Fairy King Dad

Chapter 995 Sanctions Order!

The first press conference of Yuehuan New Energy ended like this.

The live broadcast of Ye Yaoxing's account has been closed.

But the number of fans of the account has increased massively.

In just one press conference, nearly 8 million fans were added, making Ye Qingning's number of fans exceed 50 million.

The terrifying popularity is not only promoted by the entire network, but also many TV stations are reporting on this incident.

The top spots on the major hot search lists are almost all related topics.

"Yuehuan New Energy, a subsidiary of Xingchen Group."

"Biofuel cells, a product that changes the times."

"Yuehuan New Energy Company's philosophy benefits society!"

"I love Mr. Li!"

"Funny Mr. Li: He complained about his own Xingchen company online."

"An unprecedented and epoch-making product."

“Biofuel cell prices!”


In many families, there are many elderly people who are dismissive of, or even disgusted with, capital.

From Bingcheng, an internet celebrity and skateboarding lolita.

Her name is Pei Jia, and she is watching TV at home.

"It's almost time to eat. It's your grandpa's birthday and you've been watching TV there."

At the dining table not far away, there were parents, grandparents, and they were all using their chopsticks. Pei Jia hadn't served yet, which made her father look unhappy, so he urged her.

"Wait a moment, Mr. Li will be over soon." Pei Jia said repeatedly.

"Whatever is good to see or what is an epoch-making battery is just a gimmick for capital." Pei Jia's father complained.

"Don't say that."

Grandpa Pei Jia stared at the TV and said: "Didn't you hear just now? There is a major breakthrough in new battery technology. The energy is more than ten times more than lithium batteries, but the price is the same as lithium batteries. People who can make such a decision Ah, it is definitely a good enterprise that benefits the country and the people.”

"Son, I have told you a long time ago that there are still many good companies in this world."

Grandpa Pei Jia shook his head: "Your company was planned to go bankrupt. You hate capital, but you can't kill everyone with one blow."

"Humph, I don't think they have anything good in terms of capital." Pei Jia's father snorted.

"It's different." Pei Jia's mother smiled and said, "I have been paying attention to Xingchen Group for a long time. They are really a good company. At least, the treatment of their employees is very good. My little brother's children , working in their game department, and now his salary reaches 80,000 yuan a month, whereas before his salary was just over 20,000 yuan.”

"That's true." Pei Jia's father stopped being stubborn and hummed: "President Li scolded Wang De just now. He was very good. To run a business, you must be like the Xingchen Group."

Pei Jia's mother smiled slightly: "Pei Jia, you said last time that you like the panda clothes from Xingchen Company. Mom will take you to buy one tomorrow. We must also support this kind of good enterprise."

"Wow! Really? Hahaha, thank you mom." Pei Jia was very excited.

She came to the dining table and sat down.

Pei Jia's mother said: "Just in time, I will also buy a coat."

Buy one by the way......

Pei Jia complained in her heart: The coats from Xingchen Company are not cheap. I feel like my hoodie was bought by the way...


The Chu family residence.

This is the headquarters of the Chu family. The land is not large, with a total of thirteen villas.

But Chu Tianya had a villa to himself here.

This is the approval of the elders in the family.

Starting from April last year, Chu Tianya invested 5 billion in Su Chen. In just over three months, he received 15 billion in funds. He established Fengguang Investment Company. With his keen perception of the market, in more than half a year, he Funding quadrupled.

Chu Tianya has 60 billion in cash at his disposal.

He became the person with the most cash in the Chu family.

Therefore, Chu Tianya is highly valued in the family and is even a candidate for the next generation of family head.

However he was not satisfied.

"The Star Group is already powerful."

"Su Changfeng has even come up with such a thing."

"How did he do it?"

"Holographic technology, biofuel cells."

"What else can't he do?"

"Why don't I have a chance to beat him once?"

Bang bang bang...

Chu Tianya was in the training room, boxing like crazy.

Sweat like rain.

People who return from the Immortal Land basically have a hobby of fighting, and training their bodies is also a part of their daily lives.

In the eyes of the younger generation of the family, Chu Tianya is simply the winner in life.

Very powerful, very awesome.

But they rarely saw smiles on Chu Tianya's face, and often saw frowns.

There are even younger people in the family who are very afraid of Chu Tianya, and some people secretly say that he is: Chu Frowning.

The root cause of all this is Su Chen.


Chu Tianya punched the sandbag so high that it bounced up.

He took a deep breath:

"Su Changfeng, our competition is not over yet. With 60 billion in cash, I want to make a fortune in the biofuel cell market."

Chu Tianya picked up a towel, wiped his sweat, sat aside, and looked out the window thoughtfully.

After a while, he picked up the phone and said two words: "Meeting."


In just half a day, Li Cheng quickly became a national hero.

"Xingchen Group is a conscientious enterprise."

