Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 88 87. Can you let go of my hand?

It was freezing cold outside, and the snow that had fallen overnight was still sparsely falling. Now the temperature on the mountain is estimated to be several degrees below zero.

Jiang Qiao kept rubbing his hands in the cold. He was not well prepared for the winter on the mountain for the first time. Next year, he had to prepare gloves and scarves in advance. Only Fairy Bai remained unchanged.

He closed the shop, and Bai Yueling was slightly puzzled: Aren't you driving?

Jiang Qiao let out a sigh of relief: On a snowy day, the road is slippery, and riding a bicycle is prone to accidents, not to mention that according to traffic regulations, small electric donkeys cannot carry people.


Go down the mountain first, there is a bus into the city on the way.

She nodded lightly, this kind of thing is okay to listen to Jiang Qiao, anyway, even if you walk into the city, it doesn't matter, she has done things like measuring the earth on foot many times.

Jiang Qiao took two masks from his backpack and handed one to her: Wear a mask when you go out. Although the country's epidemic prevention measures are very good, we can't let the government worry about it, and we are also responsible for ourselves and our loved ones.

She nodded and frowned slightly after putting on a mask like Jiang Qiao, the smell of the mask was a bit strange.

Let's go.

He held an umbrella and went down the mountain side by side with Fairy Bai, but Fu Lu Shouxi was so quiet in his bag that there was no commotion.

Seeing that his umbrella holding hand was exposed to the outside air and turned red from the cold, Fairy Bai couldn't bear it in her heart: I'll come.

That's so funny.

He said so, but he was not polite at all, and handed the umbrella to her, seeing that Bai Yueling only rolled his eyes.

The road down the mountain was winding, the journey was a little over a kilometer, but less than two kilometers. The snowstorms that had fallen all day and night had decorated the Fairy Peak in silver. At first glance, apart from the two of them, there was no other trace at all.

Jiang Qiao was jumping and jumping all the way, and after dancing for a long time, he was tired, not to mention, it was still very cold.

Bai Yueling looked at him with his neck shrunk into a ball and said indifferently: Only guys with a weak body are afraid of cold, and if you exercise more as I said, it won't be the case.

Well, definitely next time.

How many times have you said this?

...I didn't expect you to see through this.

Bai Yueling was a little speechless, wondering how he could say these words confidently.

Take your hand out.

Are you trying to call me again? Jiang Qiao gave her a wary look.

Stop being wordy, I think you still need your hand?

He reluctantly took out his hand and whispered softly: It's such a cold day outside, staying for one more second may cause a tenth degree freeze...

Bai Yueling held his hand silently, Jiang Qiao's body froze, and his mind was short-circuited, ah this...

Walk well, don't think about it. She stared blankly ahead.

after a little while.

Is it still cold?

Jiang Qiao said in a dull tone, Are you nervous? It made my hand numb.


She resisted the urge to slap him to death and took a deep breath to relax her body.

It's still very cold, why don't you rub it for me like last time?

Do you want me to help you with electricity like last time?

Jiang Qiao stopped talking for a moment.

On the road, he occasionally encountered security guards patrolling the scenic spot. Jiang Qiao knew each other and nodded to each other to say hello. It was just that the security guard saw a beautiful woman holding an umbrella for him on such a cold day, which made people angry.

After going down the mountain, the two waited on the side of the road for a while, and a small passenger car came into the city. He took out the bus card and swiped it twice in a row, each time for two yuan.

All the passengers in the car wore masks like they did. Jiang Qiao took a look. There were just two positions in the back seat, pulling Bai Yueling to sit by the window.

Is this the bus you're talking about?

Not all families can afford a car. The bus ride rate is high and the price is cheap. The working public can afford it. Special groups are even free. This is also part of the national livelihood project.

Fairy Bai felt emotional.

In Ziweixing, she is used to seeing the picture of the road has frozen bones. The development of tens of millions of years is less than 1,000% of the development of this country in the past few decades. She can achieve this step for the people at the bottom. , Putting Xiu Xianjie is simply a meritorious deed.

After returning to her senses, she looked down at Jiang Qiao's dog paws.

It's not cold in the car, can you let go of my hand?

Jiang Qiao withdrew his hand embarrassedly, and blinked innocently: Didn't you just hold my hand...

...Any more sophistry, believe it or not, I'll call you?

Ah, Fairy, spare your life.


She snorted and turned her head to look out the window, not wanting to deal with this guy who didn't do anything right all day.

After leaving the area of ​​Fairy Peak Scenic Area, no snow can be seen on the road, and only when you turn back can you see the vast white patch halfway up the mountain.

The bus doesn't drive fast, stop-and-go, very human. From time to time, passengers get on the bus, and then take out the same card as Jiangqiao and swipe it, or pay honestly.

After a while, the bus stopped again and did not restart for a long time.

What happened ahead? she asked.

Jiang Qiao stuck his neck out of the window and looked out the window. There seemed to be a car accident at the curve ahead. It seemed that someone was overtaking on the curve and collided with the oncoming car. The front of the car was deformed. I hope everyone is okay.

There was a car accident, so whether it's a pedestrian or a car, you need to obey the traffic rules, otherwise it's easy to have an accident.

Fairy Bai nodded slightly and kept this matter in mind. Although she was not afraid of hitting her, she estimated that the car that hit her would be miserable.

After a few minutes, after collecting evidence at the scene, the two cars involved in the accident were moved to the side of the road, and no matter what, they could not hinder the traffic.

Come on, let's go home first.

After arriving at the station, Jiang Qiao randomly stopped a taxi and returned to the community where his father and mother lived. He took out the key to open the door. Both of them are still at work, and there is no one in the house.

You go into the house. You don't have to take off your shoes. Just sit and sit. There are disposable paper cups on the coffee table. When you are thirsty, go to the water dispenser to pour water.

Jiang Qiao took Fu Lu Shou Xi out of his schoolbag, and when they saw the unfamiliar environment, the two little ones were a little scared.

Fairy Bai looked around curiously. His parents' house was much bigger than the small building on the mountain. The living room was spacious and bright, and there was a separate dining room. The floor seemed to be wooden, which was very comfortable to walk on. The walls were snow-white, and the interior decoration was beautiful.

What about your parents?

It's work.


After mixing milk powder, making cat litter, and everything in place, Jiang Qiao glanced at the time, it was almost 11 o'clock.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a V letter to Xia Qinghe: Mother Huang'er, Erchen is home.

Where's my daughter-in-law?

The news came back in seconds, and he didn't care about his son first and for his daughter-in-law.

Jiang Qiao guessed that she should be out of class at the moment.

He walked aside with a guilty conscience, not letting Fairy Bai see the chat.

Come back together, don't yell at night, the eight characters haven't been written yet.


(Yesterday, the computer was broken, and today I found that it was automatically repaired. There are at least 3 chapters. Nanfeng is updating, please don’t rush)

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