Fairy King Dad

Chapter 86 It’s finally here! (1/2)

Feng Wuya's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was surprised, and he nodded: "Yes."

Return to the suite on the tenth floor.

Luoluo is still sleeping. According to this time, she is about to wake up.

Feng Wuya placed the food on the dining table.

Then he went out.

In front of the corridor, there are two men.

"Make arrangements to respond to Lu Zhiqiang. The Lord will attend their gathering in person tomorrow."

"What? Your Majesty is going to attend in person? Isn't this too disrespectful?" Demon Commander Awu was stunned when he heard this.

"Stop talking nonsense and make arrangements first." Feng Wuya took them back to a suite.

When they were about to make a call.

Awu asked:

"In what name are you replying? Is it our Shadow Palace Master, or is it?"

"Of course it's the Lord's name." Feng Wuya replied.

"But do they know the Lord?" Awu scratched his head and said: "After all, we only appeared in the Ye family manor and did not leave our names."


Feng Wuya glared: "Don't you think too much of them? Do you think they don't know the Lord's name? Not only the Lord's name, but also ours is no longer a secret."

Feng Wuya's tone was very certain.

The Shadow Palace now seems to have stepped out of darkness into the light.

Not just the Lu family, but many families and martial arts forces in Xihang should know that they are the Shadow Palace!

It's just that these people don't understand the relationship between Shadow Palace and Su Chen.


Awu nodded, and after a few phone calls to arrange the matter, he asked curiously:

"Palace Master, tomorrow is just a gathering of the juniors. Is it necessary for the Lord to attend in person?"

"Why is it not necessary?"

Feng Wuya smiled faintly: "You think things are too simple. After all, this matter involves Miss Ye, and... the Lord personally came out, I am afraid it is to completely solve these matters, with the Lord's The ability can directly suppress the Lu family, but the Lord always likes to eliminate the roots. What's more, now that the Lord has a little princess, he will be more concerned about future troubles. "

"If you cut the grass without removing the roots, there will be endless troubles?" Ah Wu nodded.

"That's right." Feng Wuya said in a deep voice: "Starting from the gathering of their juniors and digging through layer by layer, we can thoroughly see how many trump cards they have."

If you know how many trump cards the Lu family has, you know it well.

On the battlefield, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

Only by knowing everything about the situation can you fully control the situation.

This is the reason Feng Wuya thought of.

"Maybe these are the reasons. As for what the Lord thinks, no one can guess..."

Feng Wuya's expression showed some emotion: "This time, we may not be able to help the Lord. It is more likely that we will see the Lord take action. Just watch, in the face of absolute strength, those connections and backers are like branches. , can be easily broken!”


Only ten minutes passed.

Then some people found out about Su Chen going to the party.

They started spreading the word.

Even Lu Zhiqiang received a call.

"Su Chen comes in person?"


"He's a piece of shit, but he still has the guts to come in front of me?"


After hearing the news, Lu Zhiqiang felt extremely angry.

He deliberately prepared to prevent the other party from getting off the stage.

As for the relationship between Su Chen and Shadow Palace.

Lu Zhiqiang didn't hear anything at all.

But soon, Lu Tianhua, the most famous of the younger generation of the Lu family, arrived!

He is only twenty-five years old and is a late-stage Xiantian warrior.

The Lu family has a master, Mr. Lu Sanye. Under his guidance, Lu Tianhua has grown very fast and is expected to take Mr. Lu's place in the future.

"Brother, why are you here?"

In the villa, Lu Zhiqiang asked casually.

"Let me tell you some news."

Lu Tianhua said with a smile: "The one named Su Chen, there are rumors that he randomly found a group of warriors, and those warriors... came from the Shadow Palace."

"What is the Shadow Palace?" Lu Zhiqiang looked confused.

"The forces of the Shadow Palace used to operate abroad and have not appeared for more than thirty years..." Lu Tianhua informed the news about the Shadow Palace.

When Lu Zhiqiang found out, he was shocked:

"He actually has a background? Well, if he comes to the party tomorrow, I'm going to deal with him!"

"This seems to have nothing to do with it." Lu Tianhua said funnyly: "Su Chen is just a subordinate of the Shadow Palace. To put it bluntly, the Shadow Palace is in the Dragon Kingdom and has many restrictions. They dare not make a big fuss. Besides, do you think my Lu family Afraid of the Shadow Palace? Just do whatever you want. I will accompany you to a gathering of young people tomorrow. I haven’t attended it for a long time.”

At the end of the sentence, Lu Tianhua showed a sneer.

What is an unparalleled wealthy family?


The momentum is overwhelming!


This time, they want to show off the prestige of the Lu family.

Overwhelm the Shadow Palace, push the Lu family's momentum to the top, and let the family head sit down as the president of the First Chamber of Commerce in one go!

The Lu family has its own plans.

Lu Tianhua wants to leave in person. In everyone's opinion, Lu Tianhua is enough for the young people facing the Shadow Palace.

