Fairy King Dad

Chapter 923 High Income

Sales of Xingchen Company.

Shocked netizens again.

“Are there so many rich people?”

“Fuck him, the rich are cutting our leeks, Xingchen Company is cutting the leeks of the rich, which is equivalent to Xingchen Company cutting us, fuck him, scold him!”

“Too cruel, more than 4 billion, not more than 40 yuan.”

“Hahaha, I said a long time ago that Xingchen Company is definitely not a thing in the pond, you see, it’s now very popular.”

“Nonsense, you can make meteor showers, you can make Acacia Red, you can make the dynamic streamer effect of white fish diamond bags, you can make the strongest anti-counterfeiting, you can make the ultimate inlay technology, you can make so many exquisite products, then you can also be popular!”

“I like Xingchen cheongsam so much! Please open the purchase link, and ask Xingchen Company to open e-commerce.”


Countless people are discussing this matter.

Even the Su Family Manor is the same.

Su Changhe, Su Long, Su Kai and others all went to find Su Mu.

"A good father will have a good son."

"Su Chen is really successful now, with daily sales of more than 4 billion. Hahaha, two daily sales can buy our Su family."

"Su Chen is so outstanding, we are happy to see him." Su Kai said with a smile: "Brother, let's have a family dinner tonight? Invite President Ye and Xiao Luoluo, let's have a meal together to celebrate for them."

"Big brother is too polite." Su Mu smiled and waved his hand: "No need for a family dinner."

"It is necessary." Su Changhe smiled and said: "Now the cohesion of the family is better, and the atmosphere is better. I am very relieved. It would be nice to hold a family dinner and make it lively."

"This... okay."

Su Mu nodded and said: "My son and others are in a meeting. It is estimated that it will end at three or four o'clock."

"It's okay." Su Kai said quickly: "We are all idle people. We can wait. Let my nephew come back after he finishes his work. Let's go and notify Su Shifeng and others first."


At the same time.

Xingchen Company, in the largest conference room.

There are more than a thousand people in the company, and the conference room is a bit crowded.

At the front, there are more than a dozen people, all of whom are company executives.

Ye Qingning sat in the main seat, while Su Chen and Luo Luo were in the first row below, watching the excitement.

"Everyone's recent work is obvious to all."

Wang Chao smiled and was speaking: "It is said that a new company has a new atmosphere. I have seen this. Many people work overtime every day, especially those in the production department. They are too hardworking. Some people work until twelve o'clock in the evening and get up at six in the morning to work. This is not good. We don't need to be too involuted."

As soon as this was said, many people below laughed.

"It's impossible not to be involuted in this era."

"It's good enough to have enough food to eat, and the opportunity to make a lot of money must be cherished."

"Really, I wish I could work 24 hours a day."


After a few seconds, Wang Chao raised his hand, and when the voices below were lowered, he continued:

"In order to prevent excessive fatigue, the company stipulates that overtime hours per day shall not exceed four hours. Except for the production department, employees in other departments strictly follow the two-day weekend system. I don't understand why even the people in the publicity department come to work on weekends."

Wang Chao's words made the people below laugh.

In the past, I always thought that I could have a few more days off every month, but now that I have encountered an economic depression, many people want to work more overtime and make more money.

"To be honest, it is indeed a bit involuted."

Wang Chao smiled and said, "Okay, let me summarize my thoughts. As long as every employee strictly follows the company's rules and regulations and does not violate the rules, then the company will not treat everyone unfairly."


The applause on the field was thunderous.

"Okay, let's invite our CEO Ye to speak next." Wang Chao stood up, clapped his hands, and smiled.

At this moment, countless eyes were fixed on Ye Qingning's face.

Her exquisite appearance made many people a little obsessed.

"Our CEO Ye is so beautiful."

"She is as pretty as a lotus out of water."

"If I could marry a woman like CEO Ye, I would be willing to shorten my life by ten years."

"Don't dream, CEO Ye is the boss, they both have daughters."

"Oh my god, I can't tell at all, so CEO Ye is also a hot mom."


Amid the discussion.

Ye Qingning smiled and said:

"Our sales today are 4.39 billion."

"There are currently 247 Xingchen members."

While speaking, Ye Qingning looked at the backend page of the mobile website, and she suddenly paused: "Oh, there are already 248."

"The company is on the right track. What I see are positive employees. I am very happy that everyone can regard Xingchen Company as their home."

"Next, it's time to talk about the most important thing."

"Our employee backend has been updated. Everyone's salary is displayed and will be credited before 5 pm."

"From now on, the 20th of every month will be our salary settlement day."

"Everyone can check the salary first."

Ye Qingning smiled and nodded.

Everyone present took out their mobile phones and logged into the employee backend of Xingchen Company.

A cry of surprise soon came from the crowd.

His name is Hu Laosan, sitting in the back. After opening the backend and seeing the amount, his face suddenly flushed.

"Employee: Hu Laosan."

"Basic salary: 20,000."

"Performance improvement: 28,000."

"Perfect Attendance Award: 2000."

"Rice post: 580."


There are various subsidies, and the details below include detailed information on performance improvement, such as overtime hours, overtime expenses, etc.

Hu Laosan’s total salary: 51,580.

See this number.

