After a long while, Lucy slowly spoke:

"I think your companions must have been absorbed by the king and used as magic! Although it’s not nice to say this, you should just give up!"

Seeing this, (Big) Wendy also quickly added:

"Yes! Although I can understand your feelings! But those who rebel against King Edlas will only die, this country is so powerful!"

It seems that she is really concerned about the safety of Fang Heng and others, and then (Big) Wendy spoke:

"The magic in this world is limited! Therefore, one day it will be consumed by people! Out of this concern, the king ordered that individuals are prohibited from possessing magic."

"Magic can only be mastered by the king! In order to take it for himself, the king ordered the dissolution of all wizard guilds!"

"Although some guilds voluntarily disbanded, most of them fought back. However, in front of the powerful king's army, they could only collapse one by one."

"In the end, we were the only one left in the guild! Most of our companions were killed."

"Even the captain lost his life in the battle! So you know how stupid it is to fight against the Kingdom Army, right?"

When they said this, everyone's eyes were filled with sadness.

"You guys should go back to your own world! Of course, if you want to join us, we welcome you at any time!"

"But we are also exhausted from escaping, so it will be dangerous to follow us."

Milazhen also stood up and said.

Looking at the people in front of him, Fang Heng sighed softly. The Kingdom Army did leave a deep shadow on everyone. After all, the president and his companions died in front of them.

"Thank you for your concern! But I have already said that Fairy Tail is my family, I must go and save them!"

Hearing Fang Heng's words, Wendy beside him also showed a firm look and then grabbed Fang Heng's arm and said

"Let's go, Brother Fang Heng! Let's go and rescue our guildmates together!"

Then Natsu also stood up and said loudly:

"Oh! Let’s go and rescue our companions! We must rescue them!"

Just then, an accident happened.

"Oh no, the goblin hunters are coming!"

As an anxious voice came from the door, everyone in the guild was instantly in chaos.

"Oh no, the goblin hunters are coming! Isn't the teleportation magic circle ready yet? We need to leave here quickly."

Lucy quickly walked to the side, then stopped in front of a machine and said to Levi, this magic circle can teleport them to other places.

This is why they can escape the pursuit of the Kingdom Army. Levi in front of the machine was operating the machine in a hurry. Hearing Lucy's urging, she couldn't help but speak.

"Damn Lucy, didn't you see what I was doing? Stop rushing me!"

Boom boom....

With a huge explosion, the door of Fairy Tail was kicked open, revealing the appearance of the people coming in.

A man and a woman, the woman was slim and beautiful, and the man had a signature butt chin.

"It's over! It's Erza Nightwalker and Shugeboy! The captains of the second and fourth magic combat units of the Kingdom Army! It's completely over!"

Looking at the two people in front of him, Gray said with a trembling voice, and his eyes were full of fear. The other people in the guild were not much better. Everyone's eyes were full of death. Some people were so scared that their legs went weak and they sat on the ground.

Just like this, are they scared to such an extent? Well, let me give them courage this time!

Looking at the people in front of him, Fang Heng shook his head helplessly, and then slowly walked towards the two people in front of him under the gazes of everyone.

"It's too narrow here, we can't move freely, let's go out and fight!"

Looking at the two people in front of him, Fang Heng said

"Oh, you have the courage to come over to us! Very good! What's your name?"

At this moment, Erza looked at the man in front of her and asked curiously

"Fang Heng! How is it? What do you think?"

Looking at the familiar face in front of him, Fang Heng said with a smile, pretending to be profound.

"Okay! Anyway, it doesn't matter who comes first, let's go out!"

Faced with Fang Heng's request, the two looked at each other, then nodded to each other and took the lead to leave the guild gate.

Just as Fang Heng was about to leave, the worried voice of (Big) Wendy came from the side.

"Wait! Will you die if you do this? Don't you still want to save your companions? Aren't you afraid of death?"

Seeing this, Fang Heng waved his hand and said:

"I said, everyone in Fairy Tail is my family! It doesn't matter who they are! I want to protect my family, that's all!"

After saying that, Fang Heng walked out without looking back, and then Natsu and Wendy followed him out.

But what Fang Heng said caused a great shock to the other people in the guild.

"Family? What a hateful guy! Who agreed to be your family?"

Hearing Fang Heng's domineering speech, Wendy blushed and her heart couldn't help but beat wildly.

"Just because we are all Fairy Tail! Are you willing to sacrifice your life?"

Milagine's heart was stirred when she heard this.

"The magic circle can be activated! Hahaha, that's great! Everyone hold on tight, I need to get out of this place as soon as possible!"

Just as Fang Heng and the others were leaving the guild, Lei Bi's excited voice came from the side, the magic circle has been repaired!!

"Wait, Fang Heng is still outside? What should we do if we leave now?"

After hearing what Leibi said, Wendy hurriedly said anxiously

"Why are you waiting for him? How long have you known him? It's just that someone is willing to hold those two monsters back! Don't think about him, let's go, life is the most important thing!"

But at this moment, Leibi only wanted to escape, so she spoke without thinking.

Pah...The next second, as the voice rang out, Wendy slapped Leibi in the face, and then said with red and swollen eyes

"Although we have only known each other for a short time! But he said! We are family and partners! No one will abandon their family!"

After saying that, Wendy walked out of the door regardless and chased after Fang Heng.

"Damn it, don't come back if you go out, I won't wait for you!"

Rubbing her red and swollen face, Lei Bi said angrily

"Wait for me! I want to go too!"

The voice came, and a figure also walked out of the door anxiously.


Mirajane saw the owner of the figure clearly, so she made up her mind and walked out together.

"They are really stupid! Don't you think so? Sister Juvia?"

Looking at everyone's behavior, Gray smiled awkwardly, and then said to Juvia beside him

"No, they are very brave! Gray, you disappoint me!"

Juvia said this coldly and ran towards the door quickly.

"No, that's not the case, wait for me!".......................................................

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