasped Erza's arm with both hands.

Grabbed the spear in her hand, and then quickly subdued the beauty known as the fairy hunter.

Throughout the whole process, Fang Heng acted so relaxed and at ease, as if he was enjoying a game

"So strong!"

At this moment, Lucy was shocked to see Fang Heng capture the enemy general Erza so easily in the army, and she couldn't help but admire Fang Heng even more.

At this moment, the entire battlefield fell into a dead silence.

The soldiers felt heavy and complicated. They felt angry and unwilling, as well as fear and confusion.

Fang Heng still maintained that calm demeanor, as if everything was under his control.

This strong contrast made the soldiers feel Fang Heng's strength and terror more deeply.

Then Fang Heng whispered in Erza's ear

"What do you think? These soldiers are not enough to capture me! By the way, do you want to survive? Tell me your detailed plan!"

At this moment, Fang Heng was clinging to Erza, and their behavior looked very intimate. If an ordinary person dared to treat her like this, Erza would have picked up a gun and rushed up.

But the person at this moment was Fang Heng! Facing him at this moment, Erza felt powerless in her heart, and she didn't care about being shy, because now was a matter of life and death.

"No, I will not betray the Kingdom of Edras! If you want to kill me, just kill me!"

This answer surprised Fang Heng for a while, but on second thought, it seems that no matter which world Erza is from, her unyielding qualities will always be buried deep in her soul.

"Who do you serve? The Kingdom of Edras? Or the King of Edras?"

"Go back and think about it carefully! What the king can give, I can give too! And I can give more! But the king may not have what I have!"

Fang Heng changed the subject and whispered in Erza's ear, then gently loosened his hand.

The spear fell to the ground with a clang, and at this moment Erza's heart was even more turbulent.

After looking at Fang Heng deeply, she picked up the Ten Commandments Spear on the ground, then slowly walked to her mount, turned over and rode on it.

"Let's go!"

Hearing Erza's order, the soldiers looked at each other, thinking of Fang Heng's invincible figure just now. They knew that today's experience would become an unforgettable memory in their lives!....................................................

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