Fairy King Dad

Chapter 957: Doubt about Life

July 1st.

It is destined to be an unforgettable day.

After talking to Li Cheng, Su Chen stood in front of the French window, looking at the scene on the street, his expression could not help but sigh.

The Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Military Affairs, the Ministry of War, etc., have invested a lot here, beyond expectations.

In fact, the most fundamental reason is the sudden appearance of Xingchen Company.

The scientific research center has a second base here, which is being built in full swing.

In addition to the technical support given by Su Chen, the marshals decided to increase the investment here by geometric multiples.

In the game of great powers.

In fact, there is also a red line. When the Western Eagles saw that Longguo’s investment here was beyond their imagination, they believed that Longguo’s reinforcement of the Hong Kong Island market had already lost a lot.

This point met their expectations, and some actions were stopped.

"The economy is recovering, and Western Eagle Capital is making a comeback."

Su Chen's eyes were as calm as water.

After the withdrawal of the stock king Li Ji, as well as the capital backed by Xiying, Jiacheng, Xu Gang and others, they have reoccupied the market. The most important manifestation is the purchase of land and commercial buildings.

So that the situation here looks good, but in fact, the undercurrent is unimaginable.

Nine o'clock in the evening.

Xingchen Company is closed, and normal business will start from the next day.

Nine twenty.

In the meeting room of Xingchen Company.

Su Chen, Ye Qingning, Li Cheng, Wang Chao, Du Yucheng and others are all sitting in it.

Rare overtime.

"Everyone, take a look at the major hot search lists."

Ye Qingning turned on the projector and played some pictures. During the show, she said: "Starting from 2 pm, the Renaissance fashion show opened, and the popularity is getting higher and higher. Many high-end luxury brands, including Hermes, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, etc., have very competitive products."

"Take a look at the comments of netizens."

Ye Qingning played some screenshots of comments:

"About 80% of the reviews are positive. At 5 pm, several companies released reservations for their new series of products, and the number of reservations is very impressive."

The popularity of the Renaissance fashion show is unprecedentedly huge.

The marketing director's face became extremely solemn.

The cake of the high-end luxury market is so big, and the competition is fierce.

"At present, our fairy tale products are selling well."

Ye Qingning smiled slightly: "Today's sales are out. The total sales in the national market are 5.28 billion. The sales have reached expectations. Our performance in July will impact 10 billion marketing."

5.28 billion!

The sales on the first day of July.

But everyone knows that the sales on the second day will definitely fall off a cliff.

If we can sell billions every day, it's too much nonsense.

Ten billion in sales a month is a bit extravagant, so Ye Qingning just said that the goal for July is ten billion, and the annual sales target is one hundred billion.

Not to mention breaking one hundred billion, reaching eighty billion is equivalent to the annual sales of the three major luxury brands.

"The competition is fierce, and our product power is very strong, but compared with other luxury brands with historical heritage, we are still at a disadvantage, so we will carry out a series of publicity on the product."

The manager of the marketing department said: "Mr. Ye, I think that a series of product reviews will be released on major software. When there are more and more entries on the Internet, it will be deeply rooted in people's hearts..."

The meeting lasted until ten o'clock.

Mainly discussed some details.

Ten ten.

Ye Qingning got on Su Chen's car.

Nowadays, there are people from the Dragon Kingdom Military Department on almost every street.

The people of the martial arts school, led by the team of Shanhai Martial Arts School, all retreated.

Because of the maintenance of public order, the martial arts staff who usually like to stir up trouble stopped making trouble.

There is even a martial arts master who wrote a book called: These days of maintaining public order.

The safety factor is getting higher every day, but it will take some time to become as safe as some cities in the mainland.

When Su Chen sent Ye Qingning and Luo Luo back.

"Come back so late?"

Ye Duolan said with a dark face: "Can you still work overtime until now?"

"Of course I'm busy working, Dad, look, our Xingchen company's first day sales are 5.28 billion, I just posted on Weibo." Ye Qingning showed the phone to Ye Duolan.

"More than 5.2 billion?"

Ye Duolan was slightly stunned.

As the commander of the Ministry of Commerce, he is more sensitive to the amount of money.

Seeing this number, he couldn't help but be silent.

"Yes, we close at nine."

Ye Qingning said with a smile: "After closing, there was a meeting, so I came back late."

"Well, come back earlier next time." Ye Duolan didn't say anything.

"Grandpa, what time did you get off work today?" Luo Luo asked casually.

"I came back at seven o'clock."

Ye Duolan picked up Luo Luo and returned to the sofa in the living room.

"By the way, girl, the Ministry of Commerce will hold a meeting on the 10th of this month. All the local business celebrities will be invited. You can also invite your boss." Ye Duolan said.

"What boss? That's my husband." Ye Qingning muttered.

"What did you say?" Ye Duolan looked over.

"I said okay, I'll tell him tomorrow." Ye Qingning rolled her eyes.


At the other end.

Su Chen was sitting in the living room of the villa, and Li Cheng was brewing tea next to him.

"Li Cheng, 5.2 billion funds, you ask the finance department to arrange it as soon as possible, take out 4 billion for dividends, and inject 500 million into Wanxing Real Estate."

Su Chen said.


Li Cheng nodded slightly.

After brewing the tea, Li Cheng turned and left.

Su Chen drank a cup of tea.