Hu Laosan's hands began to tremble, and his eyes filled with mist at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Gradually, Hu Laosan's body was trembling.

He only felt that his heart was twitching.


Hu Laosan burst into tears. He lowered his head, covered his head with his hands, and cried bitterly. He choked and murmured vaguely:

"I finally have money to treat my mother's illness."

"We can go to the hospital."


When a man sheds tears, he doesn't shed them easily, but they are not sad yet.

Hu Laosan lost his job six months ago, and his mother, who is seriously ill at home, is suffering all the time.

God knows how much pressure he is staring at, and even life, making him unable to breathe.

The doctor once told him that if he could not be hospitalized within two months, he could prepare for his funeral.

Hu Laosan shed tears.

He was dedicated to his work and worked until ten o'clock every night.

If you work overtime at night, the company has a commuter bus, so safety is not a problem, but you will get home very late.

As a single-parent family, Hu Laosan, who is only 32 years old, only believes in treating his mother.

After working hard for a month, I earned what I could only earn in the past ten months!

That's right, he worked in a counterfeit goods workshop, and it was only 5,000 yuan for a month of exhausting work.

At Xingchen Company, he earned ten times his previous salary.

Hu Laosan choked with sobs. He finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he vaguely heard the comments around him:

"My salary is 32,000 yuan, hahaha. When I go back tonight, I want to eat 100 yuan of ribs."

"Look at your potential, my salary is only 25,000, but I will definitely go to the club tonight as a young model. Xiao Qi and I will go. We have worked hard for a month, but we can enjoy it."

"Why do you think twenty-five thousand yuan is hard work? You are the first to get off work every day. My salary is forty-five thousand yuan. Haha, this is the first time in my life that I have earned so much."

"Who is the tallest? It should be Brother Ninth, right?"

There are ten groups in the production team. Ninth Brother is the leader of the Ninth Group. Because his name is Shan Fengjiu, everyone calls him Ninth Brother.

He is a forty-five-year-old middle-aged man. He comes in the earliest every day and works overtime until the last.

Everyone was curious about Brother Ninth's salary. Someone asked: "Brother Ninth, don't be too pretentious. How much is it?"

Brother Jiu smiled shyly and made a number.

"Seventy thousand?"

"I am Cao, Ninth Brother, you are awesome!"

"The salary is so high. If we work as hard as Brother Jiu, our salary can reach 70,000!"

"The ceiling should still be Director Du, right? Our diamond products are all made by Director Du."

People are very curious whether Du Yucheng will get a commission.

However, only Wang Chao knew that Du Yucheng, an old thief, had received 2.6 million for promotion.

"Grandma's legs are higher than his annual salary."

Mr. Wang is a little envious, but craftsmen cannot be envious.

"The boss attaches great importance to the production department. We will probably get some promotions by the end of the year." Wang Chao shook his head secretly.

He also understands the market.

For example, the creative director of Chanel has an annual salary of 300 million to 400 million yuan.

"Su Changfeng, your annual salary shouldn't start at 500 million?"

Wang Chao pondered secretly and didn't know who this god-level designer Su Changfeng was. He had never seen him once after coming here for so long.

Wang Chao's annual salary is also two million.

A monthly salary of nearly 200,000 yuan.

However, when Wang Chao lowered his head and glanced at the background of his mobile phone.

When you see salary plus promotion, the total amount reaches 380,000.

"I am Cao!"

Wang Chao thought to himself, then he stretched out his hand and shouted: "Long live the boss, oh ho, long live the boss!"

There were more screams and shouts from the audience.

"The production department is so good. They've all made a fortune."

The people in the Propaganda Department cast envious glances, and they were also discussing in private:

"My salary is 11,000 yuan. I was very excited just now, but when I heard that their salary was suddenly unbalanced, I also wanted to go to the production department."

"Then can you make bags?"

"No way."

"That's great. The current market salary for clerks outside is only more than 3,000 yuan. Sister Li in our department also earns more than 8,000 yuan."

"Yes, the salary in every department is higher than outside. I heard that the lowest salary in the sales department is 12,000, and most of them are around 15,000."

"They are good-looking and carefully selected. Ordinary people cannot enter the sales department."


In the sales department, there are about fifty beauties in cheongsam, most of whom are smiling.

"Xiaomei, it's better here. Last time I was in another brand, we were asked to buy products after the salary was paid, including work clothes. Although it was an internal price, the price was not low. Unexpectedly, Xingchen Company's work clothes were all free. Gifted to us.”

"Xingchen Company is not short of money and has a promising future. You see, there are so many sales now, and there is only one store. When there are more and more stores in the future, we may be able to hit the annual sales of over 100 billion."

They were discussing.

Almost everyone present was excited after seeing the salary.

However, something more exciting came.

Ye Qingning waved his hand.

The voices on the field gradually became lower.

"Just now, my boss and I fought for some benefits for everyone."

Ye Qingning smiled and said, "In order to encourage everyone, each department will select five outstanding employees, and you can freely choose a non-member product of Xingchen, including the houndstooth series and the red fish series products to be released tonight."


As the voice fell, the field suddenly became quiet.

Free products, one product, the price is almost tens of thousands!

The next second, in the conference room, there was an amazing cheer, and the wave of sound almost overturned the roof!

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