At this time in the town.

Fang Heng was looking for the map he wanted on the street, but after searching for a long time, he didn't even see a shadow of the map of the Kingdom of Dragunov.

It may be because of the rampage of the evil dragons of another faction. Except for adventurers who are looking for treasures, people generally do not stray too far from the places they are familiar with.

In the world of Fairy Tail, the dragon clan has extremely powerful strength and also has high wisdom.

Before the black dragon came out, there were almost no enemies, and it was basically the dragons of the two factions fighting each other.

Therefore, for the people of this world at this moment, if they encounter a man-eating dragon, there is almost no other choice except to escape.

Just as he was thinking about this, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a black house on the side of the road,"Adventurer's House?"

Fang Heng stared at the words on it and whispered:

"Is there anything I want here?"

Fang Heng said as he walked into the store.

He saw all kinds of magic props displayed on the cabinets on both sides, and the boss in the middle was wiping the crystal ball and said to Fang Heng:

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"I need a map to the Kingdom of Doragunov, healing potions, and a crystal ball that can store magic power. Do you have any here?"

Fang Hengze answered while looking at the magic props displayed on the shelf.

"Of course we have it. We have everything you want, but the quantity is rare, so the price is relatively expensive, a total of 5000J."

The boss rubbed his hands and said to Fang Daoheng

"No problem, I have a piece of ore containing dragon power. I will use this to exchange for what I want. Is that okay with you?

Fang Heng took out a piece of ore from his arms and threw it on the boss's counter.

Fang Heng picked up this ore from the cave where Igunilu slept before.

Igunilu always exudes powerful dragon power, so the ore in his sleeping cave has absorbed extremely powerful fire dragon power over the years.

"The ore contains the power of dragons!"Yes, yes, of course it's OK."

The boss said with a smile.

He seemed to be afraid that Fang Heng would regret it, so he quickly packed up the things he wanted and stuffed them into Fang Heng's hands.

""Thank you for your good service."

Just as he was talking, two men walked into the store. They were big and strong, and judging from their bulging muscles and the dangerous aura they exuded, they should be two adventurers.

But Fang Heng had already got what he wanted, and after taking a look at the two men, he walked out of the store.

Fang Heng looked at the things he had just bought, the healing potion, which could help him recover from his injuries in battle.

As for the crystal ball that stored magic power, it was used as a backup hidden energy source.

In case of a battle in a place where magic power is exhausted in the future, this crystal ball will come in handy.

And he will inject his magic power into the crystal ball, even if it is used to detonate it as a bomb, it has considerable power.

Looking at the things in his hand, Fang Heng showed a satisfied smile, and then walked forward.

"Stop, kid!"

After the two adventurers came out of the shop, they suddenly rushed forward to stop Fang Heng and said

"Boy, you just gave that boss the Dragon Ore, right? Judging from your appearance just now, you should have more Dragon Ore on you."

Fang Heng chuckled when he heard this.

"I have Dragon Ore, of course. Do you want it so badly? Bring money to buy it. How about 10,000 J per ore for you guys?"

Hearing this, the two adventurers looked at each other and laughed:

""Of course we have to buy it, but we both just came back from an adventure, and we don't have much money. How about this, we have 10J in total, and we will buy everything you have."

As one of the adventurers said this, he began to gather magic power in his hand as if to demonstrate. As the magic power gathered more and more, it gradually formed a wind blade, and then it was swung towards the ground.

With a bang, a hole was broken in the ground.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce our two brothers, Tran and Teddan. They are not just adventurers, but also wizards with powerful magic."

"If you anger us, the consequences will be beyond your ability to bear. As soon as the words fell, the crowd around suddenly started an uproar.

"Tran and Teddan? I heard they are members of the Magic Wind Guild."

"Yes, I heard that all the members of the Magic Wind Guild are wizards, and they are cruel and ruthless. I think this kid will be in big trouble if he offends them!"

"Yes, yes, if I were to give them the things, I wouldn't dare to say anything. I think this kid just wants to die."

As the voices of discussion around them gradually grew louder, the smiles on Terra and Tedan's faces became more and more rampant.

At this time, Fang Heng suddenly laughed and said:

"You two scumbags dare to rob me. I think you two are just looking for death."

Hearing this, Tran and Teddan said gloomily.

"Boy, you are looking for death. I will make you regret your choice today."

As they said that, the two men gathered magic power in their hands frantically, forming wind blades and rushing towards Fang Heng.

The crowd watching around them saw the two men's posture and quickly moved away, forming a large open space.

Fang Heng saw that the two were getting closer and closer, so he took a stance.

He pushed his hands forward, grabbed the hands of the two men and cast a devouring magic, directly absorbing the magic power gathered by the two men.

At this time, Tran and Teddan also realized that something was wrong. The magic power gathered in their hands not only disappeared without a trace.

And even the magic power in their bodies was gradually dissipating. At this time, Teddan said to Tran on the side:

"Brother, this guy seems to be absorbing our magic power."

"Nonsense, do you need to say this? Get out of here first and then think of a way."

The two brothers said, and worked together to break free from Fang Heng's restraints, but they didn't expect Fang Heng's hands to be like iron pliers, tightly grasping them, leaving them no chance to escape.

At this moment, the two men were like prey bitten by a lion's neck, unable to move.

As time went by, the magic power in their bodies gradually decreased, and before long, the magic power in their bodies was drained by Fang Heng.

At this time, Fang Heng let go of his hand, and the two men collapsed to the ground like weak shrimps.

For a magician, magic power is life. Once the magic power is drained, they will suffer from an emergency magic deficiency.

If it is more serious, they may die here.

Facing the two people collapsed on the ground, Fang Heng glanced at them with disdain and said:

"I'll spare your lives this time, but if I see you doing evil here again, I'll kill you two."

Fang Heng said with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

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