When Lu Zhiqiang learned about the situation, his expression became arrogant again:

"I want to see what he can say when he comes tomorrow! Look how I stole his woman!"


Some big forces and big families are extremely concerned about this matter.

The first chamber of commerce in Xihang is headed by the Lu family, Chen family, Ning family, Cao family, and Ding family.

The five major families are all very powerful and are the first-rate families in Xihang. There are also many second-rate and third-rate families who have formed the first chamber of commerce.

People from the five major families know a lot about this matter, and they are paying close attention to the Lu family's movements.

If something goes wrong, they want to stand by the Lu family, and they also want to see what the Lu family's trump card will be when facing the Shadow Palace?

If the cards are too strong, then... Lu Chenghu will basically take his seat as president of the Chamber of Commerce!

Regarding Su Chen’s reply.

The Ye family soon heard about it.

"He still dares to attend a party where Lu Zhiqiang is present?"

"Hahaha, you are humiliating yourself!"

When Ye Cai heard the news, he felt excited: "My plan was successful after all. The Lu family really cares about face. How can they tolerate a mere little person making trouble in front of their family?"

As for the head of the Ye family, Ye Guan.

He looked a little confused after hearing the news:

"Does he really have the guts to go?"

"Something feels a little wrong."

"Is he a fool? If he goes, Lu Zhiqiang is not allowed to cripple him?"

The head of the Ye family frowned. No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

When this went viral.

The major families in Xihang City can be described as undercurrents.

Everyone has their own opinions and opinions.

The more information someone knows, the closer their guess will be to the truth.

They were watching, waiting for the party the next day.


Eight o'clock in the morning.

Ye Qingning is here.

Su Chen and Luo Luo were having breakfast.


The little princess smiled and waved her hand: "Come and eat!"

In the morning, Ye Qingning had already spoken to Luo Luo on the phone.

Knowing that Ye Qingning was coming here to eat, Su Chen made more.


Ye Qingning smiled slightly. Today she was wearing a white shirt, a beige short skirt, a pink bag, and a white cap with gold rims.

All kinds of jewelry are available.

Come and sit down at the table.

Eating breakfast happily.

However, Ye Qingning looked at Su Chen several times and hesitated to speak.

She has a lot to say that she hasn’t asked yet.

Wait until Luoluo has almost eaten.

"Lolo, you watch cartoons for a while. Mom has something to tell Dad."

Ye Qingning picked up Luo Luo, sat on the sofa in the living room, turned on the TV, and found a cartoon playing.

"Mom, daddy, hurry up, daddy said she wants to go out to play today." Luoluo said in a sweet voice.


Ye Qingning pinched Luoluo's pink little face.

When returning to the restaurant.

She sat opposite Su Chen and stared directly at Su Chen.

One second, two seconds... ten seconds later.

Seeing that Su Chen didn't speak, Ye Qingning snorted:

"Why are you going to the party tomorrow?"

Su Chen smiled lightly.

Just about to answer.

Ye Qingning raised a finger and placed it in front of her red lips:

"Ha, I understand. After all, you still care about me. Oh, tsk, tsk, tsk, should I feel honored? Or honored?"

Ye Qingning laughed: "Don't love me, there will be no result."

The corner of Su Chen's mouth trembled slightly: "You are overthinking. I just like stability and plan to solve the trouble once and for all."


Ye Qingning was stunned for a moment, opened her lips and teeth slightly, and made a confused sound.

"Besides, you are Luoluo's mother, and a man has to take charge of this matter. It is not convenient for you to deal with a woman's family." Su Chen said casually.

"Hey, why is it inconvenient for me to deal with it? You also know my identity, how can I be afraid of them?" Ye Qingning curled her lips and said, "Do you favor boys over girls? Now everyone is equal, you It’s an old idea.”

Old ideas?

Su Chen was stunned.

He has worked very hard to integrate into modern society as soon as possible.

"Is there any?" Su Chen asked.

Ye Qingning nodded: "Yes."

Su Chen pondered.

How to solve the problem of old ideas?

There are still some troubles.

After all, he is a prince, and most of his worldly life happened a hundred years ago.

A person's habits are not easy to change.

"However, the fact that you have such thoughts shows that you still value love and justice."

Ye Qingning laughed: "Dear Mr. Su, I want to remind you that the Shadow Palace is no longer a secret. For the Lu family, they should be fully confident in dealing with you. You should not get involved in this matter. And.”

"I don't care, how do you deal with it? Use your magic to confuse them? This is not a long-term solution. I said, I want to solve the trouble once and for all." Su Chen said seriously: "There is no trouble, which can make you feel at ease, and So that Luoluo can grow up happily."

"But the Shadow Palace is no match for the Lu family. They can't be unscrupulous in the Dragon Kingdom." Ye Qingning shook his head slightly: "What is your relationship with the Shadow Palace?"

I'm just curious about this after all.