"Supporting Xingchen Company, my dad finally agreed to let me buy a bag."

"Haha, my mother is the same. She gave me 100,000 yuan to buy Xingchen products. I'm so happy and excited."

"Netizens in Kyoto, you are too excited. Xingchen Company's Kyoto branch does not have much stock. It is already sold out, okay?"


Equally happy was Su Chen.

Five o'clock in the afternoon.

Everyone in the Su family, together with Li Cheng, Su Xing, Hanya Zhi, etc., were having dinner at the restaurant of the Vichy Hotel.

Since the Repulse Bay project was planned.

The many forces of the North District Chamber of Commerce have gone cold.

Yesterday, Su Group declared bankruptcy and liquidation.

Most companies have been used to set off their accounts by banks.

Today, at Su Changhe's suggestion, some people from the Su family bought back some of the Su Group's properties, including this hotel, which was bought by Su Long.

After Su Long and Su Huo had their legs broken last time, they became completely honest.

"Thank you brother Su Mu, thank you Mr. Li, thank you nephew Su Chen, thank you Mr. Ye. It is because of you that the Su family can be stronger."

Su Huo raised his wine glass and started to hold his stinky feet.

Su Long said seriously: "We really have to thank them."

The atmosphere was lively.

But Su Changhe snorted: "You'd better keep a low profile. Our Su family is now hidden from the public. We shouldn't publicize the assets we bought back too much. It's safer in the dark."

"I know, Dad." Su Long nodded politely.

Everyone passed around cups and cups, chatting and laughing.

Su Chen, on the other hand, had a smile on his face, but his eyes were a little wandering.

He was communicating with the little devil.

This time, with the help of biofuel cells, Yuehuan New Energy finally made a profit, and it was still very profitable.

In the past ten days, a total of 210 billion has been signed and money received.

Su Chen received more than 170 billion in wealth value dividends, and the total wealth value exceeded 200 billion.

What is deep pockets?

Su Chen's heart was full of pride, and he was finally able to develop some high-tech technology worth hundreds of billions.

The cash that Xingchen Group can use is as high as more than 230 billion.

With huge cash flow support, Wanxing Real Estate’s plan can be fully launched.

What Yuehuan New Energy needs to pay is to combine the industrial line with cooperative companies to complete the production of batteries.

The most core equipment, at Yuehuan New Energy, the headquarters will continuously output core pieces of goods.

At this moment, everyone in the Su family looked very proud.

Among the juniors, Su Shize said proudly:

"Xingchen Group is really powerful. Look, Xingchen Company is valued at one trillion yuan, Xinghuan Technology is valued at one trillion yuan, and now Yuehuan New Energy is also valued at one trillion yuan."

"Haha, it's all media propaganda." Su Shiwei said with a smile: "As long as these companies are listed on the market, they can make a lot of money. But it's not necessary. Now they are fully controlled. Every company is a money-making machine. Biyin Money is fast.”

While talking.

Su Xing, who was on the phone outside the door, looked a little ugly. He walked over quickly and said in a loud voice:

"Mr. Li, brother, something happened!"


The place suddenly became quiet.

"What's the matter?" Li Cheng asked.

"The U.S. Black Palace held a press conference and they included Xingchen Group in the entity list!" Su Xing said quickly.


Su Huo and others' expressions changed drastically.

What is the Entity List?

To put it simply, it is sanctions, official sanctions from the United States!

Su Xing read the news to everyone.

Trump, the U.S. underworld official, personally answered reporters’ questions:

"What biofuel cells are, it's just their own fantasy, false news."

"The best battery technology in the world is here with us."

"And their holographic technology is just a special effect."

"Poor Xingchen Group, they think they are very powerful, but in fact they are nothing."

"They are despicable. They confuse the masses and spread rumors. Their intentions are to be punished."


Some sharp words drove the Xingchen Group to the bottom.

A series of commands appeared directly.

"From January 12th."

"1: my country has included Xingchen Group in the entity list, restricting companies from the United States and allied countries from supplying Xingchen Group."

"2: Prohibit Jingyuan foundries from using American equipment to supply Xingchen Group, prohibit the supply of fuel goods involving battery energy, prohibit Xingchen Group from using American software and technology to manufacture products, Xingchen Group's goods supplier, on January 3 Stop shipping ten days ago.”

"3: Xingchen Group's partners are prohibited from purchasing American products. If any company has a cooperative relationship with Xingchen Group, it will be included in the entity list."

"4: Foreign products that use U.S. technology as a basis and are used to produce or develop any parts, components, or equipment are prohibited. In addition, Xingchen Group and related companies on the entity list are also prohibited. Do the above."

"5: If you are in Xingchen Group or related cooperative companies, you are prohibited from playing the role of purchaser, intermediate consignee, or final consignee."

The sanctions order from the United States instantly ignited the entire Internet!

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