Fairy King Dad

Chapter 851: Medicine Arrives

“Where are we going to test?”

Luoluo walked to the front, raised his head slightly, and looked at the woman.

This angle made Luoluo dislike it very much. She couldn't help but snorted:

"It's true. I'm in the fairy land, and those are beautiful and long legs."

"Well, you are very beautiful now." The woman in military uniform smiled: "You will have long legs in the future. We are going to the training room where we will use some instruments to test your physical strength and warrior level."

"All right."

Luoluo nodded and asked: "By the way, big sister, how far is it from Hong Kong Island?"

"It takes three or four hours by plane." The woman in military uniform replied, "Are you from Hong Kong Island?"

"Yeah, my dad is over there."

Luoluo said casually.

Through chatting, Luoluo also learned some things about the base here.

‘Emperor Star and Blue Star are about the same size. ’

‘It’s just that the Emperor Star is a real void, the Immortal Land is an illusory place, and the energy of the void is very chaotic. ’

‘What’s the point of us coming to the Emperor Star? As monks from the Immortal Land, what is the purpose of coming to the Emperor Star? ’

Luoluo thought for a while and couldn't help asking some questions.

"What's the meaning of coming to Emperor Star?"

The woman in military uniform pondered for a moment, and finally said:

"You can live forever in the fairy land. In fact, this is just nonsense. There are nearly four hundred fairy land continents known so far. Do you know that these fairy land continents have been destroyed thousands of times?"

"What do you mean?" Luo Luo looked slightly shocked.

"The fairy land world has unstable void energy and belongs to a dimensional world. The fairy land continent is divided into its own plates and is constantly being broken and reorganized."

The woman in military uniform pondered and said: "Where does the void in our universe come from? Some people say that it was the big bang at the beginning of the universe, and gradually there was a vast sea of ​​stars. On the Fairyland Continent, big explosions or space storms often occur Wait, every once in a while, a continent of fairy land may die and then be reborn. Anyway, it will be a rather strange existence. Then you will be able to read some knowledge about the fairy land in some encyclopedias. "

"So, there is no real immortality in the fairy land?" Luoluo's eyes narrowed slightly.

Then Kunlun City will also perish one day?

"You can say that." The woman in military uniform seemed to know what Luo Luo was thinking. She shook her head and said: "The flow rate of space in the fairy land is very slow, and the evolution of life is strange. Well...if you have time, you can take a look. The interstellar movie involves all kinds of latitudes, space, and time differences.”

While talking.

The two came to the training room.

The interior is large, with a lot of machinery and some small rooms.

It was late at night, and there were about a dozen people inside, sweating profusely in training.

"Hey, Captain Yun, why did you bring a little girl here?" A strong man wiped the sweat on his forehead with a towel, picked up a bottle of blue water, looked at Luo Luo, and muttered He drank it gurglingly.

"Don't talk nonsense, she is from the fairy land." The woman in military uniform responded.

"Puff puff puff..."

Water was spraying out from the corners of the strong man's mouth and nostrils, and a large amount of water sprayed away.

Then he kept coughing and stared at Luo Luo in disbelief.

A dozen people nearby immediately gathered around.


"She? From the fairy land?"

"Oh my god, she is so young!"

"I'll go, it's so awesome!"

The faces of this group of people became extremely solemn.

"It's time to start."

The woman in military uniform gestured to Luoluo: "This machine is used to test the punching power."

Luoluo came to a machine and punched forward casually with his right fist.

Some values ​​appear above: 10623.

"Strike force level A."

The woman in military uniform recorded this on something similar to a mobile phone:

"Next project, speed."

"Next test, reflexes."


Lolo went through a series and did many types of tests.

"Speed ​​level B."

"Leg strength level C."

"Reaction speed: A level."

"Height: 112 cm, weight 25 kg, blood type O."

"The human body scan is correct and there are no diseased organs."

"Biological age: 6 years old."

"Warrior level: B level."

Hear these words.

Luoluo was very curious.


"I'm only six?"

Luoluo retorted with wide eyes: "This is wrong."

Woman in military uniform: "What's wrong?"

While speaking, she also gestured at Luoluo's height.

Luoluo realized that his height and weight... were obviously about six years old.

"Are you polite?"

Luoluo pointed to the hand of the woman in military uniform: "I will grow taller in the future."


The woman in military uniform smiled.

"By the way, what does B-level warrior mean?" Luoluo asked again.

"B-level warrior means Huajin warrior. The levels of warriors are Mingjin, Darkjin, Huajin, Xiantian and Grandmaster. This is the name of our Dragon Kingdom. The globally recognized name is the letter, D level, C Level, B level, A level and S level, so B level warrior means energy."

The woman in military uniform thought for a while and said: "A warrior doesn't mean anything. The Emperor Star is not respected by force. Even a first-generation grandmaster cannot face bullets."

"Am I the one who transforms energy?" Luoluo's eyes widened.

