Fairy King Dad

Chapter 689: Everyone has a set

The Azure Dragon God of War has fiery eyes.

The news I learned from Ouyang Wu.

Qinglong knew about the legion's combat power in Beixu City more than two hundred years ago.

In terms of current strength, the high-end legion of Tianwang Palace has surpassed Beixu City.

Back then, Beixu City had 17,000 level God of War Legions and 800,000 level 5 Silver Moon Legions.

Today, the Heavenly King's Palace has 18,000-level Shadow Legions and 900,006-level Qingxuan Legions.

Although in a short period of time, the Heavenly King's Palace will not be able to reach the level of the 90 million White Crane Legion in the Northern Ruins Royal Court, the Northern Ruins City has developed for nearly a thousand years and has a strong foundation.

The Temple of the Heavenly King has only been developing steadily for a few years before it has become such a grand event.

‘We don’t just have legions. ’

Qinglong God of War thought proudly:

'We also have a group of elders, the first elder Jin Peng, the ancestor, is powerful and is close to the human fairyland, the second elder Dark King Kong has a fierce temper, and there are more than 20 million demon legions, the third elder protector, the fourth elder Elder Meng Tianji is in the ninth level. Now, none of the five major forces in the White Sea Plain are in the ninth level. ’

I was proud in my heart, but I was still very serious about what I reported.

"The mining of the deep mine veins ended yesterday. Ancestor Jinpeng has returned to the main peak, and the ninth-level creatures there have also left."

Qinglong God of War is talking.

Su Chen had heard about this matter.

The ninth-level creature in the deep pit mine likes to live alone. It has communicated with the Jinpeng ancestor for several years, and the two exchanged some needed knowledge with each other.

"The Pit Vein is over."

"The gem mine in Demon Soul Grassland ended a year ago."

Su Chen thought for a while and said, "How much are our current gem reserves?"

"There are still 38 billion pieces left." Qinglong replied: "The total number of mined veins in the inland sea gemstone mining area after it was taken over by our Heavenly King Palace is about 250 billion pieces."

Except for Su Chen's consumption from the technology tree in exchange for armor production drawings, the rest are daily consumption and the consumption of making armor.

"How many energy crystals are there?" Su Chen thought for a while and asked.

"Palace Master, there are currently 1.2 billion energy crystals." Qinglong God of War replied.

"Okay, let's go to the gem warehouse."

Su Chen waved his hand.

He and Qinglong came to the gem warehouse.

Nearly 40 billion gems can still support Su Chen to do something.

In the warehouse, almost all the gems placed are of the eighth level.

And what Su Chen consumed were almost all the low-level gems in the space ring.

"Twenty-four billion gems can be exchanged for the ninth-level Fengshen armor."

After Su Chen exchanged for the Fengshen Armor, he took a batch of gems, returned to the top of the main peak, and began to forge them with his own hands.

There is no need for much ninth level armor at all.

Even eighth-level shadow armor can be worn by some at the peak level of Dacheng, and it can exert high-intensity combat power in a short period of time.

However, the lowest level of the ninth level Fengshen armor is the first level of transcending tribulation.

Without reaching the Tribulation Realm, the characteristics of the Wind God Armor cannot be used at all.

The so-called Fengshen Armor was the ninth level armor that Su Chen had chosen for a long time before deciding on.

The Fengshen Armor is very fast and comes with several special abilities, one of which is the ability to change shape.

It's like the magical power of falling leaves.

Just imagine, all those in the Heavenly King's Palace's Tribulation Realm are equipped with the Wind God Armor, which can protect their lives at any time. This is the capital that the Heavenly King's Palace can use to go out and experience!

The Fengshen Armor is Su Chen's first step towards getting out of the inland sea!

"My wife and daughter, Brother Wu's family, Lao Huang, Thirteen Lives, Lao Tu, the female sword fairy, and my senior brothers..."

Doing the math, it turns out that more than 80 sets are needed to make enough.

"Just make a hundred sets."

"The remaining twenty sets will be kept in the treasure house and used as armor for the store."

Su Chen smiled and started working.

By hand-crafting the gemstones piece by piece, and constantly combining them, the outline of the armor gradually took shape.

It took three months.

When the armor is successfully created.

Su Chen smiled and messaged everyone:

"Come to the main peak for a meeting."

Whether they were practicing or doing other things, they all flew towards the main peak after hearing Su Chen's words.

The main peak palace, in the courtyard.

Su Chen sat on the wooden chair in the front row.

Luo Luo was behind him, squeezing Su Chen's shoulders.

Ye Qingning sat on Su Chen's left hand side.

The leader in yellow clothes, Thirteen Ming and others took the lead in the dojo, while the female sword fairy and Lang Yan came last.

There were about eighty people on the field.

Su Chen looked at everyone and showed a smile.

In five years, everyone in the Jufeng Heavenly King Hall has made great breakthroughs.


Su Chen is at the peak of the eighth level.

When Su Chen broke through, there were endless starlight particles around him. Su Chen swallowed more than 10,000 starlight particles, and his eyes dropped in shock.

The starlight particles pushed Su Chen's realm directly to the eighth level peak.

The magical powers and techniques, after being tempered by the heavenly calamity, have great power.

It was precisely because of this tribulation that Dark Jin was somewhat convinced of Su Chen just now.

In addition to Su Chen, Ye Qingning's cultivation has improved rapidly and has reached the sixth level of transcending tribulation.

Luoluo also reached the realm of transcending tribulation and officially became a monk who transcended tribulation last year.

