Lucy VS Irina

“Three, two, one!”

Pumpkinhead gave the order. Lucy and Irina waved their hands to the right, and

the lamp-shaped magic prop began to rotate continuously due to the internal force.


The rotation speed of the prop gradually slowed down. Water → Fire → Wood…

The props finally stayed in the Wood Field…

“The selection results have come out, the battle venue is the Wood Field Kabo.”

“Next, the entire arena will turn into a forest, As your battle venue, the time limit is thirty minutes.”

Rose looked at the results and rubbed his chin and said,

“The wooden venue… I feel that it is more beneficial to Irina, and Lucy may be more suitable for the water venue.”

“As long as you can make the opponent lose the ability to fight within the limited time, you will win kabo. Then the first game begins!”


As the bell rang, a white light flashed, and Lucy and Irina had gone from being naked to The venue is located in a vast forest, and

the magic crystal screen on the venue records and plays the scenes of Lucy and Irina in detail.

“I’m going! Open the door of Taurus, Talos!”

“Violent!” Talos swung his giant ax towards Irina and struck Huashan with force.

“It’s the magic of the stars!!! And it’s the Taurus in the zodiac!!!”

“Open it! The door of Sagittarius, Sachidarius!”

“Moxi Moxi! A piercing blow!” Sachidarius came out, saluted and then shot out his bow and arrow,

“Another!!! Another zodiac star spirit!!! It’s amazing!”

“Double doors, and the opening time is so fast, He is already considered a very powerful Celestial Spirit Mage.”

Yajima recognized Lucy’s performance very much.

The long arrow pierced the air and flew straight towards Elena in the air…

“Lucy is hiding her clumsiness. When will she be able to open double doors?”

Rose was a little surprised. Lucy has not yet developed her second magic. Source, that is to say, she enhanced her magic power by herself.

“This is the result of Lucy’s training!” Natsu grinned proudly, baring his teeth.

“But it’s obviously Mr. Goat Caplico’s effort, Natsu.” Happy complained as he gnawed on the fish.

Irina, who was in the air, reacted very quickly. She took off the bow she was carrying and quickly shot an arrow.

The bow arrow condensed with magic power collided with the piercing arrow in the air.

“Bang!” The sound of explosion and smoke blocked her sight.

Only Lucy, who was still standing there, and Talos, who was guarding her, were left on the field. Sachidarius had returned to the star world.

Lucy could now double-open the door, but it couldn’t last that long.

“Where are you going?” Lucy covered her nose with her arm and looked around, while Talos raised his ax as a warning.

During the explosion, Irina took advantage of the chaos to hide in a leafy tree,

and a super ice arrow shot diagonally downward towards Lucy,

“Miss Lucy, get out of the way!” Fortunately, Talos He discovered it in time, pushed Lucy away, and

blocked the arrow with his axe. However, the ice arrow was so powerful that

Talos was knocked down by the impact and plowed a furrow as wide as his back.


“I’m fine, Miss Lucy!” Talos’ arms and back ached slightly, but he still endured the pain and got up to protect Lucy.

“It doesn’t matter, you go back first!”

“Open the door of Capricorn, Caplico!”

“Double click again!!! It’s the star spirit of the zodiac again!!!”

Jabbadirola’s jaw was stunned. There are only twelve keys to the zodiac, and

Lucy has three. And I don’t know if Lucy has any others…

“Leave it to me, Miss Lucy.”

Caplico came out and jumped towards the tree where Irina was.

As a master of physical arts, the slightest disturbance was no match for his eyes and ears.

Of course, it was impossible for Irina to be undefended and charge up her strength again. Shooting a magic arrow,

Capricho waved it away with one hand to bully him.

Elena reacted quickly and used her bow arm to sweep across to block Capricho who was already close.

Jelena’s offensive continued unabated, and she pulled out a dagger from her boot and used a forehand knife to cut Caplico in the middle.

However, Caplico reacted quickly and leaned back slightly to tap her arm to defuse the attack

. The sheep were fighting in close quarters on the branches.

During the close combat, Caplico seized the right opportunity and turned around with a tiger-tail kick to the abdomen and kicked Irina down from the tree.

Irina didn’t want to hit Caplico. You dared to turn around on such a thin branch, you were careless…

After landing on the ground, Elena rolled a few times with a dagger to slow down,

knelt on one knee, and held her black bow tightly with the other hand.

Even with the armor made of a black panther, she could feel a dull pain in her abdomen. Without the armor,

she might have lost most of her combat ability with Caplico’s kick.

Caplico had no intention of showing mercy and stepped forward again.

Elena must have practiced close combat with bow arms and daggers. She fought Caplico back and forth in a short period of time.

Elena While dodging, she turned around to counterattack, but Caplico was very fast. Elena had no choice but to retreat. She stabbed with a backhand knife,

but Caplico seized the opportunity and snatched away the dagger.

Caplico also played with a dagger between the toes of her hoofs in front of her, which was called a crime in front of her husband… Caplico, as a Capricorn star spirit, does not

have any special magic.

Strong physical skills and proficient in all kinds of weapons, even the butterfly dagger, Caplico can also play.

After affecting Elena’s mind, Caplico stepped forward again,

raised his arm with his back hand, opened the door on Elena’s side, then turned close to the backhand knife and stabbed her chest.

The stab hit, but Caplico’s The attack didn’t work, and the Black Panther’s armor was quite strong.

When the backhand failed, the backhand switched to a forehand backstab. He squeezed the handle of the knife and rotated the knife to change his hand and

stabbed straight with the backhand. The spinning knife changed his hand again and stabbed to the side with the backhand knife. In less than two seconds, Caplico stabbed with four different hands. ,

it can be said that the dagger is played out.

The crystal screen had to be slowed down many times before Caplico’s movements could be seen.

The forward kick leads the leg with force, and the back spin kick hits the chin. The turning technique is very smooth,

and the physical skills are also used to show off, including swordsmanship and physical skills.

Elena had no helmet to block her. Caplico’s kick hit her chin and she flew backwards and fell to the ground.

“It’s so awesome!!!” Jabbadirola no longer knew what words to use to describe

his eyes . They couldn’t keep up with Caplico’s movements and could only explain to the audience through slow playback on the crystal screen.

Elena, who fell to the ground, struggled to get up, raised her bow and put away her alert posture.

Three arrows with different magic powers were superimposed and rotated together and shot towards Capricho…

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