The book was in the air, but it was still in the air.

The moment the book touched Zorn, it turned into a stream of light and entered Zorn's body. A golden magic circle appeared in Zorn's left eye, and a blue magic circle appeared in his right eye. His body was also lifted up by the light and hung in the air.

"Damn, Zorn." Laxus was covered in lightning and stood in front of Kana and a group of villagers with a serious look. He looked at Zorn with a frown, clenched his hands, and gathered magic power in his fists, ready to attack at any time. After getting ready, he shouted to Zorn, hoping to confirm Zorn's current state.

"Zon?" Kana wanted to rush to Zon, but Laxus blocked her with his hand, "Don't go over yet."

"It's okay, I'm fine." An ethereal voice came from Zon's direction. After Zon finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at the villagers behind Laxus with fearful expressions.

"This is the last protection given to you by your ancient ancestors." Zon put his hands together, called up all the magic power on his body, and activated the magic circle again. Half of the gold and half of the blue magic power rushed into the sky. Behind Zon, a woman with a crown, a gorgeous dress, and flowing blue hair appeared, looking at the villagers lovingly.

"Is this? Is that story true?" The old village chief was the first to react and was shocked. He knelt down first. Seeing that the village chief was so respectful, the villagers also knelt down in the same way.

Zon looked up, chanting some incomprehensible ancient language, and spread his hands. A ball of golden blue energy appeared in his palms. A huge golden blue magic circle appeared in the sky, directly covering part of the sky, forming a beautiful starry sky, echoing the magic circle on the ground.

"So beautiful" Kana murmured inadvertently.

Kana and Laxus also watched this magical scene together. This magic directly covered part of the sky, and used their own magic to directly reflect the starry sky. The stars shone in the sky, and the light slowly fell.

"Super Magic-Blessing of Starlight" The magic light source in Zon's hand slowly floated away from his palm, and the magic circle in the sky caught the starlight, transformed it into a beam of light and directly merged it into the golden blue light ball. After that, the light ball fell and directly merged into the bodies of Laxus, Kana and a group of villagers.

Kana looked around and looked down at her glowing body. Laxus also clenched and loosened his hands to feel the difference in himself, and the villagers also looked at their bodies to find any changes.

As the magic was completed, the noble figure behind Zorn slowly dissipated, and finally, as if fulfilling his wish, he closed his eyes and disappeared in the air, and Zorn also slowly fell.

Zorn had just stood on the ground, his legs and feet softened, and he was about to fall. Kana and Laxus immediately flashed and rushed to Zorn to catch him who was about to fall.

"Are you okay?" Kana put Zorn's head on her legs and looked at the weak Zorn with a worried look on her face. Laxus also looked at Zorn, who was pale and almost exhausted, with a little worry. Since he met Zorn, he had never seen Zorn so embarrassed and weak. It seemed that this magic consumed a lot of Zorn.

"It's okay, it's just that the magic consumption is a bit large, haha, miscalculated." Zorn spoke intermittently, his voice was weak and hoarse, as if a gust of wind could blow it away, and Zorn still struggled to speak to show that he was fine.

"Really? You're still trying to be brave now." Seeing this, Cana complained by pointing her finger at Zon's head.

"This magic is to carry out the wishes in your heart with your own strong will and prayer, combined with magic and starlight to realize it. You need to have very strong magic and a pure wish of love to have a chance to realize it. Fortunately, this magic circle has absorbed the magic of many wizards in the past, and with my magic, it can barely be successfully realized. I don't know if the wishes of me and the queen can be successfully realized now."

Zon slowed down his own state, and with the current sunshine, his body recovered a little, sat up, and talked to everyone.


"Yes, wish, the queen wishes her people to avoid disasters forever, and mine is, I hope you can be happy forever."

"How about it, do you feel it?" After Zon introduced it, he looked at Laxus and Cana closely, hoping to see any difference.

"As for me, I am very happy now." Kana smiled gently, her eyes were like bright stars, full of love, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, revealing incomparable sweetness.

Seeing this, Zon was also in a state of panic, and fell into it directly. The two ignored the crowd and Laxus, and were about to hug each other.

"Ahem" a cough brought the two back to reality. Zon and Kana turned around and saw Laxus, who was a little uncomfortable, and the villagers who were happily watching the intimacy of the couple. They were also a little uncomfortable. Zon simply smiled dryly.

After the mission was over, the three of them walked on the way back to the town...

"Laxus, how did you know that Zon and I were doing a mission here." Kana looked at Laxus a little confused. You know, this order of doing the mission, but she and Zon decided on the way, and no one would know it.

"Coincidentally, I came here to perform a mission, and Zon was sensed by his observation color." Laxus was just telling the truth. He really came here to perform a mission.

"Yes, Laxus and I are very tacitly connected." Zon also echoed beside him, and raised his thumb to gesture to Laxus.

"Tsk~" Laxus turned his head without even looking.

Kana seemed to sense something and turned her head to check. Zorn quickly retracted his finger without letting Kana notice. She only saw Laxus turn his head disdainfully and laughed dryly with Zorn.

The two people's strange behavior made Kana very suspicious, but because there was no evidence, she hid her suspicion in her heart.

"Then these three people..." Kana looked at the three people tied up floating in the air and asked Zorn.

"Hand them over to the Council, this is their best choice, right, three of you." Zorn looked at the three people in front of him who still had hope with a smile on his face, and said their final outcome in the most gentle words.

The three arrested people could only nod their heads to express their agreement. Even their mouths were sealed, so they could only express it this way.

After handing the three people over to the Council of the nearest town, Kana, Zorn and Laxus boarded the train directly to the town of Magloria.

Fairy Tail Guild...

"Everyone, we're back." Zorn pushed open the guild door, and the noisy guild suddenly became quiet. When they saw that it was Zorn and Cana who came back, they instantly surged and burst into even louder cheers.

Erza and Mirajane directly pulled Cana aside and asked if they had any interesting things during their journey. Cana also took out the photo album from Zorn's backpack and explained them one by one. When they turned to the page of Laxus's ugly photo, several people were stunned for a moment, and a lightning hand instantly pulled out the photo and smashed it.


Erza and Mirajane were stunned for a few seconds, and they also laughed, as if they had seen something magical. It was also the first time they saw this side of Laxus.

"Zorn, didn't you promise me that you would destroy it!" Laxus was covered in lightning and looked at Zorn with anger on his face.

Natsu, Gray and others who were originally surrounding Zorn instantly moved aside, leaving a large open space for Laxus and Zorn.

"This, this, listen to my explanation... No, there is a reason." Zorn was also speechless and stuttered. He planned to take out this photo this time and put it away separately. He did destroy it before and did not lie to Laxus. He did not expect that one of the last photos would be exposed here.

"You should take my punch first, and then talk about other things." Laxus pinched his left and right hands together, and walked towards Zorn step by step viciously.

Zorn saw that the situation was not good, and he dodged and wanted to run, but was hugged by Natsu and Gray.

"Sorry, Zorn, Laxus gave too much."

"Damn it~" Zorn was directly restricted to the spot, helpless and furious.

The guild members burst into laughter upon seeing this. Makarov also looked at the scene with a happy face, without any intention of stopping it. He would occasionally secretly look at another ugly photo of Laxus in his inner pocket.

To be continued~

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