Fairy, Stop Making Trouble

Chapter 132 131. Goodbye, Yue Ling, my beloved

The ferocious face of the evil spirit lingered in Fairy Bai's mind.

Jiang Qiao said that the society was peaceful, but during her ten thousand years in Ziwei Star, she saw intrigues, intrigues, starvation and misery in the world, and even more cruel and vicious people.

She was worried what if, what if this evil ghost pretending to be a mortal really killed Jiang Qiao?

She could easily kill even the corpse king who crawled up from the wasteland, but Jiang Qiao was an ordinary person with flesh and blood, how could he block that bloody dagger?

That fool, doesn't he know how much he weighs? She is a majestic Immortal Emperor and needs his desperate protection? !

The next second, there were screams in the operating room, and Fairy Bai kicked open the door of the operation in panic. No matter who it was, whoever dared to hurt Jiang Qiao, he would never be spared!

In sight, two evil spirits were pressing on Jiang Qiao's body, and they picked up their knives and stabbed him indiscriminately, causing blood to splatter everywhere.


Her pupils were wide open, and she strode over, picking up an evil ghost with one hand like pinching a chicken.

Fairy wait a minute!

Jiang Qiao hurriedly opened his mouth, Fairy Bai's body trembled, and he threw the evil ghost aside and fell into a mess.

Fairy Bai turned her head and looked at Jiang Qiao's blood-stained body, her eyes turned red.

How are you? You've lost a lot of blood. Jiang Qiao, you must hold on. I'll take you to the hospital right away.

Her mind was in chaos, and her heart was terrified. She even trembled all over her body, fearing that Jiang Qiao would die.

Yue... Yue Ling, I'm sorry, I... I may not be able to hold on anymore, I... I'm so cold, can you hug... hug me? Jiang Qiao said tremblingly.

Fairy Bai bit her lip, nodded heavily, and held Jiang Qiao in her arms sadly: Stop talking, I won't let you die.

Jiang Qiao felt the pure spiritual power drill into his body, and all the fatigue was swept away, making him feel warm and comfortable.

Yue Ling, it's useless, don't waste your energy trying to save me, my own body... I know it myself, ahem... I can't hold on for long, but... some words have been in my heart for too long... He struggled He raised his arm, wanting to touch Fairy Bai's face with bloody hands.

She subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but she still let him touch her without moving. After all... Jiang Qiao was going to die.

Now that things have happened, I finally understand the meaning of that sentence... cough cough, Jiang Qiao looked at her affectionately, The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but... I stand by you In front of you, you don't know me...I love you.

I know, I know, Jiang Qiao, stop talking... Fairy Bai had a sore nose, tears in the corners of her eyes, and the string in her heart was deeply touched.

Then...then do you love me? If I can hear you... say it, I... I too... die without regrets, cough cough...

I... Fairy Bai opened her mouth, but she couldn't say anything.

There was a wry smile on Jiang Qiao's pale face: No...it's okay if you don't love me, after all, you are a high fairy, and I...I'm just a mortal, but I...I'm going to die, even...even if you lie Lie to me, and I too... I will be very happy too.

It's not like that, it's not what you think... Fairy Bai sobbed and shook her head, I...I...

Goodbye, Yue Ling, my beloved...

There was a look of relief on Jiang Qiao's face. He turned his head and squeezed against Fairy Bai's chest, his blood-stained hand hanging down feebly.

Her mind was blank, as if a piece of her heart had been gouged out suddenly, and she felt empty. This feeling was like losing the most important person. Back then, her master died, and she was devastated.

Now that Jiang Qiao is dead, how could her heart be in such pain?

Jiang Qiao! Jiang Qiao!! Don't die! Wake up, I'll tell you, I won't lie to you, I'll tell you... Fairy Bai shook Jiang Qiao's hand vigorously, and a tear fell quietly. on his face.

Touching Jiang Qiao's heart, she suddenly felt something was wrong. Isn't this man dead? Why is the heart still beating? The vitality did not show signs of passing away, the cells were still full of vitality, and there was no familiar smell of blood in the air.

At this time, the two NPCs pretending to be ghosts came over with hideous headgear, looking at the strange woman who threw the two of them away casually, and was a little scared. If it happened again, the bones would probably fall apart.

Having said that, isn't the escape from the haunted house all fake? These two people are actually playing a bitter scene of parting and parting in front of their faces. Are they deceiving ghosts?

They have seen quite a few tourists pretending to be dead, but this is the first time they have seen this new job, a new routine for couples to confess?

Hey, um, beauty, don't panic, all our props are fake, look at this knife, it's made of plastic, and it has a switch, it will retract automatically when it stabs someone.

Fairy Bai was stunned: Then... what about the blood on his body?

Oh, the blood is also fake. It's a special blood bag. After it solidifies in the air, it becomes a thin layer of glue. Don't worry about staining your clothes.

She lowered her head and took a serious look at Jiang Qiao's stomach. She did not find any wounds, so this guy was lying to her just now, right?

Concern is chaotic, subconsciously ignoring various factors, and never thought that this shameless guy would take the opportunity to play tricks to trick her into tears of sympathy.

The main reason is that Ziwei Star does not have such tricky props!

Fairy Bai looked at Jiang Qiao pressing against his chest with a cold face, his eyes suddenly opened a tiny slit, and met Fairy Bai's cold gaze.


He just talked well to the big ticket seller, play it by ear and try to follow his rhythm, why are these two NPCs so ignorant?

This bitter drama has obviously reached the most critical moment. According to the direction of the sadomasochism drama, the male protagonist protects the female protagonist with his life. The moment before he dies, he should confess to each other and show his sincerity, so that he will not die with regret.

But before he heard those three words, Fairy Bai was on the verge of speaking, but was interrupted by these two naive NPCs. Jiang Qiao was so angry that he wanted to beat them up on the spot.

Still working in a haunted house with no eyesight? Fairy Bai should have beaten you two to death just now!

Okay you, well done! Fairy Bai was trembling with anger.

An apologetic smile quickly formed on Jiang Qiao's face: Well, actually... I just wanted to make a joke with you.

A joke? Fairy Bai was stunned for a moment, then sullen eyes appeared in her eyes: Is it fun?!

She was heartbroken just now, is this guy telling her a joke now?

Fairy Bai threw Jiang Qiao from her arms to the ground viciously, and then ran out without looking back.

Jiang Qiao, you're dead when you go home!

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