Fairy King Dad

Chapter 552: Enjoying the good life in the enemy camp


Whip everyone in the hall.

Two minutes passed.

Five people came to the door.

"grown ups......"

What are they going to report?

As a result, as soon as I arrived at the door, I saw an incredible scene in front of me.


"My lord is lying on the ground. Could it be that he was beaten to death?"

"grown ups!"

Everyone exclaimed.

The man in green shirt was Ouyang Hua. He looked at the door and whipped it.

Several people were swept indoors and joined the procession of being whipped.


There were countless screams on the field.

The fight lasted for more than half an hour.

Ouyang Hua calmed down a little and couldn't help but stop.

Seeing the miserable look of Edmond Nolan.

Ouyang Hua fell into deep thought.

"Senior, don't take action."

General Xihong had a bitter look on his face: "Senior taught me this lesson. May I ask where you are from?"

Could it be the Eastern Yellow-clothed Cult Leaders?

It doesn't look like it.

General Xihong also got some photos of the leader in yellow clothes and others.

The man in front of me looked very strange.


Ouyang Hua whipped General Xihong.

"Inquiring about the origin, do you want to settle the score later?"

Ouyang Hua said disdainfully: "I, Ouyang Hua, remember, when you go back, I will tell that bullshit city lord of yours that I am very unhappy with your Mo Luo Palace and let him hang out in the Corpse Realm. Please be careful."


General Xihong's heartbeat seemed to have missed a beat.

His heart was like a stormy sea.

Could it be that he, Ouyang Hua, is a strong human from other places in the Corpse Domain?

Ouyang Hua looked around, walked to a big chair, and sat down.

He raised his hand slightly, and the Edmond family members flew in front of him.

Edmond Nolan suffered broken limbs, bruised skin, and nearly died from the beatings.

"A tough move!"

Ouyang Hua touched his forehead and seemed to have a headache.

In an instant, he took out a pill.

He waved his hand again, took a bottle of mineral water not far away, threw the elixir in and shook it.

"A few sips for each person. Drink more and hurry up."

Ouyang Hua said with a gloomy expression.

Unexpectedly, even if he took action, he would still have to deal with them.

It’s really unpleasant!

"Ah, yes, yes."

Edmund Nolan, paralyzed on the ground, nodded repeatedly.

He supported his numb arms, picked up the water, and took a few sips.

It doesn’t matter if it’s poison or not.

If it was poison, it might as well be done without having to feel so uncomfortable.

General Xihong also suspected that it was poison. At this moment, his mood became extremely nervous.

Could it be that he also died here?

When Edmund Nolan and others finished drinking water one after another.

Their bodies are visibly getting better.

However, in addition to the recovery of skin and fractures, etc.

Some internal injuries still exist.

The elixir was diluted and failed to fully cure them.

"Thank you, sir."

Edmund Nolan stood up and bowed to Ouyang Hua.

"Did I let you talk?"

Ouyang Hua's face became angry, he raised his hand and was about to hit him.

After thinking for a while, he finally stopped his movements and snorted coldly:

"I'll let you go for now."


Edmond Nolan breathed a sigh of relief, his whole body was covered in cold sweat, and his legs were trembling.

"I remember your Edmond family. Let me tell you. You will know how to talk to the Mi family after you return."

Ouyang Hua warned: "Don't tell anyone about me. If the Mi family people find out, I will kill you all. Do you hear me?"


Edmund Nolan shuddered and nodded repeatedly: "I know, I understand, sir."

"Get out."

Ouyang Hua said coldly.


Edmund Nolan wants to leave.

"I said get out!" Ouyang Hua said again.

The Edmond family members thought for a moment before understanding what Ouyang Hua meant.

They dropped to the floor and rolled out of the room.

The next second.

Ouyang Hua's eyes fell on the dilapidated General Xihong.

The piercing look in his eyes made Xi Hong's heart freeze.


Ouyang Hua pointed outside: "Let me make delicacies from the mountains and seas. I want to eat, and eat the best meal!"

Xihong will arrange things immediately.

However, after he stood up.

Ouyang Hua said coldly: "You guys just squat down."

General Xihong and others ran to the corner and squatted down in unison.

When someone comes in, they go over and squat together.

Ouyang Hua was not unreasonable at all, just come and squat.

Except for the food delivery staff.

In just over an hour, some delicious food was delivered.


The corners of Ouyang Hua's mouth raised slightly.

He rubbed his hands and looked at the dishes on the table.

There are some seafood and some specialties.

Ouyang Hua took out a bottle of wine himself.

Drinking and eating.

"Ah... it feels good."

Ouyang Hua ate happily.

Eat meat and drink wine.

As for General Xihong and others, there were already more than fifty people squatting in the corner.

They could only watch Ouyang Hua eating with their peripheral vision.

A table full of food was eaten.

Ouyang Hua slumped on the chair.

“I haven’t had such a good meal in a long time.”

"Last time was..."

After thinking about it, I decided not to mention Brother Su’s name.

"What the hell are you looking at?"

After Ouyang Hua had eaten and drank enough, he raised his right hand and used the power of the whip to whip everyone.

After playing for a while, Ouyang Hua was bored.

"Go and prepare a bed for me and a TV."

Ouyang Hua waved his hand: "Looking for the latest TV series, youth idol drama!"

Ouyang Hua soon lay on the bed and watched TV series.

At midnight, I had nothing to do.

Ouyang Hua fired dozens of long whips, beating General Xihong and others.

