In a remote tavern,

Gildarts pressed the trembling Ivan to his seat. The orange-haired man who was traveling with Gildarts did not speak, but just watched the scene with interest.

"I didn't expect that we would meet here."

Gildarts stopped laughing and stared at Ivan coldly,"You know I hate people who betray the guild the most, Ivan."

"Ivan, since we were once companions, how many pieces do you want to be broken into? I will satisfy you."

Gildarts' magic is [Super Magic·Crush], which has extremely strong destructive power. Once hit, the injury will be almost irreparable, not to mention that there are only a few wizards who can take"Crush".

So for safety reasons, Gildarts developed this magic into a"decomposition" move, a move that can restore a person even if he is broken into countless cubes.

Ivan saw that Gildarts was not even interested in drinking, and knew that if he didn't give him a reasonable explanation, he might not be able to leave this tavern intact.

More than a decade ago, Ivan was expelled from the guild by his father Makarov because he violated the guild's taboos.

Before leaving, Ivan stole a lot of information from the guild, which made Makarov very angry.

Looking at the magical light flashing on Gildarts's hands, Ivan panicked,"That... drunkard... No, Gildarts, listen to my explanation!"

"Although I stole some guild information, I never betrayed the guild!"

"Oh? So, you didn't sell the information?"

Gildarts was a little surprised. When Ivan was kicked out of the guild, he was penniless. He didn't betray the guild. Gildarts didn't believe it.

Ivan could only explain,"Although I was kicked out of the guild by the old man, I was once a Fairy Tail wizard. I haven't forgotten the three major responsibilities of the guild."

The first of the three major rules of the guild. Information that is unfavorable to Fairy Tail cannot be discussed with others throughout your life.

Gildarts didn't expect Ivan to abide by this rule."What did you do with the information? Don't tell me you burned it."

"Uh… those materials…"

Seeing Ivan start to hesitate, Gildarts’ eyes flashed with a fierce light, scaring Ivan so much that he started to talk fluently.

"The information was confiscated by Xia Zuo"

"Xia Zuo?! How could you be related to him? Don't bite people randomly!" Gildarts twisted Ivan's collar. He hated it most when someone was bad for his companions.

"Really, really, a few years ago, I was obsessed with creating a dark guild, but I happened to be met by Xia Zuo, and was beaten up by that guy. Xia Zuo also forced me to hand over the guild information to him."

Ivan poured out all the things that Xia Zuo had asked him to do in the past few years to infiltrate the dark guild undercover, collect intelligence, and find magic, including the recent delivery of information about the [Six Demon Generals].

Gildarts' eyes flashed with a trace of relief. Xia Zuo was so capable. But Gildarts still didn't completely believe Ivan, because Ivan's cunning was a fact that the guild knew all about at the time.

"How can I believe you if you just say it?"

Ivan was helpless and put the pager that Xia Zuo gave him on the table."This is a magic prop that can directly contact Xia Zuo. If necessary, I can contact Xia Zuo by video."

"What! I can see Xia Zuo directly!"

The orange-haired man who was traveling with Gildarts stood up excitedly, which scared Ivan.

Looking at the orange-haired man, Ivan muttered in his heart: Who are you? You are more excited than Gildarts.

""Quick, contact Xia Zuo! The kind that can see him!"

The orange-haired man snatched Ivan from Gildarts's hand. The powerful momentum made Ivan's legs weak.

When did Gildarts have such a monster friend!

But Ivan didn't do it. Before he was sure whether the other party was an enemy or a friend, he would not contact Xia Zuo. His pager was specially modified by Xia Zuo, and only his magic power could activate it.

Looking at Ivan, whose legs were shaking but still holding on, Gildarts finally trusted him and reached out to stop the orange-haired man.

"Put him down, Serena."

"And Ivan, Serena is trustworthy, you should contact Xia Zuo."

Ivan breathed a sigh of relief,"If you had said it earlier, it would have been fine. I almost peed my pants, it was so embarrassing."

Gildarts spread his hands and apologized.

Ivan also knew that this was not the time to care about it, so he opened his Xiaolingtong, clicked on the only contact, and made a video call request.

A few minutes later, the light screen projection on the Xiaolingtong appeared, and Xia Zuo's head portrait was displayed. Judging from the background, he seemed to be above the train car?

"Help, Xia Zuo! I was caught by Gildarts!"

Xia Zuo on the other side hadn't spoken yet, but Ivan was aggrieved and crying.

Xia Zuo was helpless. They were adults, so what?

Oh, he met Gildarts, that was understandable.

Xia Zuo stood on the roof of the train, looking at Ivan on the projection of Xiaolingtong,"Then, Uncle Ivan, whether you were killed by Gildarts or not, please help me pass on a message."

"Tell Gildarts to stop thinking about his B 100-year mission. It's been years and he still hasn't gotten Ishgar. This is not the way to slack off."

"Go back to the guild right now. His daughter has been waiting for him for 12 years."

"Let him come back and fulfill his father's responsibilities!"

The call was hung up.

Ivan was shocked, realizing that Xia Zuo was really angry.

He remembered that the last time he saw Xia Zuo angry was when he was planning to create a dark guild. The angry Xia Zuo pressed him to the ground and rubbed him, and abruptly beat away his evil thoughts.

By the way, Gildarts actually has a daughter.

Ivan didn't feel that much of a surprise, after all, Gildarts is in his forties, isn't it normal to have a child?

But when he saw Gildarts's expression, Ivan's fist hardened.

Gildarts's face changed into a fan-shaped statistical chart, one point of confusion, two points of panic, three points of doubt, and four points of collapse.

Mary, Claire, Eliza, Sana, Yuko, Fina...

One by one, the names of the women came out of Gildarts' mouth like reading the names of dishes, but were immediately denied. Gildarts covered his head, and collapse overcame other emotions and crawled all over his face.

"It's over. I've been in love with too many women. I can't figure out who might be the father of the child."

Ivan couldn't bear it any longer after seeing this scene, so he punched Gildarts in the face.

The situation reversed, and this time Ivan grabbed Gildarts by the collar and shook him,"How philandering are you? Think about it carefully!""

"No, I can't count them. I can't count them at all.…"

"Can't do it?! If you can't do it, you will get hurt... Forget it, think about it yourself."

Ivan was speechless. How could there be such a man in the world? He dated so many women, but he was not hacked to death in the end. Where is justice!

Ivan wanted to complain to Gildarts' friend Serena, but found that Serena had a gloomy expression and kept repeating Xia Zuo's words"fulfill the responsibilities of a father."

Damn! They are really a pair of bad friends!

Ivan almost believed that Serena was also a man who was not responsible for his family.

The atmosphere between these two people made Ivan depressed. Thinking of being expelled from the guild by his father, it must be a huge blow to his son Laxus...

Ivan asked himself, is he a qualified father? Of course not, what kind of father is he if he hurts his children.

Sighing, Ivan waved to,"Waiter, bring three barrels of wine, big barrels."

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