Fairy King Dad

Chapter 867 My brother is not a bad person (1/2)

When Su Mu got angry.

Pan Zhiyun was silent for two seconds, then she stood up and walked to Su Mu's side, gently soothing Su Mu's back.

It was the first time that Su Chen saw his father get angry.

This sense of oppression hit people's hearts directly.

The scene was silent, and everyone's eyes were on the panting Su Mu.

Su Mu raised his hand and pointed at Su Kai and Su Long:

"What did you two do in private? Do you think I don't know? You are betraying your own people. What's in your head?"

"If you don't want to play, then don't play!"

Su Mu's eyes gradually became cold and fierce. He looked at Su Changhe and said slowly:

"Second uncle, since I came to Hong Kong Island, I have never let down the family. I don't care about their fight for the company, but in the past two years, they have made more and more small moves, even occasions like today, they have fueled the flames."

"Second uncle!"

Su Mu clenched his fist: "The Su family can't tolerate me!"

"From now on, I, Su Mu, will leave the Su family, and the Su company I am in charge of will be returned to the Su family intact."

These words made many people in the Su family look slightly moved.

Giving back the company he was in charge of, doesn't it mean that he wants to solve the crisis of the Su family this time?

Su Mu raised his hand and pointed at Su Kai and Su Long:

"Take care of yourself."

After saying that, Su Mu turned around and left, his movements were neat and tidy.

Su Chen stood up near the door and wanted to leave with him.

Quit the Su family?

This was something that everyone present did not expect.

In the crowd, Su Nan could not help but shout: "Brother!"

In addition to her, there were also several people who spoke to keep him.

But their words could not stop Su Mu from leaving.

Just when Su Mu walked to the door.


Su Changhe shouted: "Su Mu, stand down."

Su Mu finally stopped.

He, Pan Zhiyun, and Su Chen looked at the old man sitting in the main seat.

"Although I am old, I am not confused."

Su Changhe's voice resounded on the spot:

"The thing I hate most in my life is to be disloyal and collude with others. It is a taboo to deal with your own family. Su Kai, Su Long, you are all at retirement age and have not made any achievements. What face do you have to fight for the family property?"

Su Changhe took the crutches and hit the ground hard. He scolded:

"Don't you understand that the more prosperous the Su family is, the richer you can be? When Su Mu came from Tianjin, he did things over the years. I know it very well and remember it in my heart. Today, I want to announce something."

Su Changhe raised his hand and pointed at Su Mu. He said righteously:

"The next generation of the head of the family will be Su Mu. In my Su family, the capable are on top. Now the Su family is facing difficulties. Even if my Su family's industry is gone, even if my Su family is in decline, from now on, Su Mu has the final say in this family. He is very good. I believe he can lead the Su family to live a better life."

The voice fell.

Su Mu shook his head slightly.

He said nothing, turned around, and walked out with big strides.

Pan Zhiyun and Su Chen followed him out.

"Father, why?"

Su Kai said unwillingly: "I am your eldest son!"

Shouldn't the position of the head of the family be inherited by the eldest son?

"I am the second son." Su Long said slowly: "I also have the responsibility of the Su family to carry the banner."


Su Changhe was so angry that he trembled all over: "Why do I have two stupid sons like you? At the critical moment of the Su family, you still want to fight for these? Get out, all of you!"

"Impossible." Su Kai said in a deep voice: "Su Rou is a political official and has a say in the police station. As long as we solve the situation of those official documents, we will be through the crisis."

This sentence rekindled hope for some people present.

The most difficult thing now is the official documents in the hands of those people.

Some contract traps can be solved in a way, but official documents are the things that make those trap contracts final, like the imperial sword, which can be executed first and then reported.

If the official document can be resolved, the Su family will have room to breathe.


"The official document cannot be resolved."

Su Rou walked in from outside. She was wearing a black work suit and looked anxious:

"Dad, who did the family offend? This matter not only involves Count Vichysmith, but there are other people behind the scenes. I made many calls and asked many people, but this official document cannot be cancelled."


This short sentence, like a bolt from the blue, hit everyone's heart.

"What did you say!"

Su Kai's face changed drastically: "The official document cannot be cancelled? This, this, this..."

Su Long sat on the ground: "Does it mean that after today, all the Su family's industries will change hands?"

"The sky has fallen! The sky of the Su family has fallen!"

Su Shize, Su Shifeng and others were like bereaved parents.

The trump card they most relied on was Su Rou in the political world, but even Su Rou couldn't handle this matter. It is conceivable that there is no room for maneuver.

When I think about it, after tonight, the Su family will face poverty.

Some people present burst into tears.

"Why is this happening?"

Su Kai sat on the ground in a daze.


Su Changhe stood up and pointed at everyone present: "I don't care what method you use. Tomorrow at the Su family's general meeting, you must invite Su Mu back. Su Mu must be the head of the Su family."

Su Changhe was leaning on a cane and was about to leave from the side door.

As he walked, his body was slightly bent and he sighed repeatedly.

'The demise of the Su family's business is a foregone conclusion.'

