Fairy King Dad

Chapter 548: Live and Die Together (1/2)

"What's this?"

"Where is my... body?"

"I feel so dizzy and uncomfortable..."

The evil clown's bloody knife and the golden coin that never left his hand disappeared.

"who I am?"

"Yes, I am Li Cheng."

"I was killed by an evil clown? I turned into an evil clown?"

"No, don't do this..."

Li Cheng was terrified.

He heard a crazy roar deep in his heart.

That's the voice of the evil clown.

‘He, he’s still there! ’

Li Cheng was frightened.

The body of the evil clown trembled slightly.

With his soul frightened, Li Cheng wanted to escape.

He ran forward as if he had drunk too much.

The body of the evil clown is controlled by him.

Staggering forward, his body sometimes disappeared and sometimes appeared, as if he was constantly invisible.

"I want to go back."

"Stop making noise!"

"Ahhh! You are too noisy!"

Li Cheng had a splitting headache, and the roar of the evil clown in his heart became stronger and louder, deafening.

Li Cheng suddenly lost consciousness.

"Am I dead?"

Li Cheng seemed to be trapped in darkness.

Soon, he regained his vision and hearing.

Seeing the surrounding situation made Li Cheng's hair stand on end.

"Why am I here?"

"This is near Kunlun Dojo."

"I, I want to go back, I want to go back to Kyoto."

Li Cheng looked at the direction and tentatively flew away.


The speed was astonishing, making him feel dizzy.

"I have the body of an evil clown?"


Li Cheng flew too fast and was a little flustered.

Deep inside, the roar of the evil clown began to sound again.

"You couldn't kill me!"

"My soul stole your body."

Li Cheng suddenly felt a little surprised:

"I want to go back and put my soul back into my body."

Li Cheng's belief is unwavering.

He flew all the way to Kyoto.

However, during the flight, he lost consciousness again.

The body was regained control by the evil clown's soul.

Li Cheng struggled.


"wake up!"

"Wake up!"

When Li Cheng regained consciousness again, he was near the Kunlun Dojo again.

He could see that the evil clown was eager to return to the corpse realm.

"I can only control my body for a moment."

"Maybe at some point, my soul will be suppressed by the evil clown."

"I have to find a way to completely control this body within a period of time, return to Kyoto, and return my soul to itself."

Li Cheng controlled his body and flew forward.

This time, when the evil clown's roar was deafening, Li Cheng's soul was about to be suppressed.

He felt it, his vision was blurred, and his soul was on the verge of being suppressed.

Li Cheng's soul and will wanted to control his body like crazy.

During this period.

The body of the evil clown fell from the air.

Landed in a river.

The body floats downstream with the river.

Float for an hour.

In a place with the Gulf Stream, the body was washed up on the shore.

Li Cheng and the evil clown compete for control of the body.

His body staggered, he stood up and ran down the path, walking aimlessly.


There was a boy of sixteen or seventeen who went to play near the river with several children.

"There's a clown here."

"Wow, it looks like it's dressed up."

"Look quickly, his eyes have side-to-side pupils, and then they are black."

"He's doing tricks for us."


A few children passed by.

Li Cheng heard the evil clown's cold voice:

'kill! ’

‘Kill them all! ’

‘Swallow their blood, swallow their souls! ’

Li Cheng's soul was about to be suppressed, and he knew that once suppressed, the evil clown would definitely cause trouble.

"Can't kill!"

"You want to bring trouble to the world, but I won't agree!"

Li Cheng struggled.

His soul possesses a strange energy field.

When his will explodes, he can compete with the evil clown's soul.

"Ahhh, damn, damn, damn!"

A bloody knife appeared in the evil clown's right hand, but he could not fully control his body, and his soul roared with anger.

"Don't fight!"

"Let me go back."

"If you continue to delay, my body will rot and my soul will not be able to return. I will stay in your body forever."

"Let me take control of my body temporarily..."

Li Cheng tried to communicate.

A few words.

The evil clown seemed to be impressed.


He was unwilling and roared angrily.

But the soul no longer struggles, it seems to be suppressed somewhere in the body, or hidden in a corner.

Li Cheng was now in complete control of his body.

For the first time, he experienced the physical strength of the evil clown.

"Without a body."

