Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, the fifth dungeon making competition will be held again in Dragon Country!

At this moment, the audience is bustling with excitement.

"Good, good, good! Finally the competition is about to begin again. In the last competition, many people successfully gained the ability of mind reading! Oh my god, I am so envious!"

"After spending all my life savings and waiting for so long, I finally got a ticket to the live show! It was so damn hard!"

"Damn, everyone is going crazy. Hundreds of thousands of seats, hundreds of thousands of tickets! I worked so hard for a month and only managed to get one!"

"Longguo did a pretty good job in this regard, distributing 10,000 free tickets! But it was impossible to grab one!"

"I just wonder what kind of copy will be made this time? Damn, I'm really looking forward to it! What kind of theme will the organizer give this time!"

Even though it hasn't officially started yet, the audience can't wait to start discussing.

Finally, under the attention of everyone, the competition is about to officially kick off

" Hello, everyone, I am the host Lina!"

As the voice fell,

Lina waved to greet everyone and walked slowly to the front.

The audience around was even more enthusiastic.

They cheered crazily.

Feeling the enthusiasm of the audience around, Lina picked up the microphone again.

"Thank you very much for coming to the dungeon making competition! Without further ado, let's invite all the contestants to come on stage."

As Lina's voice fell, the contestants headed by Su Heng stood at the competition venue one after another.

At this moment, all the contestants had smiles on their faces.

Most of the contestants on the field successfully acquired the ability of mind in the last Hunter x Hunter strategy competition.

During this period of time, through day-to-day training, their control and understanding of the ability of mind are gradually deepening.

Some contestants have even passed multiple copies of Su Heng and mastered a variety of abilities.

So now when they go to make copies again, they can more or less make powerful copies with special abilities!

Maybe they can even surpass Su Heng!

Thinking of this, some contestants have begun to get excited.

On the other side,

Su Heng felt the gazes of many eyes behind him. He just looked back curiously.

Then he retracted his gaze.

Some familiar faces, such as Li Yi, Wright, and John Bull's little princess, plus some unfamiliar faces that have never been seen.

Seeing that all the contestants are in place,

Lina picked up the microphone again and began to introduce them.:

""Okay! Then let's invite our judges to come on stage!"

As soon as the voice fell, hundreds of thousands of audiences at the scene shouted and cheered excitedly.

After all, the role of the judges is extremely important.

They can always answer their questions from a professional perspective.

The last competition was thanks to the professional strategies and suggestions given by the judges, otherwise, most of them would have been eliminated long ago.

In this way, amid the cheers of the crowd, ten judges from various countries slowly came on stage and then sat on the judges' seats.

At this point, all the contestants and judges have arrived.

Su Heng took a look.


This time, more than half of the judges have been replaced.

In this way, the only judge who has always been strong may be the old man of their Dragon Country!

The cameras on the scene are all in place, covering the venue from all angles with 360 degrees without blind spots.

"Starting from the previous sessions, we will set a theme for the contestants at each conference!"

"Let the players create copies according to the themes we give them. So far, many excellent copies have been created under this situation!"

Lina paused for a moment, then continued:

"Today is no exception! Next, we will reveal the theme of today's competition. Please welcome our special guest, contestant Su Heng, to the stage!"

Accompanied by the cheers of the crowd,

Su Heng slowly walked over, and then a button was handed to him.

"Then let's invite contestant Su Heng to reveal the theme of this dungeon!"

After the voice fell, Su Heng no longer hesitated.

He directly pressed the button in his hand.

The next moment.

The big screen in the center of the venue suddenly began to scroll, and then stopped in the center, and the theme content displayed on it!

It was two big words!


As soon as the theme came out, everyone gasped.

The judges on the scene began to evaluate as soon as they saw the theme.

At this moment, the judge from Longguo said:"Country? I didn't expect that this time the dungeon theme would be like this!"

"Let each player use the country's culture as a reference and then do the copy?"

"It's really interesting! I'm really looking forward to it more and more!"

You have to know that Dragon Country has thousands of years of history, and there are many things that can be used.

Compared with the scarce culture of some countries, it is obvious that Dragon Country's huge heritage can support the contestants to make more choices!

But this does not mean good. The more choices, the easier it is for the contestants to fall into a state of contradiction.

On the other side, the judge of Sakura Country spoke:

"I didn't expect that this time they would actually make copies based on the country! It seems that this time our Sakura Country has a great chance of winning!"

"You know, in some historical biographies, there are 8 million gods in our Sakura Country!"

The judges from the Eagle Country also said:"From this point of view, there are quite a few gods in our Eagle Country system!" At this moment, other judges also started to comment.

The audience around them also started to discuss it.

"So, will this match be a once-in-a-century big team showdown? I'm so excited."

"Don't expect too much, the judges said there is a big problem!

That is, we only have a concept of those gods at present, and no one knows their specific appearance and abilities!"

"It seems that the rest of the story depends on the contestants’ own performance. If they have rich imagination, they can fill it in by themselves!"

"Simply building a myth system? In this case, I feel that it is still off the topic. After all, the theme is the country! Not the gods!"

At this moment, the audience around were discussing.

On the other side of the contestant seat, the moment they got this theme, all the contestants fell into a state of thinking.

Making a copy with the country as the theme!

This is a great test for all the contestants.

Even for Su Heng, he couldn't think of anything for a while. It was too good to make a copy.

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