'Only Su Mu is the hope for the Su family to make a comeback.'

Su Changhe's face was full of fatigue.

At the same time.

A black Audi A8L, Su Chen acted as the driver, driving the car, and Su Mu and Pan Zhiyun sat in the back seat.

Su Mu had a blank expression on his face, his eyes staring straight ahead, like a sharp sword about to be unsheathed, like the tranquility before the storm.

"Don't be too sad, I believe Ah Fu will be fine."

Pan Zhiyun's eyes were slightly red.

How could he feel better after learning that Ah Fu was shot seven times?

Su Chen sighed and drove the car to the hospital.

At the door of the emergency room, several high-level executives of the martial arts hall were waiting, and one of them was covered in blood.


"The boss is here."

One of them, named A Xing, was a small leader in the martial arts hall. He came to Su Mu with a bitter face:

"The owner has been in for more than half an hour. The situation is not optimistic. The doctor just asked us to contact the family. Maybe..."

As he spoke, a doctor in white came out: "Are the family members here?"

Su Mu's eyes were red, and he said slowly: "I'm here."

"Come quickly, this is a critical illness notice, you have to sign it." The doctor took the agreement.

Su Mu's spirit was a little trance.

A Fu, a good brother of tens of thousands of years of friendship!

Su Mu saw some words on the notice:

"The condition worsens."

"Life is in danger at any time."


Relationship: Brother.

Signer: Su Mu.

After signing his name, the doctor left here.

Su Mu wanted to look inside through the crack in the door to see if there was the figure of the fat man, but he couldn't see it.

Su Mu stood in front of the door without a soul.

Several martial arts disciples sitting on both sides stood up and came behind Su Mu.

Pan Zhiyun wiped her tears, she held Su Mu's hand, and gave him warmth in her palm.


Su Mu came back to his senses, he did not turn his head, his voice was low and a little hoarse:

"Axing, take people to check, today, all those who target Su, I want their names, I want all their itinerary signs."


Axing responded, and took people away.

Su Mu, Pan Zhiyun, Su Chen, the three sat on the chairs at the door of the emergency room, waiting silently.

During this period, Su Mu received two calls and made several calls.

Pan Zhiyun's mobile phone also often received calls, but she did not answer these business calls.

Just like that, after a long wait, when it was getting dark.

The door of the emergency room was finally pushed open.

Su Mu was shocked and stood up immediately: "Doctor, how is my brother?"


The doctor sighed: "The operation was successful, but he was injured too badly. Whether he can survive depends on tonight. If he can wake up tomorrow morning, there is still hope. If he can't wake up, let's arrange his funeral."

Su Mu froze in place.

It was impossible to visit inside, so he could only wait.

"Go back first."

At six o'clock in the evening, Su Mu's cell phone rang, and he stood up and led the way.

A moment later, Su Mu, Su Chen and Pan Zhiyun returned to the villa of Su's Manor.


Su Mu smiled slightly, and he said: "I believe Ah Fu's life will be very strong. Tomorrow morning, we will go to the hospital to pick him up. Let's rest today. I'll go to the study."

After that, Su Mu went to the study alone and closed the door.


Su Mu lit a cigarette.

Took a deep breath and exhaled a long breath. He took out his cell phone and made a call.

When the call was connected, he only said one word:


It was 8:30 in the evening.

The restaurant on the second floor of the Six Chefs Restaurant was booked.

There were two or three hundred people sitting inside, roughly divided into three areas.

They were the three martial arts forces of Liansheng Martial Arts, Taidou Martial Arts and Yunhe Martial Arts.

At this moment, they were passing cups and celebrating.

"Hahaha, it was so cool to kill this time!"

Wu Xiong, the owner of Taidou Martial Arts, laughed loudly, holding a glass of white wine, and said loudly: "Last time, I lost to Yun Fu, the owner of Shanhai Martial Arts. I was hit by his palm and lay in bed for a month before I recovered. Today I can be regarded as revenge. Fuck him, it's really relieved! Come on, brothers, drink!"

Zhou Chengsheng of Liansheng Martial Arts smiled and said: "Today, we have won the first victory. From today on, we will beat up any bastards who have nothing to do with Shanhai. This Fighting is our way to establish our prestige and the first step to the rise of our alliance. With the support of that person, the underground martial arts schools in the northern part of Hong Kong Island will be ours sooner or later!"

"The future is promising, hahaha." Ma Dali, the owner of Yunhe Martial Arts School, had a red face from drinking. He said loudly: "With the support of that person, it is easy for us to sweep through those martial arts schools. Damn it, we will fight whoever we are unhappy with!"


At the main table, several owners and core personnel were chatting enthusiastically.

Among them, a man named Scar was rolling up his sleeves and saying noisily:

"Shanhai Martial Arts School is just a bunch of street boys, what kind of bullshit. That day I took people to their front door and pointed at Yun Fu's nose and scolded him, but he still had to endure it? Damn it, if you dare to find fault, I will criticize him on the spot. Kill him..."

There was a lot of noise on the field.