"Only skin and clothes are his body?"

"It's so magical, you can become invisible."

"I saw the bloody knife and the coin, and I could control them."

"I think it's very strong. The evil clown is at the second level of transcending tribulation? This aura is very majestic, maybe it's at the third level?"

"I want to go back and get my body back."

Li Cheng raised his head.

The evil clown has no body, only skin, white face, red lips, all like a mask.

It's just an empty eye socket, but now there are some outlines of Li Cheng's eyes, no longer scarlet.

The evil clown is dressed in red and has strange abilities. The coins and blood knife are hidden in the hat, and deep in the hat, there seems to be the shadow of other things. Is it a magical skill that has not been learned?

Li Cheng doesn't understand, but he cherishes the opportunity that the evil clown does not control his body.


Li Cheng's figure is hidden in the void, as if completely invisible. He finds the direction of Kyoto and flies quickly.

He returned to Kyoto soon.

He saw the canal castle.

He saw familiar people.

Li Dao, Li Qiang, Li Jian, Li Ji...

Many descendants of the Li family are here.

There are also a large group of people such as the Chen family, Chen Wufeng, Langyan, etc.

They are all wearing black suits.

Many places are hung with white flowers.

Is that a wreath?

"I'm not dead!"

"Why are you hanging wreaths!"

"I'm not dead!"

Li Cheng wanted to rush out to make this clear.

But when he raised his hand, he saw the flawless white hands, or gloves, of the evil clown.

"I can't go out."

"I have to go back to my body first."

Li Cheng looked around.

After a moment, he was a little angry:

"Who put my body in the coffin?"

"Damn it!"

Li Cheng didn't know why his mood swings were so sensitive.

He didn't like anyone and was very angry.

But when he observed that Su Chen was sitting on the balcony of his villa, wearing a black suit, with a pot of tea and two teacups on the table.

That was his favorite top-grade Maojian tea.


Li Cheng raised his hand and wanted to call.

But he didn't make a sound.

Soon, Li Cheng sneaked in the dark and escaped into the ground.

In his eyes, the people walking above were like golden luminous bodies, and many things were presented in front of him in the form of flowing light.

Including the stone in front of him, it seemed translucent, and he could completely shuttle through it.

"Coffin, my coffin."

Li Cheng approached the coffin carefully and entered it from the bottom.

"The king seemed to have looked at me just now."

"Is he looking at the coffin, or did he find me?"

"Little princess... this is the first time she wears a black suit."

"Is this my funeral? It's very formal, and everyone cares about me."

Li Cheng was lying in the coffin, and he saw his body.

"Go back!"

"Go back!"

Li Cheng raised his hand and faced his body.

The body was bloodless, the makeup was solemn, and it didn't move.

At this moment, the voice of the evil clown sounded in Li Cheng's heart.

"Go back!"

"Go back!"

The evil clown seemed to shout in unison with Li Cheng.

They all wanted Li Cheng's soul to return to his own body.

But after trying for a long time, it was fruitless.

Li Cheng suddenly felt the shaking of the coffin.

To be buried?

He heard the crying of many people outside.

"The little princess cried for me, I'm ashamed."

"Langyan also cried? Oh..."

"I'm dead, everyone is so sad."

"I want to speak, I want to make a sound to remind everyone."

Li Cheng tried to speak, but the evil clown's body spoke differently from normal people.

Li Cheng soon realized that he needed to make a sound of the soul.

At this moment.

Li Cheng's grave was buried.

Su Chen, Ye Qingning, Luo Luo, Langyan, Hanshan and a large group of people.

All of them were wearing black suits.

Su Chen held a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

Many people in the Li family cried softly.

"Old man, go well."

Li Xufeng wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Old Li, go well."

"Old Li, go well."


Many people looked at Li Cheng's tombstone.

Su Chen felt the same way, he sighed deeply:

"Cheng, I am..."

Just when Su Chen was about to say something.

"Heavenly King, I, I'm not dead."

Li Cheng's voice suddenly came out from the coffin.


Everyone present changed their faces.

Lolo's eyes widened: "Is Li Lao alive? Dad, he is alive, the wishing flower is useful!"

Lolo's wishing flower, the first dark golden petal, made her body grow taller, breaking the shackles of the fox clan's growth. Luo Luo's body, without any blockage, can grow unimpeded.

