Fairy King Dad

Chapter 798: Envy is not enough (1/2)

More than 160,000 crystals?

A piece of clothing?

Dukari and the three ladies could not help but be stunned at this moment.

The price of just one piece of clothing exceeds 100,000?

When I came here, I thought that one hundred thousand crystal stones would be enough for one visit to the mall.

"Sir, this dress is a limited edition silk brocade dress. It is knitted by hand. The fabric is the purest hair from the chests of bell flower sheep. To make this dress, the chest hair of thirty-six sheep is needed."

The female waiter said with a smile:

"Our designers here are from Chen Shiyan and Protector Chen. All of them are limited-edition clothes. Sir, the prices of the clothes are all on the labels. You can take a look in advance."

Speaking of this, the waiter's eyebrows showed a hint of pride, and she still pointed outside politely:

"There is an affordable mall opposite. The clothes there range from dozens to hundreds of crystals. Our mall here focuses on high-end products, so the prices are relatively high."

She is from Little Star City, a direct descendant of a small family. She used to live a life without worries about food and clothing. Now she comes here to work and find fun.

Almost all the customers we receive every day are angels.

After working for a month, as time goes by, my horizons become a little higher.

"Did I say it's expensive?"

Dukari suddenly felt a little unhappy.

He was given a contemptuous look by a mere waiter.

Although it was well hidden, he had already noticed it, as if the other person felt that he couldn't afford it.

"A mere hundred thousand crystals is nothing to me."

As everyone knows, this mental reaction stimulated Dukari's consumer psychology. He waved his hand: "Madams, take your pick and buy some more clothes for you today."

"Husband, we still have a lot of clothes." The eldest lady said thoughtfully.

I still feel that the price here is a bit expensive. Although it is not bad for money, I don’t like to be taken advantage of.

"It doesn't matter. I am the lord of a city after all. Not to mention this small shop, I bought all the clothes in this shopping mall. It's not too much." Dukari snorted.

When the waitress saw this, her expression suddenly became much more cautious.

The lord of a city must at least be in the Immortal King realm.

"Okay sir, I'll wrap up the clothes for you."

The waitress, with a warm smile, packed the clothes into a beautifully decorated box.

"The clothes here are all designed by the protector of the Heavenly King's Palace? Who is the protector named Chen Shiyan?" the second lady asked curiously.

While talking, Dukari had already chosen a second piece of clothing, worth more than 60,000 crystal stones.

The smiles of the service staff became more enthusiastic.

Faced with some questions, she also gave answers.

"I just came here not long ago, so my knowledge is very one-sided."

The blue-haired waitress smiled and said:

"When I was training, I saw Protector Chen once. Her name is Chen Shiyan. She has been in the Heavenly King Hall for a long time. She is a very beautiful woman. Her husband is a hall master of the Heavenly King Hall. I heard that Chen Shiyan The protector and the palace master’s wife are good sisters.”

Many new disciples know some basic information about Chen Shiyan.

In other words, during the training, some core personnel of Tianwang Palace will be introduced.

When the eldest lady heard this, she smiled and said, "Are all the clothes here designed by Protector Chen?"

"Yes, the clothes here are all designed by Protector Chen and use some high-end materials, so the prices will be relatively high." The female waiter said with a smile:

"The clothes in this mall are all designed by the senior officials of Tianwang Palace. The clothes next door to us are designed by Protector Bai Qianqian. They focus on sports style, including those on our top floor. A few days ago, even the master of the palace designed two types of clothes. ”

"Are there any clothes designed by Palace Master Su? Where are they?" Dukari suddenly became interested.

"It was bought on the same day." The service staff said with a smile: "The palace master is leisurely and elegant. He designed two sets of sports and leisure clothes. There was no price tag. It was a secret shoot. Two clothes, one black and one The white ones were all bought for nine million crystal stones.”

Two sets of clothes, eighteen million crystals!

The eyes of the three ladies widened a little.

