Ling Yan was now so angry that he went berserk. It was ironic that a welcome party had turned into a farewell party and caused others to go berserk and kill people.

"This brat actually has such powerful magic. Damn it, fighting here will affect Elsa and the others. Defense array: Three Gods Pillars!" Makarov, who had transformed into a giant, looked at Elsa and the others not far away, and to ensure that they would not be affected, he used his strongest defense array: Three Gods Pillars,"Hey, Elsa, take everyone to another place quickly, they will be affected here!" He shouted to the people not far away.

"Everyone, please leave quickly. You will be in the way of the president if you stay here.""President, please don't be too harsh!""Really? It's all because of what you said!" Everyone sought refuge elsewhere, complaining about Makarov from time to time.

"You want to stop me with this broken thing?!"Ling Yan's hands were wrapped in flames, and even Makarov could feel how hot the flames were. Ling Yan punched one of the pillars, but there was no effect. Then Ling Yan punched a few more times, and the pillars began to show some cracks. Ling Yan kept hitting the three pillars, and the pillars of the three pillars showed many cracks. I believe they will be broken in a short time.

""Not good, the Three Gods Pillars won't last long.

This kid's strength should be within the Saint Ten.

" Makarov's face was a little ugly.

He pulled his right hand back a little, as if he was gathering strength, and then stretched out his arm to attack Ling Yan.

At this time, Ling Yan also broke through the Three Gods Pillars.

Looking at the huge arm attacking him, he actually used his fist to fight directly.

However, Ling Yan was in a rampage state now.

It was really unrealistic to dodge, so he had to fight hard.

Although he was wrapped in flames, his strength was not as good as Makarov's. Makarov endured himself. The burning pain on his hand, and with a little more force, Ling Yan was soon defeated and was pressed down by Makarov's hand, but he did not let Makarov have his fun. Flames wrapped around his body, causing Makarov's hands to be burned. In the end, Makarov could not stand the burns of the flames and pulled his hands back, but kicked again.

At this time, Ling Yan struggled to resist Makarov's attack. He was in a stage where the old strength had gone and the new strength had not yet been generated. He had no strength to defend against Makarov's kicks, and could only cross his arms in front of his chest to block some damage.

"Bang!!!" Ling Yan was kicked out and hit the house.

"Cough cough." Ling Yan felt a sweetness in his throat and coughed up blood,"You bastard!!""Stop, there's no need to fight." Makarov advised. If the fight continued, the residents and houses of Magunolia would be injured, and this battle was caused by his words that he shouldn't have said, so if he could stop it, he still wanted to stop it.

""I told you not to order me around!!!

" But this made Ling Yan even more furious.

The last bit of his rationality was burned by anger, and many fireballs appeared around him.

If you look closely now, you can find that the hexagram mark on the back of Ling Yan's left hand is a little shiny, but in this world of"sparks", no one noticed it.

Some hit Makarov, some hit the house, all of which were indiscriminate attacks, and even a few hit Ling Yan himself, but Ling Yan just stood there and released fireballs.

Now his magic control ability is still very rough, and he can't attack the opponent while casting many fireballs.

Of course, attacking the opponent in this situation will make him suffer more attacks from himself.

Everyone who saw this scene in the community outside Magunolia couldn't help but gasp, and the residents of Magunolia were the same. If they were still there, would they be hit and die directly?

"What on earth is the president doing? Stop Ling Yan!""Yes, they started to attack indiscriminately, and even attacked themselves.""What the hell did the president say to make Ling Yan start attacking indiscriminately?"

"Hey, stop it now, or you will get hurt too!" Makarov said while defending against the flying fireballs.

But at this time Ling Yan had completely gone berserk and ignored Makarov's words.

Seeing that Ling Yan didn't react, Makarov gritted his teeth and said,"No, Ling Yan must be suppressed by force." As he said that, he stretched out his right hand and hit Ling Yan. Ling Yan didn't dodge and took it hard, coughing up some blood again, but his crazy behavior did not stop, and the power of the fireball was even worse than before.

"No, it seems that this trick won't work, so I can only find a chance to knock him out."Makarov saw this and immediately changed his strategy.

He lifted the giant magic and used his short body to dodge the fireballs while getting close to Ling Yan. At this time, Ling Yan was already panting. He coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood first, and now there were so many fireballs, and some of them hit him. Even with the strength of Saint Ten, he couldn't handle it.

Finally, there was a gap when Ling Yan released the magic. Makarov immediately seized this gap and hit Ling Yan's neck with a knife at lightning speed, knocking Ling Yan unconscious, and those fireballs Without the source of magic power, it all dissipated and turned into ordinary magic elements returning to the atmosphere.

Makarov looked at Ling Yan who was constantly panting in his arms and put him in the room where he slept last night. Under Ling Yan's attack, there were not many intact houses in Magunolia now, but the boys' dormitory was"lucky" to"survive".

Makarov planned to hide Ling Yan and take full responsibility himself, because all this was caused by his words. However, judging from the appearance of Magunolia and the guild, they had to be rebuilt.

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