Fairy King Dad

Chapter 717 Lantern Fish


When the two-headed shark hits.

Along with more than a dozen magical powers, Su Chen relied on soft armor to resist it.

Then, with a single wave of the ninth-order Black Star Sword, he killed the two-headed shark.

Streams of blood flowed out, and Su Chen pierced the body of the two-headed shark with a knife and dragged it upwards.

"I miscalculated."

Su Chen looked at the two-headed shark that was more than thirty meters long next to him, and he sighed in his heart:

"The energy of the soft armor can last for about five hours when it is calm, but once in battle, the energy is consumed quickly."

"I only resisted the two-headed shark's sixteen magical spells, and more than half of my energy was used. I estimate that I can still use it for about two hours."

Su Chen shook his head secretly:

"Unexpected situations and combat situations were caused by my negligence."

"I must adapt to this place as soon as possible, and I must be alert. The Endless Sea is not land, and we cannot use the past fighting methods to understand this place."

While Su Chen was pondering, he saw the giant ship not far above and sped off.

at the same time.

On the giant ship, when countless people saw someone falling off.


I don't know how many people were frightened and screamed.

"Stop shouting, that's the palace master."

"Hall Master went swimming?"

"Yes, the palace master is swimming."

"The master of the palace is going to catch seafood, it's so great."

"Woo hoo hoo, I want to marry the palace master."


As for Luo Luo, Ye Qingning, Chen Shiyan, Meng Tianji and other dozens of people on the top floor, they were relieved to see that Su Chen was okay underwater.

"Don't worry, the palace master will definitely be fine." The protector said calmly.

Su Changfeng, the Chosen Son, has an amazing background. What accident could happen? There is no need to worry!

Just as Su Chen left the nearby sea area, he disappeared from everyone's sight.

Everyone was a little confused, waiting for Su Chen to come back.

But no one expected it.

Only ten minutes passed.

A black shadow gradually becomes clear in the water from far to near.

"What's that?"

"Deadly two-headed shark!"

The butcher suddenly exclaimed: "The deadly two-headed shark is a great tonic!"


Suddenly, a fishing line came up and hung on the edge of the deck.

Then Su Chen grabbed the deadly two-handed shark with one hand and the fishing rod with the other, floating upwards.

"Handsome, handsome."

After seeing this, Thirteen Ming nodded repeatedly, approving of the master's strong character at this moment.

Come holding a two-headed shark.

Along the way, Su Chen aroused countless exclamations of surprise.

"Oh my God, what a big shark."

"It still has two heads."

"The palace master killed two sharks."

"So strong, Palace Master, ahhh, Palace Master!"

Many people shouted the word "Palace Master".

Wave after wave of sound.

Some ordinary people even fainted from shouting because of hunger.

But soon after the butcher got the two-headed shark, he immediately went to make shark soup.

It has been diluted countless times before it is enough for an ordinary person to take one mouthful.

After taking a sip, the hunger was relieved, but the hunger was still strong.

A small mouthful for each person will improve their condition. To put it simply, they are not full.

"My soft armor can move underwater, but not for long."

Su Chen looked at everyone, especially Luo Luo in front of him. He thought for a while and said, "Dad will take you down to play later."

"Really? Hehehe, okay."

Luoluo responded with a playful smile.

"I'll restore the soft armor first."

Su Chen smiled and said.

At the level of Immortal Treasure, the armor is not restored casually with crystals, but is refined by oneself to steadily restore its energy.

Su Chen wears soft armor, and the energy in his body, like a raging flame, continues to flow into the soft armor.

The soft armor and Su Chen's body reached a state of resonance. Su Chen turned the soft armor into a part of himself, running his skills and slowly restoring energy.

In about half an hour, the energy consumed by the soft armor was restored.

"Go down and let everyone fill their bellies first."

Su Chen smiled and said.

"Okay, Dad, I'm ready." Luoluo nodded: "Dad, you don't have to hold me, I'll jump down by myself."

Luoluo planned to make a graceful dive on his own.

"All right."

When Su Chen heard this, he showed a strange smile, then jumped forward and jumped down easily.

In the forbidden space, he seemed to have turned into the body of an ordinary person. If it was his first time to jump, he would probably not be used to it, and he might not be able to complete the action he was thinking about.

When Su Chen jumped down, he looked up.

I saw Luoluo jumping high, like a bird trying to fly forward.


Luoluo's eyes widened a little, and the next moment her upper body flipped over, falling upside down.

The long-lost feeling of weightlessness made Luo Luo couldn't help but scream:


Listening to Luo Luo's screams, the leader in yellow, the protector, Meng Tianji and others burst into laughter.

The people on the decks below were stunned.

I just saw the palace master jumping down.

Within a few seconds, a man in a black sportswear fell down in response to the screams.

Take a closer look.

"Huh? That seems to be Princess Luoluo."

"Su Sansui, it's Su Sansui!"

"Wow, my idol's scream is so loud, my ears are ringing."


Some people were talking about it.

After a while.

Luo Luo fell into the water with a splash.

After entering the water, he found that he had regained his ability to move. The forbidden air zone was gone, and Luo Luo felt comfortable.

The energy from the Nine Revolutions Divine Thunder Armor covered Luo Luo's body surface.

"Can you feel the energy consumption of the armor?"

Su Chen asked beside him.

"I can't feel it." Luo Luo said strangely: "It seems that there is no consumption."

Su Chen was silent for a while.

Is this the difference?

As a ninth-level fairy treasure, it is certain that it is powerful.

But Su Chen did not expect that the Nine Revolutions Divine Thunder Armor would be so powerful.

"Luo Luo, when you feel the energy consumption, tell Dad." Su Chen said.

"Okay." Luo Luo nodded, blinked her big, bright eyes, and looked around curiously. She said excitedly: "Dad, I haven't explored with you for a long time. I'm so nervous in the endless sea."

"What are you nervous about?"

Su Chen couldn't help but smile. He took Luo Luo's hand and swam forward quickly: "Come on, Dad will take you around."

"Dad tells you, this endless sea looks exaggerated, but the water depth here is only more than 3,000 meters. It's not difficult to swim here."

Su Chen patted his chest and boasted in front of his daughter: "With Dad here, it's absolutely safe."

"Dad, look over there, it's so dark, is it a trench?" Luo Luo suddenly pointed to the front.

A horizontal trench appeared under the water.

Su Chen's expression moved slightly, and he swam with Luo Luo.

Floating beside the trench.

I didn't feel any special flow of water.

"This trench looks quite ordinary, but I don't know what's inside."

Su Chen looked down.

The trench is about a kilometer wide and bottomless, like a cliff.

It's extremely dark below.

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you.

Su Chen suddenly felt like he was being spied on.


Su Chen frowned and looked down carefully.


A bright light lit up.

Luo Luo's pupils shrank:

"What is that?"

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