In Immortal Land, some clothes may be worth hundreds of millions of crystals, but those clothes are often fairy treasures such as armor, and ordinary clothes here can actually sell for 18 million crystals!

It’s simply off the mark!

In contrast, Dukari suddenly felt that the clothes he bought here were too cheap.

"This suit is good, you all should buy one."

Dukari looked at it casually.

In this way, in just ten minutes, Dukari bought seven sets of clothes by himself, and the three ladies bought a total of thirty-six sets of clothes.

A total of 4.95 million crystals were consumed, which is equivalent to an average of more than 100,000 crystals per set of clothes.

After walking out of the store, several ladies still held many decorative bags and looked at the styles of the clothes inside before putting them into space rings.

In just a few seconds, there were more than a dozen people not far away looking over here.

"I see they bought a lot of clothes."

"Definitely a big shot."


Some praises immediately made Dukari feel a little proud.

If it were normal times, Dukari might not even pay attention to him, and his mentality would be as dull as water.

But this is Kunlun City, a place that in his opinion is extremely special!

"I didn't expect that a small shop consumed five million crystal stones."

Dukari shook his head secretly.


He remembered the words he heard in the hotel before: "They definitely spent less. Hundreds of thousands of crystals can buy nothing!"

Soon, they came to the store next door.

The name of the store is Qian Qian Yun Si.

The lights are very bright, and the store is in white color, not just clothes, but also hats, shoes, etc.

The main focus here is sports style, there are some jeans with presbyopia printed all over, as well as clothes and pants in bright colors, etc.


There were more than a dozen waiters. When Dukari and several others arrived, a waitress with a black ponytail and a presbyopic sportswear came over to receive them.

"Our store focuses on sports style, these are jeans..."

"This row is a limited edition of clothing. There is only one set of each type. You will never wear the same clothes anywhere in Kunlun City."

"The clothes here are more popular."


Dukari looked at the tag specifically.

Haha, popular clothes are sold for fifty-six thousand crystal stones?

Dukari saw a set of pink sportswear, with a short top and relatively long pants.

It looks a little different.

However, when the third lady tried it on, her whole figure was graceful and graceful, and her legs looked straight and slender, giving her a unique flavor.

"I want this suit, and I also want the shoes." The third lady couldn't put it down.

This outfit, plus white sneakers, already costs 79,000 crystals.


"I want this hat."

Not far away, someone was spending money crazily:

"I want all the clothes in this row."

"I want all the shoes in this row."

"And the hats on this wall are all installed for me."

Dominate the store!

Almost bought them all.

"I want these two pieces." Dukari quickly picked out two limited edition clothes.

Then, he watched helplessly as the tall woman took away 90% of the goods in the store.

How many crystals did it cost?

Ducagli stared curiously.

"A total of 86.7 million crystals will be collected from you." A female shopkeeper's face turned red with excitement.

Every time they sell a piece of clothing, they get a commission.

The woman who received the goods had a calm look on her face. She was wearing a black sportswear and a blue peaked cap, which gave people a very fashionable look.

I just don’t know who this person is.

It's such a big deal, tens of millions of crystals, just buy it.

Dukari stared at the petite woman without blinking, watching her go out, heading to the next store, and sweeping...

"More than eighty million crystals."

"What an exaggeration."

"That man is so rich."

I heard the three ladies talking.

Dukari shook his head: "She seems to be...Xiao Amei Immortal King. She is very powerful and mysterious. It is said that when the Heavenly Palace was destroyed, she shared a lot of treasures with Su Changfeng. Keep it secret It is estimated that the crystal stones in her hands are more than 40 billion. "

Forty billion crystal stones.

The eyes of the three ladies were all widened.

None of them have 40 billion.

Yunding City may not look like a city, but in Immortal Land, the resources spent to build the main city will not be much.

For example, the inner city of the Heavenly King's Palace, in its initial appearance, was just made of some free boulders and so on.

However, Yunding City has been in business for many years and has a net worth of less than 20 billion.

"If you spend like Little Amei, how long will 20 billion last?"