Some people slapped the table, some drank from beer bottles, and a few people cursed at each other. Some people slapped the waitress on the butt when she saw her passing by. The waitress's face turned red and she dared not speak in anger. .

After walking out quickly, some tears began to form in her eyes.

"Xiaochi, what's wrong?"

The lobby manager came over and asked.

"I, I..." Xiaochi wiped his nose.

"It's the group of customers on the second floor." Another male waiter came down and said, "Xiaochi just passed by and was slapped on the butt more than ten times. It was a very dirty move."

"How do you know?" the lobby manager asked with a frown.

As a result, the male waiter turned his head, one of his eyes was blue, and he looked sad:

"I was beaten, the manager, they let it go and only let the female waiters go up. If there are male waiters, they will use the knife."


The lobby manager sighed: "They are such a difficult group of people to take care of. No, I have to call the boss."

He took out his mobile phone, walked towards the door, waved and said: "You guys will take care of the cards first. It's time to serve the food. Pay attention to your own precautions."

After that, the lobby manager pushed the door open and lit a cigarette. The call was not made.

He shook his head:

"Three powerful people from the martial arts school have to support them even if the boss comes. They are all a group of people who cannot be offended. Hey, they are difficult to deal with. Not to mention being touched a few times, even if it is more excessive, it will not matter. People can control them!"

While muttering to himself.


The sound of sudden braking sounded not far from the hotel door.

The lobby manager turned around to look, and his expression suddenly changed!

I saw three Alpha commercial vehicles parked nearby.

"Are you a distinguished guest?"

The lobby manager's eyes lit up: "They are all luxury cars."

As a result, I was just about to walk over.

Just heard a muffled bang.

The door of the third car was kicked down.

A white-haired man walked down. He had a cigarette in his mouth and said cursingly:

"Bah, this crappy car makes my waist hurt. It's such a hateful car."

The lobby manager smiled and said: "Hello, sir, who are you?"

The man in front of me kicked the car door open when he was dissatisfied. He was definitely a boss, so he had to make arrangements.

"How many? I imagine it should be...twenty-one."

The white-haired man laughed and said, "Brother, there's no need to make arrangements. We'll find someone."

After saying that, he raised his right hand, and in the car behind him, a black M16 was placed in his hand.


The lobby manager's pupils narrowed sharply.

Brave, ruthless bandit!

The next second, I saw three vehicles, each wearing black clothing and fully armed. They had guns, ammunition, daggers, etc., and they looked like professional troops.


The white-haired man spit out the cigarette butt, then shouldered his gun and walked carelessly towards the hotel.

At this moment, the lobby manager's legs were so scared that his legs were weak. Looking at it from a close distance, those black muzzles were horrifying!

Some of the people passing by around him screamed and ran away, trying to avoid him.

When they entered the hotel.

There were some more screams.

The white-haired man came to the bar to pay. He put a black leather bag on the bar. Looking at the pale face of the bar cashier, he smiled gently:

"You're good-looking, beautiful. Are you dating?"

"Ah, I, I, I..." The cashier's body was shaking with fear.

"Don't be afraid, brother is not a bad person. Let all the waiters on the second floor leave."

The white-haired man smiled and took out a wad of cash from his wallet.

There were about a dozen bundles.

"Brother is very particular about what he does. This is compensation."

The white-haired man still maintained a warm smile.

After a minute, several waiters ran down the stairs. The white-haired man turned around and waved his hand. Behind him, a group of heavily armed and masked men in black clothes walked towards the stairs.

The moment the white-haired man turned around, the smile on his face gradually faded.

The smile disappeared and was replaced by a cold-blooded look on his face, with murderous intent hidden in his eyes.

He walked to the front in two steps. When he went upstairs, at the corner of the stairs, he saw two drunk people with tattoos all over their bodies.

The two of them were still bragging when suddenly they saw a group of masked men in black clothes appearing in front of them.

Those black guns...seem to be the eyes of death, frightening.


They have big mouths and want to scream.

Bang bang!

Two gunshots rang out, and two people were killed by headshots.


The white-haired man blew on the muzzle of the pistol, put the pistol back on his waist, and walked towards the entrance of the second floor with the M16 in his hand.

When he stood at the gate and saw the bustling scene inside, no one noticed him for a while.

"Come on, come on."

The white-haired man waved his hand, and a group of people behind him rushed in, standing in a straight line at the edge.

And some people at the tables at the edge found them.


"Ahhh! Not good!"

"Someone is coming!"


The white-haired man clapped his hands: "Listen to me, you are from Liansheng, Taidou, Yunhe, the three martial arts schools, right?"

The field was in chaos, and a large group of people ran to the back.

"No one answered? That's it."

The white-haired man grinned.

He raised his gun, with an extremely professional posture, and fired at several people who were about to jump out of the window.


Then, a group of men beside him roared angrily from the muzzle of their guns.


Zhou Chengsheng, with a horrified face, shouted: "Everyone, please stop, everyone, let's sit down and slowly..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Chengsheng's head was blown open.

Scar, who was sitting at the side, had his eyes wide open. His body trembled violently, and he collapsed under the table, trembling and almost scared to death.

What kind of demons are these people!

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