Looking at the time, it's impossible to train at this point.

After Su Chen returned to the room.

"Little Devil, exchange the light and shadow magnetic protector technology."

Earned 5.2 billion today.

Equivalent to the continuous promotion of more than two months in the early stage, there are meteor shower diamond bags, white fish series products, etc.

Xingchen Company, now among the most expensive bags in the world, the first is the white fish diamond bag, the second is the meteor shower, and the fifth is the similar series diamond bag, plus other products.

Highlight the expensive label.

So that the current market has a strong explosive power.

5.2 billion, dividends get 2.8 billion wealth value.

Su Chen has more than 4 billion wealth value, minus 1.9 billion, there are still more than 2.4 billion left.

"President Chen."

Su Chen called President Chen at eleven o'clock in the middle of the night.

"It's Su Chen." President Chen said calmly.

"I'll send you the light and shadow magnetic protector technology now." Su Chen said so.


President Chen took a breath of cold air, and he immediately said: "Come on, send it quickly."

I was a little sleepy, but when I heard Su Chen's words, I immediately became energetic.

The phone was hung up.

President Chen waited anxiously.

A minute later.


A new email came to the dedicated mailbox.

Click to download.

"There is 3G of content."

President Chen immediately clicked to download.

When the download was completed, he opened the folder.

President Chen saw many items.

"Principle of magnetic protector."

"Technical data analysis."

"Energy balance."

"The strength of the special bracelet."

"Magnetic field balance technology..."

Pictures and data made President Chen's scalp numb.

Just like that, he forgot about time.

Gradually, he picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip, only to find that the coffee was cold.

When he turned around, it was daybreak!

It was already five o'clock in the morning.

Dean Chen stood up and stretched his waist. He shook his dizzy head, washed his face with cold water, and made a phone call:

"Notify the magnetic department to hold a meeting immediately."

Five forty.

In the meeting room, there were elites from more than 30 departments.

"The storage file in my hand has an incredible technology."

Dean Chen spoke clearly, word by word: "It's called light and shadow magnetic protection technology. After successful development, only a bracelet can resist conventional bullets. If it can be developed, it will replace all bulletproof vests, and assassination incidents will drop sharply."

The people below looked at each other:

"How is this possible?"

"A bracelet to protect against bullets?"

"Is this true?"

Soon, Dean Chen showed a series of information to everyone.

As they watched, everyone's eyes became bigger and bigger, and their expressions became more and more shocked.

A few hours later.

"Oh my God!"

"This, this, this is future technology, this is a future product!"

"It's incredible!"

Everyone was excited and excited when they saw a series of data.

"These data are all ready-made. This is a complete set of theories, but I want you to understand it thoroughly. Within half a year, I want to see the light and shadow magnetic protector successfully developed!"

Dean Chen gave a death order.

In half a year, no matter what, he must see the real thing!

"Guarantee to complete the task!"

The leader of the R\u0026D team responded decisively.

At this time, Dean Chen stood up, but unexpectedly, his body suddenly shook.

"Dean Chen, what's wrong with you?" The assistant beside him immediately helped him.


Dean Chen shook his dizzy head. He was a little weak, but he joked: "I am dizzy with happiness. Help me go back to rest. I am old and I have not slept all night. I am weak."


The sales on the second day were higher than everyone expected, reaching 1 billion. The third day decreased to 600 million, and the fourth day was 500 million... The sales on the seventh day barely broke through 200 million.

Even so, the sales this week exceeded 8 billion.

"For the remaining three weeks, if we can maintain more than 100 million a day, this month's performance can exceed 10 billion."

Ye Qingning also asked Su Chen for credit.

In the end, he was hit.

July 9.

In the evening.

Su Chen's wealth value reached 5.325 billion.

And Xingchen Company's working capital is not much, only about 500 million.

The rest of the money was all used for dividends.

Dividends repeatedly.

In addition to the amount on the contract provided by Pan Zhiyun, Su Chen paid nearly 20 billion for Situ Mei and Chu Tianya within three months.

Only more than 2 billion dividends were left, and it was over.

Even on this day, Situ Mei was lying on a luxurious yacht in the sun, and she and a few friends were having a dinner.

Everyone said:

"Meimei, you have a good eye for investment."

"In just over three months, you made 5 billion!"


Situ Mei received 7.5 billion in dividends. After paying off her debts, she had tens of billions left in her pocket.

A rich woman indeed.

Every time she heard her friends’ praise, Situ Mei would say, “There’s nothing we can do. We have such a good vision.”

She was very happy.

However, Chu Tianya was on the other side.

On the night of July 9, Chu Tianya looked at the amount in the bank and fell into deep thought...

For a long time, for a long time...

Chu Tianya raised his head, and there were tears in the corners of his eyes.

Today, even the family members just now were praising him for his excellent investment vision, saying that he was the best of the younger generation of the Chu family, saying that he was amazing and unparalleled.

After all, 5 billion yuan of funds returned so much in just three months.

In the eyes of the elders of the Chu family, it was almost a miracle.

But the more praises there were, the more hurt Chu Tianya felt in his heart.

Looking at the night outside the window, Chu Tianya doubted his life. He whispered softly:

“I lost again, Su Changfeng, why do I look so unbearable every time I face you?”

ps: One chapter today, I owe one chapter later

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