The hero appears

The voices of Flosho and Lecter attracted Lily’s attention.

“Is that also Exit in the audience over there?” Lilly said, looking at Rector and Fromm.

It’s okay to say that Lector looks very similar,

but what’s up with the one that looks like a pink frog…

Habi didn’t have time to pay attention to Lily’s question,

“Natsu, you have to work hard too! Laxa Si, you guys have to work hard too!”

Habi said cheering and cheering, I can’t lose, his claws were waving afterimages…

“With the appearance of Team B, all the participating teams have arrived, Yaji What did Mr. Ma think when he saw these members?”

After the introduction, Jabadirola later remembered that there was a Yajima in the commentary box, and quickly saved the moment…

“Ah… youth is such a thing That’s a good thing…” Yajma sighed.

“No, that’s not what I’m asking…” A drop of cold sweat flowed from Jabadirola’s forehead.

“Huh?” Yajima looked at Jabadirola with a puzzled look.

Jabadirola wisely chose to change the topic:

“Well, everyone, I have kept you waiting for a long time, and now we are ready to announce the program schedule of “The Great Demon Fight”! ”

“? ? ? ”

There was a vibration under their feet, and Urrutia and the others frowned and looked at their feet with confusion.

Along with the vibration, a huge stone tablet with words engraved on it rose up from the ground.

The stone tablet looked ordinary, but in fact There is a magic prop on it, and the words on it can be changed in real time.

The stele is more than ten meters high, and Urrutia and the others can only look up.

Fortunately, the sun is not so dazzling, and Urrutia can still see the fonts on it. ,

the top reads “Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts”.

In addition to DAY1, the competition events from DAY2 to DAY7 are still based on [? ? ? 】 said that

it seems that the competition items will be announced before the game.

“Is there going to be a battle on the first day?” Gray looked at the battle engraved on the top of the stone tablet.

“Battle?” Natsu’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Behind the stele are the points added from first place to eighth place.

The first place gets 8 points, the second place has 6 points, the third place has 5 points, the fourth place has 4 points, the fifth place has 3 points, and

so on, with the eighth place getting zero points.

Jabadirola looked at the rules and read:

“First of all, let me explain the competitive part. All competitive events will be ranked from first to eighth according to the ranking, and then the points for each ranking will be added to the team. Also, in For competitive events, you can freely choose a player from the team to participate.” ”

The next step is the battle part. This part will refer to the results of fans’ votes and other results, and the final battle combination will be decided by the conference.” ”

Also That is to say, there may be a civil war in our guild based on the voting…” Urrutia frowned slightly.

“I promised you in advance, even if you’re from a guild, I won’t show mercy.” Natsu clenched his fists and patted his biceps.

Erza didn’t say anything, just glared at Natsu, and Natsu was scared…

“If it was arranged by the tournament, maybe it would happen that she would have to participate in the battle right after finishing the competition, right?” Lucy was a little worried.

Jabbadirola couldn’t hear Urrutia’s discussion at all, and continued to read:

“The rules of this part of the battle are very simple, one-on-one, two-on-two, or team battles. The winning team will score ten points, and the losing team will lose ten points. It’s zero points. If there’s a tie, each will get five points.”

“Then next, the opening game [Secret] of this time’s “Big Magic Fighting Game” is about to begin! ” As soon as Jabadilola finished speaking, two words

[Hidden] and [Secret]

appeared on the huge stone tablet.

“Hidden? What kind of competition is this…” Urrutia frowned slightly and looked up at the stone tablet in confusion.

In the audience, Uru, Layla and Rose were also guessing.

“Can you guess it? “Uru looked at Ross and asked.

Ross shook his head straightforwardly and said,

“No, it’s hard to guess by just telling me a noun, and it’s not an easy-to-understand noun like swimming or diving. ”

He really doesn’t remember it. The memory of “Dai Mo Du Yan Wu” is already a very long time ago for him.

He has no special impression except Double Dragon VS Double Dragon and Erza 1 VS 100.

And just remembering this name…

“The number of participants is one person per team. The rules of the game will not be explained until all the players have arrived.” ”

The first person to sign up is Iyeka, the “four-headed hound”. ”

“The “Cross Knight” sent out the Golden Lion Knight Len! ”

Len, the knight of the golden lion, wears a dark golden bucket helmet on his head. There is also a pair of horns on the helmet. Only his eyes and mouth are exposed. His true appearance cannot be seen clearly. He is dressed in black armor with a pair of horns on his waist and leg armor. Wrapped in a circle of red leather,

he is holding a spear over two meters high. The head of the spear is longer than an ordinary spear and is still burning with flames. There is a red tassel at the joint of the head and handle. The other hand holds an irregular tooth-shaped tooth. Shield.

A flat enlarged version similar to a feline canine.

“How heavy is this suit…” Erza secretly smacked her lips. As an armor lover, Erza carefully observed Len, wearing

armor all over his body. The faint feeling of heaviness showed that this was not the same thing, and

she couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows. She felt that her armor of purgatory was probably not as heavy as his.

Lebby looked at Len’s information and read: “Golden Lion Knight Len, one of the S-class wizards of the “Cross Knights”, it is said that he also has a lion, but I don’t know why I didn’t see it. ”

“With a burst of cheers, the “Blue Pegasus” sent out Yves Tilm! ”

Lebby was far more dedicated than Jabbadilola, and continued to introduce to the members: “Yves Tilm controls snow magic. He is good at large-scale snow magic and is suitable for field control and assistance. ”

“The “Sword-biting Tiger” sent out the bard Rufus! ”

Rufus… Unknown age, unknown magic…” Rebby looked through the information and sighed helplessly.

“The two teams of “Fairy Tail” still can’t decide who will play first!” ”

Jabadirola saw Natsu, Gray and Gajeel from Team B, cheek to cheek, not letting anyone go…

The scene gradually became more intense. Mediation?

Laxus would only yawn and watch from the side. It’s a good show.

If Wendy hadn’t intervened, these three people would have started fighting on the field.

At this time, it’s time for a hero to stand up, and

the hero appears!!!

“Bang! ” “boom! ” “boom! ”

Elusha each gave a chestnut and told them why the flowers were so red.

“It hurts, it hurts!” ”




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