She has been practicing in the Immortal Land for so many years and has more than 50,000 clones. How come she only has this little cultivation?

"Feeling that your strength is very low?" The woman in military uniform laughed suddenly, and pointed to a dozen people in the distance, who were looking at some data from Lolo's test.

Luoluo looked over, listened carefully, and heard their discussion:

"It's absolutely amazing. It's amazing."

"She has reached this level when she was only six years old. How can she still do it when she grows up?"

"Could it be that she is a female grandmaster?"

The woman in military uniform smiled faintly: "You heard me? You are only six years old. It is already very rare to be able to achieve transformation strength. You must know that among the people from the Emperor Star, according to big data analysis, there are thirty-three out of one hundred people." One is a Ming Jin warrior, forty-six are Dark Jin warriors, there are fifteen Hua Jin warriors, there are five or six Xiantian warriors, and as for the martial arts master, there may not be even one in a hundred."

"The martial arts masters in the Emperor Star are often trained here. After coming out of the fairy land, they are the rarest masters."

"So you are already excellent."

The woman in military uniform smiled slightly and said: "And what I said again is that you didn't understand it when you first came here. The warriors here are not as strong as you think. Even the masters can't block bullets, so forgetting these will make you faster." integration into society.”

"Oh, that's right."

Luoluo pouted.

I’m still not used to it, my body seems smaller.

"Now I will give you a household registration and a certificate of being a warrior."

The woman fiddled with the phone a few more times and asked some questions.

"Name, Su Luoluo, age, 6 years old, location: Southeast Life Capsule Tenth Base."

"My family is: The Su family in Kowloon, Hong Kong Island. My father's name is Su Chen and my mother's name is Ye Qingning..."

Regarding the content, she recorded it in great detail.

When the record ends.

"Sit down and rest for a while. I'm calling now to contact the Su family on Hong Kong Island. If it's quick, I can arrange a flight for you to Hong Kong Island tomorrow."

As the woman in military uniform was talking, her cell phone rang.


She answered the phone: "What did you say? Commander Ye's great-granddaughter???"

The woman in military uniform turned her head stiffly and looked at Luoluo.

More than ten minutes passed.

A helicopter took off directly from the base and sped away in the northeast direction...

at the same time.

After talking to Luo Luo on the phone.

Ye Qingning was relieved a lot.

There was also a smile on her face.

In the living room of the villa, he looked at Ye Duolan and his mother Qiu Caihong who looked anxious in front of them.

I can’t tell you what it feels like.

Anyway, Qiu Caihong cried for a long time.

"This, I just passed the test. My daughter, your warrior level is A level. It is really amazing."

Ye Duolan smiled and said, "I am really satisfied to have such an outstanding daughter like you."

"I...I want to go to Hong Kong Island." Ye Qingning said.

Veins popped up on Ye Duolan's forehead.

He thought silently in his heart: I am a loving father, I am a loving father, don't be angry, don't be angry, life is like a play, we get together because of fate...

Under Ye Qingning's gaze, more than thirty seconds passed before Ye Duolan continued to grin. That smile was uglier than crying.

"Daughter, it's dad's fault."

Ye Duolan said solemnly: "I arranged for you to experience the dimensional world, but something went wrong and you got that bastard... Ahem, there were some accidents. Later, my father sent more than a hundred guardians. I remember there are a few of them, but they are just worried about your safety when they get there."

Experience in the dimensional world, the chosen one, has many benefits.

After returning from there, he had the body of a warrior. From then on, he rarely suffered from illness, and he had seen a lot of things. Considering the situation of the Ye family, Ye Qingning's career in politics was bound to go smoothly. Ye Duolan also took great pains to train Ye Qingning. .

Unfortunately, something went wrong.

"It's all dad's fault. If it hadn't been for the accident, you would have returned here long ago." Ye Duolan sighed: "My good daughter, why don't you just go to Hong Kong Island without any hassle?"

"No, I want to see my husband." Ye Qingning blinked, showing a stubborn look.

In fact, Ye Qingning felt that many people in the Ye family were dissatisfied with the Su family, and even talked about it in private, and she heard it.

In this regard, if she gives in, it will be difficult to bring up the meeting again.


At this moment, Ye Duolan's forehead was rosy. He took a deep breath: "What kind of husband is not a husband? My daughter is not married yet, so you are not allowed to mention it."

Qiu Caihong looked left and right, but didn't interrupt.

"We even have children. I'm married. Why can't I find a husband? And, with all due respect, we have been sleeping together in the fairyland for thousands of years. We have proposal ceremonies and weddings. We are legal. Husband and wife."

Ye Qingning said this naturally.


As soon as the words fell, Ye Duolan made a sound.

He covered his heart and pointed at Ye Qingning with trembling hands. He wanted to curse but couldn't.

Finally, he looked at Qiu Caihong:

"It's high, my blood pressure is high."

"I hurt, my heart hurts."

"Here comes the medicine!"

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