Su Chen pondered for two seconds, and then said: "Feng Wuya was someone I once taught. He knows how to be grateful, so he regards me as his master."

"Just a little bit, don't brag."

Ye Qingning pouted: "I am asking you very seriously, but your answer is too perfunctory. Mr. Su, are you a relative of Feng Wuya?"

Su Chen: "......"

Truth is often not believed.

This is the case with Bai Qianqian and Chen Shiyan. I didn't expect that Ye Qingning, a demon, would be the same.

Playing the lute to a cow...

"Are you really going tomorrow?"

"I'm actually looking forward to it."

"I'm curious about how you will deal with that arrogant Lu Zhiqiang."

"But if you go there in person, the Shadow Hall and the Lu family will have a head-on collision."

"In that case, there is a high probability that the Lu family will make a big deal. They will reveal their cards, suppress the Shadow Hall, and let the head of the Lu family take the position of the president of the Chamber of Commerce smoothly."


Ye Qingning said a lot more today than usual.

She was saying some reminders, including some of her guesses.

But before she finished speaking, Su Chen got up and walked towards the living room.

"Hey, I haven't finished talking yet. What are you going to do?" Ye Qingning asked.

Su Chen waved his hand:

"We agreed to take Luo Luo out to play, hurry up and clean up the restaurant."

"I clean up the restaurant? I won't!"

Ye Qingning stood up immediately: "I am a little goblin who doesn't care about worldly things. I can't do rough work. Mr. Su, you should clean up."

As a result...

The restaurant was cleaned up by the Shadow Hall people after they left.

A family of three, playing some tourist classics in Xihang.

The main thing is to take Luo Luo out to play.

With parents by her side.

The little princess is in a very good mood!

But what makes Ye Qingning strange during this period is.

Why don't the people from Daoxuan Sect follow her?

Are they also watching this matter?

Knowing that the Shadow Hall is behind, they don't plan to act rashly?

Ye Qingning naturally doesn't know that Liao Tianlang, the senior brother of the Demon Slaying Hall of Daoxuan Sect, is still in detention. Without the order of the senior brother, the disciples of Daoxuan Sect will not take any action...

Have fun for a day.

During the daytime.

About Ye Qingning, Luo Luo, Su Chen, Lu Zhiqiang, Ye Zhiwei, the Ye family, the Lu family, etc.

The news spread more and more.

Almost everyone who attended the Dongshan Club party on the second day was looking forward to it.

The next day came quickly.

At five o'clock in the afternoon.

After Su Chen said goodbye to Luo Luo, he left the hotel.

All the people in the Shadow Hall were in the hotel, and Feng Wuya was personally accompanying Luo Luo.

The main purpose was to play with the little princess.

This made Feng Wuya feel more nervous than fighting.

He was afraid that the little princess would not be happy.

When Su Chen went downstairs.

Ye Qingning was waiting at the door of the hotel in a red Ferrari supercar.

"Get in the car."

Ye Qingning made a gesture.

Su Chen got in the car, and the car left with the hum of the supercar.

This party.

It was a gathering of the younger generations of the major families of the First Chamber of Commerce.

The address is the Dongshan Club in the center of Xihang City.

Dongshan Club is adjacent to Dongshan and named after the mountain. The club is luxuriously built and occupies the northern area of ​​Dongshan.

Green mountains and clear waters, elegant environment.

Dongshan Club is private and only entertains members.

Yunxiao Hall is the best gathering place in the club.

The hall is like a villa. Walking into it, the walls are simple and plain, and white mist is rippling beside the two pools, and the fairy air is floating.

After crossing the courtyard, the party hall is in front.

Next to the gate, someone recorded the identities of Su Chen and Ye Qingning, and entered from the spacious door.

It can be seen that the decoration inside is magnificent. On both sides of the door, there are two rows of receptionists wearing cheongsam, each of whom is tall.

When they saw the guests, they bowed slightly: "Welcome."

Across the hall corridor, there is a large wooden door inside.

There are two waiters standing by the door. When they see guests coming, they open the door.

Su Chen and Ye Qingning entered the banquet hall.

Then I saw that the place was bustling with people. There were about ten tables, all of which were occupied by young people.

Everyone was wearing branded clothes, most of the men were wearing suits, and the women were wearing evening gowns.

It was obvious that they also attached great importance to this party.

"Half of the rich children in Xihang are here. It is the families behind them that form the No. 1 Chamber of Commerce."

Ye Qingning said lightly beside Su Chen.

Ye Qingning wore a red evening dress and five-centimeter high heels. She was dressed very delicately in her daily life. She did not deliberately stay away from Su Chen, but took Su Chen's right arm and walked into the banquet hall.

At this moment!

The whole banquet hall was suddenly quiet.

Almost all eyes looked over.

Ye Qingning!

This cold and enchanting beauty attracted the attention of many people.

But more eyes were focused on Su Chen.

He... is finally here!

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