Fairy King Dad

Chapter 634: A Quick Battle

The people from Tianxiao City have temporarily settled in Jufeng.

Their location is far away from the main peak.

The young monsters of Jufeng all gathered in the west of Jufeng.

There are only a few monsters patrolling the east to check the situation, including the little golden bull.

For this new group of people, there are as many as 30 million.

After some investigation, nothing unusual was found.

For Jufeng, with these 30 million teams joining, the Jufeng monsters and the Heavenly King's Palace Legion have a total strength of 40 million.

Although it cannot be compared with the huge team of the main city alliance, it can be regarded as having the capital to protect the giant peak.

Everyone in Tianxiao City entered the giant peak.

Among the 300 million soldiers gathered near Hantian City, many generals looked in disbelief.

"What did you say!"

"Tianxiao City rebelled?"

"Damn it! They joined the Giant Peaks?"

"Does Lord Ling know? He is about to attack, but Tianxiao City actually turns against him?"

Many people's bodies were shaking with anger.

There was an uproar.

Two hours later.

The morning sun rises, and the first ray of sunlight illuminates the inland sea area.

Normally, this time is the time for the main city alliance to send out troops.

However, at this moment, the 300 million soldiers and generals near Hantian City have not set off.

Soon, a figure flew from behind.

"Dear City Lords, City Lord Ling invites everyone to meet in the main city of Mo Luo Palace."

After one sentence is conveyed.

The city lords present, including the core staff, went to the Maruo Palace one after another.

Except for King Beiling, King Zhendong, Lei Tianjue and a few other people from the main city alliance, all the other city lords were present.

"City Lord Ling, Tianxiao City, really rebelled?"

"What are we going to do? Keep to the plan?"

In the main hall of Mo Luo Palace, hundreds of people spoke one after another, and the scene was chaotic.

Ling Qiankun didn't speak for a while. His face was expressionless, making it difficult to see his expression.

After a moment, he raised his palm slightly, and the sounds on the field gradually stopped.

"King Nanling is dead. What I didn't expect was that King Nanling didn't die fighting against the Corpse Clan or fighting against the Heavenly King Palace, but he died at the hands of Qin Changxiong."

Ling Qiankun's eyes gradually flashed with a cold light, and he said in a cold voice:

"Tianxiao City joins Jufeng Tianwang Palace. He brings his more than 30 million men. Haha, he thinks he can defend Jufeng? No, he can only perish together with Tianwang Palace!"

"However, Qin Changxiong is a seventh-level powerhouse after all and should not be underestimated. Tianxiao City is a main city in the main city alliance with good power preservation. If they join the Tianwang Palace, they will definitely bring our plan with them. Therefore, attack to Jufeng’s plans are on hold.”

Ling Qiankun responded directly.

The plan to attack the giant peak was temporarily stopped, and everyone could only return to their main city.

Lei Tianjue and others are preparing for a turmoil in Death Valley.

"King Beiling...it will take them at least half a month to get around the giant peak."

Ling Qiankun narrowed his eyes slightly, and in the gaps in his eyes, there were wisps of cold luster:

"Su Changfeng, this time, I want you to die without a burial place."


Su Chen and Ye Qingning are both practicing.

Time passes day by day.

The situation in the main world has become very serious.

The martial arts alliance, Longtang cultivation power, etc. are all gathered in bases near each small world, ready to fight at any time.

The military departments of colleges and universities across the country are always in a state of preparation for war.

There are some small countries in the world where the whole country has moved.

The arrival of many people made most cities in Dragon Kingdom become crowded.

But that's the case.

In Death Valley, some bad news comes back every day.

Groups of corpses are rarely seen now, but when people investigate the Valley of Death, they can always see a group of figures in the distance, as well as the roar of the Corpse King.

It's like the calm before the storm.

The storm is coming...

Soon, thirteen days passed.

Su Chen's state reached the peak of the fourth level.

The scent of Ye Qingning is also very strong at the moment.

"We still need a breakthrough."

Su Chen felt a little anxious in his heart.

If he could break through to the fifth level, he could face Ling Qiankun and the others, and even if he couldn't defeat them, he would still have the capital to escape.

The fourth level realm is not enough in front of them.

Normally speaking, ordinary fifth-level and sixth-level realms are just a slap in the face in front of Ling Qiankun and Lei Tianjue.

But Su Chen is no ordinary person. Fighting over the top has become a common occurrence.

Even the yellow-robed leader, the female sword fairy and others were already numb.

"I don't feel any magical powers at all."

"Even if you go through battles one after another, you can't break through in a short time."

Su Chen muttered secretly:

"Tower of Eternal Life, there is no feeling on the fourth floor."

"The inheritance of the Emperor's Bones needs to wait until the Nine Dragons Holy Body reaches its peak."

For personal strength, it takes time to break through to the next level.

At this moment, it had not been many days since Su Chen had just broken through.

It is still impossible to achieve consecutive breakthroughs.

Su Chen let out a breath, walked to the balcony, sat on the sofa, and answered the call from Qinglong.

"Your Majesty, the situation in Death Valley is not very good recently. People from the main city alliance may have caused a large-scale zombie wave. There is still no news about the Thirteen Life Hall Masters and others."

Qinglong War God hesitated and said: "Palace Master, do you want to dispatch the first legion of Jufeng back? Once there is a wave of corpses..."