Dukari pondered secretly.

He felt that Xiao Amei’s shopping method would cost hundreds of millions of crystal stones a day!

Twenty billion...living in Kunlun City...


"No, I have to continue working hard to earn spar, and I have to find a way to develop Yunding City."

Dukari suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

I spent more than 700,000 crystals here and then went to the next store.

The third shop looks like a coat.

The designer's signature is the female sword fairy.

A hallmaster of the Heavenly King's Hall, his gimmick is enough.

The female Sword Fairy likes long skirts very much, but when she lives in Blue Star City, she wears all kinds of coats in private.

So much so that she has the ability to design these.

“What a beautiful style.”

"Buy, buy, buy."

Coats, sweaters, shorts, skirts, leather boots, sneakers, sneakers, cloth shoes...

"Husband, we have consumed more than 30 million crystal stones now."

The eldest lady lowered her voice and said, "Isn't it a bit too much?"

Do you want to save some money?

Dukari subconsciously glanced at the crowd around him.

You can't say this in a whisper, everyone is a monk and can hear it.

But the next moment, Dukari realized that this was Kunlun City!

The forbidden space is a realm that suppresses cultivation. It can be said that under all kinds of suppression, no one can hear you if you whisper.

The eldest lady said in his ear, but the second lady and third lady beside him didn't notice.

"What a magical place."

Ducagli was relieved and said with a smile: "No matter how much you spend, we will have a great time today."


A moment later, at a famous watch base.

"What we have here are purely mechanical watches, and each one is designed by the palace master himself."

"There are five series of watches made by the palace master."

"Venus series, Jupiter series, Mercury series, Mars series, Saturn series."

The five series of watches are divided into men's watches and women's watches.

Generally speaking, it is the Five Elements series of watches.

The Venus series is almost all golden yellow and magnificent. Jupiter has bright green as its main color, water series mainly has light blue or pure white, fire series has red and red colors, and earth series has mainly light brown.

"Designed by Palace Master Su himself?"

The second lady became interested. She looked at the crystal white watches, as well as the fiery red and blue watches: "Husband, these are beautiful."

Dukari's face was slightly stiff at this moment.

Each watch costs 39.99 million crystal stones.

Although this watch can be called a good spiritual treasure, it has the effect of refreshing one's mind and telling time.

"Sir, the time here is the time of the East River Calendar advocated by the palace master. This is a project that our Heavenly King Palace will promote. Currently, forces from one hundred and thirty-nine states have agreed to cooperate in the promotion."

"The time is set at six o'clock in the morning based on the average sunrise time in the East River Valley. There are differences in time difference in different states and places, but the overall difference is not big."

"The time on the watch currently displays, Donghe Calendar, May 25th, 0001, there are fifteen months in a year..."

After understanding the time design, Dukari nodded slightly.

There is a unified time, which is a symbol of regional strength.

Dukari has heard that in distant areas, there are powerful regions, unified time, unified measurement, etc.


Ducati wanted to say that everyone should buy a watch.

However, at the counter next to him, there was a man in a suit, accompanied by six female companions. He waved his hand: "Five Elements series watches, you need one of each type."

In the Five Elements series, each model has about three to five types of watches, all of which require one...

Ducati calculated carefully and found that there were twenty watches in total, twenty for one person, which equals 800 million crystals?

‘Damn, one person has 800 million crystals, seven of them, 5.6 billion crystals? ’

‘Are you crazy? This little watch costs more than 5 billion? ’

Dukari couldn't believe it, and the three ladies were also dumbfounded.

Who? Can you waste your fortune like this?

"Prince Shen Yun, your watch has been wrapped for you."

Soon, bags of watches were handed out enthusiastically and respectfully by the waiter.

Hearing these words, Dukari was shocked.

Prince Shen?

Beimushen family!

He remembered the origin of the other party.