Xihong will want to cry without tears.

Why did such a master suddenly appear?

It's so miserable. It's impossible to survive in the main world of Moluo Palace. It's so dead, so injured, so crippled...

"The supper is about to start, let's have a barbecue."

Ouyang Hua started ordering:

"I want the best ingredients. If it doesn't taste good, whip it up."


Xihong will rush to make arrangements.

The World Headquarters of Palace Lord Muluo was also busy in the middle of the night.

It was as if a local emperor had descended upon them.

at the same time.

In the hotel, Mi Jia and others gathered together.

"There's nothing we can do."

"Miss Ouyang, this failure has nothing to do with you, don't be sad."

The Mi family negotiator said: "The head of the family just called me. What he meant was that we compromise and accept three billion in funds."

His words made Luo Luo, Ouyang Han and Mi Shanshan look helpless.

"Both my parents are practicing Buddhism."

Luoluo said helplessly: "They don't seem to care about Mo Luo Palace, and the people in Mo Luo Palace don't do anything to me. They don't seem to dare to take action, but they can't control this matter."

"That's it." Mishanshan advised, "Let's just treat it as a trip."

While talking.

The negotiator's cell phone rang.

"It's Edmond Nolan."

The negotiator shook his head and said: "I guess he will ask us when we will pay."

Pick up the phone.

After the negotiator heard what the other party said, his breath tightened and he was suddenly stunned.


"Okay, okay, we get it."

After saying a few words and hanging up the phone, the negotiator looked confused. After a few seconds, he calmed down and shouted excitedly:

"Ahh! The Edmond family has let go. They don't want money and want to give the goods to us for free. He just apologized to us!"


Everyone on the field was stunned.

What followed was a series of surprises.

"They agreed?"

Ouyang Han's eyes lit up.

Will the first mission be successful?


Ouyang Han immediately laughed.

"Edmond Nolan said we can pick up the goods tomorrow." The negotiator laughed.

"Okay! Great."

Mishanshan immediately decided: "We want to celebrate, go book a restaurant, and let's go have supper."

"Okay!" Ouyang Han said with a smile.

Two minutes passed.

When the feeling of surprise has eased a bit.

Everyone became curious.

"What is it that makes them agree?"

"The Edmond family looked like they were sure of us before, but now they have become cowardly. What's going on?"

"The attitudes are completely different."

Everyone was surprised.

Mishanshan guessed: "Is it because of Luo Luo's identity? The Mo Luo Palace is in the main world and they don't want to provoke Luo Luo, so after thinking about it, they agreed?"

"But General Xihong didn't say anything when I was there. What on earth are the Edmond family doing?" Luoluo pondered.

Some people can't figure out why.

"Why do you care about the reason?" Ouyang Hanhan said with a smile, "As long as it succeeds."

"That's true, as long as it succeeds." Mishanshan said with a smile, "Let's go, let's go have supper."

A group of people went out and headed to the restaurant.

After dinner, we returned to the hotel to rest. Everyone was in a good mood.

Including the head of the Mi family, although he is puzzled, it will be fine as long as the matter is settled.

A night of silence.

The next day, seven o'clock in the morning.

Mara Palace Headquarters.

A table of delicacies from all over the world is neatly arranged.

"This lobster is too small."

Ouyang Hua was slightly dissatisfied, so he whipped the energy whip and hit General Xihong and others.

Everyone is afraid to speak out about their suffering.

He could only squat in the corner and get beaten on the spot.


Ouyang Hua ate happily, eating deliciously.

"This is how to enjoy life."

"Does this count as me being in the enemy's camp and having a good time?"

Ouyang Hua let out a long breath.

Sit back in a chair and rest for a few minutes.

He got up and moved around for a while, then lay down on the bed, turned on the TV, and prepared to watch the show.

But suddenly.

Ouyang Hua remembered something.

His expression changed.

He stood up suddenly, looked at Xihong General and shouted:

"Quick! Contact the head of the Edmond family from yesterday! Quick, quick, quick!"


General Xihong was startled and raced against time to make the call.

"What do you want to say?"

After the call is connected, Xihong will look at Ouyang Hua.

"Give me the phone."

Ouyang Hua snorted coldly and controlled the phone to float over.

"Have you handed over that batch of crystal yuan?"

Ouyang Hua got straight to the point.

"Sir, I will hand it over right away. The Mi family is on their way and will deliver it soon." Edmund Nolan's voice was trembling.

"So soon?"

Ouyang Hua's face darkened.

He only had one day of eating and drinking, and it was going to end?

How could this be possible?

"Drag it!"

Ouyang Hua said coldly: "I don't care what method you use, you can't deliver it today!"

After the goods are handed over, won't my sister and the others return to Longguo?

At that time, I will hide in the dark and watch Ouyang Han eating and drinking all day long, which will be too uncomfortable.

"It was delivered on October 7th. Did you hear it? If you deliver it earlier, I will kill you."

Ouyang Hua warned: "Also, my news cannot be leaked."

"Ah, this, okay, yes, yes, I understand, I know."

Edmund Nolan was a little dizzy.

I don't know why this sir is delaying time again?

When the phone was hung up.

Ouyang Hua felt that he should cherish the opportunity, so he used the energy whip.

This time, the fight lasted for two hours.

Xihong Jiang and others were miserable.

"Humph! This is a lesson for you. I am very dissatisfied with the breakfast."

Ouyang Hua said coldly: "Have someone prepare lunch. If the lunch does not satisfy me, I will continue to fight."

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