Fairy King Dad

Chapter 981 Capital

"Lin's Games actually went bankrupt."

"Hey, that's right. If you want to blame it, just blame Starlink Games."

"The Star Ring game is so fun. The graphics, texture, operation, and smoothness are far superior to Lin's games in every aspect."

Many netizens are talking about it.

"The Star Ring game is pretty ruthless."

"It's mainly Li Cheng. Li Cheng can do whatever he says. I really obey him. He dares to say anything without hiding anything."

"Mr. Li is really full of personality and straightforward. I think what he tells is the truth."

"The North District Chamber of Commerce is really going to be destroyed by Li Cheng."


It’s not just netizens who know this.

this time.

Li Ji, Jiacheng, Xu Gang and other seven people were sitting on the sofa blowing clouds and mist.

"The Ministry of Commerce really strongly supports Starlink Technology."

Li Ji held a cigarette in his mouth and said calmly: "So much capital around the world has been targeting Starlink Technology, but nothing has been gained in a short period of time. Do you dare to believe it?"

"Star Ring Technology has made too many moves." Jiacheng shook his head slightly: "From the attitude of the Ministry of Commerce, it is not difficult to see that they are going all out to cultivate Star Ring Technology into a giant enterprise."

"Xingchen Group is not a soft persimmon now."

Xu Gang smiled and said: "Actually, when the Ministry of Commerce suppressed Shengshi Entertainment, we could see some tricks. Now it's even harder for us to take action."

"It doesn't matter, take your time." Li Ji said nonchalantly: "Even if the Ministry of Commerce knows that we are targeting Xingchen Group, they can't do anything about it. Our size is not as simple as Shengshi Entertainment."

"Now is not the time to target the Xingchen Group." Jiacheng said sternly: "When the forces targeting Xingchen Technology lose their patience, they will definitely take stronger measures. By then, the situation will become chaotic. That’s when we operate.”


Xu Gang stood up and stood in front of the window, looking at the bustling city scenery. He couldn't help but grin: "Whoever can share the stars in this round of competition will get more. To be a prey, you must have prey." I don’t like the attitude of Xingchen Company very much.”

"It is indeed rising too fast." A bald man stood nearby and pinched his waist and said: "I think when we take action, Xingchen Group will know who has the final say in this land. "


The next day.

As the Su family, Li Cheng began to inject capital into the Su Group to increase the Su family's share of equity in the group.

This incident caused shock to the North District Chamber of Commerce.

"here we go!"

People from the North District Chamber of Commerce gathered together immediately.

"The Su family invested one billion, and all of Su's equity was transferred to Su Mu alone. It seems that they want to fight a tough battle."

Zhao He looked at the computer and said in a deep voice:

"Currently, the Su Group has a market capitalization of 87.3 billion and liquidity of 370 million. The company..."

Su Group does not have many board members.

"The equity distribution is as follows: Sun Qinghe has 27%, our North District Chamber of Commerce has 45%, Su Mu has 19%, and the other 9% is in the hands of some retail investors."

Zhao He raised his head, glanced at everyone, and said in a deep voice:

"The current situation of the Su Group is relatively complicated. As allowed by the rules, it can increase its share through capital injection. As you all know, the Su family has cooperated with Wanxing Group. Su Group has signed a contract with Wanxing. Wanxing Real estate construction has begun in Repulse Bay, and they will use some new high-tech materials.”

"For the Repulse Bay Development Zone, we currently only need the first document from the Ministry of Commerce to be issued."

"Not to mention the development zone. After our thirteen inspections, that land is of great investment significance. Therefore, we will continue to increase our share in Su's through capital injections. Regarding funds, you don't have to worry. If I mortgage my company, I can get at least 30 billion."

At the end, Zhao He couldn't help but smile.

How much share can 30 billion account for in this competition?

In the development of the Repulse Bay land, getting more shares means getting more money.

Hearing this sentence, Lin Xiong and others had different expressions.

At this time, it is obviously the time for internal competition in the North District Chamber of Commerce. Whoever can get more money will be the master.

"Haha, although my game company declared bankruptcy, I still have several companies."

Lin Xiong said calmly: "The cash I can take out will not be less than 20 billion."

The specific amount depends on how much money can be raised.

Lin Xiong's savings, money from relatives and friends, mortgage loans, and even real estate mortgages were all taken into account. He could still get the money out.

"I can get three billion."

"I'll pay five billion."

"I'll give you one billion."


Members of the Chamber of Commerce spoke one after another.

This investment, no matter who looks at it, is a guaranteed profit.

The last one to speak was Liu Baogang.

He sneered: "I'll just pay 10 billion."

"Oh?" A fat man looked surprised: "Baosteel, you have saved a lot of money."

Liu Baogang ignored him, but glanced at Lin Xiong and Zhao He. He crossed his legs and said casually:

"I, Liu Baogang, have been running the company for so many years, so I naturally have a lot of foundation. I have a deposit of 7 billion. If I mortgage a few properties, I can easily exceed 10 billion."

