Fairy King Dad

Chapter 661 Technology Tree?

"Fourth floor, finally here!"

Su Chen was very excited.

However, he also had a doubt.

Tongtian Soul has not reached its peak yet.

Will the Tower of Immortality bring him a stronger soul this time?

Will it ease the injury to his Emperor's Bone?

With expectation, Su Chen's mind slowly drifted towards the Tower of Immortality, stepped into the air, and came to the fourth floor.

The door was fully opened.

The hall was not large, and it looked like a room of more than 1,000 square meters. Compared with the small worlds on the previous floors, it was much smaller.

There were complex patterns on the floor of the room. Su Chen took a quick look and saw something shaped like the Eight Diagrams, with many fine lines carved on it, and something shaped like the Nine Palaces. The walls around were also the same, with different colors.

"This room looks like a practice room, and also like an alchemy room."

Su Chen looked around.

When he walked in.

In just a moment, Su Chen felt that he seemed to be walking in another void. He could not feel the breath of heaven and earth, nor the laws. This place was like a completely closed space.

"How strange."

"I am in this room. Even if I am at the peak of my combat power, I should not be able to exert any strength."

"Space, the breath of heaven and earth, everything has changed."

Su Chen was getting more and more strange.

In the outside world, he could easily perform magical arts, but here, he could not even make a wave.

It was as if the space energy in the outside world was very low, while the space energy in this room was tens of thousands or hundreds of millions of times.

It was a bit incredible.

"What does this place have?"

Su Chen looked around and walked forward step by step.

The room felt small, but in fact, the height of the room was about 30 meters. His soul body was still very small here.

When Su Chen walked to the center.

The pattern of the Bagua pattern began to light up from under his feet.

Layer after layer, until the whole room was filled with light. At the center, a touch of emerald light bloomed. A small sapling soon appeared and gradually grew into a 20-meter-tall tree.

This kind of tree was the first time Su Chen had seen it. The trunk was more than one meter thick and looked like a cube. The leaves on the top were diamond-shaped.

The tree was emerald green, and Su Chen could feel the huge vitality.

"Welcome to the world of technology trees."

Su Chen sensed a trace of thought.

Technology tree?

Is it greeting me?

Is it a special life form?

Su Chen was very curious. He walked to the tree and looked around.

Each side of the trunk was like a mirror, and he could vaguely see the outline of his soul.

"Technology tree?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is it some technological supplies?"

"This is the corpse domain, the purgatory of immortal cultivation. Do we still need technology?"

Some technological means cannot compete with immortal cultivators, but Su Chen knows that the technology tree from the Longevity Tower cannot be simple?

How to communicate with it?

Su Chen tried to communicate, tried mind control, etc.

After various attempts, to no avail.

"As for technological products, is heavy armor considered technological?"

Su Chen recalled the production process of heavy armor.

Suddenly, Su Chen saw something flashing in front of him.

On one side of the trunk of the technology tree, Su Chen saw the appearance of heavy armor.

Heavy armor was disassembled and reassembled.

Various detailed functions were displayed on the side.

Su Chen's eyes became bigger and bigger, and he was a little shocked.

"Is there a higher level of armor?"

The trunk in front of him was like a screen, with pictures flashing continuously.

"Xinghui Armor."

"Tailong Armor."

"Hunyuan Heavy Armor."

"Qilin Treasure Armor."


However, these pictures are all gray.

Su Chen had some understanding. The technology tree turned out to be this kind of thing.

These armors look extraordinary.

"I want to see Tailong Armor."

Su Chen communicated with the technology tree with his mind.

The gray pattern of Tailong Armor was displayed in front of him. There was no introduction except the name of the armor.

"Check the production diagram?"

Su Chen asked again.

Soon, a thought answered Su Chen.

"To open the technology tree, 10 billion local gems are needed."

Puff puff puff...

Su Chen almost spit it out.

10 billion gems?

How many are there?

Su Chen even suspected that if they were piled up, it might take half a day for a giant mountain to change.

The technology tree is a pitfall.

The corners of Su Chen's mouth trembled.

Not to mention other things, just the appearance of Tailong Armor, judging from the complexity, it must be many times stronger than the heavy armor.

It can be concluded that the armor displayed in the technology tree must be a robbery-level armor.

Robbery-level armor, that is, robbery-level armor, such as the Silver Moon Armor, a robbery-level first-level realm, or even a great success realm, after wearing it, the combat power will reach the fifth-level realm in a short time.

The strength brought by armor is beyond doubt. Take the war between Jufeng and Tianwang Palace as an example. The heavy-armored army killed countless enemies.

Although more than 600,000 heavy-armored troops were almost destroyed, these more than 600,000 people killed at least 10 million enemies.

"10 billion gems."

Su Chen continued to try to communicate.

The technology tree did not respond at all.

So, Su Chen left the Longevity Tower.

"This thing is in my sea of ​​consciousness, and it wants to take my gems?"

Su Chen was a little indignant.

In my body, I have to spend my money to give things, what's this?

I don't obey.

Su Chen was angry and amused.

He was helpless, but he had to accept the reality.

Soon, Su Chen opened his eyes on the bed.

Ye Qingning was already lying beside him.

"Husband, were you practicing just now?" Ye Qingning asked sideways.

"Indeed, there are great gains."

Su Chen grinned: "I'll go out first and come back later."

Su Chen smiled, got up, put on his pajamas, came to the edge, and called the Azure Dragon God of War with his mind.

Soon, Azure Dragon arrived here.

"Palace Master."

Azure Dragon God of War nodded and stood upright.

"Azure Dragon, how much gemstone do we have now?" Su Chen asked.

"The Jade Heart Stone is gone, and there are currently 36 million other gemstones." Azure Dragon replied.

Su Chen asked thoughtfully: "How much is the gem reserve of Jufeng?"

"Except for the main peak, other places are estimated to be around 3 billion to 3.5 billion." Qinglong thought for a while and answered.

"What if the main peak is counted?" Su Chen asked again.

"If the main peak is counted, the gems on the main peak should be around 500 million to 700 million." Qinglong was a little curious: "Shang, are we going to increase the mining of gems?"

Su Chen frowned slightly, looked at the distance, and was silent for a while.

Not enough!

If you are lucky, Jufeng's gems can be developed to more than 4 billion, but 10 billion gems can open the technology tree. What about the gems for armor?

For this business, all the gems of Jufeng have to be invested, and it won't make any waves.

10 billion gems, it's a bit difficult...

Su Chen looked forward again.

"Demon Soul Grassland."

"It's all money."

Su Chen whispered softly.

Most of the mountains are gem mines.

These mountains, plus the Death Valley, or at least the deep pits and mineral veins, can always make up 10 billion.

The Azure Dragon God of War beside him was a little puzzled after hearing Su Chen's murmur.

The Demon Soul Grassland is full of money?

What does it mean?

The Palace Master is short of money?

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