The world of magic - Aslant.

The people here are born with magic power, but magic power also varies in strength.

The weak ones cannot activate or sense their own magic power, because the magic power in their bodies is so weak that it is almost non-existent. Such people occupy the majority of this world, and they have a common name.——"Ordinary people".

Correspondingly, those who can sense their own magic power and thus open up magic, without exception, have embarked on a path that is exclusive to them.——"Magician".

But just like the difference between ordinary people and magicians, there are also differences between magicians.

There are like-minded people who gather together for warmth, set up magic guilds, and make a living by accepting commissions.

There are dark conspirators who hide in the dark and implement ulterior plans.

There are also people who choose to release their inner desires because they have gained power.

In the bank of the Commercial Guild, the ferocious bandits rudely snatched wallets one after another.

The leading bandit was covered with stolen jewels, and the floating flames around him revealed the bandit's identity, he was a magician.

Shul, who called himself the"Fire Demon", fiddled with the genetic gem necklace. He enjoyed the panic of the hostages, or the fear of the weak against the strong.

"That's it, the strong should rule over the weak, dominate everything of the weak, hahahaha!"

Amid Shul's laughter, a bell rang softly, which was the prompt sound when the bank door was pushed open.

A young man in his 20s walked into the bank. His black coat was stained with a little dust, making him look a little dusty.

The young man seemed not to notice the manager who winked at him among the hostages, signaling him to escape, and looked directly at the robber leader Shul.

"Um, are you robbing people?"

The young man's polite question made the robbers laugh. Shul even thought that the young man was mentally ill. How could he not see such an obvious thing?

"Hey, you idiot, hand over all your valuables."

"Our big brother is a wizard, we don’t need to tell you what will happen if you don’t obey, right?"

The robbers threatened as usual.

The young man was terrified as the robbers thought,"Wizard! It’s so scary~"

The satisfied robbers laughed again, it can be seen that they all love to laugh.

"Why, idiot, what do you do?"


""Eh? Aren't those tomb robbers? You must have a lot of valuables, right? Take them out!"

The young man obediently searched for valuables on his body, but in the end he only took out 10 palm-sized octagonal stone symbols.

"Is this your most valuable thing? 10 broken stones!"

One of the extras felt fooled and grabbed the young man's black coat, ready to search him.

However, the young man grabbed the extra's wrist and twisted it gently, and the sound of bones breaking was heard.

""Ahhhhhhh! My hand!"

The bandit whose wrist was crushed screamed, but he didn’t dare to move because of the severe pain. Sweat beads the size of beans kept dripping from his head.

"Hey... I've already told you that these 10 talismans are the most valuable things I have, why don't you believe me?"

The young man let go of the bandit's wrist and slapped him in the face. The bandit stopped screaming because he fainted.

Shaking his coat, the young man looked at the unconscious bandit with disdain on his face,"You want to rob with this physique? Go home and drink your milk."

A slap knocked a villain unconscious, even a fool could see that the young man was extraordinary.

Shul was furious, he didn't understand that the young man's previous stupid gesture was all fake

"Who are you!"

"My name is Xia Zuo, I'm just an archaeologist passing by."

Xia Zuo smiled, snapped his fingers, and instantly appeared behind a robber.

Feeling the hand on his shoulder and looking at his unconscious companion, the robber swallowed his saliva and said in a trembling voice:"Sir, I was forced to do this."

"Oh, that's really pitiful."

Xia Zuo nodded sympathetically, giving the robber a glimmer of hope to escape.

Then, the bank glass shattered, and the robber was thrown out like a ball, leaving a long mark on the ground.

Xia Zuo still had a smile on his face, and turned to look at the other robbers.

"I hate you robbers the most."

"There is no technical content at all."

The sound of snapping fingers rang out again, and another robber was thrown out of the bank in fear.

Then, the second, third, fourth... until the only robber in the bank was the magician Shul.

Watching his men disappear one by one, great fear filled Shul's heart.


A pair of hands suddenly appeared in front of Shul, extinguishing Shul's flame like slapping a mosquito.

Xia Zuo's casual action made Shul feel like he fell into an ice cave, his body trembled uncontrollably, and he couldn't even speak.

"You are a fire wizard, and I also know two people who play with fire."Xia Zuo looked at Shule and thought of two people, his tone full of joy.

"One of them has entered the grave of marriage, and the other is a young man who loves fighting."

"Compared to them, your little flame is nothing."

The humiliation of the words and the pressure of the momentum made Shule explode completely. As the saying goes, anger comes from the heart, and evil comes from the courage. As long as Shule succeeds in his sneak attack, no one can be safe.

"Go to hell!"

A flame as tall as a person engulfed Xia Zuo.

Shule stared at the flame nervously until it went out and then relaxed,"He was burned to ashes! Hahahaha!"

""Hey, poor guy, has he lost his brain?"

Xia Zuo's voice reappeared. Shule turned around in panic, and what he was greeted with was a powerful uppercut.

Shule instantly completed the difficult action of rotating 720 degrees in the air, but unfortunately he ended up with his face on the ground, so Xia Zuo had to withdraw his score.

Xia Zuo helped Shule up, took off a string of jewelry and observed it, and threw it back to Shule with disgust. Xia Zuo didn't like fakes.

"Archaeology is an academic discipline that focuses on the study of history."

"As for tomb robbers, they are just a group of scum who wantonly destroy cultural relics for profit."

"I am very unhappy that you confuse archaeology with tomb robbing."

"Oh, there is one more thing."

Xia Zuo took out a stone talisman and waved it in front of Shul."I am not lying to you. This stone called 'Bull Charm' can give ordinary people the power of a bull."

"However, if used by a wizard, the Bull Charm will increase in power according to the user's magic power."

"Guess how high you will fly next?"

Xia Zuo rolled up his sleeves and moved his right hand, looking like he was going to use all his strength.

The trembling Shul noticed that there was a tattoo on Xia Zuo's right forearm that looked like a"flying fairy".

"You are not an archaeologist, you are a wizard! A wizard from Fairy Tail!"

Shul was a little mad, he didn't expect that he was facing a member of that guild,"Are all the members of your big guild so idle? You even care about robbery!"

As Shul roared, he turned into a meteor and flew into the sky.

Xia Zuo retracted his fists, turned around and found that the rescued hostages were staring at him with strange eyes.

Xia Zuo spread his hands helplessly.

"I've said it before, I'm just an archaeologist passing through"

"As for the guild emblem on his body…"

"As an archaeologist, it's normal for me to know a little bit of magic, right?"

"Since you know magic, it's normal to join a magic guild, right?"

Everyone in the bank nodded. After what happened just now, who dared to say no?

Xia Zuo nodded with satisfaction. The stone talisman with a rabbit pattern in his hand flashed a ray of light and disappeared in front of everyone.

Five minutes later, Shule's figure fell from the sky and fell together with the unconscious robbers outside the bank.

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