Liu Baogang's posture is relaxed, but his heart is relatively heavy.

To be able to take out this money, it takes all the money.

All the real estate and several commercial buildings must be mortgaged to get 10 billion.

But, as Zhao He said, this investment battle must be participated.

As for winning or losing, Liu Baogang doesn't care much.

With the size of the North District Chamber of Commerce.

Even if the share is reduced, it is estimated that it will not be much lower.

"We add up to about 80 billion, hahaha."

Zhao He laughed and said: "Such a strong cash flow, no one can help, Su's must still be controlled by us. As long as the land in Repulse Bay is well developed, it will definitely be a turnaround for us."


"TMD, a mere Li Cheng, still wants to kill us?"

"Give him some courage."


On Li Cheng's side, in the afternoon, he was studying real estate matters.

Drinking a cup of hot tea, looking down at the documents on the table, dealing with the detailed planning of Wanxing Future City.

After a few minutes.

Han Yazhi walked in.

"Mr. Li, something has happened at the Su Group." Han Yazhi said, "The major shareholder, the North District Chamber of Commerce, invested 2 billion, and then, a few minutes ago, Sun Qinghe invested 500 million."


Li Cheng was slightly stunned: "They acted so quickly?"

In this way, the Su Group has nearly 4 billion in liquidity.

"Continue to invest."

Li Cheng said casually: "This time, invest 9 billion."

After saying this, Li Cheng lowered his head and continued to read the documents.

Han Yazhi hesitated.

10 billion, just taken out so easily?

Is Mr. Li not worried at all?

Han Yazhi pondered for a while, she turned around and left to handle this matter.

An hour later, the Su family invested 9 billion in the Su Group, and this news immediately spread to the North District Chamber of Commerce.


"Where did they get so much cash?"

Lin Xiong, Zhao He, Liu Baogang and others held a meeting via video.

"Don't waste time with them. The Su family's shares have reached 40%. Just throw our money in." Liu Baogang said impatiently.

Since the collapse of Jinlin Fur, Liu Baogang's temper has become much more irritable.

After some consideration.

The North District Chamber of Commerce has made a decision.

They invested 50 billion.

The share immediately went up.

On Sun Qinghe's side, he frowned after hearing the news.

"My share has dropped too much. Take out 5 billion funds and invest in Su Group."

Sun Qinghe directly ordered the finance department to do it.

"Boss, will there be risks?" The confidant said worriedly: "Such crazy investment does not feel stable."

"No." Sun Qinghe said: "The land in Repulse Bay is there. Even if the development zone documents are not issued, this land will be priceless. Moreover, Wanxing Real Estate also needs to make a name for itself. Will they destroy their own reputation? Probably not. Investing in Su Group has a more than 90% probability of making a lot of money. Do you know? It is a 90% probability."

Hearing this.

The trusted subordinates were shocked.

A 90% probability... is a very scary number.

After the three parties continued to inject capital, the North District Chamber of Commerce still dominated the equity share, and they were close to 60%.

The Su family and Sun Qinghe each had more than 10%, and other retail investors had less than 3%.

The injection of capital shocked Li Ji, Jiacheng and others.

"The shareholders of the Su Group have started fighting."

"The more intense the better."

Li Ji smiled faintly: "I am also surprised that the Su Group can still have such a large piece of land in Repulse Bay. It's really a bargain. After the development, it will be worth a lot of money."

"No, no, no."

Jiacheng shook his head solemnly: "Don't you think it's strange?"

The two paused in drinking tea.

Jiacheng looked out the window and said slowly:

"In my opinion, I have heard no less than 20 people say that Repulse Bay is definitely profitable in the past day."

"And then?"

"The North District Chamber of Commerce invested more than 50 billion, the Su family invested 10 billion, and Sun Qinghe invested several billion."

Jiacheng pointed at the table: "This is where the problem comes from. When everyone thinks that this thing can make money, it's too weird."


Li Ji suddenly took a breath of cold air.

He felt a chill down his spine, and there was a hint of horror in his eyes:

"Is this... a trap? No, it can't be, the land is there, how can it be a trap?"

"What if it's a joint effort between the Ministry of Commerce and Wanxing Real Estate?" Jiacheng guessed: "By then, if the top documents don't come down, or even if the Su Group builds it, the Ministry of Commerce will announce that it will stop development. At that time... it will be interesting."

Li Ji's eyes narrowed slightly: "Unfinished project? All the money is lost? Xingchen Group can afford it, but the North District Chamber of Commerce can't. If this is really the case, it's too scary. Do you think we should remind Lin Xiong and the others about this?"


Jiacheng laughed: "Why should we remind them? It's better if they fail. When they fail, the equity of the Su Group will change. Why don't you and I take advantage of this opportunity to buy at the bottom?"


Li Ji laughed, and the two of them picked up their tea at the same time:


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