Fairy King Dad

Chapter 847 Star Technology Tree

"Take a break."

Su Chen held Ye Qingning's hand, and he took the mother and daughter to sit on the stone beside him.

Then, Su Chen sat cross-legged in front of the two.

Thoughts flowed into his mind.

"What is he doing?"

Little Amei asked in confusion.

"Dad is practicing." Luo Luo said seriously: "Dad is working hard."

"What is there to practice at this time?" Little Amei rolled her eyes and complained: "What's the use of sharpening the gun before the battle."

In the eyes of several people, Su Chen sat cross-legged on the ground very calmly.

But in Su Chen's mind, it was very intense.

His soul came to the Longevity Tower.

"Fifth floor."

Su Chen's hand slowly moved forward to touch the door of the fifth floor.

When the door of the fifth floor of the Longevity Tower opened.


The door slowly opened a gap.

An infinite devouring force appeared.

Su Chen's heartbeat, a click, as if a beat was missed.

He was completely unable to resist, and his soul was completely swallowed into the fifth floor of the Longevity Tower.

"Oh no!"

This uncontrollable situation made Su Chen very frightened.

He remembered a thought that emerged in the Longevity Tower back then:

The first few floors of the Longevity Tower will be very friendly to you.

The first few floors are a vague concept, which floor is it?

The first three floors are also the first few floors.

The Longevity Tower has a total of nine floors, and the fifth floor is just in the middle.

If there is any mistake... it will delay time.

However, Su Chen quickly calmed down.

"The most lacking thing in the Immortal Land is time."

"Now that the breakthrough is imminent, it is the best time to face the fifth floor of the Longevity Tower."

Su Chen's soul floated in the darkness.

Like a leaf in the sea, erratic.

The door of the Longevity Tower closed with a click.

Like a guillotine.

There was no light around.

Gradually, Su Chen forgot about time.

"This place is like a cage."

Su Chen shook his head slightly and observed his surroundings.

Suddenly, a white light spot appeared in the distance.

Then, small white bubbles appeared not far ahead.

Like bubbles in the water, there were more and more bubbles.

Behind the bubbles, at the bottom, blue light slowly appeared.

The light became more and more, denser and denser, and looked extremely complicated, like a huge machine, constantly condensing in front of my eyes.


I don't know how long it took.

The bubble disappeared.

There was also a faint fluorescence around.

When Su Chen saw the things in front of him clearly, he was shocked.

In front of him, there was a majestic tree.

This big tree seemed to be in the water.

There were many glowing silk threads in the tree, and the leaves swayed slightly.

At the roots of the tree, some bubbles were often emitted.

I don't know what kind of water covered the space on the fifth floor.

Invisible and colorless, like clear water.

"A technology tree growing in water?"

Su Chen observed silently.

At this moment, his soul body seemed to be in this clear water.

Colorless, tasteless, and without shape, only when the technology tree emits bubbles can you see some outlines.


The light that spread throughout the technology tree began to flow downward.

It covered about half of the height of the technology tree and then stabilized.

Su Chen was in the distance, observing for a moment, and after a while, his soul body floated forward.

The height of the technology tree is about ten meters, and its shape is like a maple tree.

When the distance is closer.

Some leaves in front of Su Chen have gathered some light.

A glittering, human-shaped phantom appeared in front of Su Chen.

The height is about the same as Su Chen, and the body shape cannot be distinguished as male or female.

"Please host propose a form."

"Set a nickname."


After hearing the voice, Su Chen was stunned for a long time before he understood.

The glowing human figure in front of him is the figure presented by the technology tree.

Su Chen's thoughts touched the technology tree, and according to his thoughts, the glowing human form gradually changed.

The figure kept getting smaller and smaller...

It looked like the height of a three or four-year-old, with a pair of ponytails, and its facial features were like those of Luo Luo when she was a child.

"No, no."

Su Chen watched for a moment, and then slightly changed his appearance. He set two big red ears on the top of the little girl's head, and a pair of wings on the back, like a cute little devil.

"Let's look like this."

"As for the name..."

"Demon King."

"Call me..."

Su Chen pondered for a moment, and he thought about it and said: "I have no sister in this life, you can call me brother."

"Set successfully."

The little devil smiled: "Hello, brother, my name is Demon King, from now on, I am my brother's exclusive creature."

At this moment.

Su Chen's mind sensed some changes in the information of the technology tree.

Without setting these basic messages, there is no way to communicate.

In a short moment, Su Chen communicated many questions to the technology tree mind.

"What kind of creature are you?"

"This is the fifth floor of the Longevity Tower, why did you suddenly appear?"

"Aren't you a product of the fairyland?"

"What on earth are you?"

The many questions made the little devil look a little dazed.

"Brother, I am an intelligent creature."

"This is my home and I can absorb a little bit of energy to keep things running."

"I am not a product of fairy soil."

"I am an intelligent life form of the Star Technology Tree."


Most of Su Chen's questions were answered clearly.

Su Chen quickly understood.

The fifth floor of the Eternal Life Tower is the evolutionary state of the fourth-floor technology tree, the star technology tree!

"Brother, I know a lot of knowledge, but the content is blocked."


For example, the origin of Immortal Land, what kind of place Immortal Land is, going to the Emperor Star, etc.

She has answers to many questions about the Immortal Land, but they have to be unlocked.

At present, the star technology tree has not been activated yet, and only intelligent lifeforms are being punished first.

"What are the conditions for activating the star technology tree?"

Face this question.

The little devil replied: "It is necessary to stabilize the void plane of the universe."

After hearing this answer, Su Chen understood instantly.

In the fairy land void, the star technology tree cannot be activated.

But Emperor Star can.

There is the stable cosmic void.

"This time, Mr. Su's plug-in came very early."

Su Chen stood in front of the Star Technology Tree with his hands behind his hands. He looked at the outline of the Star Technology Tree, and for a moment, he showed a satisfied smile:


"I underestimated the Eternal Life Tower before."

"It seems that if I go to the Emperor Star, the Eternal Life Tower should still exist..."

"It's time."

Su Chen's thoughts were very calm.

I am lucky to get it, but I am destined to lose it.

After Su Chen understood some basic information.

His thoughts slowly left the fifth floor of the Eternal Life Tower.

The fifth floor space of the Eternal Life Tower is a bit special. When the door opened with a crack, he was kicked out like a ball...

On the boulder.

The morning sun slowly fell on Su Chen's body.

Su Chen opened his eyes, and his eyes were extremely bright under the sunlight.

He stood up, looked at the sun, and smiled slightly:

"It's time to leave."

"Farewell, goodbye."

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