In the northern part of the East River Basin, in Beimu Prefecture, there is the legendary Shen family. There are twenty-three giant immortal kings in the family, and their industries are spread across thirty-eight states. The Shen family is rich and powerful. More than a thousand years ago, Du Kali heard that the Shen family's wealth had exceeded ten trillion crystal stones.

No one knows exactly how many, but many giants and immortal kings know that the Shen family is rich and extremely rich.

After all, it stimulates consumption.

"Pick whatever you want, take whatever you like."

Dukari was a little heartbroken, but his expression was very calm and he waved his hand.

The second lady cheered in surprise and chose the three watches she had chosen before.

Dukari's eyelids trembled when he saw this scene.

The eldest lady was holding a red watch, and then looked at other colors. She was a little moved, but after thinking about it, she still only took this one.

The third lady chose two types, and Ducati also chose two types.

‘It was designed by Palace Master Su himself. ’

‘Well, when we meet Palace Master Su, he should be a little pleased when he sees the watches we are wearing. ’

There are eight watches in total, with more than 300 million crystal stones.

Walking out of the watch shop.

Ducati couldn't help but wear one.

Wearing it on the wrist, it feels a little unnatural on the arm.

But I heard someone around me exclaim in a low voice:

"That's the Uranus premium version watch, with 40 million crystals."

"So beautiful, my dream expression..."

As soon as he heard these sounds, Dukari felt his face light up.

Just like that, strolling around.

They came to a shop called Mrs. Pretty.

Entering it, most of them are black silk series.

All kinds of stockings, tulle...

"I want to try this one."

The second lady was very courageous. She chose a suit and ran to the fitting room.

The fitting room was very large, and several people were here. When Dukari saw the suit on the second lady, his pupils suddenly shrank.

It was a long-lost excitement.


“Buy more!”

Fortunately, the price here is not very high. I bought dozens of sets and spent one million crystals.

In this way, Dukari took several ladies from the first floor to the third floor.

"It's almost time, let's go gather first."

The eldest lady looked at the time and saw that it was time to meet.

"All right."

The second lady still had more to say: "Come back another day."

The corners of Dukari's mouth twitched.

This kind of shopping consumption method should be repeated every few years.

So, several people went downstairs.

In the square, I saw Elder Li, Huang Yi leader, Huang Chenggong and others.

Zheng Xiaorou, Zheng Xiaohua, and the juniors of the Du family were on the side, eating ice cream, marshmallows and other snacks, looking excited and cheerful.

Huang Chenggong and the others were chatting together.

"City Master Du, you are back." The leader in yellow smiled and nodded.

"City Lord Du, you also bought this Uranus watch." After Huang Chenggong saw the watch, he immediately laughed and raised his arm. On his wrist, there was also a watch of the same series.

"Master Huang, did you also buy it?" Dukari smiled and said, "This watch is very good."

"City Lord, how many crystals did you spend shopping there?" Elder Li asked curiously: "I saw that the prices of the things here are very high. I bought a piece of clothing and went to the mall opposite. That mall It’s much cheaper, but the quality and texture are not as good as what they charge. You get what you pay for.”

"That's true." Dukari nodded: "I spent more than 500 million crystals here."

"Puff puff..." Elder Li spat out on the spot.

In just one or two hours, more than 500 million crystal stones were consumed.

Elder Li called him a good guy.

"There are so many flowers." The head of the Huang family grinned. He glanced at the leader in yellow clothes, his expression was a little complicated, but he was definitely proud: "Then our more than one hundred clothes and other things, are they also Is it worth hundreds of millions of crystals?”

Hearing these words, Dukari was slightly startled.

The head of the Huang family is not sure how many crystals there are?

"You didn't spend any money?" Dukari asked.

"Yes, my son shows me what he wants. If he likes it, he can take it without paying." Huang Chenggong shook his head.

This is the welfare that comes from the core personnel of Tianwang Palace.

In Kunlun City, they can eat, drink, play and enjoy themselves as much as they want.

Hear the news.

Dukari was silent for a few seconds, and finally sighed:

"I can't envy this kind of thing."

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