Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 143 142. I miss you

Jiang Qiao stared blankly at the beautiful demon in his arms, could this woman know nothing but fire?

What's the matter with that look? After all, we've slept together so many times. It's not an exaggeration to call them old couples, right? She giggled.

That's you sneaking into my bed! Jiang Qiao said angrily.

Then you hugged me while I was asleep, and I took the initiative?

Jiang Qiao choked suddenly.

He just hugged her waist gently that time in a daze, he only thought she was cute when she fell asleep, but he didn't expect it to become a reason to refute him now.

That... that doesn't count.

Why don't you forget it? Is it because I can't warm the bed, or is it in your hands? But...?

Jiang Qiao immediately covered her mouth: Speak carefully!

Bai Yueling rolled her eyes: If you don't hug me to bed, I'll take off my clothes and let Nanfeng describe it carefully, to see if you're afraid.


That's paid content, right?

You are ruthless! I admit it!

Under pressure, Jiang Qiao passed her leg with one hand, and supported her back with the other to leave the desk. Bai Yueling also hooked his neck with a smile on his face. This guy who has a heart but no guts is sometimes a coward who is afraid of threats.

After walking two steps to the bed, Jiang Qiao hesitated whether to throw her directly on the bed.

If you dare to throw me away, I'll let your parents know that I'm in your room by yelling right now. She said quietly as if she knew what Jiang Qiao was thinking.


In the end, the two climbed onto the bed, but the moment the quilt was covered, she wrapped around his body like an octopus.

Bai Yueling tried her best to get into his arms, put Jiang Qiao's hand on her waist, and tried to put it up, but he didn't dare to kill him.

Okay, I have tolerated you again and again, are you satisfied now?

Bai Yueling blinked: Master, I still want you to plant a strawberry on my neck.

...You are going too far!

Are you afraid that your white fairy will find out about your secret cheating? Don't worry, I will use my spiritual power to smooth the marks, and she will never know about our tryst.

Jiang Qiao rolled over and got off the bed: I don't want to hear it anymore. If you want to continue sleeping here, go to sleep. I'll go to sleep on the sofa outside.

In any case, you have to have a bottom line in life, how could she be so tight-lipped.

Hey, wait, don't go out, I don't want strawberries, can't you?

Jiang Qiao ignored it and continued to take out the quilt and pillow from the closet.

Bai Yueling smiled coldly: Jiang Lang, I didn't expect you to learn to threaten me. Okay, I'll sleep on the sofa too, and sleep on top of you. In case Aunt Xia wakes up at night...

Jiang Qiao froze. Was this woman really a devil? Can this kind of thing be done?

He obediently stuffed the quilt and pillow back into the closet, and obediently returned to the bed to lie flat.

That's right. She turned over and pressed against him, just smacking on his forehead.

Say it quickly. Jiang Qiao wiped away his saliva expressionlessly.

My master is Ziweixing's most famous immortal. He is very indifferent to everyone, but he is very kind to me.

Jiang Qiao was really powerless to complain. Of course your master was kind to you. After all, you started poking your throat with candied haws since you were so young.

It's just a bad teacher's morality! Lolicon! Get addicted! Not a good thing at all! Teaching you like this, the death penalty is cheap for him!

go on.

He loves me the most.


Bai Yueling nodded: It's gone.

Jiang Qiao: ...

It's the same as not asking.

What about Fairy Bai's master?

She showed a malicious smile, and then pointed to her lips: I'll tell you after two kisses.

Is there a price increase? Jiang Qiao was dumbfounded.

You think I don't know, you are just trying to ask if we are the same master.

The corner of his mouth twitched, what a fucking wit, you can see it all.

Actually, a kiss is fine. I want a passionate kiss, the kind that stretches her head.

Then I'd better kiss the lips twice.

Although it is the same body, but the soul is different, Jiang Qiao always has a feeling of cheating.

He quickly kissed her twice, Bai Yueling licked her lips, and immediately showed a tricky smile.

Okay, I cheated another kiss who doesn't want money.

How dare you! Say it quickly!

Jiang Qiao was annoyed. There was nothing to be proud of in such a thing.

Her master, what kind of master do you think can teach such a cold apprentice? Turn a blind eye to him no matter how good he is, and die when he is emotional .”

Speaking of this matter, Bai Yueling seemed very angry, but there was deep nostalgia in his tone.

Jiang Qiao didn't hear any other meaning, he frowned and muttered: So, you two are not the same master?

Bai Yueling smiled and said nothing.

She stared at Jiang Qiao obsessively. After thousands of years, she finally met Jiang Qiao again.

Unraveling a confusion in his heart, Jiang Qiao asked her again: Did you do something to her today? Why did she want to kill me?

Aren't you on the same front as her? Why don't you ask me this kind of thing?

Jiang Qiao said brazenly: Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. What's more, I just use what you say as a reference, and I won't believe it all.

Bai Yueling smiled and said: Is that so, then I'd be lying.

Hey, don't you bring something like this?

You have seriously affected her Dao heart, of course I will slaughter you to prove Dao~

Bai Yueling gently stroked his chest, and said softly: So, Jiang Lang, are you afraid? Do you still feel less pressure to get along with me?

It's different. Being with you is forced. Even if it is fragrant, it is bitter. Being with her is voluntary. Even if you are electrocuted every day, it is still sweet.

There is such a shameless dog licking like you in the world? Bai Yueling's eyes widened.

Yeah, I'm a licking dog.

Jiang Qiao nodded, and admitted generously: But it's useful, isn't it? It's a fact that Fairy Bai likes me. What's important is that I like her, and I don't like you. It has nothing to do with appearance and body. It's a feeling. You don't know.

Bai Yueling looked complicated. If she didn't understand, how could she wake up after meeting Jiang Qiao?

She suddenly lost interest, got up from Jiang Qiao, and walked towards the door.

Then he was stunned, did this witch suddenly change her sex? Or was he successfully persuaded?

By the way, let me tell you a piece of news for free. Your white fairy is thinking of leaving you to live alone, but, you know, because of my existence, she is doomed to return without success. So, Jiang Lang, you owe me a Favor.

The door closed slowly.


(I wish my fathers a happy new year and all the best in advance. Nanfeng asked me to help him by the way and ask all the fathers, does he have lucky money?)

Thank you [Ty Dongsheng] for the 2100 rewards, thank you [Book Friends 20200921083941595] for the 1700 rewards, thank you [Tisrufa] for the 200 rewards, and thank you [Twilight River Chanting Fish on Ice] for the 100 rewards.

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