Kagura VS Bugs

Toby, who had lost his claws, was like a lost dog. He was knocked down by Walterson several times,

“Clang clang clang!”

“Fell down! Toby couldn’t stand up! The winner was Walterson, the “Cross Knight” player! ”

Jiura covered her face with her hands and was helpless.

“Oh! ! ! ”

“Pretty strong. ” Erza looked at Walterson and nodded.

Gray felt deeply: “Yeah, and it doesn’t seem like he used all his abilities. “Isn’t this kind of strength S level? ”

“Lucy sweat broke out on her forehead.

Rose yawned boredly. After all, Toby had been being teased by Walterson and it was a bit boring:

“It’s just because his opponent is too weak. This Toby is still a little weak. ”

Okay, let’s enter the second game. This game is also designated by the conference.

Bugs of “Four-Headed Hound”… will face Kagura of Team B of “Fairy Tail”! ”

Bagos was appointed by Thomas, and Kagura was appointed by Arcadios.

Kagura’s swordsmanship that day made Arcadios like it very much. He decided to use power for personal gain and watch it a few more times…

“Eh? Is it actually Kagura? ? ? ”

The opponent is on par with Erza…”

Kagura didn’t pay attention to the members’ reactions, but silently picked up the knife and turned and walked towards the passage.

“Come on.” ”

Hearing Rose’s cheers, Kagura did not look back, but just raised his knife in response.

“Kagura, can you win? “Lucy was a little worried.

“Don’t worry, Kagura is super strong. “Kana said with her arms around Lucy’s neck.

Kagura came to the center of the field amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, and Bugs was already lying on his side waiting for Kagura.

“Rocky field, the game begins, kabo . “After Pumpkin Head said that, he ran away quickly.

The rocky field will have many rocks rising up between the fields, which can be used as bunkers and springboards.

Bugs lay on his side on the ground and said lazily:

“I didn’t expect that my opponent would be you. , Kagura-chan, do we want to make a bet? Kagura

replied expressionlessly: “No, I don’t like betting, and don’t call me that.” Bugs made a sound and climbed up: “It’s boring. ”

“Gravity·Suppression! ” ”

A purple magic circle covered the entire competition venue.

“Interesting, interesting! “Bagos laughed loudly, and activated his magic power throughout his body to resist Kagura’s gravity suppression.

“Don’t be afraid of Dai Tian Gang’s form! ”

[Not Afraid of Dai Tian] has not yet unsheathed his sword and slashed Huashan with one hand. At

this time, he saw the power of Bugs who was practicing martial arts.

He used the crane’s beak hand to block Kagura’s attack. Not Afraid of Daitian Gang type,

hit the end of the blade of [Not Afraid of Daitian], knocking the sword away,

Erza frowned slightly: “This guy has improved again, the timing of his attack just happened to be stuck in Kagura’s release knife. ”

But Kagura is not a vegetarian. After practicing magic for more than ten years, she only has a knife in her hand.

Kagura instantly adjusted to sweep Qianjun and slashed at Bugs again.

Bugs ducked back to avoid this sweeping Qianjun. Afterwards, he adjusted back to the original position at a very fast speed,

folded his arms to defend Kagura who was slashing again, turned around to avoid the straight thrust, and kicked the end of the blade again

. Ross looked at Bugs’s movements and nodded: “Precise With his distance control and weak attack, this guy is really good. Natsu snorted and said, “Isn’t he just hiding? ”

Laxus gave Natsu a violent shudder: “Idiot! ”

This was the strategy he adopted, Kagura had a sword and he was empty-handed. ”

Bagos used various rocks to dodge, and wherever Kagura’s [Not Afraid of Daitian] went, the rocks were shattered…

“Not Afraid of Daitian Gang type! “Kagura struck a huge rock with his sword, and several pieces of gravel flew towards Bugs. He

hit with horizontal elbows, double punches, slaps, and continuous straight punches. Bugs shook all the rocks flying towards him. Broken.

But the rock in front of Kagura is just a cover,

“Don’t be afraid of Daitian·Zhan type! ”

Kagura flatly cut off a rock that was taller than a person and blasted it towards Bugs. Faced with the

incoming boulder, Bugs calmly turned around and charged up a forehand punch, hitting the

boulder with one punch. Going up and back to release the force,

Kagura blasted out the stone and followed closely behind it. When Bugs stopped the boulder, he suddenly made a sneak attack.

Bugs was caught off guard and was hit in the front and flew backwards and fell to the ground.

Kagura canceled it. Suppressed by gravity, he jumped into the sky with a heavy step,

and slammed down with a strike from top to bottom that was not afraid of Dai Tian Gang.

After Bugs hit a carp, he dodged to the limit and wanted to step on the knife to restrain Kagura,

but was blocked. Kagura saw through it, and Kagura kicked the blade with her feet. When the blade was flicked, gravel and dirt flew up to disturb Bugs.

Bugs put his hands in front of him to resist. Kagura seized the opportunity to turn around and slash across the blade, hitting Bugs hard. In Si’s hands,

Bugs’s gauntlets were all shattered, and his hands were still somewhat injured…

But Bugs had no time to care about his injuries. When he was dodging, he made a sneak attack with a sweeping kick.

Kagura jumped up to avoid the sweeping kick. When he was able to counterattack, he slashed at Bugs’s waist with

his sword. After landing, he turned over and slashed downwards.

After Bugs dodged sideways, he put one hand on the ground and kicked the blade. Kagura looked at it again,

“I’m going to be serious! “Bagos came to the ground and picked up the wine gourd, took a sip of the wine, and then got into a posture.

He turned his fists and punches with his palms and punches… followed by punches and thrusts with both hands.

Bugs just used his hands against the knife. Time passed Kagura.

Lucy looked at Bugs’s movements and asked, “Why is that guy’s movements so weird? Erza

crossed her arms and commented:

“That guy’s magic is a type of magic that concentrates magic power in the palms of his hands. It is considered a very orthodox magic.” ”

But… the secret of that guy’s strength is that he has learned martial arts that can use magic to its limit. Moreover, he has learned more than one kind, and he has a sense of mastery.” ”

When he drinks, his posture becomes even weirder and his destructive power increases. This is also the guy’s winning mode.” ”

Jason stood on the commentary stage waving his arms excitedly:

“The battle between Kagura and Bugs is really cool! COOL! COOL! ”

But as the fight continued, Bugs suffered more and more hand injuries…

” Bugs’ player seemed to be in a tough fight! ”

As Kagura struck him on the head with the scabbard, Bugs fell straight to the ground…

” Player Bugs fell to the ground! ! ! “Jabadirola said in a long voice.

“Winner! “Fairy Tail” Team B’s Kagura Mikazuki! Team B adds ten points! ”

Kagura was sweating profusely. She was very serious about fighting Bugs. The amount of energy, physical strength, and magic she expended was different from her usual training.

Of course, she was serious mainly because she was unhappy with Bugs’s eyes…

She said expressionlessly He raised [Not Afraid of Daitian] and enjoyed the cheers of the audience.

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