The second dark golden petal summoned the old madman grandfather, killing all around and slapping Ling Qiankun's clone to death.

The third dark golden petal, including the red petal above, all dissipated, and Luo Luo used it to wish that Li Lao could live.

Now, I really heard Li Lao's voice, is he really alive?

Su Chen's expression moved slightly, and his thoughts covered the past.

But the next moment.

Su Chen's eyes condensed slightly: "Back off!"

Many people were pushed back by Su Chen's power.

All eyes were on Li Cheng's coffin.

A red figure slowly floated out.

"The evil clown!"

"It's the evil clown!"

Everyone's faces changed drastically.

Luo Luo's eyes also became fierce and full of hostility.

Su Chen felt a chill down his spine.

The evil clown has weird abilities, and he currently has no way to deal with it.

It's just... Su Chen wondered what was going on with the sound just now?

"take it easy."

"Don't be afraid, little princess."

"King of Heaven, I am not dead, I am Li Cheng!"

The body of the evil clown raised his hand, a little at a loss.

And if you look closely, you can see that there are some outlines of Li Cheng's eyes in the evil clown's eye sockets.

"I don't know what happened. After I woke up, I was in the body of the evil clown."

The evil clown's body was completely solid, and he stood motionless on the coffin board.

"Li Cheng?"

Su Chen's eyes froze.

What is going on?

"Mr. Li?" Ye Qingning was stunned.

"Mr. Li, are you alive? That's great!" Chen Shiyan was overjoyed, but when she saw that Mr. Li had the body of an evil clown, she immediately felt strange.


Li Dao and others were extremely excited.

"Dad, is it a wishing flower?" Luoluo was extremely surprised.


Su Chen nodded: "Otherwise, I can't think of any possibility that his soul could replace the evil clown."

Everyone moved forward to get closer.

"No, don't come over."

Li Cheng said nervously: "The evil clown is not dead yet, he is hiding in the body, and I can control the body."


This short sentence made everyone stop in their tracks.

"Ah ha ha ha!"

The evil clown's wild laughter suddenly appeared.

Li Cheng's angry words soon appeared: "I didn't know this was my funeral? Why are you laughing so hard?"


The clown's body and eyes are constantly changing. Sometimes they are Li Cheng's clear eyes, sometimes they are the clown's scarlet eyes.

Two voices kept ringing, as if two souls in the body were fighting for the body.

"Do as I say. I don't care about your broken body. If you do it again, I will harm myself!" Li Cheng warned the evil clown.

Self harm?

The evil clown's voice suddenly dropped a lot.

"Damn it!"

"They all deserve to die!"

The evil clown's soul is once again silent and hidden.


Li Cheng relaxed a little, looked at the crowd in front, and finally looked at Su Chen:

"King of heaven, what should I do?"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and suddenly said:

"Go, contact Thirteen Mings and the others immediately and ask them to come as quickly as possible."

After Su Chen finished speaking, he asked everyone to step back. He approached alone, more than ten meters away from the clown's body. Su Chen said softly:

"Li Cheng, you have to hold on, we will find a way to save you."

"I will, King."

Li Cheng nodded and stood there.

His posture was the same as usual, standing upright.

However, standing there with his clown body, his aura was too strong and terrifying.

Two hours passed.

In the courtyard of Li Cheng's villa.

The leader in yellow clothes, the female sword fairy, the butcher, thirteen lives, plus Su Chen.

Five people observed around Li Cheng.

"Here, this, this...he became an evil clown?"

The head of the leader in yellow clothes was numb: "It is already a miracle that he is alive. With all due respect, this body is completely imperceptible. It may be... very difficult to save his soul."

"Ouch, I'm so anxious!" Thirteen Life scratched his head: "Why can't I encounter such a good thing? Li Cheng's soul can suppress the evil clown. If I put Kunzu's immortal soul in, this evil clown will Doesn’t his body belong to me?”

"Stop talking nonsense and quickly think about whether there is any solution." The female sword fairy frowned.

"What can be done?"

Thirteen Life sighed: "I guess, Li Cheng and Joker are already in a state of symbiotic souls, and their attachment is this body. In other words, they live and die together."

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