Fairy King Dad

Chapter 561 Don’t care about your face

Spokespersons of the Fa Mian faction spoke one after another.

Another set of data was displayed.

"I regret again that our Fa Mian country has lost 3.67 million warriors since the corpse crisis. This is a sad number. The main city plan cannot be implemented in our cultivation dojo here. The eight major cultivation dojo and the location of the immortal gate are all in the Demon Soul Grassland. Simply put, with our strength, we can't gain a foothold in the Demon Soul Grassland at all."

"What we mean is also a global alliance. When one side is in trouble, all sides will support it."


As people in high positions spoke one by one.

Su Chen's side.

Ye Qingning leaned against Su Chen and said:

"From what they mean, it seems that they have already united in advance, even the words are the same. Do they want to target the Dragon Country?"

Luo Luo was slightly stunned, and then reacted: "Could it be the leader and them?"

"It is possible."

Su Chen nodded: "Let's see, when Qinglong finishes speaking, they will tell their purpose."

Soon, the camera of Qinglong God of War appeared.

He represented the Dragon Hall and was the last of the eight major forces to speak.

"Kunlun Dojo, the main city of Tianwang Palace, 50 miles to the north, there is a fourth-level corpse king, the Headless Knight, 70 miles to the northeast, there is a third-level corpse king, the Undertaker, 100 miles to the east, there is a corpse king, the Tyrant, 50 miles to the south, there is a corpse king, the Evil Clown, and 100 miles to the west. "

As soon as these words came out.

The whole audience was silent. From the video, it can be seen that many people looked at each other in bewilderment.

Among the dojos in the world, only Kunlun Dojo was facing five corpse kings, and it was still very close.

The location of the other dojos, the nearest corpse king is about 100 miles away.

And the main city of Tianwang Palace is only 50 miles away.

"The main city of the Heavenly King Palace was built once."

The Azure Dragon God of War said lightly:

"Later, it was indirectly destroyed by the battle between the giant peak monster and the corpse clan. That time, we defended the main city and resisted the attack of the corpse clan. Now, the main city of the Heavenly King Palace has been successfully rebuilt. Tomorrow is the ribbon-cutting ceremony."

When saying this, the Azure Dragon God of War felt a sense of pride in his heart.

Although many people in the martial arts world died in the main world fighting against the crisis of the corpse clan.

But here in Dragon Country, the main city of the Heavenly King Palace is the place with the lowest casualties, which is even easier than some small worlds in the Death Valley.

This is something the Azure Dragon God of War did not expect.

"My God, the main city of Kunlun Dojo actually succeeded?"

The spokesperson of Beiying was amazed: "Qinglong War God, your Dragon Country is really blessed by nature. With the support of five major forces, everything is easy to do."

Hearing this, Qinglong War God narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "We have a supreme elder in Longtang. He has a good relationship with several masters. This is something that others can't envy."

"So... we said that we share honor and disgrace, and when one side is in trouble, all sides will support it." The spokesperson of Beiying had a solemn face: "Qinglong, in the face of the human crisis, we must unite."

"Don't you have the strength of the main cities of Mo Luo Palace, Tianxiao City and Hanlei Mansion?" Qinglong War God asked in confusion: " You are in a cooperative relationship, why do you still say such things? "

"Well, to be honest."

The spokesperson of the North England shook his head: "The people of the Demon Palace are more concerned about the spiritual herbs, and they don't pay much attention to the main city plan and defense. The iron must be hard to forge, so we can only think of ways from the inside. Qinglong, you have occupied the five heads for a long time. Facing the crisis of the environment, you will definitely be reasonable and let the five heads freely choose the location of the sect. We also need them. "


Qinglong laughed: "Regarding the matter of the five heads, no one else can make the decision."

"No, no, no." The North American spokesperson said: "It is because your Dragon Hall is too Senior elder Su Changfeng, the five masters created a sect in Longguo. You are really too selfish. I heard that the Yellow-robed Sect Leader was originally from our white race. He went to Longguo for Su Changfeng's sake. Now, it has been long enough. You should let him go, right? "


This sentence made Luo Luo stunned for a second, and then burst into laughter:

"Haha, he said that the Sect Leader is a white man. He is so funny. If the Sect Leader hears it, he will probably laugh non-stop."

Su Chen couldn't help laughing: "It's true, they are good at lying with their eyes open. They are not ashamed to spread rumors. "

At this moment, the Azure Dragon God of War gave a positive answer:

"I said, where the several major sect leaders go is up to them. "Your rights have nothing to do with us, so why do you ask us to release them?"

"Qinglong, you have disappointed us so much."

The Rand spokesman said in a deep voice: "Isn't your Dragon Country a friendly country? Is this how you do things? Have you forgotten the principles your ancestors taught you? You have occupied the five major sects and enjoyed the benefits they bring for several years, and you still don't want to? Are our countries going to bear greater pressure from the corpse clan? Qinglong, people can't be too selfish. You have to give us a satisfactory explanation for today's meeting."


Qinglong God of War frowned: "So, the purpose of your opening this global conference is to suppress my Dragon Hall?"