The leader in yellow, the butcher, Thirteen Lives, and the female sword fairy all broke through to the sixth level two years ago.

Even Lang Yan, Bahuang and others have broken through to the second level, and even Qin Changxu and other junior senior brothers have also reached the first level of transcending tribulation.

Ouyang Wu's cultivation reached the peak of the eighth level, Tao Ruyan broke through to the eighth level, and Ouyang Han also reached the peak of Dacheng.

The unknown old Taoist broke through to the fifth level, and his strength improved by leaps and bounds, and the evil clown broke through to the sixth level.

But Meng Tianji never showed up. He was busy repairing the passage in the small world in the main world. There was a long way to go, and it was estimated that it would take some years.

The entire giant mountain has made great progress in cultivation.

This has a lot to do with the resources Su Chen provided.

Ninth-level spiritual herbs and ninth-level elixirs are extremely precious treasures in the Corpse Realm. What's more, everyone present has chosen three or four secret techniques that can become immortals.

But what everyone doesn't know is that Ancestor Jinpeng has become an immortal in five years.

Ancestor Jinpeng is the current ceiling of the Heavenly King’s Palace’s combat power.

As everyone's realm improves.

Some external pressure has dissipated.

"Let me tell you one thing first."

Su Chen thought for a while and said, "I have used a batch of gems recently, so that the current inventory of gems is only a little over one billion."

This short sentence made everyone look at each other in shock.

More than 30 billion gems, all used up?

The leader in yellow laughed loudly: "Did the master come up with something good again?"

"I'll show you the stuff later." Su Chen nodded and said: "There are not many gemstones in stock. We have dug out the inland sea gemstone mining area and are looking for other gemstone mining areas and wider places outside the inland sea to explore. The plan can be put on the agenda.”

"I will arrange this." Ouyang Wu said with a smile: "There must be an exploration team, just like the small team from Tianji Mansion, which has been observing us here for six years."

This sentence made everyone laugh.

In Tianji Mansion, everyone knows what Yong Ge’s team has been observing here for six years.

"Okay, let Brother Wu arrange this matter." Su Chen nodded.

"One more thing, Qinglong, have the team in Baihai Plain heard any news about my master?" Su Chen asked.

Qinglong shook his head.

This is a question that the Palace Master has asked seven or eight times.

"Palace Master, there is still no news."

Qinglong smiled bitterly:

"I have arranged for people to go to the five major forces in the White Sea Plain, Lieyang City, Qingyan City, Xuanfeng City, Beixu City and Tianji Mansion, to inquire about information from the five major forces. I even issued a reward, but no information was obtained. I suspect, Senior Ji Changkong and the others fled in another direction."

"Looking for someone in the corpse realm is like looking for a needle in a haystack." The unknown old man finally opened his eyelids and said calmly: "Don't be obsessed with this matter. He may be living somewhere else, or he may be dead."

It's simple and straightforward, but it's true.

Su Chen nodded.

"By the way, there's one more thing."

Qinglong stood up and said: "Five years ago, Beixu City and Tianji Mansion were at loggerheads, and there were fights from time to time. Just because of the gem mining area in the Xiaohewan area, starting last year, Tianji Mansion and Beixu City went to war, and there were dozens of wars. , I just learned that half a year ago, Lieyang City and Xuanfeng City also joined the competition to compete for the Xiaohewan gem mining area. It is said that... Xiaohewan area is a high-end gem mining area. "

As soon as he said this, Ouyang Wu's eyes narrowed slightly. He couldn't help but stand up and said:

"High-end gem mining area? It's amazing. No wonder they want to fight for it. The reserve capacity of high-end gem mining area is at least twice as much as that of the inland sea mining area."

"Then go and capture the Xiaohewan mining area."

Su Chen smiled faintly and said: "It is said that raising an army takes a thousand days, and using it only lasts for a while. The major armies of the Heavenly King's Palace must recharge their batteries. It's time to show off their talents."

"Hahaha, okay." Ouyang Hua laughed: "Palace Master, I would like to serve as a stormtrooper!"

"It's just the White Sea Plain, I can destroy it all by myself!" Thirteen Ming said in an indifferent tone.

Even Ouyang Wu and others were surprised by his appearance.

"Let's all go and attack with the whole army." Su Chen said: "It's enough that Tianba will be guarding Jufeng. Ancestor Jinpeng will go to the Xiaohewan area with us."

"We'll set off in three days."

"Before, I hope you will become familiar with something as soon as possible."

Su Chen smiled slightly and happily took out the Fengshen Armor.

"Ninth level of calamity, Fengshen armor..."

The Fengshen armor is silver-white in color. The armor is streamlined, like a supercar, with sharp edges and corners. The helmet, boots, everything looks perfect.

"Oh My God!"

"Ninth level armor?"

Ouyang Wu's eyes widened: "If I put on this armor, wouldn't I be invincible? I have no rivals in the White Sea Plains?"


Su Chen laughed and said: "The minimum wearing requirement is the first level. The higher the level, the more performance the armor can exert. This set of armor uses crystals as the energy core. The armor contains several magical powers. You must become familiar with it as soon as possible. , are all ways to save lives.”

"Yes, yes."

Ouyang Wu stood up excitedly and rubbed his hands: "Master, how many armors are there?"

At this moment, Ouyang Hua and others looked at Su Chen eagerly.

Ouyang Wu looked like a wolf. If he didn't have enough armor, it would definitely not be their turn.

In the eyes of everyone, Su Chen smiled slightly and said:

"Everyone has one set."

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