Su Chen shook his head: "Once a large-scale zombie tide arrives, even if 300,000 troops join, it will not be able to stop it."

Su Chen had thought about this situation a long time ago.

There are many passages in the small world. When the zombie tide comes, which small world will it come from?

300,000 heavy-armored troops can indeed resist the zombie tide, but don't forget that this time there is a large team from the main city alliance in the Death Valley.

The situation is unpredictable.

300,000 heavy-armored troops are a drop in the bucket for the situation in the main world.

"The most important thing is Jufeng."

Su Chen's tone was a little heavy:

"Jufeng is the most strategically important place. It cannot be lost. If the main world is lost, Jufeng will also be our last line of defense."

The main world is important, but it is riddled with holes. Jufeng is more important. It is a place where heavy armor can be produced.

Of course, Su Chen is unwilling to leave unless it is absolutely necessary.

So, he always stays in Kyoto.

Many people living in cities have a sense of urgency.

April 10.

8:30 am.

A piece of news shocked the world.

"A tide of corpses invades the Ataner Cultivation Dojo."

There are many video messages.

The Ataner Cultivation Force guards the base near the cultivation dojo.

Suddenly, a group of corpses rushed out from the passage and attacked the surrounding defense walls.

The Ataner defense wall was very thick, but just two minutes later, a fifth-level corpse king, Frost Tyrant, appeared.

He punched a hole in the defense wall.

The corpse tide rushed in all directions, like a dam bursting.

The base was attacked, and the martial arts forces tried to resist, but the war lasted only a moment and ended.

Under the attack led by the Frost Tyrant, no one could stop it.

Even the Frost Tyrant looked up at the sky.

He seemed to be looking at the camera, and punched across the air, and the camera disappeared.

Some planes hovered in the air.

From the video obtained from other shots, it can be seen that the corpse tide rushed in all directions.

The Ataner Cultivation Dojo was lost.

This scene made the Azure Dragon God of War and others look extremely heavy-hearted.

You know, Ataner's cultivation field is on the Demon Soul Grassland.

Why did the corpse king of the Demon Soul Grassland rush here first?

Eight fifty.

The Beimi Lake small world was lost.

The corpse king from the Death Valley appeared.

A second-level corpse king led the corpse tide and rushed out of the small world.

Soon, the Azure Dragon God of War reported a piece of news.

"Ataner's cultivation force suffered heavy losses."

"Total defeat."

"From the cultivation field passage, a total of eight corpse kings have emerged."

"The number of corpse tides has reached five million, and the number is increasing rapidly."


In addition to the news of this cultivation field.

There are many more small world news that began to spread back.

"The small world of Xiongye County in Donglai has been lost. Currently, a corpse king has appeared, and the number of corpses has exceeded one million."

"The small world of Qiuchuan City has been lost. There are three corpse kings, and the number of corpses has exceeded three million."

"The small world of Heshan has been lost. Five corpse kings have appeared, and the number of corpses currently exceeds four million."

"The small world of Nangang has been lost, and eight corpse kings have rushed out. The number of corpses is estimated to exceed eight million."


Here they come!

A large number of corpses have appeared in many small worlds around the world.

The corpses come from the Death Valley.

From the traction of the main city alliance.

There are even two small worlds in the west, where a large number of people from the main city alliance have appeared. They are wanton and slaughter everything.

Such news has caused martial arts forces in many parts of the world to go to Longguo.

There are more than a dozen small worlds in Longguo that have been invaded by the corpse clan, and it is very difficult to guard.

Su Chen and Ye Qingning set off together.

"Let's go to Yongbeishan Small World first."

Qinglong War God and Su Chen sent messages one after another.

Su Chen went to the Yongbei Mountain small world where there were the most corpse kings.

Eight corpse kings came out from there.

After flying all the way through the Zhongping forest area.

Su Chen and Ye Qingning saw the war that had begun.

The martial arts power and the cultivation power, added together, exceeded five million.

And the corpse group, at present, has approached tens of millions.

Eight corpse kings, in the corpse group.

The war was raging, and the light of various magical skills illuminated the surroundings.

"Fortunately, the highest one is a fifth-level realm."

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

However, it is not easy to kill the corpse king in the corpse tide.

"Use the illusion to get closer."

Su Chen pondered for a moment.

He cast the illusion cloud magic mist, and flew into the corpse group with Ye Qingning.

The range covered by the illusion was centered on Su Chen, and the two shuttled through the corpse group.

Soon, when they approached the fifth-level iron-armed demon.

He seemed to be alert and roared to the sky.

The corpse groups around him surrounded him.

"Blue Dragon Finger!"

The extremely fast magical power was used.

A single magical power penetrated the body of the Iron Arm Demon.

He looked at Su Chen in disbelief, and his body collapsed.

Now, Su Chen, who was at the peak of the fourth level, seemed to have a much lower difficulty in killing the fifth level corpse king than he expected.

"Go kill the other corpse kings."

Su Chen took Ye Qingning and flew to various places.

Eight corpse kings were killed in just five minutes.

The crowds from all directions looked at Su Chen and Ye Qingning as if they were gods.

"It's the Heavenly King!"

"The King of Tiannan is here!"

"The Palace Master has killed all the Corpse Kings. What a fast battle!"


Killing Corpse Kings is as easy as eating and drinking.

However, when everyone saw Su Chen and Ye Qingning flying quickly into the distance, they realized that this amazing war had just begun.

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