"You can understand it this way." The spokesperson of Xiying said lightly: "We have cooperated with the three main city forces of Mo Luo Palace, Tianxiao City, and Hanlei Mansion, and there are also people from Hantian City. At this time, Qinglong and the five major sects cannot fight against the main city forces. This is a fact that you and I know, but we need several of their masters to establish sects in our place and preach and answer questions."

In their view, having strong people preach and answer questions is good for the development of the martial arts world.

This is also the fundamental reason for the opening of the global conference.

"Qinglong, the times have changed. Dragon Country is no longer the leader in the face of the great era. Everyone can be glorious for a while, so don't take it as permanent."

The spokesperson of Xiying said calmly: "My request is very simple. Let the head of the Broken Blade King come to Xiying to develop. He has a great relationship with us. This is the news I learned from the senior people of the Heavy Blade Sect. The Broken Blade King wanted to come to Xiying, but was stopped by you. Now you not only have to let him go, but also give us a compensation for cultivation resources, otherwise..."

"What else?" Qinglong War God's forehead was blue, and he was a little angry.

"Otherwise, we have to react to the Demon Palace and let their strong men go to talk to you?" The spokesperson of Xiying sneered.

"Yes." The spokesperson of Rand echoed: "Qinglong, today you must give us a satisfactory answer, a satisfactory compensation, and a satisfactory result."

"For example..." The spokesperson of North America smiled and said: "I heard that more than one million high-level gems were picked up in the main city of Tianwang Palace. It is not difficult to take out the gems and divide them equally?"

The dagger is revealed.

The Azure Dragon God of War suddenly understood.

These forces advocated the global conference and said something about the five great masters, but their core purpose was still for the gems!

They already knew about the success of the main city of the Heavenly King Palace!

Moreover, they even knew the number of gems.

It seems that some of the workers in the main city of the Heavenly King Palace were bribed by them.

As for asking the Yellow-robed Sect Leader and others to move the sect to their place, it was just a supplementary condition or an excuse. They didn't care whether it could be achieved. What they cared about was this batch of gems.

"The main city of the Heavenly King Palace has been successful, so we definitely don't need too many gems."

The spokesperson of the Northern Ying said: "Qinglong, we need more gems to build defense measures. For the sake of the human race, I think you must know what to do."

"Not just us." The spokesperson of Rand smiled faintly: "All countries in the world know about this. I wonder what you think?"

At the bottom of the screen, in the speaking area, many representatives of small countries made comments:

"I agree with Beiying's opinion."

"Resources should be shared globally."

"Qinglong should take out that batch of gems."

"The main city of the Heavenly King Palace has been successful, so what do we need gems for?"


Seeing this scene.

Qinglong War God clenched his right fist.

His breathing became three times faster, and he wanted to smash the table in anger.

Thinking back to the beginning, they were the ones who proposed the global main city plan, and information sharing was also advocated by Qinglong.

He was the first to release the first successful defense wall plan and the improvement plans for various projects.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is selfless.

But now, they are actually thinking about the more than one million gems?

Are they willing to attack him in groups for this?

"Okay, okay, what a good show."

Qinglong God of War nodded repeatedly.

"Qinglong, you should make the right choice, otherwise, you will face the pressure of the Demon Palace." The spokesperson of Xiying said lightly.

At this moment.

Su Chen couldn't watch it anymore.

In the camera, Qinglong took out his mobile phone and immediately called Su Chen.

Soon, the call was connected.


Qinglong took a deep breath.

"I'm watching."

Su Chen responded simply.

Qinglong God of War suddenly understood.

He put the phone next to the microphone and turned on the hands-free.

The next second, Su Chen's mocking voice came from the phone:

"You guys, don't you have any face?"

"Facing the crisis of the zombies, you don't want to fight back, but covet other people's property? A bunch of trash!"

As soon as these words came out.

The spokesperson of Xiying slammed the table and stood up: "What did you say? Are you mocking us?"


Su Chen smiled coldly:

"You guys, clinging to the thighs of the group of people in the Demon Palace, think you are rising? It's really wishful thinking. You are making trouble in front of me and confusing right and wrong. What a shit. Let alone the affairs of the leaders, even if it is a gem, I won't give you a single one."

"Do you want to face the Demon Palace?" The spokesperson of Rand said angrily.

"What is the Demon Palace?"

Su Chen said coldly: "Now it's just a Xihong general here. Go ask Ling Qiankun, the lord of the Demon Palace, if he dares to come to the main world?"

As soon as the words came out, the whole audience was silent.

Does he dare to come to the main world?

This sentence made a group of people who didn't know about the Tianfeng Conference dumbfounded.

They are smart people, and they all noticed the weirdness of the matter at this moment.

Especially the spokesperson of Xiying.

He cursed in his heart: 'The news that Xihong told me is wrong. Su Changfeng is not afraid of the Demon Palace at all! '

In the silent scene

Su Chen's powerful voice slowly spread:

"From now on, each family will take care of their own business. Even if all your regions fall, Dragon Country will become the last pure land for the human race."

"The meeting is over."

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